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Month : September
31​ August 2020 – 4​th​ September 2020

1. Word- Dilapidated​

Meaning –​ in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

Usage -​ On the east of the town at the foot of a hill stands a dilapidated fort.

2. Word -Swathe

Meaning –​ wrap in several layers of fabric

Usage -​ The nurse swathed the wounded soldier’s leg in bandages.

3. Word- Proficiency

Meaning – ​high degree of skill, expertise.

Usage -​ The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.

​4.​ Word-Proscribe

Meaning- outlaw something

Usage –​ The Government should proscribe the use of plastic to control


5.​ Word- Arduous

Meaning- ​requiring strenuous effort, difficult and tiring

Usage -​ Playing the piano may seem arduous at first, but it gets easier with

7​th​ September 2020 – 11​th​ September 2020

1. Word-​ ​uninitiated

Meaning​- not having knowledge or experience of a particular subject or

activity, inexperienced
​Usage-​ To the ​uninitiated​ the system of Online education seems extremely

2. Word-​ ​colossal
Meaning–​ extremely large, huge, massive
Usage -​ In the center of the hall stood a ​colossal​ wooden statue, decorated in
ivory and gold.

3. Word-​ ​expatriate
Meaning ​– A person who lives outside their native country, refugee
​Usage – ​The proportion of ​expatriates​ is falling quite rapidly.

4. Word-​ ​prodded

Meaning –​ to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a

course of action.
​Usage - ​A public outcry eventually​ prodded​ the politicians into action.

5. Word-​ ​resurgence​

Meaning–​ the reappearance and growth of something that was common in

the past.
Usage –​ Japan sees a ​resurgence​ in coronavirus cases with 839 new cases a

14​th​ September, 2020 – 18​th​ September, 2020

1. Word- ​Inscrutable

Meaning-​ ​Difficult to understand

Usage​- ​He ​believes​ that a ​certain​ ​portion​ of ​life​ must ​remain​ ​inscrutable​.

2. Word- Zeal

Meaning-​ ​Great​ ​enthusiasm​ or ​eagerness

Usage​- ​Everyone acknowledges the ​zeal​ and hard work of the individual

officers of the service.

3. Word- ​Optimistic

Meaning-​ Anticipating the best.

​Usage​ – She is ​optimistic​ about her ​chances​ of ​winning​ a ​gold​ ​medal​.

4. Word- ​Petulant

Meaning​- ​Insolent or rude in speech or behavior

Usage​- Akshay ​plays​ the p​ art​ of a ​petulant​ ​young​ man in the ​film​.

5. Word- ​Accommodate

Meaning-​ ​To ​provide​ with a ​place​ to ​live​ or to be ​stored​ in

Usage​ - ​There wasn't enough ​space​ to ​accommodate​ the ​files​.

21​st​ September, 2020 – 25​th​ September, 2020

1. Word- ​banal

Meaning -​so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring

Usage​ - It was a ​banal​, yet apparently necessary observation about the Indian


2. Word​- coalesce

​ Meaning​ – ​come together to form one mass or whole

Usage​ - ​The ice masses ​coalesced​ into a glacier over time​.

3. Word​ – brevity

​Meaning ​– ​concise and exact use of words in writing or speech

Usage​ – The students did a good job on the ​brevity​ of the newsletter this week.

4. Word​ – blithely

​ Meaning​ – in a happy or carefree manner

​Usage​ – The prince was seen wandering ​blithely ​out into the courtyard.

5. Word​ – munificent

​ Meaning​ – characterized by or displaying great generosity

​Usage​ – ​J.K. Rowling was so ​munificent​ in her philanthropy that she had to be

removed from Forbes's list of billionaires!

28th September 2020 - 2nd October 2020

1. Word -​ Yearn

Meaning -​ desire strongly

​Usage​ - ​If you ​yearn​ to expand your taste buds, you should try food from a
different culture.

2. Word-​ Ephemeral

Meaning-​ anything short lived

Usage​ ​- ​Because of her ​ephemeral ​memory, she forgets things all the time!

3. ​Word-​ Inane

​Meaning-​ lacking sense, stupid, foolish, silly

Usage​ - ​Reema didn't giggle and ask ​inane​ questions.

4. Word-​ Mellifluous

Meaning -​ sweet and enjoyable

Usage​ - The baby was soon lulled to sleep by the ​mellifluous ​rocking of her crib.

5. Word-​ Vitiate

Meaning -​ make imperfect

​Usage​ – A single word may ​vitiate​ a contract.

Synopsis for the month of September 2020
Grade –7

English Literature Rapid Reader: Around the world in Eighty Days

● About the author

● Characters
● Plot of the novel
● Chapter 1 – 6 (videos)
● Quiz during live class
● Worksheet in form of test on Google Forms

English Articles
Language ● Definite and Indefinite articles
● Use “the” and not use “the”
● Use “a/an” and not use “a/an”
● Exercises from Adventures during live class
● Worksheet
● Kinds of Adjectives
● Degrees of Comparison
● Exercises from Adventures during live class
● Worksheet
● Descriptive Essay
● Picture composition
● Activity through the video

Biology Chapter 4 : Plant life

● Revision using playposit videos, 30 Question board and JNS
● Experiments
● Class Test
● Worksheet
Chapter 5 : Human Body -The excretory system
● Revision using playposit videos , 30 Question board.
● Project on the excretory system
● Class Test
● Worksheet
Physics Chapter 1 : Physical Quantities
● Fundamental Quantities
● Derived Quantities
● Measurement of Volume
● Measuring the Volume of Solids
● Measuring the Volume of Liquids
● Measurement of Area
● Area of Regular Shapes
● Area of Irregular Shapes
● Density
● Measurement of Density
● Determining the Density of Solids
● Determining the Density of a Liquid
● Speed
● Comparing Speed
Chemistry Chapter 4 : Atomic structure
● Representation of an atom
● Atomic weight and atomic number
● Electronic configuration
● Valency and valence electrons
● Cation and anion formation
● Isotopes, isobars and isotones
● Introduction of Periodic table
● Polyatomic ion
● Criss-cross method
Mathematics Chapter 12 : Triangle and its Properties
● Introduction to Polygons
● Regular and Irregular polygons
● Classification of triangles based on sides and angles
● Median, Centroid, Altitude, Orthocentre
● Angle sum property
● Isosceles triangle property
● Exterior angle property
Second language
● र​ स क बँद
ू े (क वता)
● ​ र​ ा वज (लेख)
● ​ वशेषण
● उपसग
● अनेक श द के लए एक श द


● ૫.રાનમાં [કા ય]
● ૭. વનપાથેય
● ચ વણન,
● િનબંધ,
● પ લેખન,
● શ દસ ૂહ
● બે અથવાળા શ દ,  
Third language ह द
● सवनाम क प रभाषा भेद व उदाहरण
● च वणन
● वचन क प रभाषा भेद व उदाहरण
● अपनी कमाई (पन ु राव ृ त)
● कदं ब का पेड़ (पन
ु राव ृ त)


● પાઠ – ૫ માનવતા મર પરવાર નથી

● પાઠ -૭ સમય પાલન
● િનબંધ લેખન ( ૃ ઠ – ૭૮ )
● પ લેખન
● ચ વણન
● ૂવ યય( ૃ ઠ – ૩૭)
History/Civics Chapter 4 :Turkish Invasion and Establishment of Delhi Sultanate
● Mahmud Ghazni
● Muhammad Ghori
● Qutbuddin Aibak
● Iltutmish
● Razia Sultan
● Balban
● Textual Exercise
● Activities
Chapter 12- Constitution and Preamble of India
Chapter 4 Turkish Invasion and Establishment of Delhi Sultanate
Geography Chapter 6: Recording of Weather
● Elements of Weather
● Instruments to measure elements of Weather
● Temperature
● Humidity
● Atmospheric Pressure
● Dew
● Precipitation
● Clouds
● Wind
● Isohyets//Isotherms
● Textual Based Question Answers
● Notes
● Worksheet
ICT Chapter 4: Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing
● Internet
● Advantages and Disadvantages of internet
● Computing ethics
● Unethical practices
● Cybercrime
● Safety measures

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