Part B: Title of Micro-Project - Laser

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Mini projects for engineer students give an edge the race of recruitment to work hard
to ensure a good carrier. The importance of micro — projects cannot be stressed, experts
say. In spite of theory concept you acquire, various industries also need to know your
capacity to complete project using your specific initiative. So, we recommend students do
mini engineer projects in their four years of engineering and try to present as many white
papers as possible in engineering third year.

2.0 Aim of the Micro – Project :-

1. To find information about types of laser.

2. Application of laser.

3.0 Course outcomes achieved :-

1. ………………………………….

4.0 Actual methodology followed :-

Taking the micro project title from sir. Then first discussing the title of micro project with
whole group and then taking information about the title of the micro project. Distribution
the work of micro project by giving work for each member of group. When we find the
information about our micro project checking the information then making chart
displaying various types of laser and specification using concept of applied physics .
When micro project is ready then making report, part A and part B for micro project by
using any pc. when the report, part A and part B is ready then submitting the micro
project to sir.

5.0 Actual recourse used :-

Sr. No. Names of Resource /material Specification Qty. Remarks

1. MS WORD - - Used
2. CHART PAPER White colour 1 Used
3. SKETCH PENS Different colours 12 Used

7.0 Skill developed Technical/Non-technical Skilled mark tick ()
1. Information collection 
2. Information analysis 
3. Planning 
4. Familiar with subjects knowledge 
5. Literature review 
6. Any other 

8.0 Applications of this micro project

Laser is an optical device that generates intense beam of coherent monochromatic light
by stimulated emission of radiation.

Laser light is different from an ordinary light. It has various unique properties such as
coherence, monochromacity, directionality, and high intensity. Because of these unique
properties, lasers are used in various applications.
Different applications need lasers with different output powers. Lasers that produce a
continuous beam or a series of short pulses can be compared on the basis of their average
power. Lasers that produce pulses can also be characterized based on the peak power of
each pulse. The peak power of a pulsed laser is many orders of magnitude greater than its
average power. The average output power is always less than the power consumed.

The most significant applications of lasers include:

 Lasers in medicine

 Lasers in communication.

 Lasers in industries

 Lasers in science and technology

 Lasers in military

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