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1)The butter and sugar was creamed. Butter and 1 cup of sugar was beaten in a large bowl until the mixture
was thick and pale colour for about 5 minutes.

2)Then the dough was brought together and let to rest.

3)After that, the doughnut had been cut.

4) Then the doughnut had been fried.

5)Finally the doughnut was rolled in cinnamon a nd sugar and is ready to eat.

1)The butter and the cream was sugared. Butter and 1 cup of sugar was beated in a large bowl until
the mixture is thick and pale coloured about 5 minutes.

2)Then the dough was brought together and let it for rest.

3)After that, the doughnut had been cut.

4) Then the doughnut had been fried.

5)Finally the doughnut were rolled in cinnamon and sugar and ready to eat.

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