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Pesmlmn Hren Counr, Pesnawan


Dated Peshawar the 17b November' 2021

no.3e?-l The Competent Authority has been pleased to implement

the Judgment dated 16.10.2021, passed by the Subordinate Judiciary
position as
District & Sessions Judge is hereby withdrawn and consequently his
District & sessions Judge (BPS-21) is restored to original post with back

the kind due.

By oder cf l-lonue BE Chif Jt Etice

EwdsttNotIzzl--PZfltx^", Dated Pesh the l-?- t !f--lzozr

Copy forwarded to: -

1. The Chlef Secretary, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar'
2. All the Prlncipal Officers in Peshawar Hlgh Court, Peshawar'
3. All the Directors in SDJ, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar'
4. All the Additional Reglstrars of Peshawar Hlgh Court Benches'
5. All the District & Seslions Judge (Cadre/Ex-Cadre) ln the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
6. All the Additional Distrlct & Sessions Judges in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa'
7. The Accountant General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
8. The Dlstrict Accounts Officer concerned'
9. The SCS to Hon'ble the Chief Justlce, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar'
10.All the court/Private secretaries of this court for placing the same before the
Hon'ble Judges for their kind perusal.
11.The Dlrectoi (IT), Peshawar Hlgh Court, Peshawar for further necessary action'
12.The Director (B&A), Peshawar High Court, Peshawar.
13,The AR (Confidential), Peshawar High Courtr Peshawar.
14.The Registrar SJST, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar'
15.The officer concerned by name.
16. Personal File of the officer concerned.

(D{AIiIJ.AH rcqr{)

DlPd Qrrd(i8fr.FNdjr-tio\ft.rci! der\ cr{& ol Rr'lgu/o&

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