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Project Description: Dr.

Lee Belfore

Project Title: Autonomous Intelligent Ground Vehicles: Analysis, Design, and Implementation
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Lee Belfore
Suggested Number of Students: 4+ (at least 2 computer engineers, 2 electrical engineers)
The Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition ( includes several challenges including the Self-Drive
Challenge, Auto-Nav Challenge, Design Competition, Interoperability Profiles (IOP) Challenge, and Cyber
Challenge. The competition and challenges form the basis for the vehicles operational requirements. Each challenge
focuses on a different aspect of autonomous vehicle operation. The capstone challenges are the Self-Drive and Auto-
Nav Challenges. In the Self-Drive Challenge, an autonomous electric car navigates a course that simulates many
traffic situations including keeping in lane, avoiding pedestrians, identifying & obeying traffic signs, and parking. In
the Auto-Nav Challenge, an autonomous vehicle navigates an off-road course that requires lane following, obstacle
avoidance, and navigation to predetermined GPS waypoints while carrying a 20 pound payload. The IOP Challenge
involves monitoring, controlling, and teleoperation of a robotic vehicle using the SAE Joint Architecture for
Unmanned Systems (JAUS). In the Cyber Challenge, design involves making the vehicle's software and network
interfaces resilient to security threats. Notably, the ODU team placed second in the 2019 Cyber Challenge.
This is a continuing project where existing platforms are available for both the Self-Drive and Auto-Nav Challenges.
Little Blue V1.0 is built on a Jazzy wheelchair base and was entered in the Auto-Nav Challenge in 2018 & 2019.
The second Auto-Nav vehicle, Little Blue V2.0, has been redesigned from "the ground up". Development of Little
Blue V2.0 is in progress and includes several new sensor systems and a custom designed mechanical platform
created by a senior design group from MAE. Little Blue V2.0 is anticipated to be the competition vehicle for 2021.
The third vehicle, the Monarch I, is a two seat electric car consisting of a GEM e2 with after market modifications
that support drive-by-wire. Notably, the software systems for all vehicles will be based on the Robot Operating
System (ROS). The Self-Drive will also include integration tests with the US Army Robotics Technology Kernel
(RTK) which supports a variety of sensor systems (Lidar, IMU, GPS/GNSS, various camera configurations, radar),
and facilitates navigation & autonomy.
Possible design activities include but are not limited to
1) Analysis of existing systems that includes recommendations for modifications and updates, particularly for
Little Blue V2.0
2) Electrical and power systems design
3) Interfacing of sensors
4) Development of ROS applications to receive and process sensor data including computer vision & AI to
support obstacle identification & avoidance
5) Development of autonomous operation using either custom or existing systems (e.g Autoware), and also
using the Robotics Technology Kernel
6) Development and analysis of navigational cost maps, particularly for the Monarch I
7) Participation in the 2021 IGVC to validate vehicles in a competition setting
Because the project will use the Robotic Technology Kernel provided by the US ARMY, the team is restricted to
US citizens.
Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other departments, interactions
with researchers or engineers from other disciplines): This robotics project is multidisciplinary, including the
collaboration of electrical, computer, and mechanical engineers. A robotics system is the integration of electrical,
electronic, computer, and mechanical systems. Computer engineering students will be primarily responsible for
specifying the computing platform and developing the image processing, line detection, navigation, & sensor fusion
capabilities, and autonomous navigation. Electrical engineering students will be primarily responsible for analyzing
the electric car actuators, developing the power distribution infrastructure, testing/calibration of sensors, motors &
drives, interfacing. Mechanical engineering students primarily responsible for evaluating and designing mechanical
systems, analyzing kinematics, and designing suitable control systems for vehicle operation.

There are opportunities for paid summer part time work/internships for 2-4 students over 8-10 weeks, $3,000.
Project Description: Dr Linda Vahala and Dr Dennis Watson
Project Title: ODU Mobile Radio Lab
Faculty Supervisor: Dr Linda Vahala and Dr Dennis Watson
Suggested Number of Students: 4

Design, optimize, build and implement a mobile radio for NAVY Specs

The project will include presentations to the Navy on the implementation of this mobile radio.

The presentations will be on the Navy base. ( this project is sponsored by ONR.)

Though the Navy’s communicators

receive extensive training on operating
their equipment, the underlining theory is

It is expected that demonstrations

and presentations will be ½ day training
sessions. The training will be on the Navy
base for ships in port Norfolk.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Projects EE and CpE, collaboration on this project.

Project Description: Dr. Hani Elsayed-Ali
Project Title: Development of a Photovoltaic Power Source for Unmanned Undersea
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Hani Elsayed-Ali
Suggested Number of Students: 5-6
The main aim of the proposed project is to design, construct, and test an underwater
photovoltaic (PV) solar charger for rechargeable batteries to power unmanned undersea vehicles.
Photovoltaics is a mature power source with applications in powering small devices to large-
scale power generation connected to power grids. Commercial solar cells use absorbing layers
aimed to best absorb solar radiation, with the standard used in designing and testing based on the
daylight solar spectrum at 1.5 atmosphere thickness (AM 1.5). Pure water and seawater strongly
absorb electromagnetic radiation. However, there is a transmission window over the wavelength
of 350-500 nm, where the attenuation coefficient c(λ) for clear seawater is less than 0.03 m-1 [1].
To achieve the main goal of this proposal, the undergraduate students team will perform the
following tasks: (i) Conduct a literature review on PV material types and select commercial solar
cells that are best matched to the blue-green seawater transmission window. (ii) Construct a PV
lab-based test station with AM 1.5 light source transmitted through a short column of water with
added optical filters tailored to simulate the solar spectrum at certain depths of seawater and use
this setup to bench-test PV power generation. (iii) Test the performance of the selected solar cells
under different light conditions and intensities mimicking those at seawater depths of 10 to 100
ft. (iv) Develop a solar-powered battery charger based on maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) charge controller. (v) Water-seal the battery and charging system and test the
performance of the PV battery charger in the ocean or the Chesapeake Bay using one of the local
piers or from a boat.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other
departments, interactions with researchers or engineers from other disciplines): The project has a
physics senior thesis student.
Project Description: Chunqi Jiang
Project Title: Ultracompact Nanopulser
Faculty Supervisors:
Chunqi Jiang (ECE & CBE, ODU),

Suggested Number of Students: 2-3

The project provides hands-on training and experience on power electronics, compact pulse
power and device design/fabrication for medical or home applications. Based on an original
design that consists of a 12V input DC-AC inverter and Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier, we
are interested in compacting the device further into a miniature high-voltage nanosecond pulse
generator that can be used for flexible medical applications. Depending on the experience and
progress of the team, the miniature pulser will be tested with a gas discharge tube as its driver,
and the emission of the gas discharge will be recorded with a spectrometer.
HV safety trainings will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Students with experience/interest in power electronics, hands-on work with device
design/fabrication, hardware computer/instrumentation will be a good fit to the team.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other
departments, interactions with researchers or engineers from other disciplines:
Not required. EE and CpE are plus.
Project Description: Khan M. Iftekharuddin
Project Title: Multi-Agent Collaboration with Humanoid NAO Robots

Faculty Supervisor(s): Khan M. Iftekharuddin

Suggested Number of Students: 2

Abstract: As robots become more common in the home and workplace, collaboration within human-robot and
robot-robot teams is becoming increasingly important. In this project, multi-agent collaboration will be modeled in a
virtual environment using simulated humanoid NAO robots. The Vision Lab has two NAO robots, each equipped
with two five-megapixel cameras, four omnidirectional microphones, temperature sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer,
and multiple position, tactile, force-resistive, and ultrasonic sensors. The robots are fully programmable using
Python and the NAOqi API. The NAO robots and their interactions will be simulated in a virtual environment using
the Webots Open Source Robot Simulator. The simulation environment provides access to realistic physics,
simulated sensors, and native communication with NAO robot models via NAOqi integration. Team members will
need to be able to download and run Webots on their own computers to complete the project. Please see Webots
System Requirements: .

Within the simulation environment, one virtual NAO model designated as Robot A will model two or more
behavioral states. The second virtual NAO model, Robot B, will communicate and perform behaviors to move
Robot A towards a target state. One possible application area of this problem setting is Autism intervention, where
Robot A models a child receiving intervention and Robot B models a robot providing scaffolding to the child.
Students will design, implement, and test controllers for the behaviors of each robot agent. Each controller will
require 1) a behavior module that manages behaviors performed by the robot and stable communications with the
other robot, 2) a recognition module to classify the behaviors of the other robot based upon the simulated
sensors/cameras, 3) a reinforcement module to adjust the behaviors based upon feedback from the other robot. This
project has broader impacts in robotics, co-robotics, human-computer interaction, AI, and healthcare. Team
members will need to build background in computer vision and machine learning, as well as with the tools needed to
implement the project. Strong engineering and programming background is required from all team members.
Experience with Python is preferred.

Figure. (Left) NAO Robot in the Vision Lab. (Right) Simulated NAO robot in Webots virtual environment. Feedback from upper and lower
cameras is shown in the pink-outlined frames to the left of the simulated robot.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other departments,
interactions with researchers or engineers from other disciplines):
We are seeking one CpE and one EE student to work together on this multidisciplinary project.
Requested Funds: None anticipated at this time.
Project Description: Dr. Gon Namkoong
Project Title: Research on Self-healing and Smart Membrane for Spacesuits
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Gon Namkoong
Suggested Number of Students: Two
Self-healing membranes with built-in sensors must be able to restore full function even after
serious damage (e.g. deep puncture of the membrane/sensor system). Currently there are two
different types of self-healing materials: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic self-healing materials
typically contain microcapsules that allow polymerization once perforated but have a limited
number of times they can heal. Therefore, we seek intrinsic self-healing materials, that can be
infinitely healed by dynamic bonding mechanisms within material system. At the same time, the
ability to alert ones in real time about adverse events, such as punctures on spacesuits, is
essential. To meet these needs, we propose a self-healing sensory membrane that can not only
detect damage, but also quickly self-heal from them. Specially, this project will explore unique
and innovative pathways to achieve self-healing and smart sensing capabilities by synthesizing,
analyzing and testing polymer and 2D Ti3C2Tx MXene composite membranes. This project will
be applied to scientific exploration of self-healing and smart membranes for astronaut spacesuits
critical to the Artemis mission. We will build self-healing sensor membranes that will be applied
to spacesuits that might be used during Artemis missions.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other
departments, interactions with researchers or engineers from other disciplines):
This project will involve chemistry, synthesis and fabrication of polymer and 2D materials and
devices that will require interdisciplinary knowledge. Two ECE students will work together with
Dr. Namkoong to develop such knowledges.
Project Description: Dr. Shu Xiao
Project Title: Design of a dual-output electrostimulator with a Dspace interface
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shu Xiao
Suggested Number of Students: 3
Neurostimulation has been increasingly used as a therapy in areas where conventional
pharmacological approaches become ineffective, such as in treating refractory pain, Parkinson disease,
dystonia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Treatment trials of movement and psychiatric disorders,
epilepsy and migraine are also in progress. Neurostimulation therapy applies electrical stimuli on certain
neuron structures (brain motor cortex, spinal cord etc.) and results in activation or inhibition of neurons.
The stimulated structures may vary greatly. For example, in treating neuropathic pain, the
neurostimulation techniques include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), peripheral nerve
stimulation (PNS), nerve root stimulation (NRS), spinal cord stimulation (SCS), deep brain stimulation
(DBS), epidural motor cortex stimulation (MCS), and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS). A specific example is using MCS to treat trigeminal neuropathic facial pain, a syndrome of
severe, constant pain due to pathological change or injury to the trigeminal system. The target is located
anterior to the central sulcus and posterior to the splitting of the inferior frontal sulcus.
This project aims to design and construct a versatile electrostimulator that has two independent,
isolated outputs, which can be used with a quadrupole for electric stimulation. The stimulator includes at
least two major components, 1) a DC-AC inverter and 2) a Dspace prototyping interface. The inverter is
based on a 3-bridge circuit, which was originally used for a motor drive. It has the capability to generate
any pulse waveforms with different amplitudes, frequencies, and polarities. It is programable through an
external digital input. The Dspace system provides such program function with a GUI. It works with the
Simulink of Matlab, which provides a strong math library.
Three students are needed to work on this project. Their tasks are divided as the following 1)
tweaking and perhaps rewiring the DC-AC inverter (1 student); 2) Dspace and Matlab programing (2
students). Although each student will be given a specific task, they are also required to work
collaboratively as a team. They are expected to communicate with each other frequently and report the
project progress to the faculty advisor on the weekly base.

Interdisciplinary Nature of Project (e.g., requiring EE and CpE, collaboration with other
departments, interactions with researchers or engineers from other disciplines): We will involve
biologists from the Center for Bioelectrics in seeking advice of electrode design and
characterization for electrostimulation. We will also involve ODU Engineering machine shop for
parts machining, fabrication and assembling.

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