MKTG1294 - ASN02 - Ta Thanh Tu - S3808224 - 01

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Client Research Template

Client (parent company): ________FLC Group_____________ Brand (product/service): _______Bamboo

Airways JLC________________

Student’s name: _________Ta Thanh Tu_____________________________________________


A. Primary features/benefits in order of importance (remember “So Whats”): Features  Attributes 


 Is from a private enterprise- FLC Group independent finance and limited resistance

from the government regulations.

 Is a five-stars airline that comes from the aircraft and the services luxurious, powerful,

advanced and friendly with the environment (Bamboo

In-flight entertainment 3.5 out 5, staff services 4 out 5 (TripAdvisor).

 Food services are made by FLC Fam which is a high tech agriculture farm since the FLC

decided to expand more into the food production industry (

partnered with many advanced collaborations like Japan, Israel, etc.

Safe, highly organic food.

 Not only move to food production, but it also opens in education with the following Bamboo

Airways Aviation Academy.

contributed a large number of professional employees in the Airline Industry and more

opportunities job for future employees High- qualified pilot crews.

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B. Unique product (or service) attributes? Can product claims be substantiated? Why?

 Bamboo Airways is the first Hybrid Airline in Vietnam- providing traditional airline services and

low-cost carrier services (Bamboo Airways agency 2018).

 This model has been proved successful and effective by JetBlue Airways- one of the best yet

cheap price airlines in the World (Bamboo Airways agency 2018, para 5-6-7-8).

As a result, it brought Bamboo Airways a great fortune by widening a range of


easily competing with other competitors in dealing with the ticket field, additionally, open

the Airline’s network to 85 routes, including 25 international routes and 60 domestic ones in

2020 (Bamboo Airways 2020, para 13).

C. Is parent company name important? Why?

Yes, the parent company name is crucial. FLC or the “A Start-up Beginning” is founded in 2001 by

Mr. Trinh Van Quyet. If Vin Group officially walked into the car industry, FLC had blossomed in the

Airline Industry with Bamboo Airways. To offer more convenient travel and follow “Journey to the Big

sea”, Bamboo Airways born on Jan 16, 2019 ( One more reason is crucial for the brand is with

the parent brand to create brand equity through imagines, logo, additionally, to adapt all the demand

and to develop the belief toward consumers, especially loyal consumers. As a result, Bamboo Airways

can salvage the advantages that came from the parent brand as much as it can, for example, 50% FLC

Hotel & Resort when buying tickets of Bamboo Airways.

D. Brand personality and why?

 The colour can reflect the brand personality. According to Canva, with regards to marking, the

intensity of shading is both enthusiastic and down to earth. On an emotional level, shading can

influence how purchasers feel when they take a gander at a brand, while on another level it

can enable a brand to captivate everyone (Canva, para 5).

 Bamboo Airways contains green, blue, and deep blue in which has the meaning of calming,

relaxing, and subdued due to these colours can usually found in nature.

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created loyalty, prestige, and honest emotion when seen in the brand logo.

 The personalities of the brand are sincerity, competence, and sophistication (Investopedia

2020, para 3):

 Sincerity: kindness, thoughtfulness, and an orientation toward family values (whole-

hearted staffs before and after flight).

 Competence: successful, accomplished and influential, highlighted by leadership (a

small yet crucial brand of FLC, linked with FLC hospitalities).

 Sophistication: elegant, prestigious (Modern aircrafts, in-flight entertainments: TV, Wifi,


 The hidden meaning in "Bamboo” word- the traditional yet strong in all extreme weather can

only found in Vietnam that has meaning as plainness, lasting symbol.

E. Brand value proposition and rationale:

 The price is much reasonable than Vietnam Airlines but highly luxurious services than VietJet

Air (Bamboo Airways agency, para 16-17-18).

 Is the best airline to choose when traveling domestication (Best Price Travel 2020) Because:

 Consumers can have another choice for transportation and accommodation.

 Travellers can fly from international to within the area in Vietnam without halting at any

ports No need to shift from another flight Safe time.


A. Demographic:

 According to Similar web:

 Gender: Males and female reached 47% and 52% respectively.

 Age: Around 18 to 25.

B. Geographic:

In fact, Google searches related to domestic flights accounted for 85% in the last 30 days and

increased by 85% over the same period, said Emily Nguyen - Google Asia-Pacific representative

(Cong Thuong 2020, para 3). The most destinations that has been searched is Vung Tau, Phu Quoc,

Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Ha Long Bay, …

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C. Psychographic:

 Base on Hierarchy of needs (Simply Psychology 2020):

 Esteem: Desire for social status.

 Self- Actualisation: Desire for self-fulfilment, to become the best within among individuals.

 Audience Interest (SimilarWeb):

 News& Media: 100%.

 Travel and Tourism: + Air Travel: 42.8%.

+ Accommodation and hotels: 13.8%.

D. Behavioural:

 Segment divided by price: Business travellers versus leisure travellers (Science Direct 2014, para


 Segment based on policies approach (Science Direct 2014, para 10):

 The ultra-greens: Frequent passengers yet prefer low cost when travelling by air.

 The disengaged: Not frequent, care about value-action.

E. Benefit sought:

 Base on Maslow’s needs (Simply Psychology 2020):

 Esteem: + Luxurious, elegant aircrafts.

+ Experienced full type of FLC accommodation.

 Self- Actualisation: + In-flight experience.

+ Low-cost carrier.

 Physiological: Air transportation.

 Safety: Food services from FLC Fam- safe, organic.

F. Needs fulfilled by using this product or service:

 Mostly in emotional, due to the and flight experience. With this, consumers can spend less

money on travel yet satisfy with flight experience loyalty, luxurious and superior by flying

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advance aircraft like Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. And have fun with the services provided by the

parent brand- FLC Group.

 Functional needs: Transportation.

G. Media profile:

 According to Fanpage Karma:

 Social apps: Facebook pages (Bamboo Airways, FLC Group, etc.)

 Internet:,,

 Press releases: Bamboo

H. What are their concerns and problems (pain points)?

 Government policy (Licences, permission to open more flights).

 Affected by economy and financial asset due to is a private enterprise brand.

 Covid 19.

 Limited flight destinations.

 Consumers not yet familiar with the brand method- the Hybrid model.

 Delay.


A. Major competitors/ rank in the market/ market share

 Segment: domestic, touristic destination.

 Competitors: Vietnam Airlines Group, Jetstar Pacific, and Vietjet.

 Market share- Pie Chart (Vn Express 2019, n.d):

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 International: + Vietnamese carriers held a total 57.8 percent of the

market share.

+ Vietnam Airlines + Jetstar Pacific = 23.9 percent, and

share of Vietjet, 18.3 percent (Vn Express 2019, para 4).

 The initial three carriers, which own an armada of 108 airplanes and have a place with Vietnam

Airlines Group, hold the high ground in the assortment of items (from four-star to spending

flights), extensive framework, coordinations, and specialized frameworks (Vietnam Investment

Review 2018, para 12-13).

B. Competitive advantage/disadvantage of the product (or service) AND its competitors:

 Advantages: - Using new yet effective model to approach customers.

- Can use services from airlines and hotel as the same time.

To motive customers to travel more due to the link with FLC hospitalities.

- Produced food source- FLC Fam.

- Independence financial asset.

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 Disadvantages: - Consumers concern about the new model.

- Influenced by economic editions.

- Newbie in the domestic aviation market.

C. Product (service) positioning:

 Point-of-parity: - Products belong to a reliable brand.

- Correlational points of parity: Cheap but luxurious.

- Adequate fleets & Frequent coverage.

 Point-of-difference: - First brand using Hybrid model: Cheap price yet luxurious service.

- Airline linked with FLC hospitalities.

D. Competitors’ positioning:

 Top brands in the both domestic and international (Vietnam Airlines: four-star, most convenient;

VietJet: most low-cost).

 Build a strong belief and long-term relationship with consumers.

 Have experience in the domestic aviation field.

 Associated with many potential allies like: IATA, SkyTeam, …

E. Other PESTEL (political, economic, social, technology, environment, and legal) factors influence on the

market and competition? Or SWOT

 Strength: - The first brand tries using the new Hybrid model.

- Take full advantages from the parent brand.

- Have an aviation business licence grant by Government to build academy.

- Home produced food service.

 Weakness: - The new model probably not yet familiar to customers.

- New in domestic aviation market.

 Opportunity: - Covid 19 Golden opportunity to target on domestic tourism.

- Cheap yet luxurious satisfy more demand from consumers like the

price, the service.

- Help those suck people create CSR, an image of socially responsible


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 Threat: - Many major competitors such as Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air.

Difficult to set up a position in the market share.

F. What are key issues of the category and the brand in the market?

 New brand with new model to approach consumers.

 Limited flight destinations.

 Unexpected events like Covid 19.


Since the goal of this campaign is to gain back the market, the best way to communicate with consumers is

PR, digital marketing, direct marketing such as mail, telephone. Moreover, provide a series of videos that

record the comeback home journey of people who suck to build a beautiful sharing of humanity.

Sale promotion plays a crucial role in creating brand equity and brand image. FLC Group is doing a great job

in it, will be great if they use key opinion leaders to develop a belief, credibility toward customers.


1. Bamboo Airways, Our Fleet, viewed 8 Aug 2020, <


2. Bamboo Airways, Press and news, viewed 18 Aug 2020, <


3. FLC, About FLC Group, viewed 7 Aug 2020, <>.

4. TripAdvisor, Bamboo Airways, viewed 18 Aug 2020, <



VIỆT NAM”, viewed 10 Aug 2020, <


6. Bamboo Airways, 29 Feb 2020, As IATA Member, Bamboo Airways to Open 25 International Routes in

2020, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <


7. Canva, Colour meaning and symbolism: How to use the power of colour, viewed 10 Aug 2020,


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8. Evan Tarver, 28 Jul 2020, Brand Personality, Investopedia, viewed 18 Aug 2020,



9. Bao Du Lich 2020, Số lượng khách du lịch toàn cầu có thể giảm từ 60% – 80% trong năm 2020, Bao Du

Lich, viewed 10 Aug 2020, <


10. Cong Thuong 2020, Ảnh hưởng của dịch Covid-19 tới ngành Du lịch Việt Nam, viewed 10 Aug 2020,


11. Cong Thuong 2020, Kích cầu du lịch hậu Covid-19: Dồn lực cho thị trường nội địa, viewed 11 Aug 2020,


12. Cong Thuong 2020, Thời điểm vàng cần tận dụng của du lịch Việt Nam, viewed 11 Aug 2020,


13. MinKJ, Bamboo Airways - Best Choice for Vietnam Domestic Flight in 2020, Best Price Travel 2020,

viewed 10 Aug 2020, <


14. Hung Le, 7 Oct 2019, Vietnam Airlines, affiliates hold over half of local aviation market, Vn Express,

viewed 15 Aug 2020, <



15. Vietnam Investment Review 2018, Bamboo Airways rushing headlong into direct competition, viewed 9

Aug 2020, <>.

16. Lisa Davison & Clare Littleford, Tim Riley 2014, ‘Air travel attitudes and behaviors: The development of

environment-based segments’, Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 36, pp. 13-22, viewed 15 Aug 2020,

Science Direct Database.

17. Saul McLeod, 20 March 2020, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Simply Psychology, viewed 16 Aug 2020,




18. Similar Web, Demographic, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <


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19. Similar Web, Audience Interests, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <


20. Fanpage Karma, Discovery, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <




1. Hung Le, 7 Oct 2019. Photograph, Domestic aviation market share, Vn Express, viewed 15 Aug 2020,




2. Ve gia goc, Ve may bay Bamboo Airways, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <

Bảng giá vé máy bay Bamboo Airways từ Hà Nội (HAN)

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Hà Nội (HAN) Hồ Chí Minh Bamboo Airways 599.000 đ
Hà Nội (HAN) Đà Lạt Bamboo Airways 590.000 đ 
Hà Nội (HAN)  Nha Trang Bamboo Airways 699.000 đ 
Hà Nội (HAN)  Đà Nẵng Bamboo Airways  480.000 đ
Hà Nội (HAN) Phú Quốc Bamboo Airways 599.000 đ
Hà Nội (HAN)  Cần Thơ  Bamboo Airways  590.000 đ 
Hà Nội (HAN)  Buôn Ma Thuột Bamboo Airways 480.000 đ
Hà Nội (HAN)  Đồng Hới Bamboo Airways 499.000 đ 
Hà Nội (HAN)  Pleiku Bamboo Airways 599.000 đ 
Hà Nội (HAN)  Quy Nhơn Bamboo Airways 590.000 đ 

Bảng giá vé máy bay Bamboo Airways từ Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn)
Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Hà Nội Bamboo Airways 599.000 đ
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Hải Phòng Bamboo Airways 590.000 đ 
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Quy Nhơn Bamboo Airways 699.000 đ 
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn)  Đà Nẵng Bamboo Airways  480.000 đ
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Thanh Hóa Bamboo Airways 599.000 đ
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Vinh Bamboo Airways  590.000 đ 
Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn) Vân Đồn Bamboo Airways  480.000 đ

3. Ve gia goc, Ve may bay VietJet Air, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <


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Bảng Giá Vé Máy Bay Vietjet Air Nội Địa

Điểm đi Điểm đến Giá vé

Buôn Ma Thuột, Cần Thơ, Chu Lai,

Đà Nẵng, Hồ Chí Minh, Nha Trang,

Hà Nội Từ 399.000 đ
Đà Lạt, Huế, Pleiku, Phú Quốc, Quy

Nhơn, Tuy Hòa

Buôn Ma Thuột, Cao Hùng, Chu

Lai, Đồng Hới, Đà Nẵng, Đà Lạt, Hà

Sài Gòn Nội, Hải Phòng, Huế, Nha Trang, Từ 299.000 đ

Phú Quốc, Pleiku, Quy Nhơn,

Thanh Hóa, Tuy Hòa, Vinh

Cần Thơ, Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ
Đà Nẵng Từ 399.000 đ
Chí Minh
Buôn Ma Thuột, Đà Lạt, Đà Nẵng,

Hải Phòng Hồ Chí Minh, Nha Trang, Phú Từ 399.000 đ

Quốc, Pleiku
Chu Lai Hà Nội/ Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Thanh Hóa Hồ Chí Minh, Nha Trang Từ 399.000 đ
Buôn Ma Thuột, Đà Lạt, Hồ Chí
Vinh Từ 399.000 đ
Minh, Pleiku
Huế Hà Nội/ Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Đồng Hới Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ Chí Minh,
Đà Lạt Từ 299.000 đ
Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ Chí Minh,
Buôn Mê Thuột Từ 199.000 đ
Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ Chí Minh,
Nha Trang Từ 299.000 đ
Thanh Hóa
Quy Nhơn Hà Nội/ Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Tuy Hòa Hà Nội/ Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Cần Thơ Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội Từ 399.000 đ
Phú Quốc Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ Chí Minh Từ 299.000 đ
Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Hồ Chí Minh,
Pleiku Từ 299.000 đ

4. Ve gia goc, Ve may bay Vietnam Airlines di Ha Noi, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <

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Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)
Sài Gòn - Hà Nội
1.150.000 đ
Vietnam Airline

Hà Nội  -Sài Gòn 1.150.000 đ

Vietnam Airline

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Đà Nẵng Hà Nội 399.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines
Hà Nội Đà Nẵng 399.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Nha Trang Hà Nội 499.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines
Hà Nội Nha Trang 499.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Phú Quốc Hà Nội 699.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines
Hà Nội Phú Quốc 699.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Đà Lạt Hà Nội 599.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines
Hà Nội Đà Lạt 599.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines

Nơi đi Nơi đến Hãng Bay Giá vé rẻ nhất

Buôn Mê Thuột Hà Nội 499.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines
Hà Nội Buôn Mê Thuột 499.000 đ
Vietnam Airlines

5. Ve gia goc, Ve may bay Vietnam Airlines di Ho Chi Minh, viewed 17 Aug 2020, <


Bảng giá vé máy bay đi Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam Airlines từ Hà Nội

Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)
Sài Gòn - Hà Nội
 Vietnam Airline 222.000 đ 

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 Hà Nội  -Sài Gòn  Vietnam Airline 222.000 đ

Bảng giá vé máy bay đi Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam Airlines từ Đà Nẵng

Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)
Đà Nẵng -  Sài Gòn 
 Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ 
Sài Gòn - Đà Nẵng  Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ

Bảng giá vé máy bay đi Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam Airlines từ Nha Trang
Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)
Nha Trang - Sài Gòn 
 Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ 
 Sài Gòn - Nha Trang  Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ

Bảng giá vé máy bay đi Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam Airlines từ Phú Quốc
Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)

 Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ 

Phú Quốc - Sài Gòn
 Sài Gòn - Phú Quốc  Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ

Bảng giá vé máy bay đi Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam Airlines từ Đà Lạt

Hành trình Hãng bay Giá vé  rẻ nhất (Vnd)
Đà Lạt - Sài Gòn 
 Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ 
 Sài Gòn - Đà Lạt   Vietnam Airline 299.000 đ

Word limit: 1,200 words

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