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Workshop on Community Radio


28 February-2 March 2011

Rural Development Academy, Bogra


Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia Rural Development Academy

Workshop on Community Radio - Report


Information and Knowledge dissemination is one of the critical components of the Cereal
Systems Initiative in South Asia – the CSISA project. Communication of farmer friendly
messages that help in upscaling and replication of the research outcomes is crucial. While
simplification of messages is a significant component, the choice of dissemination channels too
is important.

In efforts towards developing various examples of dissemination materials CSISA looked at

exploring the benefits of radio broadcasting and community radio for dissemination of

A three-day training workshop on Community Radio with a focus on script writing skills was
organized by CSISA in collaboration with Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogra on 28
February – 2 March 2011 at RDA Bogra. A total of 35 participants from CSISA hubs, RDA,
Agriculture Information Services (AIS), Bangladesh Agriculture University, Extension, and Civil
Society from India, Nepal and Bangladesh participated in the workshop.

Participants were oriented to the CSISA project objectives and technology interventions. They
were also provided with an overview of the activities of RDA. The workshop sessions were
started with prioritization of key technologies for communication under the project based on
the region. The technical sessions apprised participants on different aspects of radio
production to include radio formats like radio talk, drama and jingle. Script writing concepts
and simplification of messages were discussed for each of the formats. Participants were able
to develop programmes in all the formats with respect to the key technologies and
management practices identified. These programmes were aired live at Radhanagar village for
first hand feedback on the quality and content of programmes. The feedback was useful in
terms of further simplification, localization and quantifying messages for profits and yields. The
farmers appreciated the efforts towards information dissemination on emerging technologies
and cultivation practices that help in resource conservation.

The workshop was successful in achieving the desired objective for participants to appreciate
the effectiveness of radio as a communication tool, inform participants on various radio
formats and script writing skills. Each hub developed their action plans for taking the learnings
forward. There were considerations on resources towards putting some of the plans in place,
while some hubs were looking forward to partnerships to take the plans forward.

The key outcome of the workshop was AIS committing to support in broadcasting CSISA
messages on the exiting channels and agri-based programmes. RDA could be a potential
partner towards supporting these activities as they are in the process of setting up a
community radio station. Civil Society organisations like Rupantar in Bangladesh could also be
a potential partner for supporting communication activities.

The workshop sessions were facilitated by Mr. AKM Zakaria, Joint Director RDA, Mr. Abu
Nowsher, Independent, Dr. Zahangir Alam, National Project Director, Agriculture Information
Services, Mr. Johnny Goloyugo, Training Center, IRRI Noel Magor, Head, Training Center, IRRI
and Anuradha, CKB, CSISA.
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Community radio is a vital element in agricultural extension particularly in disseminating
information on new technologies to farmers, other stakeholders, and partners. One of the
approaches used in the usage of such information is through hands-on script writing training of
CSISA hub staff, partners, and extension workers by expert community broadcasters, and
interaction by the participants with local farmers to determine the effectiveness of their
produced written materials for broadcast purposes. This approach evolved out of the need to
reach a wider clientele in this age of new information technology and in recognition of the
broadcast media as a powerful tool for agricultural extension service.

This three-day workshop enabled the participants to develop their script writing skills in actual
broadcasting situations, learn the value of community radio as the first line of defense in
formulating strategies to effect quick adoption of conservation agriculture based resource
conservation technologies.

 To develop an understanding on the importance of radio as a communication tool;
 To develop participants’ understanding of the concepts and principles of script writing for
community radio;
 To develop participants’ capacities for identifying and writing scripts for specific
conservation agriculture-based resource conservation technologies creatively and
effectively for dissemination to stakeholders via community radio; and
 To help participants gain basic technical and practical understanding of production skills
related to community radio.
 Identify potential stakeholders within hubs that will use their radio programs to promote
the expansion of CSISA or STRASA technologies.

Desired Output
 High quality scripts in various formats (e.g. jingles, news, and feature interviews)
addressing specific information needs on rice technologies;
 A draft module on script writing skills; action plans for producing scripts for radio
broadcast/CKB uploads; and
 Strengthened linkages with community radio practitioners.

Session I Inaugural Session

Mr. AKM Zakaria facilitated the inaugural session which started with the
recitation from the Holy Quran by Hafez M. Abdullah.

This was followed by introduction of participants. The participants were from

the CSISA hubs, Agriculture University, Rural Development Academy, Agriculture
Information Services, Rupantar, and CSISA Bangladesh Extension Project. List of
participants is available at Annexure I.

Dr. M A Matin, Director, Agriculture Farm and Water Management,

provided a brief overview of the various activities undertaken by RDA.
The premier institute is working towards developing replicable rural
development models for improving the capacities, for informed policy
choices and overall rural development. He shared the different
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
activities being conducted as a part of the RDA Technology Park. RDA mandates include training,
research, action research and advisory services. He explained various activities like farm mechanisation,
trials on bed planting, seed production, efficient use of irrigation water and efforts towards farmer-to-
farmer communication using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). He also shared the
innovative concept of a plant clinic and plant doctor. RDA has been awarded the Bangabandhu National
Agricultural Award-1415 for Inventing Environment Friendly Agricultural Technology and the
International Communication Award, 2004 for developing effective Women to Women Communication
model by using digital video ICT. The presentation is available at

Dr. SK Faslul Bari, Director, Training, RDA extended a warm welcome to the
participants on behalf of RDA and looked forward to an active participation in this
workshop. He noted the strong influence of radio and television in the rural areas
of South Asia. He urged them to look around the campus to have a glimpse of the
various activities and also enjoy the hospitality at RDA with its immense facilities.

T N Anuradha, Knowledge Management Coordinator, CSISA welcomed the participants on behalf of

CSISA. She expressed her gratitude to RDA on behalf of CSISA for accepting to host
the workshop at RDA. The communication efforts at CSISA are of great importance
so as to standardise the information and make it easily accessible for use by
farmers. Radio is one such communication medium which has the reach and
accessibility to rural areas. The varied capacities that have come together at this
training would enable leveraging upon the knowledge and its dissemination for CSISA.

Dr. Noel Magor, Head, Training Center, IRRI highlighted the objectives of the training workshop. He
mentioned that it was important to develop technologies that are able to reach
the grassroots. The target is 100 million farmers to be reached. Radio could be
one of the means of reaching out to the target. The workshop would primarily
focus on skill development for radio script writing. The small and marginal
farmers including women are missed out usually through the conventional
communication methods, community radio might be one of the ways of inclusive communication. The
specific outputs of the workshop could be ready-made messages that could go on to radio. There would
also be some action plans put together to see how the learning could be complimenting our work.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, ndc, DG, RDA, complimented the efforts towards
organising the workshop, mentioned that it is important to adapt to the new
innovation like community radio. RDA is in the process of setting up a
community radio station in its campus and this workshop would head way
towards realising the benefits of radio broadcasting. RDA is mandated to
improve the quality of life for the poorest of the poor and community radio
can be one of the tools of realising it. 40% of the population live below poverty line, which further
accentuates the pace of development. The technology revolution has opened many avenues to reach to
the last mile. Community radio should be able to serve the big purpose. He mentioned that the
expertise that have gathered in workshop would be most useful for RDA to take it forward. RDA has
developed many technologies and models that need to be disseminated through radio broadcasting. He
highlighted the importance of partnership as he noted the strengthening ties between RDA, CSISA and
IRRI in carrying out RDA’s mandate and mission in shaping the academy’s reputation as a rural
development leader in the South Asian region.
Workshop on Community Radio - Report

Session II Leveling of Expectations and Technology Prioritisation

Session II started with the leveling of the participants’ expectations in the workshop. Each participant
was asked to write one expectation from the workshop. This was clustered and
discussed with clarity on what would be covered in the workshop and items that
could be taken in future. The clustered expectation included:
 How to communicate better, disseminate information, diffuse local
innovations for sustainable agriculture with farmers through community
 CSISA plans for community radio in Bangladesh
 Criteria and components for setting up a community radio and its
 How community radio works for farmers
 What the principles are in writing effective messages to farmers through quality radio

On the above expectation, it was clarified that the workshop would

look into developing messages and scripting for radio, while the
operation aspects would be taken up in future.

AKM Zakaria outlined the course framework, as well as the house

rules during the entire workshop.

Before getting into technical sessions, Noel Magor gave an overview of the CSISA Project. He
highlighted on the objectives of the project and the target of reaching 4 M farmers to achieve a yield
increase of >0.5 t/ha on 5 Mha. He stressed on the importance of partnerships would play a vital role to
be able to reach this ambitious target on ground. He also emphasised on the role communication and
knowledge dissemination towards realising the goals. The presentation is available at

Dr. M.A. Mazid, manager of the CSISA Dinajpur Hub, spoke on Conservation
agriculture-based resource conserving technology during his presentation where he
gave an overview of the geographic locations of nine hubs in four South Asian
countries – Bangladesh (2), India (5), Nepal (1) and Pakistan (1) – and new CSISA
expansion in Bangladesh in Khulna, Jessore, Barisal and Noakhali with USAID funding
support. Dr. Mazid likewise discussed profitable potential cropping patterns in the
Dinajpur Hub crop intensification and diversification, farmers’ practices in wheat
production, major findings on chemical weed control, and priority technologies for
Hubs’ domain, among others. The presentation is available at

This was followed by a group work wherein the participants were divided into four groups (Gazipur,
Dinajpur, India/Nepal and Khulna. Each group had to prioritise technologies that were ready for
dissemination and mass scale adoption. This prioritisation formed the basis for the rest of the session at
the workshop on which the groups would be able to develop scripts. This helped in prioritising
technologies to be promoted as part of their communication activities in their respective areas.
Workshop on Community Radio - Report

Technologies Prioritisation for Communication

Group 1 India/Nepal Group 2 Dinajpur
Dr. A.P. Regmi, Mr. Manoj Kumar Thakur, Mr. Dev Raz Gauli, Dr. Dr. Md. Abdul Mazid, Md. Anarul Haque, Md. Latiful Bari, SM Golam Sarwar ,
Shahnawaz Rasool, Dr. Shamima Ara Begum, Mr. Md. Abdul Majid Dr. Zahangir Alam, Mr. Hashibur Rahman Bilu,Md. Shohag Mahfuz
Pramanik, Mr. Rubol Lodi Khan

 Concept of CA/RCT – Principles and Advantages

 Dry Direct Seeded Rice  Crop establishment by Reduced Tillage
 Zero Till Wheat  Dry Direct Seeded Rice and Weed Management
 Mechanised Transplanted Rice  Laser Land levelling
 Raised Bed Planting  Line Sowing of Jute by Seeder
 Laser Land Leveling
 Seed Production and Storage

Group 3 Gazipur Group 4 Khulna

Dr. M. Akkas Ali, Md. Nazim Uddin Mondal, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Mr. Professor Md. Nazrul Islam PhD, Ms. Bonani Gupta, Mr. Taufiq Arefin, Dr.
Abu Nowsher, Mr. Md. Mojaherul Haque, Md. Monirul Islam, Mr. Ataur Dwijen L Mallick, Mr. Sheikh, Saeem Ferdous, Mr. Khalid Aurongozeb
Rahman (Jwel)  Raised Bed Planting
 Boro + Mustard Mixed Cropping  Multi-cropping
 Relaying of Maize  Rice – Fish Mixed Cultivation
 Cultivation of Rice by PTOS  Rain water Harvesting

Mr. Sariful gave an introductory presentation on Community radio: A new

development approach. He defined what a community radio is and its importance as a
people’s right to information, Putting community radio first in ensuring rural people’s
right to information – its role in reducing the gap between urban and rural
communities, and in tackling socioeconomic issues such as food and nutrition,
education and training, health and sanitation, forest and environment, to name a few.
He also detailed the initiatives of the AIS towards setting up 13 community radio stations and
supporting these with required equipment and training. He also explained what Cha Cha Cha meant –
Chance (When we could get), Challenge (We shall take) and Change (We must do). The presentation is
available at

Session III Scripting for Radio Talk

Session III in the afternoon opened with a broad perspective on Script writing
for radio by veteran broadcaster Mr. Abu Nowsher where he outlined the stages
of production from planning, producing and presenting, as well as script writing
jingles, feature and infotainment, and the need to evaluate and redesign such radio
production strategy if necessary to make a program more effective.

This was followed by a detailed presentation by Mr. Zakaria who defined radio talk as a kind of radio
production intended to give a specific message at a time to stimulate target people in his talk on Script
writing for radio talk. He also spelled out some rules to follow in writing a radio talk script and the
importance of audience analysis as a crucial point for developing a script.

Radio talk is a kind of radio production intended to give a SPECIFIC message at a time to STIMULATE
target people. An effective radio script follows certain rules:
 Audience
 Message
 Structure
 Presentation
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Like other radio production, radio talk needs a BLUE PRINT called Script. He further elaborated on each
of the details and more importantly on developing a final copy of the script before we go on air. The
presentation is available at

Johnny Goloyugo of IRRI supported Mr. Zakaria’s presentation by providing

some basic tips in script writing. He explained more on simplification of
messages and short sentences to be able to say more in less time. He informed
about the 7Cs of effective communication - Command attention; Cater to the
heart and head; Call to action; Clarify the message; Communicate a benefit;
Create trust; Convey a consistent message. The presentation is available at

This was followed by group work on developing radio scripts for radio talk. The groups were able to
develop scripts for the prioritised technology and also record it on the computer using the recording
tool (Jetaudio). The recordings were assisted by Assistant Director Saeem Ferdous. Following
programmes were developed:

Radio Programmes
Group 1 India/Nepal Group 2 Dinajpur
Dr. A.P. Regmi, Mr. Manoj Kumar Thakur, Mr. Dev Raz Gauli, Dr. Shahnawaz Rasool, Dr. Md. Abdul Mazid, Md. Anarul Haque, Md. Latiful Bari, SM Golam Sarwar , Dr. Zahangir
Dr. Shamima Ara Begum, Mr. Md. Abdul Majid Pramanik, Mr. Rubol Lodi Khan Alam, Mr. Hashibur Rahman Bilu,Md. Shohag Mahfuz

Radio Talk on Dry Direct Seeded Rice (English) Drama on Dry Direct Seeding (Bengali)
Click here to listen to the programmes  One farmer who adopted the practice explains to another farmer.
 Highlighted the use of ZT to save water and labour  Explains the seeder machine
 Provided the cost and availability  Advantages : water saving, timely sowing, less input cost
 Provides information on variety and weed management
Interview on Bed Planting (Bengali)
 Highlighted the water saving aspect using bed planting and
the good yield of Rice

Group 3 Gazipur Group 4 Khulna

Dr. M. Akkas Ali, Md. Nazim Uddin Mondal, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Mr. Abu Nowsher, Professor Md. Nazrul Islam PhD, Ms. Bonani Gupta, Mr. Taufiq Arefin, Dr. Dwijen L Mallick,
Mr. Md. Mojaherul Haque, Md. Monirul Islam, Mr. Ataur Rahman (Jwel) Mr. Sheikh, Saeem Ferdous, Mr. Khalid Aurongozeb
Drama on Raised bed Planting (Bengali)
Interview on CSISA and CA practices (Bengali)  Farmer worried on the increasing input cost and goes to the
 Highlighted the aims of CSISA and advantages of CA based CSISA hub office to get solutions for his problem. He raised
practices problem of Rice cultivation and is advised to adopt Bed Planting.
 Stressing on DSR and the varieties with information on Also has a song on Bed Planting
availability of ZT
*programmes are in the process of being uploaded on the CSISA KB
Workshop on Community Radio - Report

Session IV & V Scripting for Drama and Jingle

Day 2 started with a detail recap of day 1 by Johnny. He detailed out each of the activities and was a
good starter to continue the workshop.

Dr. Zahangir Alam, National Project Director, Agriculture Information

Services, was the resource person for the day’s sessions. He very effectively
framed a background by giving an interesting presentation of team work
and utilising each ones capacities effectively. He also put forward the need
to communicate for cohesive work and enabling attitudinal change.

Dr. Alam further in detail explained the various aspects of broadcast journalism stressing the fact that
the listener/viewer should be able to read your mind. Giving few tips – ‘Keep it short & simple (KISS);
Viewer and listeners only have one chance to hear and understand the news; Keep it conversational
(pretend you are telling the story to your best friend); Use present tense making the story immediate;
Try something besides the who, what, when, where, why and how in your lead; Use a sentence for each
idea. You should be able to read each sentence aloud in just one breath.

The session later got into the details of Radio Journalism. Here there was a detailed discussion for
better radio management that include:
 Planning
 Learning
 Execution
 Monitoring (Self & Other)
 Evaluation & reconsider
 Practice Practice and Practice

The various formats of Radio Broadcasting include:

• Radio Talk • Radio News
• Radio feature • Radio Ad and Commercial
• Radio Documentary • Radio Song
• Radio Spot • Radio Talk show
• Radio Drama • Radio Interview
• Radio jingle • Radio Phone in Program

Some of the tips for Radio scripting:

• Get straight to the point, generate interest
• Keep that interest
• Always read out loud what’s written even as a work in progress
• Always be unambiguous and don’t try to be clever
• Use punctuation when it helps the reader to read it out loud
• Use the medium and paint pictures

Dr. Alam provided direction to Radio Drama explaining its components as – Subject; Pattern & style;
Duration; Performer; Nature straight/Complex/Suspense/climax and with a good script. He added on
few aspects of Jingle, which is a form of presentation in a very smart way, It must be:
 Short (Not more then 50 seconds)
 Spot/drama/song/Dialogue/animation/sound
 Considering norm culture desire want wish
 Hitting the mind & heart;
 Giving a clear complete concrete comprehensive message…
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
The presentations are available at following links:
Introduction -
Drama and Jingle -
Broadcast Journalism -
Radio Script for Development -

Session VI & VII Developing Scripts and Recording of Drama and Jingle

This followed by a group work again on developing Jingle and Radio Drama
Radio Programmes
Group 1 India/Nepal Group 2 Dinajpur
Dr. A.P. Regmi, Mr. Manoj Kumar Thakur, Mr. Dev Raz Gauli, Dr. Shahnawaz Rasool, Dr. Md. Abdul Mazid, Md. Anarul Haque, Md. Latiful Bari, SM Golam Sarwar , Dr. Zahangir
Dr. Shamima Ara Begum, Mr. Md. Abdul Majid Pramanik, Mr. Rubol Lodi Khan Alam, Mr. Hashibur Rahman Bilu,Md. Shohag Mahfuz

This group developed four radio programmes

Drama on Laser Land Leveling (Bengali)
 Advantages of Zero Till – Nepali Feedback given to the group:
 Jingle on Zero Till – Bengali  Too many characters is confusing
 Machine Transplanted Rice – Kashmiri  Conversation was very urban
 Drama on Bed Planting – Bengali  Message was clear
Feedback given to the group was one programme one technology
and preferably one or maximum tow advantages so that the
message is clear.

Group 3 Gazipur Group 4 Khulna

Dr. M. Akkas Ali, Md. Nazim Uddin Mondal, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Mr. Abu Nowsher, Professor Md. Nazrul Islam PhD, Ms. Bonani Gupta, Mr. Taufiq Arefin, Dr. Dwijen L Mallick,
Mr. Md. Mojaherul Haque, Md. Monirul Islam, Mr. Ataur Rahman (Jwel) Mr. Sheikh, Saeem Ferdous, Mr. Khalid Aurongozeb
Drama on Bidhan variety of rice
Drama PTOS – Potato and Maize Sowing  One message on variety was clear
 One message at a time  Was well produced with fiction and songs

Dr. Alam mentioned that the key requisites for a good radio script and production is
sound proof environment, music, rehearsals, editing, scripting, research, sound, etc.
With the limited facilities available, this was a good effort and with more rehearsals
could improve the quality of programmes. He mentioned the topics were well
thought of, but some improvements on language are required.

Social: Visit to Historical Mahastan Gar Dinner Hosted by DG RDA

Workshop on Community Radio - Report

Session VI & VII Live cast of the Programmes and Farmer Feedback

The final day of the workshop started with participants encapsulating the learning’s on Day 2.

Later the participants headed to Radhanagar Village where RDA runs a Plant Clinic. It was amazing to
see a Plant Doctor around.

The programmes were played live and farmers enthusiastically listened to the programme and gave
very good feedback. The farmers were interested in quantification of the benefits suggested in the
programmes and contact details of availability of the machines. They also wanted some comparisons
supported with demos and information materials. Some of the messages on how to make bed and
English terms like ‘Raised Bed’, ‘Laser´ etc. were not clear. Drama and Jingle were the most preferred
type of programme. They also suggested repeated broadcasts of the programmes.

It was overall a good feedback to the first time programmes that were made. Farmers appreciated the
efforts and found the initiative useful.

Participants’ Reflections of Field Visit

 Radio programme to be complimented with demos, training and information materials
 Community memory after listening to the programme was strong
 Ability of the community to highlight critical points
 Names of machinery in local language
 Drama preferred
 Quantification of messages/benefits
 Repetition of messages/programmes
 Scientist knowledge to be simplified
 Weed control herbicides was not clear
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
 Radio can be started as an awarness tool
 Pictorial leaflets

Session VIII Action Plans

Each group presented their action plans as a follow-up of this workshop. While most of them agreed on
the need for developing accurate messages, the need for partnerships was strongly raised.

For Nepal, AICC support needs to worked upon to develop further on this and see how community
radio initiative can be further leveraged for CSISA.

For Bangladesh, AIS agreed to support the CSISA activities and a MoU is being worked upon.

For India, further awareness and workshops are required to develop capacity and look for broadcasting
as for now.

Action Plan India –

Action Plan Dinajpur -
Action Plan Gazipur -
Action Plan Khulna -

Session IX Closing Session

AKM Zakaria facilitated the closing session. He invited responses from three participating countries. Dr.
Mazid from Bangladesh Hub, Dr. Shahnawaz Rasool from India and Dr. Manoj Thakur from Nepal
appreciated the efforts of the team and mentioned that it was really wonderful to collaborate with a
premiere institute like RDA. They appreciated the various aspects covered in the workshop more
importantly on the aspect of simplifying messages and the various formats that could be adopted to
disseminate in the form of audio programmes like drama, talk jingle It was even more worthwhile to
receive feedback directly from the target group. The learning of keeping the technical terms simple, in
local language and avoiding new terms was useful. Dr. Mazid looked forward to working closely with
AIS and RDA to further strengthen CSISA activities in Bangladesh.

Dr. Zahangir further added few tips by emphasising on the need for clarity of messages that one could
imagine and adopt in the form as being spoken by the speaker.

Dr. M A Matin added that there is so much research and innovation going on, but is unable to reach the
target group, and communication plays an important role in bridging the gap.

Dr. Noel Magor again reminded on the milestones that need to be achieved as a part of the project,
which is possible through leveraging upon each others capacities and building strong leadership. Each
one has a creative mind and it’s just a question of recognising it. He felt it was a tremendous workshop
and defined outcomes. He strongly recommended RDA to become one of the CSISA hubs to support in
the training and communication activities. He appreciated the potential of Rupantar and looked
forward to working together. The aim is to develop programmes that inform about the CSISA
technologies and make it widely available in local language as well as uploading on the CSISA
Knowledge Bank.

Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, ndc, DG, RDA complimented the participants for the wonderful three
days put in to understand the various nuances of script writing and coming out with scripts and various
formats of radio programmes. He said it has further boosted the energy at RDA to push the setting up
of a Community Radio Station. He appreciated the efforts of IRRI in research and development to
develop various varieties that suit the regions’ climatic challenges. He said IRRI has been a symbol of
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
hope and has enabled greater yields. Elaborating on the strengths of RDA in terms of research,
technology and reach, he felt that such synergies could help in achieving the common goals. He
concluded that communication plays a key role in reaching out and it was important to know the
person whom you wish to communicate.

Certificate of participation was awarded to the participants by the DG, RDA

 Developed an understanding and awareness on various script writings techniques for audio
 Audio programmes developed for some of the CA based technologies
 AIS extends support to CSISA communication efforts
 AICC, Nepal extends similar support
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Annexure I
Community Radio Workshop
28 Feb-02 March, 2011

List of Participants

Country Name & Designation

Dr. A.P. Regmi
Extension Agronomist
Central Terai Nepal Hub, Chitwan
Mr. Manoj Kumar Thakur
Nepal Senior Scientist
Nepal Agril. Research Council, Lalitpur
E-mail :
Mr. Dev Raj Gauli
Junior Technician,
AICC, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC), Nepal
Dr. Shahnawaz Rasool Dar
India Extension Agronomist, Eastern UP HUB
E-mail :
Dr. Noel Magor
Head, Training Centre
IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
E-mail :
T.N. Anuradha
Knowledge Management, Coordinator, CSISA
IRRI IRRI-New Delhi office
E-mail :
Mr. Johnny Goloyugo
Senior Associate Scientist
Training Centre
IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines
E-mail :
CSISA Dinajpur Hub
Bangladesh Dr. Md. Abdul Mazid
Hub Manager, Dinajpur
WRC Campus, Dinajpur, 5200
E-mail :
Md. Anarul Haque
Assistant Extension Agromist
WRC Campus, Dinajpur-5200
E-mail :
Md. Latiful Bari
Assistant Agriculture Engineer
WRC Campus, Dinajpur-5200
E-mail :
Md. Shohag Mahfuz
Mesbahul Islam
Administrative Officer, CSISA
Dinajpur Hub
S M Golam Sarwar
Agriculture Extension Officer (AEO)
Dinajpur Sadar, Dinajpur.
Workshop on Community Radio - Report

CSISA Gazipur Hub

Dr. M. Akkas Ali
Hub Manager,
CSISA Hub, BSRI Campus, Gazipur-1701
E-mail :
Md. Nazim Uddin Mondal
Extension Agronomist
CSISA Hub, BSRI Campus, Gajipur-1701
Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Accountant from Gazipur hub
Dr. Md. Zahangir Alam
National Project Director
Community Rural Radio Project
AIS, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.
E-mail :

Md. Sharif Iqbal

Program Officer
Community Rural Radio
AIS, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.
E-mail :
Mr. Abu Nawsher
Radio Bangladesh, Dhaka
Professor Md. Nazrul Islam PhD
Director GTI, BAU, Mymensingh
E-mail :
Banani Dash Gupta Basanty
Rupantar (NGO), Khulna

Dr. Shamim Ara Begum


Dr. Dwijen Mallick

Research Fellow, BCAS
House-10, Road-16A, Gulshna-1
Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam. ndc
Director General, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. M. A. Matin
Director Agriculture Science, RDA
E-mail :
Dr. Sk. Fazlul Bari
Director (Training), RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Khalid Aurangozeb
Assistant Director, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Md. Abdul Majid Pramanik
Assistant Director, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Sheikh Saeem Ferdous
Assistant Director, RDA, Bogra
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Mr. Md. Mojaherul Haque
Project Co-ordinator, WISE, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Md. Monirul Islam
Audio Visual Officer, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Md. Kamrul Islam
Programmer Assistant, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Hasibur Rahman Bilu
Media : The Daily Star
E-mail :
Mr. Rubol Lodi
Media, Bimurto
E-mail :
Mr. Ataur Rahman
Radio Technician
Bangladesh Betar, Kahaloo, Bogra
Mr. AKM Zakaria
Joint Director, RDA, Bogra
E-mail :
Mr. Kamol Lodi
Digital Impress (Media)
E-mail :
Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Annexure II
Programme Scehdule
Day: 01-28 February, 2011
Time Topic Facilitator
 9:00-9:30 Registration Mr. Saeem Ferdous
Session-I : Opening Session
Recitation from the Holy Quran - Hafez M. Abdullah
Introduction of the Participants - Participants
- Mr. M. A. Matin /
RDA : Home of Rural Development
- Mr. AKM Zakaria
Welcome Remarks : RDA - Dr. SK. Fazlul Bari
 9:30-10:45
Welcome Remarks : CSISA - Ms. T.N. Anuradha
Programme of Objectives - Dr. Noel Magor

- Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, ndc

Opening Address

Group Photo - Mr. Mohitul Alam

Tea break - Cafeteria
Leveling of Expectation, Course - Ms. T.N. Anuradha &
Frame Work, House Rules Mr. AKM Zakaria

Overview of CSISA Project and Key - Dr. Noel Magor/ Dr. M.A. Mazid
Technology Interventions
 10:45-13:00
Allocation of Workshop Groups - Mr. AKM Zakaria
Listing of Key Technologies to be
Group Work
promoted as a part of the
- Dr. Noel Magor
communication activities
Community Radio: A New
- Dr. Zahangir / Mr. Sariful
Development Approach

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

Script Writing for Radio - Mr. Abu Nowsher
Script Writing for Radio Talk - Mr. AKM Zakaria
Radio Jingle, Feature and
- Mr. Abu Nowsher
 14:00-17:00 Infotainment Script Writing
Tea Break
Group Exercise on Radio Talk - 4 Groups
Script Writing - Mr. AKM Zakaria/Mr. Johnny
Group Presentation of Radio Talk
- 4 Groups
Script and Finalization

17:00 – 18:00 Script Based Video Drama Mr. Kamarul Islam

Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Day 2: 01 March, 2011

Session – IV
Recap of Previous days learning - Mr. Johnny / Mr. AKM Zakaria
Script Writing for Radio Drama - Dr. Zahangir Alam
9:00 – 11:00
Do’s and Don’ts in Radio Script
- Dr. Zahangir Alam
Tea Break - Cafeteria

Session – V
Group Exercise on Drama Script
- 4 Groups/ Dr. Zahangir
10:30 – 13:00 Group Presentation of Drama
- 4 Groups/ Ms. Anuradha
Scripts and Finalization
Group Exercise on Jingle Script
- 4 Groups/ Mr. Abu Nowsher

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

Session – VI

Group Presentation of Jingle Script - 4 Groups/ Mr. Johnny Goloyugo

14:00-15:30 and Finalizations
Select best scripts (Drama, Jingle,
Dr. Noel Magor / Mr. Johnny Goloyugo
Radio Talks for Farmers Review)
Tea break - Cafeteria

16:00-21:00 Session – VII

Social : Visit to Historical Mahastan

- Mr. Sayeem Ferdous
Dinner Hosted by DG RDA - Hotel Naz Garden

Day 3: 02 March, 2011

Session – VIII

Presentation of Selected Scripts in a

9:00 – 11:30 Farmers Meetings in Radhanagar - Mr. AKM Zakaria
Farmers Reaction Participants
Tea Break

Session – IX

11:30 – 13:30 Finalization of Reviewed Scripts Mr. AKM Zakaria/Mr. Johnny Goloyugo
Preparation and Presentation of
Country Action plan : Bangladesh, Dr. Noel Magor/ Anuradha
India and Nepal
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 – 16:30 Session – X : Closing Session

Workshop on Community Radio - Report
Response : Bangladesh, India,

Message : Dr. Noel Magor

Awarding Certificate & Closing Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, ndc

Address DG RDA

Vote of Thanks Dr. Sk. Fazlul Bari

Refreshment Cafetaria

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