8th General Science Notes Chapter 5

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All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafiqi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 5) SHORT QUESTIONS Define the followings: Matter: Anything that has weight and occupies space is called matter. Matter is build up of one or more of the three types of elementary particles i.e., atoms, mole ules r ins. Molecule: When two or more atoms combine a much bigger particle, known as molecule is obtained Ton: Some substances are made up of charged particles called ions. Cations: Positively charged ions are called cations. Anions: Negatively charged ions are called anions. Element: An element is a substance that is made up of one type of atoms. tur A mixture is a substance made by combining two or more different materials in such a way that no chemical reaction occurs. Compound: A compound is a substance that results from a combination of two or more different chemical elements Physical Change: A change which is easily reversib e is called physical change. Chemical Change: A change which is not easily reversible is called chemical change. Reactant: Reactants are substances that react together to start a chemical reaction. Products: Products are substances that are produced in the chemical reaction. Chemical Equation: A chemical equation uses chemical symbols to show that what happens during a chemical reaction Coefficient: Coefficient gives the number of molecules (or atoms) involved in the reaction. Exothermic Process: Exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that liberates heal or energy when it is started. Endothermic Process: Endothermic reaction is chemical reaction that requires the addition of heat and energy in order to start. Visit www.easymcas.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 1 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafiqi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 5) iguish between A compound and an element * A compound is a substance that results from a combination of two or more different chemical elements + An element is a substance that is made up of one type of atoms. * When two or more atoms combine a much bigger particle, known asm lecule is obtained + An atom e.g., gold is the smallest particle of an element which can take part in chemical reactions. * A change which is easily reversible is called physical change. * A change which is not easily reversible is called chemical change. Reactants and products: + Reactants are substances that react together to start a chemical reaction + Products are substances that are produced in the chemical reaction. Combination and decomposition reaction: * A reaction in which a single product Is formed from two or more reactant is known as a combination reaction. * A reaction in which a single reactant bre ks down into two or more simpler products is known as decomposition rea tion. * Exothermic reaction Is a chemical rea tion that liberates heal or energy when it is started. * Endothermic reaction is chemic Ire ction that requires the addition of heat and energy in order to start. Whatis a balanced equatio ? In a balanced chemical equatio , the total number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms on the product side. What does a chemical equation represent? A chemical equati n is the symbolic representation of a chemical change. Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following: Not Balanced Balanced Ca + > Cad 2Ca_ + On > 2Ca0 s + > S02 s + Oo > 2S02 Ne + >__NOz N+ >___2NO2 Hg + >__HgO 2Hg + >___2Hg0) Na+ >__Nacl 2Na__+ >___2NaCI cu + > cud 2cu__ + > 2Cu0 He + >__HCI He + >__2HCI Ne + >__NH3 Ne + >__2NH3 Zn + >___zn0 zn + > __zn0 >CO >CO, Visit www.easymcas.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 2 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafiqi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 5) Determine what types of reacti (a) 2AgCl + light n each of the following rea 2Ag + Cle = Decomposition (b) 2A + 3Clz 2aICls Recombination (c) Hg2S + heat Hg + Se Decomposition (d) Li+O2 Li20 = Recombination State Law of conservation of mass. This law states that ‘Matter is neither created nor destroyed during a hemical reaction but changes from one from to another.” Why is Antino Lavoisier famous for? Antoine Lavoisier, discovered the law of conservation of mass by howing that during a chemical reaction that matter is neither created nor des roy d during a chemical reaction but changes from one from to another. Write short notes on: Chemical reaction: A reaction in which two or more elements join to form a new product is called chemical reaction. It is not easily reversible. Decomposition reaction: A chemical reaction in which a compound sp its into two or more different elements or compounds on heating. Chemical equation: A chemical equation uses chemic | symbols to show that what happens during a chemical reaction Combination reaction: A reaction in which a single pr duct is formed from two or more reactant is known as a combination reaction. LONG / EXTENSIVE QUESTIONS * Add few drops of lemon juice in milk. * Boil the mixture. * A thick white substance is formed called cottage cheese. * This is called curdling of milk. Experiment * Take some sugar in metallic bowl and heat it. * Sugar will turn into brown and then black + The black residue is carbon, which is very different from sugar. Visit www.easymcas.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 3 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafiqi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR 8™" CLASS (UNIT 5) Give examples of chemical changes. * Add few drops of lemon juice in milk. * Boil the mixture. * A thick white substance is formed called cottage cheese. * This is called curdling of milk. * Take some sugar in metallic bowl and heat it. * Sugar will turn into brown and then black * The black residue is carbon, which is very different from sugar Describe rearrangements of atoms in chemical reactions. * During chemical reactions, new product atoms are not crea d and old reactant atoms are not destroyed. * Atoms are only re-arranged as bonds are broken a df rmed. * In chemical reactions, atoms re-arrange to form products. How are chemical equations written? * Hydrogen bums into air to form water. * This reaction can be written by chemi al equation. + In chemical equation, reactants are written on left side and products are on right side having an arrow in between. * Above reaction can be written s --> H20 How to balance chemical equations? * Identify correct formulas of reactants and products. * Write them on left side and right side respectively. * Begin balancing by trying different coefficient to make the number of atoms equal on both si es. * We cannot change the subscripts during balancing. * Balance each and every atom on both sides by changing their coefficients. * For example: H2 + O2 > H20 (Not Balanced) 2H: + O2 > 2H20 (Balanced) What are the essential features of a chemical equation? * The method of representing a chemical reaction with the help of symbols and formula is known as a chemical equation. * The substances, which combine or react, are known as reactants. * The new substances produced in a reaction are known as products. * In chemical equation, reactants are written on left side and products are on right side having an arrow in between. Visit www.easymcas.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 4 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafigi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR 8™" CLASS (UNIT 5) Explain with experiment the conservation of mass. This law states that matter is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction but changes from one form to another. Experiment * Put 10mI of calcium chloride solution into a flask. + Half fill the test tube with sodium sulphate solution. * Stopper the flask tightly. * Determine the mass of flask and its contents accurately. * Now invert the flask so that the two solutions can mix. * Re-measure the mass of the flask and its contents. * You will see there is no change of mass occurs. Explain combination reaction with example. + In these reactions, single product is formed from two rm re reactants. + For example: Fe+S- -> FeS MgO + CO2-- --> MgCO3 Explain decomposition reaction with examp e. + In these reactions, single reactant is broken down into two or more products. * For example Heat CaCos -- > CaO + CO2 Describe exothermic reactio s with example and experiment. * These chemical reactions release energy in the form of heat, light or sound. * For example; C mbustion, Many Oxidation Reactions, Neutralization Reactions, Decompositi n f vegetables etc. Experiment: * Place the thermometer in the jar and close the lid. * Allow about 5 minutes for thermometer to record the temperature. * Remove the thermometer from the jar. * Soak a piece of steel wool in vinegar for 1 minute. * Squeeze the excess vinegar out of the steel wool. * Wrap the wool around the thermometer and place the wool and thermometer in the jar, sealing the lid. + Allow 5 minutes, then read the temperature and compare it with the first reading. + You will observe the increase in temperature which shows the release of heat. Visit www.easymcgs.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 5 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM All Federal Board Punjab Board Chapter Wise PDF Notes Free Download Website: www.easymegs.com , E-mail: usmanrafiqi11@qmail.com GENERAL SCIENCE FOR8™ CLASS (UNIT 5) Describe endothermic reaction with example and experiment. * These chemical reactions absorb energy in order to proceed. + For example; Electrolysis, Reaction between ethanoic acid and sodium carbonate and thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate in blast furnace etc. * Hold a glass in your hand. = Pour some water into the glass. * Add 2-3 spoons of glucose in it + Then stir it. + The glass will be slightly colder which shows it is endothermic reaction Whats the importance of exothermic reactions in daily lif ? + They are important for forensic sciences. * Energy used to power homes and schools is product of ex thermic reactions. Electricity is produced through exothermic reactio by bur ing fuels. Human cells receives energy via exothermic reactio The steam condenses on cooler skin and in proce heat is evolved, which cooks the tissue and produces blisters. Compare exothermic and endothermic rea tions. Exothermic Reactions Endothermic Reactions These reactions transfer energy to the |These reactions take energy from its surroundings. surroundings. These reactions __ may ccur|These reactions cannot occur| spontaneously. spontaneously. What is the importance of e dothermic reactions? * Electrolysis occurs due to e dothermic reactions. + Photosynthesis takes place due to endothermic reaction in which plants prepare glucose and xygen. * Endothermic reacti ns are involved in melting ice cubes, evaporation of water, baking brea , cooking of an egg etc. Visit www.easymcqs.com for Notes, Old Papers, PDF, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 6 of 6) WWW.EASYMCQS.COM

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