Msa mm01

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Part Name Support Gear Part Number P210514 Upper Control Limit 42.1 Appraiser A Gaurav Performed By Amit
Gauge / Equipment Name DIGITAL micrometer DMM-01 25-50mm Lower Control Limit 41.938 Appraiser B Bheem Date 13.04.2021
Gauge / Equip. Least Count 0.01 Characteristics Dim Tolerance 0.161999999999999 Appraiser C Sahil Record Number MSA-13-21-02
Characteristic Specification
DIM 41.938 42.1
Characteristic Classification Trials Parts Appraisers Date Performed Characteristic Classification Trials Parts Appraisers
3 10 3 3 10 3

APPRAISER/ PART AVERAGE Measurement Unit Analysis % Tolerance (Tol)

TRIAL # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Repeatability - Equipment Variation (EV)
1. A 1 41.946 41.939 41.999 41.956 41.965 41.964 41.989 41.986 41.985 41.993 41.972 EV = R x K1 Trials K1 % EV = 100 (EV/Tol)
2 2 41.948 41.940 41.998 41.955 41.961 41.965 41.984 41.990 41.988 41.994 41.972 = 0.004 x 0.5908 2 0.8862 = 100(0.002/0.027)
3 3 41.944 41.941 41.997 41.951 41.963 41.959 41.986 41.991 41.984 41.990 41.971 = 0.002 3 0.5908 = 8.39
4 AVE 41.95 41.94 42.00 41.95 41.96 41.96 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 xa= 41.972 Reproducibility - Appraiser Variation (AV)
5 R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 ra= 0.004 AV = {(xDIFF x K2)2 - (EV2/nr)}1/2 % AV = 100 (AV/Tol)
6. B 1 41.940 41.943 41.995 41.956 41.965 41.964 41.989 41.992 41.985 41.993 41.972 = {(0.000 x 0.5231)^2 - (0.002 ^2/(10 x 3))}^1/2 = 100(0.003/0.027)
7 2 41.945 41.938 41.996 41.956 41.961 41.964 41.984 41.990 41.988 41.994 41.972 = 0.003 = 11.08
8 3 41.942 41.941 41.997 41.956 41.963 41.962 41.986 41.991 41.984 41.990 41.971 Appraisers 2 3
9 AVE 41.94 41.94 42.00 41.96 41.96 41.96 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 xb= 41.972 n = parts r = trials K2 0.7071 0.5231
10 R 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 rb= 0.003 Repeatability & Reproducibility (GRR) % GRR = 100 (GRR/Tol)
11. C 1 41.946 41.939 41.999 41.956 41.965 41.964 41.989 41.986 41.985 41.993 41.972 GRR = {(EV2 + AV2)}1/2 Parts K3 = 100(0.004/0.027)
12 2 41.948 41.940 41.998 41.955 41.961 41.965 41.984 41.990 41.988 41.994 41.972 = {(0.002^2 + 0.003^2)}^1/2 2 0.7071 = 13.90
13 3 41.944 41.941 41.997 41.951 41.963 41.959 41.986 41.991 41.984 41.990 41.971 = 0.004 3 0.5231 Gage system may be acceptable
14 AVE 41.95 41.94 42.00 41.95 41.96 41.96 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 x c= 41.972 Part Variation (PV) 4 0.4467
15 R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 rc= 0.004 PV = RP x K3 5 0.4030 % PV = 100 (PV/Tol)
16. PART X= 41.972 = 0.057 x 0.3146 6 0.3742 = 100(0.018/0.027)
AVERAGE 41.94 41.94 42.00 41.95 41.96 41.96 41.99 41.99 41.99 41.99 Rp= 0.057 = 0.018 7 0.3534 = 66.55
17 (ra + rb + rc) / (# OF APPRAISERS) = R= 0.004 Tolerance (Tol) tv 8 0.3375
18 xDIFF = (Max x - Min x) = xDIFF 0.000 Tol = Upper - Lower / 6 0.018355 9 0.3249 ndc = 1.41(PV/GRR)
19 * UCLR = R x D4 UCL 0.010 = ( 42.1 - 41.938 ) / 6 10 0.3146 = 1.41(0.018/0.004)
= 0.027 = 6
* D4 =3.27 for 2 trials and 2.58 for 3 trials. UCLR represents the limit of individual R's. Circle those that are 1.41 0.361538 Gage discrimination acceptable
beyond this limit. Identify the cause and correct. Repeat these readings using the same appraiser and unit as originally used or 0.156 0.04 3.9
discard values and re-average and recompute R and the limiting value from the remaining observations.
For information on the theory and constants used in the form see MSA Reference Manual, Fourth edition.
Notes: % GRR under 10 acceptable msa EV>AV : instruments needs maintenance,improvement needed ndc≥5 then acceptable ( if less than 5 action required)
% GRR 10% - 30% May be acceptable AV>EV : Appraiser needs training or instrument not readable
% GRR over 30% unacceptable

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