My Vocab

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My Vocab

_ sit on your ass (idm) to do nothing, especially you should be doing something
Ex: IELTS exam was increasingly imminent(likely to happen soon). Yet, people still sit on their ass.
_ loathe /ləʊð/ (v) = hate: to dislike somebody/something very much C1
Ex: From an early age the sisters have loathed each other.
_ illustrious /ɪˈlʌs.tri.əs/ (adj) very famous and much admired, especially because of what you have
achieved C2
Ex: She comes from an illustrious political family that includes two former Cabinet ministers.
_ skirmish /ˈskɜː.mɪʃ/ (n) a short or small fight between small groups of soldiers, etc., especially one
that is not planned C2
Ex: Several people were killed in skirmishes during the night.
_ intriguing /ɪnˈtriː.ɡɪŋ/ (adj) very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious
answer C1
Ex: These discoveries raise intriguing questions

_ hesitation /ˌhezɪˈteɪʃn/ (n)

1. The act of being slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous (do dự)
Ex: _ She agreed without the slightest hesitation(mộ t chút do dự).
_ He spoke fluently and without unnecessary hesitations.
2. The fact of being worried about doing something, especially because you are not sure that it
is right or appropriate (sự lưỡng lự, ngập ngừng) C1
Ex: _ I have no hesitation(không ngần ngại, không do dự) in recommending her for the job

_ display /dɪˈspleɪ/ (v)

To put something in a place where people can see it easily; to show something to people.
(trưng bày)
Ex: _ The exhibition(triển lãm) gives local artists(nghệ sĩ) an opportunity(cơ hộ i) to display
their work (display something)
_ She proudly displayed her certificate to her parents. (display something to somebody)

_ praise /preɪz/ (n),(v)

1. (v) to express admiration(sự khâm phục) or approval(sự bằng lòng) of the
achievements(thành tựu) or characteristics(đặc tính) of a person or thing. (khen, ca ngợi)
Ex: _ He was highly praised(appreciated) for his research on heart disease.
2. (n) things that you say that express your admiration and approval of someone or something.
(lời khen, ca tụng)
Ex: _ A young child needs plenty of praise and encouragement.
_ They deserve praise(xứng đáng được ca ngợi) for all their hard work.

_ manner /ˈmæn.ɚ/ (n) the way in which something is done (cách thức)
My Vocab
Ex: _ It was the manner of her death that stuck(stick: gắn chặt, khắc sâu) in the public's mind.
_ He was elected(được bầu cử) in the normal manner.
_ client /ˈklaɪənt/ (n)
1. A person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization
(= custom: khách hàng)
Ex : _ She's a well-known lawyer with many famous clients.
_ Corporate clients(khách hàng doanh nghiệp) usually want their work done much
faster than private clients(khách hàng tư nhân).
2. A computer that is linked to a server (máy khách, trạm máy)
_ redundant /rɪˈdʌndənt/ (adj) not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. (dư thừa)
Ex: The picture has too much redundant detail.
_ immense /ɪˈmens/ (adj) extremely large or great. (rất lớn)
Ex: There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
_ cope /kəʊp/ (v) to deal successfully( đối phó mộ t cách thành công) with a difficult situation (đối
Ex: It must be really hard to cope with(đối đầu với) three young children and a job.
_ sack /sæk/ (n),(v),(idm)
1. (v) to dismiss somebody from a job (sa thải) = fire
Ex: She was sacked for refusing(từ chối) to work on Sundays.
2. (n) a large bag made of strong cloth, paper, or plastic, used to store large amounts of
something (cái bao) = bag
Ex: The corn was stored in large sacks.
3. (idm) hit the hay/sack : to go to bed in order to sleep
_ burglar /ˈbɜːrɡlər/ (n) a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal
Ex: Burglars broke into the gallery(exhibition room) and stole dozens of priceless paintings(hàng
chục bức tranh vô giá).
_ burglary /ˈbɜːrɡləri/ (n) the crime of entering a building illegally(bất hợp pháp) and stealing
things from it B1
Ex: Audio equipment was stolen in a burglary at the mall.
_ robbery /ˈrɑːbəri/ (n) the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, person, etc.,
especially using violence or threats B2
armed robbery (= using a gun, knife, etc.)
Ex: There has been a spate of robberies in the area recently.
_ theft /θeft/ (n) the crime of stealing something from a person or place B2
Ex: Police are investigating(điều tra) the theft of computers from the company's offices.

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