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Discussion Forum Unit 4

1.      Having read this week's assigned materials, how would you define critical thinking?

Critical thinking is a method of solving a problem that allows us to dissect a situation, uncover
hidden concerns like bias and manipulation, and make the best conclusion possible. If the critical
portion sounds pessimistic, it's because of its nature. A person who employs critical thinking
examines all available possibilities with skepticism rather than choosing a solution because it
feels appropriate. They'll eliminate everything but the most useful and dependable information
using the instruments at their disposal. There are a variety of approaches to critical thinking, but
here's a five-step method that can help you handle a variety of issues. One, come up with a
query. To put it another way, know exactly what you're looking for (TED-Ed., 2016). For
example, you may see that news posts that were where you were there and have seen it and
completely different from what you have seen. Or you may have experienced some critical
points when joining to university and which department to select. That is where to apply critical
thinking for its simplest meaning.

2.       Why are employers making these comments? Are they justified – should colleges be
responsible for teaching critical thinking? If not, whose job, is it?

Employers look for critical thinkers among college grads. The impact of college curricula on
critical thinking abilities, on the other hand, is debatable. Furthermore, those who have a low
critical thinking capacity may find it difficult to improve it because they lack the metacognition
skills needed to effectively judge their thought processes' flaws (Introduction to Critical
Thinking., 2019). When you were in high school you are not expected you may not be expected
to bring a new idea or think critically and analyze ideas and solve problems. You are expected to
read and respond to the reading accordingly. But in college is different that you will be given
problems to solve by thinking critically. It starts from managing your time up to the decision to
choose which field to join. You must also be aware of the environment you are living in is
different from the high school you were living in. Therefore, after college, you are expected to
become a complete and better thinker. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing(UMLP,
2015, pp. 110-111). Therefore, we can conclude that it is the responsibility of colleges for
teaching critical thinking.

Word Count=428


Introduction: Critical Thinking. (2019). Critical Thinking, 1-12. doi:10.1525/9780520965478-


University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2015). Thinking about The thought: It’s All in
Your Head. College success (pp. 110-111).

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