Do You Prefer Travelling Alone or in A Group?

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I had a trip to Da Lat with my class 12 in two days last year when we had a special time together.
The trip was started at 5am. I couldn’t forget that the air was on. I felt so happy because I knew
that I would have a good time with my friends. We arrived to Da Lat at 3pm by touring car .
After we had a lunch, I climbed the Lanbiang mountain with my friends and took many beautiful
pictures. After that, we’re visiting to the pagoda. We took some pictures together, bought some
souvenirs. Before came back to villa, we went on sightseeing in the waterfall. The scenes were
too really wonderful to believe in my eyes. At the night, we prepared dinner in the gardern of
villa, we made a circle around a big fire, and had a lot of activities. The air was really warm and
exciting when we had many beautiful smiles, handed in hands, sang and danced around the fire
together. At the time we’re really having wonderful moments, after we were under stressed from
studying, we had the most memorable time with each other to relax and do something together.
You know, what I like most about Da Lat is that I could escape from the hustle and bustle of
modern city, the cold weather with a small rain and the peace of Da Lat make me feel like I was
recharged my battery and let my hair down. Although the trip was short, my good memories
about Da Lat camp would always stay with me in all my life.

Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

->I prefer travelling in a group as it’s always safe and most affordable. Also when we
go on a trip as a group we are bonded with different type of people and make a lot
beautiful ,sour and sweet memories.

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