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My Phrasal Verb

_ write off :
1. Dismiss(gạt bỏ) someone or something as insignificant(không đáng kể)
Ex : The boy had been written off(bị xem thường) as a nonachiever(1 kẻ thất bại, kẻ không
thành công)
2. Cancel(hủy bỏ) the record of a bad debt(mộ t khoản nợ khó đòi); acknowledge(thừa nhận)
the loss of or failure to recover(không thể phục hồi) an asset(tài sản) ***
Ex : He urged(kêu gọi, thúc giục) the banks to write off debt owed by poorer countries
_ drive up sth : to make sth such as prices rise quickly
Ex : High fuel(nhiên liệu) prices are driving up production costs
_drive out sth : to make sb/sth disappear or stop doing something
Ex : The supermarkets are driving small shopkeepers(cửa hàng nhỏ) out of business.
_ put up sth :
1. To show a particular level of skill, determination(sự quyết tâm), etc. in a fight or contest
Ex : The team put up a great performance(buổi biểu diễn)
2. To suggest an idea/an argument(1 lập luận)/a case(1 trường hợp)/a proposal(1 đề xuất),
etc. for other people to discuss
Ex : The government put up a proposal of traffic law
_ account for sth :
1. To be the explanation(lời giải thích) or cause of something, to give an explanation of
something = explain
Ex : The differences in achievement(thành tích) between the pupils are partly(mộ t phần)
accounted for by differences in age.
Oh well, that accounts for it = I understand now why it happened
2. To be a particular amount or part of something = chiếm
Ex : The Japanese market accounts for 35 per cent of the company's revenue(doanh thu).
_ keep up with sth :
1. To learn about or be aware of the news, current events, etc. (cập nhật)
Ex: She likes to keep up with the latest fashions(thời trang mới nhất).
2. To continue to pay or do something regularly (tiếp tục)
Ex: If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.
_ keep up with sb : to continue to be in contact with somebody (giữ liên lạc)
Ex: How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?
_ back out of sth : to decide that you are no longer going to take part in sth that has been agreed (rút
lui, hủy kèo, không giữ lời hứa)
Ex: He lost confidence and backed out(rút lui) of the deal(thỏa thuận) at the last minute.
_ bear down on sb/sth :
1. To move quickly towards sb/sth in a determined or frightening way (xông về phía)
Ex: I looked up to see the car bearing down on me.
He leaped away(nhảy khỏi) from the car bearing down on him.
2. To press on somebody/something (giữ, cắn)
Ex: Bear down on it with all your strength so it doesn't move.
My Phrasal Verb
_ blow up : to explode; to be destroyed by an explosion
Ex: The bomb blew up.
A police officer was killed when his car blew up.
_ blow up at sb : to get angry with sb
Ex: I'm sorry I blew up at you.
_ break into sth :
1. To enter a building by force(vũ lực); to open a car, etc. by force (độ t nhập) B2 = break in
Ex: The burglar broke into the house between midnight and 3 AM.
2. To suddenly begin to do something (độ t nhiên làm gì đó)
Ex: He felt so happy that he broke into song.
3. To be successful when you get involved in something (thâm nhập, sáp nhập) C1
Ex: The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets.
4. Interrupt a conversation (làm gián đoạn mộ t cuộc thảo luận)
Ex: Phil broke into the discussion(cuộ c thảo luận)
_ fool around : to behave in a silly way, especially in a way that might have dangerous results = mess
Ex: Don't fool around with matches.
_ set off :
1. To begin a journey (khởi hành)
Ex: We set off for London just after ten
2. To make a bomb, etc. explode (làm nổ, kích nổ)
Ex: A gang of boys was setting off fireworks(pháo hoa) in the street.
3. To make an alarm start ringing (kích hoại, khởi độ ng)
Ex: Opening this door will set off the alarm.
4. To start a process or series of events (thành lập, tạo ra) C2
Ex: Panic(sự khủng hoảng) on the stock market(thị trường chứng khoán) set off a wave of
_ blaze up :
1. To suddenly start burning very strongly (bùm cháy)
Ex: We thought the fire was out but it suddenly blazed up again
2. To suddenly become very angry (nỗi cáu, giận dữ) C2
Ex: Because I didn’t the homework, my mom blazed up with me
_ call out :
1. To ask somebody to come, especially to an emergency (gọi khẩn cấp)
Ex: People saw the fire and called out the fire service.
2. To criticize(chỉ trích) somebody, especially publicly (lên án, chỉ trích) call somebody out
Ex: People were calling him out for his negative comments.
_ put out : to stop something from burning or shining (dập tắt)
Ex: I used a fire extinguisher(bình cứu hỏa) to put out the fire
_ pour something into something : to provide a large amount of money for sth (đổ tiền vào mộ t lĩnh vực
nào đó)
Ex: The government has poured millions into the education system.

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