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Special Keyboard Characters

The listing of characters on this page are available on all standard keyboards that I know of. As long as the program
and operating system supports ANSI, these characters will all work. One acception that I know of is DOS. Some of
these characters work in DOS and some do not. DOS will display some of these characters the right way and others
the wrong way. Laptops are also questionable...I have used some of them to make these characters and others that
won't. You may need to turn numlock on or off to make them work on laptop keyboards. There are 255 key
combinations that I have listed. Test more numbers out
yourself...I'm sure there are more than what I have listed here. All of these characters are made by pressing and
holding the "ALT" button while typing a number combination on the keypad. That is important, if you want them to must hold the ALT button down while typing in the number combination....and you must use the keypad.
The numbers at the top of your keyboard don't usually work...I have never found an exception to those two factors.

Example : ALT + 0174 = ® or ALT + 0167 = §

(Keep in mind that a lot of these characters already exist on you keyboard.)

Example : ALT + 0065 = A or ALT + 0033 = !


Number used Character Description


0000 - 0008 Unused

0009 Horizontal tab

0010 Line feed

0011 - 0031 Unused

0032 Space

0033 ! Exclamation mark

0034 " Quotation mark

0035 # Number sign

0036 $ Dollar sign

0037 % Percent sign

0038 & Amperstand

0039 ' Apostrophe

0040 ( Left parenthesis

0041 ) Right parenthesis

0042 * Asterisk

0043 + Plus sign

0044 , Comma

0045 - Hyphen

0046 . Period

0047 / Solidus (slash)

0048 - 0057 0-9 Digits 0 - 9

0058 : Colon

0059 ; Semi-colon

0060 < Less than

0061 = Equals sign

0062 > Greater than

0063 ? Question mark

0064 @ Commercial at

0065 - 0090 A-Z Letters A - Z (capitals)

0091 [ Left square bracket

0092 \ Reverse solidus (backslash)

0093 ] Right square bracket

0094 ^ Caret

0095 _ Horizontal bar

0096 ` Grave accent

0097 - 0122 a-z Letters a - z (lower case)

0123 { Left curly brace

0124 | Vertical bar

0125 } Right curly brace

0126 ~ Tilde

0127 - 0160 Unused

0161 ¡ Inverted exclamation

0162 ¢ Cent sign

0163 £ Pound sterling

0164 ¤ General currency sign

0165 ¥ Yen sign

0166 ¦ Broken vertical bar

0167 § Section sign

0168 ¨ Umlaut (dieresis)

0169 © Copyright

0170 ª Feminine ordinal

0171 « Left angle quote (guillemotleft)

0172 ¬ Not sign

0173 Soft hyphen

0174 ® Registered trademark

0175 ¯ Macron accent

0176 ° Degree sign

0177 ± Plus or minus

0178 ² Superscript two

0179 ³ Superscript three

0180 ´ Acute accent

0181 µ Micro sign

0182 ¶ Paragraph sign

0183 · Middle dot

0184 ¸ Cedilla

0185 ¹ Superscript one

0186 º Masculine ordinal

0187 » Right angle quote (guillemotright)

0188 ¼ Fraction one-fourth

0189 ½ Fraction one-half

0190 ¾ Fraction three-fourths

0191 ¿ Inverted question mark

0192 À Capital A , grave accent

0193 Á Capital A , acute accent

0194 Â Capital A , circumflex accent

0195 Ã Capital A , tilde

0196 Ä Capital A , dieresis or umlaut mark

0197 Å Capital A , ring

0198 Æ Capital AE dipthong (ligature)

0199 Ç Capital C , cedilla

0200 È Capital E , grave accent

0201 É Capital E , acute accent

0202 Ê Capital E , circumflex accent

0203 Ë Capital E , dieresis or umlaut mark

0204 Ì Capital I , grave accent

0205 Í Capital I , acute accent

0206 Î Capital I , circumflex accent

0207 Ï Capital I , dieresis or umlaut mark

0208 Ð Capital Eth , Icelandic

0209 Ñ Capital N , tilde

0210 Ò Capital O , grave accent

0211 Ó Capital O , acute accent

0212 Ô Capital O , circumflex accent

0213 Õ Capital O , tilde

0214 Ö Capital O , dieresis or umlaut mark

0215 × Multiply sign

0216 Ø Capital O , slash

0217 Ù Capital U , grave accent

0218 Ú Capital U , acute accent

0219 Û Capital U , circumflex accent

0220 Ü Capital U , dieresis or umlaut mark

0221 Ý Capital Y , acute accent

0222 Þ Capital THORN , Icelandic

0223 ß Small sharp s , German (sz ligature)

0224 à Small a , grave accent

0225 á Small a , acute accent

0226 â Small a , circumflex accent

0227 ã Small a , tilde

0228 ä Small a , dieresis or umlaut mark

0229 å Small a , ring

0230 æ Small ae dipthong (ligature)

0231 ç Small c , cedilla

0232 è Small e , grave accent

0233 é Small e , acute accent

0234 ê Small e , circumflex accent

0235 ë Small e , dieresis or umlaut mark

0236 ì Small i , grave accent

0237 í Small i , acute accent

0238 î Small i , circumflex accent

0239 ï Small i , dieresis or umlaut mark

0240 ð Small eth , Icelandic

0241 ñ Small n , tilde

0242 ò Small o , grave accent

0243 ó Small o , acute accent

0244 ô Small o , circumflex accent

0245 õ Small o , tilde

0246 ö Small o , dieresis or umlaut mark

0247 ÷ Division sign

0248 ø Small o , slash

0249 ù Small u , grave accent

0250 ú Small u , acute accent

0251 û Small u , circumflex accent

0252 ü Small u , dieresis or umlaut mark

0253 ý Small y , acute accent

0254 þ Small thorn , Icelandic

0255 ÿ Small y , dieresis or umlaut mark


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