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All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: , E-mail: GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 1) SHORT QUESTIONS [Very Important] What do you understand by? Sensi The ability to respond to a stimulus is called sensitivity or irritability. Stimulu: Anything that causes activity or change in the activity in an organism is called stimulus. Receptor: Receptors are the organs that receive the stimuli. i.e. Eye, Ear, No e etc Response: The reaction to the stimulus is known as response. Dialysis: It is process by which a patient with kidney failure is treated. The blood is filtered by a machine using dialyzing fluid [Very Important] What is a nerve impulse? These are electrical pulses which travel in the body from CNS to Body Parts and from Body Parts to CNS carrying different messages. [Very Important] What is the difference between central nervous system and peripheral nervous system? + The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. + The peripheral nervous system inclu es nerves arising from the brain and spinal cord. [Very Important] What are the functions of: cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary g a d, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata? Function of Cerebrum: It is the main center of various sensations. E.g. sight, smell, memory, hearing, intelligence, reasoning etc. Function of Thalamus: It receives all the impulses from different sensory areas of the body before passing them to the cerebrum. Function of Hypothalamus: It regulates body temperature, appetite, water balance, blood pressure etc. It also controls heartbeat, thirst and hunger. Function of Pituitary Gland: It secretes number of hormones. Eunction of Cerebellum: It controls balance and muscle contraction. Function of Pon It regulates breathing rate. Function of Medulla Oblongata: It controls heartbeat, circulation of blood and respiration etc. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 1 of 5) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: , E-mail: GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 1) [Very Important] Name the types of neuron and write their function. There are three types of neurons: Sensory Neuron: They carry impulses (messages) from the sense organs like the eye, nose or skin to the central nervous system. Motor neurons: They carry impulses (orders) from the central nervous system to the muscles or glands. Interneuron: They form the Synapses i.e. make connections with the sensory neuron and motor neurons. [Very Important] Distinguish between: A motor neuron and a sensory neuro! * Sensory Neurons carry impulses (messages) from the sense rgans like the eye, nose or skin to the central nervous system. * Motor Neurons carry impulses (orders) from the ce tral nervous system to the muscles or glands. * Aneuron conduct signals between the two component of nervous system i.e. central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. * Anerve fiber is a threadlike structure of nerve cell and consists of an axon and myelin sheath in the nervous system. * A voluntary action does not h ppen automatically. For example seeing a book on floor, picking it up and putting itn the table. + Involuntary actions are aut matic in nature. For example when a bright beam of light hits a person’s eye, his pupil automatically becomes smaller. * An immediate respo se to a specific stimulus without conscious control is called a reflex action. For example when our hand touches very hot object, it is withdrawn quickly. * A reflex arc is a neural pathway that controls a reflex action. [Important] Name the nitrogenous waste products Urea, Uric Acid, Ammonia etc. [Important] Identify the shape and location of kidney? Kidneys are dark brown and bean shaped. They are present in abdomen one on either side of vertebral column. [Important] Name the parts of excretory system. Lungs, Liver, Skin and Kidney are the excretory organs. The excretory system of man consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 2 of 5) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: , E-mail: GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 1) Match parts of excretory system with one of these functions: a) Carries blood with a high concentration of urea. Renal Arteries b) Filters urea and other wastes chemicals out of the blood. Kidneys c) Carries urine down to the bladder. Ureters d)__ Stores urine. Urinary Bladder ) _ Urine is passed out of the body Urethra LONG QUESTIONS [Important] Describe the different parts of the human brain and write their functions. Forebrain: + It consists of cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus. * Cerebrum is the main center of various sensatio s. E.9. sight, smell, memory, hearing, intelligence, reasoning etc. * Thalamus receives all the impulses from different ensory areas of the body before passing them to the cerebrum. + Hypothalamus regulates body temper ture, appetite, water balance, blood pressure etc. It also controls heartbe t, thirst nd hunger. It is mass of tract. It lies under the lower part of cerebrum. + It acts as relay station for tr cts p ssing between cerebrum and spinal cord. Hindbrain. + It consists of cerebe um, pnsand medulla. * Cerebellum controls ba a ce and muscle contraction. * Pons regulates breathi g rate. + Medulla controls heartbeat, circulation of blood and respiration etc. [Very Important] Describe the central nervous system. The central nerv us system consists of brain and the spinal cord. * The brain is pr tected inside the skull and the Spinal cord is protected in the backbone * Both the brain and the Spinal cord are in three layers of connective tissues kno nas meninges. * The major function of spinal cord is to link between brain and different body parts. Describe the peripheral nervous system. It includes nerves arising from the brain and spinal cord. Cranial Nerves: * There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves arise from the brain. * The cranial nerves are sensory nerve, motor nerve or a mixed nerve. * Each cranial nerve has a specific function. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 3 of 5) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: , E-mail: GENERAL SCIENCE FOR 8™" CLASS (UNIT 1) Spinal Nerve: * These emerge at intervals along the length of the spinal cord. * There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves in man. * These nerves pass between the vertebrae. [Very Important] What is a reflex action? Describe a simple spinal reflex. ‘An immediate response to a specific stimulus without conscious contr is called a reflex action. For example when our hand touches very hot object, it is withdrawn qui kly. Sensory neurons of hand detect heat and send impulses to the pinal ord In the spinal cord, the impulses pass through the interneuron. The motor neurons carry impulses to the muscles in your arm and pull your hand away from the hot object. [Important] Describe human excretory system. * The main organ of human excretory system is kid ey. * Blood containing nitrogenous wastes comes in kid eys through renal arteries. * Kidney filters the blood. * The clean blood is sent back to body through rental veins. The wastes materials are sent to urin ry b dder through ureters. Finally waste products are removed from body through urethra. Describe the longitudinal section of a human kidney. + Kidney consists of two regions. The dark-red outer region is c Iled the cortex. The inner thicker region lighter in colour is called medulla. The medulla consists f 12 to 16 conical structures called renal pyramids. The pyramids project i to the funnel like space called renal pelvis which extends to the ureters. [Very Important] Describe the structure of a nephron. Each nephron c nsists f three parts: Bowman's capsule: Each nephron begins in the cortex as a renal capsule or Bowman's capsule. It is a double walled structure, which surrounds the golmerulus. Golmerulus: The renal artery divides up into a large number of arterioles and capillaries in the Bo man’s capsule. This tuft of blood capillaries is called glomerulus. Tubular portion: The Bo man’s capsule leads into a short coiled tubule called proximal convoluted tubule. The U shaped portion of the tubule in the medulla is called loop of Henle. The tubule passes back into the cortex. Here it coils again and is called distal convoluted tubule. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 4 of 5) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: , E-mail: GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 1) [Important] How urine is formed? Urine is formed in three steps: Glomerular Filtration: Water, salts, glucose, amino acids, nitrogenous wastes move from glonerulus to Bowman's capsule. The filtered substance is called glomerular filtrate. Tubular re-absorption: The glomerular filtrate passes through the tubular portion of the nephr n. Here necessary water, glucose, amino acid, some, salts from the proximal nv luted tubule are passed into the peritubular capillaries. The substances that are reabs rbed become the tubular fluid, which enters the Loop of Henle Tubular secretion: During tubular secretion certain molecules are secreted from the peritubular capillaries into distal convoluted tubule. What is left are was salts dissolved in water. This is now called urine. What are the causes of malfunctioning of human kid ey? Following are the causes of malfunctioning of human kid ey: - * Diabetes & high blood pressure. Hardening of arteries. Inflammation of kidneys. Glomerulus damage. Kidney Stones [Important] What are the techniques to cure problems of kidneys? Haemo Dialy: + In this process blood fp tient flows into a machine via tube. * Here urea diffuses out f the bl od in the dialysis fluid. * Sugars and salts from the bd will not diffuse out. + The clean blood is se t back into the patient body. Peritoneal Dialy: In this process dialyzing fluid is added in the abdomen of patient. It is left f r several hours. Exchange takes place between the dialysis fluid and the tissue fluid. The fluid can be replaced regularly, 3 or 4 times a day. Kidney transplant are needed when about 90% of the kidney’s functions not taking place. The tissues of both the donor and the patient are tested. The new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen. As soon as the kidney is connected to the blood vessels, it will begin removing the waste products from the blood. Visit for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 5 of 5) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM

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