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Internal SWOTKey: Find organizational strengths and match them to

environmental opportunities.

Current Current
INTERNAL FACTORS (COMPANY) Management was able strategize a(COMPANY)
• • Management decision to rely
efficiently penetrate the Japanese market by on local businesses and
effectively taking culture, local connections and connections makes it difficult
industry trends into account. for the company to unify
production and processes.
- CCJC offers a wide range of products in the beverage - CCJC only commands 10% of
industry including soda, juices and coffee. The company the remaining beverage market. It
commands 90% of the cola market and around 60% of also doesn’t currently offer tea
Offerings (products/services) the none-cola carbonated market products, which is growing in
popularity in Japan
• The CCJC was able to internalize Japanese culture • Since the CCJC unifies all
when making marketing decisions, thus were able to marketing strategies, there might
target be a lack of diversification and
the local market effectively in terms of advertising and targeting of different areas in
direct marketing approaches. Japan.
- The CCJC’s emphasis on monitoring
- Employees of the company were able to
all aspects of production, marketing and
cultivate positive relationships with local
Marketing (price, promotion, dist.) distribution, employees are working on a
distributers and bottlers and gain good
large variety of jobs, which can create
understanding of the market environment in
dissonance within the company.
CCJC dominates the cola and noncola carbonated
markets. In addition, the Japanese market accounts - CCJC only has 10% of the remaining
for 21.5% of Coca-Cola’s global profits—the drink market.
Personnel highest of all individual markets.
- Bottlers are local independent corporations and - Bottlers are starting to diversify.
materials are all sourced locally. This increased local None CCJC products were
economic activity and established a positive accounting for 20-40% of total sales
relationship between CCJC and local businesses. of some bottlers.

- CCJC is constantly researching to improve current - There can be a lag in response time
products and to introduce successful new products towards some research efforts. For
like the Georgia coffee into the Japanese market. example, even though they had the
technology, it took the CCJC five
years to decide to enter the coffee
SWOT Analysis – External


Social: The people in a society, their values, - Consumers might be unwilling to
beliefs and behaviors (includes demographics). - Tea is an important part of Japanese purchase a new tea product since the
market and an increasing number of
market is already so saturated with
people are drinking canned, ready-to-go
local tea brands.
tea in Japan. - The beverage industry has a lot of
- The CCJC work with various local
Competitive: All the organizations that could competition with over 8,000 products in
organizations to manufacture and market their
create value for/pose a threat to the organization.products. the market and several well established
beverage companies.

- CCJC is continuously improving its current - CCJC needs to continuously keep up

products and looking for new product with product research and technology in
opportunities. The company is also updating order to remain competitive in the
Technological: Scientific knowledge, innovationsvending machine tech in order to better marketplace.
and inventions that result from research. distribute products.

- The Japanese economy experienced a boom in - Japanese consumers are still careful when
the 1980s, which increased consumer spending. spending money, which impacts the general
The beverage industry was thus pushed to sales of CCJC.
Economic: Business cycles, consumer income, grow.
spending patterns, industry/market trends. • The Japanese government implemented trade - Coca-Cola was initially prohibited from
deregulation policies, which has allowed the expanding to locations outside of Tokyo,
CCJC to expand as it pleased. which severely limited its market in the
country initially.

Political/Legal: Laws, regulations and political

- CCJC was able to effectively utilize the • Over use of natural resources like coffee
pressures affecting marketers.
natural resources at its disposal. For beans, citrus and tea might negatively
example, by introducing HI-C, a fruit juice impact the environment.
based beverage line, CCJC was able to help
avert a crisis for local citrus farmers as well
as generate revenue for itself.
Natural: The natural resources available to or
affected by the organization.

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