Fire Extinguisher Training and Use TEST #1044F: National Safety Compliance

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TEST #1044F

NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: _______________

INSTRUCTIONS: Please circle the correct answer.

1. An ABC type extinguisher will extinguish all classes of fire. T or F

2. Fire extinguishers are designed to fight small and large fires. T or F

3. When you use the word PASS, this simply is a method of remembering to Pull the pin, Aim the nozzle,
Squeeze the handle and Sweep from side to side. T or F

4. Halon is no longer being used, as it depletes the ozone. T or F

5. Good housekeeping is one of the most important parts of fire prevention. T or F

6. Flammables and combustibles should be kept in safety containers and properly stored when not in use.
T or F

7. Life safety is paramount. Saving property is secondary. T or F

8. Smoke is responsible for killing more people in fires than anything else. T or F

9. When using a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire, make sure the fire is completely out. T or F

10. A carbon dioxide or CO2 extinguisher reduces the oxygen from the fire, causing the fire to go out.
T or F

11. Once an extinguisher has been used, it must be:

A. Replaced in its proper place.
B. Turned in to your supervisor.
C. Serviced and recharged.
D. None of the above.

12. If you stand too close to the fire before squeezing the handle on a fire extinguisher, you could:
A. Damage the handle.
B. Spread the flames by the pressure of the expelling gas.
C. Burn yourself by being too close to the fire.
D. None of the above.

13. Extinguishers can become damaged, so during inspections be sure to check:

A. The fire extinguisher holder.
B. Visible damage to the container and handle.
C. Emergency action plan location.
D. None of the above.

National Safety Compliance

TEST #1044F (page 2)

14. A service tag on an extinguisher is good for:

A. One year.
B. Two years.
C. Three years.
D. Five years.

15. Combustion is created by interaction of three basic elements. They are:

A. Fire, smoke, and ignition source.
B. Fire, smoke, and fuel.
C. Heat/ignition, oxygen, and fuel.
D. All of the above.

16. Wood, paper and combustibles would be classified as a Class _____ fire.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

17. A Class B fire would include:

A. Flammable liquids.
B. Halon.
C. Burning metal.
D. Wood, paper, and combustibles.

18. An electrical fire would be extinguished by what type of extinguisher?

A. Class D extinguisher
B. Class C extinguisher
C. Class ABC extinguisher
D. Both B and C

19. An approved flammable liquid container has:

A. Spring loaded top.
B. Flame arrester.
C. Bonding and grounding.
D. Both A and B.

20. No matter how small or large a fire you should always:

A. Use an ABC Class extinguisher.
B. Notify your supervisor.
C. Call the fire department.
D. Leave the building immediately.

SCORE: _______________

National Safety Compliance


1. False

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. True

11. C. Serviced and recharged.

12. B. Spread the flames by the pressure of the expelling gas.

13. B. Visible damage to the container and handle.

14. A. One year.

15. C. Heat/ignition, oxygen, and fuel.

16. A. A

17. A. Flammable liquids.

18. D. Both B and C

19. D. Both A and B.

20. C. Call the fire department.

National Safety Compliance

This is to certify that
(Student’s Name)
has completed the safety training course
Fire Extinguisher Training & Use
and has been tested on the contents of the course, as required.
This training, as well as the associated testing
was conducted by the below listed instructor
and was completed on
Instructor’s Signature

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