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Vol. 121 No. 12 THE BACK MOUNTAIN'S NEWSPAPER SINCE 1889 May 8 - 14, 2011


WILKES-BARRE, PA. An edition of The Times Leader

Pilot program allows DHS students to go high-tech

Students now allowed to students will be allowed to take MORE INFO very busy – he and a team of in- Cloud computing will also
their own computers to the high terns and part-time staff will give more responsibility to stu-
take laptops and personal school. Laptops will be provided For more information about the Dallas High School’s one-to-one pilot need to register and equip each dents in terms of saving work for
computing devices to school. program, visit
for those students who cannot computer with anti-virus soft- personal use – while Gartrell said
take their own in to school or for ware, as well as answer calls to the server at Dallas is backed up
By SARAH HITE those who do not have one of nology director, said the pro- Cloud computing refers to uti- solve tricky computer issues. every night, students will still their own. gram has been a long time com- lizing e-mail, data space, applica- “This year, we’ve had 1,300 need to use USB drives or other
Currently the district is ing – about three years, to be ex- tions and other functions hosted calls to our help desk,” he said. ways to save their work in the
equipped with one laptop for ev- act. by another company via the In- “Last year, we only had 450.” event a server goes down, or the
The Dallas High School has ery two students, but next year He said the district needed to ternet. Cloud computing frees Google will host the Dallas information is somehow lost.
gone mobile – in terms of com- the program is going one-to-one be able to fund the project before computer space on personal de- program and students can e-mail “Google apps is designed for
puting, that is. and the pilot program will be a it could get off its feet, including vices and saves money spent on teachers, retrieve homework and short term use,” he said. “Stu-
The school began its one-to- way for teachers, students and getting a faster Internet connec- software that could perform the save assignments on the system dents’ accounts will be removed
one pilot program on Tuesday, al- administrators to better under- tion, going wireless and prepar- same functions. accessed through a special web- after they graduate.”
lowing students to take laptops stand its effects on the way mate- ing for cloud computing. Gartrell estimates about 75 site. The school also has secure, fil-
and other portable computing rials are taught and how students “With the budget cuts, this was percent of high school students “We’re not spending money on tered Internet, making it impos-
devices to school. The program learn. planned out of the technology plan to bring a computer from software,” said Gartrell. “Google
is a test run for next year when Bill Gartrell, the district’s tech- budget,” he said. home, which will keep his staff apps is free to schools.” See PILOT, Page 12


stall on
gas law

Zoning issues related to natu-

ral gas drilling are a concern for
Dallas Township residents, and
supervisors have acknowledged
them – the board’s vote against a
publicly criticized proposed zon-
ing amendment Tuesday was
met with applause from resi-
The board did approve a reso-
lution declaring the current zon-
ing ordinance “invalid,” giving
the township 30 days to assess
the inadequacies in relation to
dealing with “natural gas explo-
ration, processing, production,
transmission, odorizing, meter-
ing, filtering, maintenance, com-
munication and other related ac-
tivities” proposed in the town-
The township would also have
180 days in which to provide a cu-
rative amendment to the defi-
ciencies, which is permitted un-
der section 609.2 of the state mu-
nicipal planning code.
Gretchen McClain and her 3-month-old daughter Paige, who was born on New Year’s Eve, spend time together during the first weekend of Back Mountain “These things aren’t used very
Baseball acting watching Paige’s step-brother Evan McClain play for the Back Mountain Yankees. The modern Mother’s Day, which is being celebrated today, is often,” said Solicitor Thomas
held on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March, April, or May as a day to honor mothers and motherhood.
See GAS, Page 12

First-ever Miss Teen Pageant is winner

Miss Luzerne County Outstand- ing Teen 2011 competition, held
Miss Luzerne County Outstanding Teen - Rebecca Zaneski of Ed-
last month in the Dallas Middle wardsville
School auditorium. Won a $250 scholarship, official crown and crown box, flowers, banner,
Samantha LaNunziata, 13, of Four girls from the Back Moun- evening gown, entry fees to state competition, Mary Kay beauty prod-
Trucksville, and Mason Palis- tain and five others from Luzerne ucts and hair care
sery, 15, of Dallas, held hands First runner up – Alexis Selli of Nanticoke
County competed in the event, Won a $50 scholarship
while they danced and lip synced which awarded prizes to the over- Second runner up – Sukesha Ray of Mechanicsburg
to songs on the radio. all winner and the first, second, Won a $50 scholarship
The girls wore formal dresses – third and fourth runners up. The Third runner up – Mikayla Orrson of Lehman Township
LaNunziata’s was black satin Won a $50 savings bond
contest also awarded scholar- Fourth runner up – Rebecca Colwell of Wyoming
with sparkly décor while Palis- ships to an interview winner and Won a $50 savings bond
sery’s was a nude, calf-length a talent winner. Talent winner – Sukesha Ray for singing “Wishing You Were Somehow
number with a lace covering – The overall winner, Miss Lu- Here Again” of Phantom of the Opera
but both were barefoot. Won a $100 scholarship
zerne County Outstanding Teen Interview winner – Rebecca Zaneski for her platform “B.E.C.K.Y. (Basic
Behind them, seven other girls Rebecca Zaneski of Edwards- Exercising Can Keep You) Healthy”
applied blush to their cheeks, ville, won, in addition to a $250 Won a $100 scholarship CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK/ FOR THE DALLAS POST
glanced nervously in mirrors and scholarship, a crown, a crown Mason Palissery and Samantha LaNunziata offer comfort to each
fidgeted with the tulle and taffeta box, flowers, a banner, the eve- other during the tense moments before the contest begins.
on their own dresses. ning gown she wore, entrance
The girls were prepping to step player wasn’t used to dresses and “Jocelyn came and talked to me or campaign, eventually choos- Duffy – kept score to eventually
fees for the next competition lev-
onstage in style for the first-ever makeup, but thought the pageant and my mom,” said LaNunziata. ing to work at stopping animal name a winner at the event. Judg-
el and beauty and hair care prod-
ucts. was a fun way to get out of her “I don’t normally like to dress up abuse. es were briefed at a conference
For many of the girls, the pag- shell. but I wanted to have fun and meet “You always see it on TV, ani- earlier in the day, and also held
eant was their first foray into on- She was urged to sign up by new people. I thought it was go- mals being neglected,” she said. private interviews with each of
stage primp and pomp. LaNun- current Miss Pennsylvania Out- ing to be scary but it’s not.” “And my dog was abused before the girls prior to the event.
ziata said she was once the standing Teen Jocelyn Gruber, LaNunziata had about a month we rescued him. His name is Co- “These qualified contestants
“queen of something,” but who spoke to Dallas Middle to shop for dresses, practice her nan.” shattered any stereotypes of pag-
couldn’t quite remember the de- School students about bullying talent and develop a platform - a Six judges – including Dallas
tails. The seventh-grade softball earlier this year. community service organization Middle School Principal Tom See TEEN, Page 12

PAGE 2 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

◆ CROSSWORD CORNER Puzzle answers, Page 12

Open House is planned


MONDAY, MAY 9 A story about the Lake-Leh-

at Dallas Senior Center

Dallas School Board man and Dallas high school la-
2000 Conyngham Ave., Dallas Township crosse teams that appeared on
The school board will hold a regular meeting at 7 p.m. in the page 10 of the May 1 edition of
administration building. The Dallas Post requires a cor-
Center on Rice Street under through Friday to individuals 690 Kingston Township rection.
years of age and older. 180 E. Center St., Shavertown The Lake-Lehman Founda-
new management; Open In addition to meals, various tion donated $515 to help pay
The board of supervisors will hold a work session at 7 p.m. in the
House planned for May 18. other activities, such as exercise, municipal building. for the Lake-Lehman lacrosse
Bingo, Pokeno, informational Lake-Lehman School Board team’s goals.
The Dallas Senior Center, speakers, are offered. The school board will hold a committee-of-the-whole meeting The foundation raises and
sponsored by the Area Agency on For additional information, at 7 p.m. in the junior/senior high school library. allocates funds to enhance the
Aging for Luzerne/Wyoming call Sherlene Long director, at Lake-Lehman School District
Counties, will host an Open 675-2179. and community through edu-
House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 cational programs, extracur-
Wednesday, May 18 to celebrate Kingston Township ricular programs and commu-
National Older Americans Sherlene Long is the new direc- 180 E. Center St., Shavertown nity services, according to the
Month. tor of the Dallas Senior Center, The board of supervisors will hold a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. organization’s website.
The center is located at 22 Rice spnosoreed by the Area Agency in the municipal building.
St., Dallas and is currently under on Aging for Luzerne/Wyoming Lake Township
new management. Nutritional counties. The center is located
488 State Rte. 29, Harveys Lake
meals are offered Monday at 22 Rice St., Dallas.
The board of supervisors will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. in the
municipal building.

Coverage Area: The Dallas Post covers the
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Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 3


Keystone Exams,
dress code on
board’s agenda
By SARAH HITE “This is my 10th year in
high school administra- Elizabeth Fairchild, of Shavertown, and Alice Bartlett, of Dallas, Deb Cooper, right, of Dallas, explains to Cassie Munzing, of Sha-
The Dallas School Board re- tion, and I just realized meet at the appetizer table. vertown, how she isn’t trying to cut into the appetizer line.
ceived an update about the
it. When it comes to

looming state-mandated Keys-
tone Exams at a meeting Mon- fashions with high
day night.
Paul Reinert, director of curri-
school age kids, fashions
culum and instruction and as- come faster than we can

sistant superintendent, said it is
still difficult to determine what
make policies.”
will be required of the district be- Jeffrey Shaffer
cause information on the exams Dallas High School principal
is constantly changing – he

called them “a moving target.”
The Keystone Exams are end- the option to create its own as-
of-course tests created by the sessment for each course, but
state Department of Education these exams would need to be
that will be required of high validated by the state Depart-
school students in 10 subjects - ment of Education.
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Reinert also said creating a lo-
Literature, English Composi- cal assessment may interfere The Friends of the Back
tion, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. with the district’s ability to meet Mountain Memorial Library
History, World History and Civ- state Adequate Yearly Progress hosted their 23rd Annual Lun-
ics and Government. (AYP) standards. He said the No cheon with a Special Author on
Reinert said the district can Child Left Behind Act is set to April 28 at the Appletree Ter-
administer the state-created ex- expire, and with that federal race, Newberry Estate, Dallas.
ams and have them count for Act’s realignment, Adequate Guest speaker was Mary Gar-
rity Slaby, an area author and
one-third of students’ grade in Yearly Progress reporting may
each corresponding course or al- also change – and may depend CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST
Slaby, whose pen name is Mol-
low the test to be taken without on the usage of the Keystone Ex- lie Roe, is a veteran language Kay Simons, left, Ann Russin, center, and Nancy Edgerton greet each other at the luncheon.
interfering with students’ course ams. arts and reading teacher at Lake-
grades. However, students must He said the Keystone Exams Lehman Junior-Senior High
score proficiently on the test in have been put on hold for now – School. She holds a Ph.D. in edu- in Philadelphia, raised in Schuyl- 2010 Mom’s Choice Award, is takes place in our own back yard.
the latter scenario or they will with state budget cuts, it may be cation from Temple University kill County and resides in Dallas. the first in the author’s trilogy of All proceeds from the lun-
not be eligible for a diploma. and has PA Teaching Certifica- “Call Me Kate: Meeting the historical novels loosely based cheon and sale of books will ben-
The district could also have See AGENDA, Page 12 tions in six areas. She was born Molly Maguires,” winner of a on the lives of her ancestors and efit the library.

Rep. Boback is named 2011


Woman of the Year in Politics Supervisors will seek help to

The Luzerne County Council
of Republican Women present-
prevent future flooding issues
ed State Representative Karen By EILEEN GODIN supervisors contact the Luzerne Mountain Community Partner-
Boback (R-Harveys Lake) with Dallas Post Correspondent County engineer to discuss op- ship resolution to hold a munici-
the 2011 Woman of the Year in tions to prevent a recurrence. He pal auction at 10 a.m. on June 11
Politics award on Saturday, said perhaps debris could be at the Jackson Township munici-
April 30. Supervisors agreed to seek cleaned out of the streem, start- pal building. Refreshments will
The honor was bestowed up- help in preventing future flood- ing at the dam and heading down be sold by members of Boy Scout
on Boback at the Women in ing, announced an upcoming mu- stream to the Kingston Township Troop 146.
Politics Breakfast hosted by nicipal auction and showed off line. Supervisor Tim Evans • Supervisors approved to
The Luzerne County Council awards received for involvement agreed, stating something needs change the status of David Lu-
of Republican Women at the in the Back Mountain Communi- to be done before a “real prob- lewicz, a mechanic equipment
Ramada Inn downtown Wilkes- ty Partnership agreement. lem” happens in that area. operator from part-time to full-
Barre. A unanimous vote was passed The multi-municipal Emergen- time as per the Road Department
Dolores Grabko, president, Monday morning to send a letter cy Management Agreement had Union Contract. Lulewicz has
Luzerne County Council of Re- to the Luzerne County engineer an opportunity to be called into worked with the Road Depart-
action due to the recent weather- ment as a part-time employee for
publican Women, provided the for assistance in finding a perma-
related emergencies. the past seven years, Wilkes said.
welcome and introduction for nent solution to prevent flooding
The EMA partnership, adopt- • Supervisors authorized the
the presenters who included from Hillside Creek in the area
ed by Jackson Township in Febru- road master to hire temporary
State Senator Lisa Baker (R- just below the Farmers Inn on ary, combines Jackson Township seasonal recreation park attend-
Luzerne); Reverend Charles Hillside Road. emergency equipment resources ants at a rate of $7.25 per hour.
Gommer, campaign chairman, Along with the region’s current with Dallas Township, Dallas • Wilkes announced the Back
Friends of Karen Boback; and wet weather pattern, Jackson Borough, Lehman Township, Mountain Community Partner-
State Representative Tarah Township has dealt with Hillside Kingston Township and Franklin ship had recently received
Toohil (R-Luzerne). Creek overflowing its banks Township. awards from the Wilkes-Barre
Boback, Ph.D. was first elect- twice this year, on March 11 and Supervisor John Wilkes Jr. said Chamber of Commerce, the
ed in 2006 to serve the 117th again on April 28. The water from the agreement was invaluable as Pennsylvania State Townships
District in the Pennsylvania the swollen creek, generated assistance from neighboring mu- Association of Supervisors, the
House of Representatives. She from overflow from Hillside nicipalities, along with help from House of Representatives and
serves on the House Agricul- Dam, washed across the lower SCI-Dallas, helped “things go Senate for entering into an agree-
ture and Rural Affairs, Gaming REP. KAREN BOBACK section of Hillside Road, affect- smoothly.” ment to share resources benefit-
Oversight, Tourism and Recre- ing a handful of homes. In other news … ting the quality of life of residents
ational Development and Veter- Supervisor Al Fox suggested • Supervisors approved a Back and better use of tax dollars.
ans Affairs and Emergency Pre- tizens in her district and com- back for her deep commitment
paredness committees. She is munity.” to all of the residents in her
the subcommittee chairman of Sen. Baker was named the district. “Karen has a positive ROSS TOWNSHIP
Military and Veterans Facili- 2010 Woman in Politics of the vision for how to make things

Few radio units must be replaced

ties, and Speaker of the House Year at the inaugural awards happen in our state,” he said.
Sam Smith appointed her to breakfast in May 2010. A lifelong resident of north-
serve on the Veterans’ Home Reverend Charles Gommer, eastern Pennsylvania, boback
Advisory Council for the Gino campaign chairman, Friends of currently resides at Harveys
J. Merli Veterans Center Karen Boback praised Rep. Bo- Lake.
(Northeastern). By EILEEN GODIN more frequencies for future use. Township.
Moderator for the awards Dallas Post Correspondent Davis contacted Purosky and The following items will be ac-

Senior citizens will enjoy

program was State Representa- Tuckerman, a two-way radio cepted: answering machines, CD
tive Tarah Toohil who read a dealer in Dickson City, and players, hard drives, mainframe
letter from Smith that stated in During Tuesday night’s meet- learned that most of the town- computer equipment, modems,
part: “Karen is so deserving of
this honor. She is not only a
wonderful representative on be-
44th annual dinner dance ing, supervisors announced only
a handful of radio communica-
tion units may need to be re-
ship’s radio systems can be repro-
grammed to operate on the nar-
row ban.
printers, radios, scanners, tape
players, transparency makers,
word processors, VCRs, personal
half of the Republican Party “Hollywood Glamour” is sons chosen to be the King placed due to a Federal Commu- The township owns nine mo- computers, central processing
but, more importantly, she is a this year’s theme for the 44th and Queen of the dance. nication Commission law re- bile units and three portable ra- unit, monitor, keyboard and
devoted and caring Representa- annual senior dinner dance The event is open to all quirement. dio communication units. In or- mouse units, telephones, cam-
tive of the 117th Legislative sponsored by the Area Agency adults. Tickets are $21 for age Last month, supervisors dis- der to be in accordance with a corders, copiers, fax machines,
District in the Pennsylvania on Aging for Luzerne-Wyom- 60 plus and $22 for under age cussed the need to determine new FCC regulation, Davis esti- laptops, microwaves, mobile
House of Representatives.” how many of their radio commu- mates four units will need to be phones, pagers, printed circuit
ing Counties from 2 to 6 p.m. 60 and include dinner choice
Sen. Baker read a quotation nication units could be repro- replaced by October 2011. boards, remote controls, stereos,
on Wednesday, May 11 at Ge- of prime rib, sole stuffed with
by John Quincy Adams who grammed and how many may “Quotes will be sought for new televisions and typewriters.
netti’s Best Western, Wilkes- crab imperial or chicken fran- need to be replaced. radios,” he said. There is a 100-pound per item
stated, “If your action inspires
others to dream more, learn Barre. cais. A cash bar will be avail- Chairman Stanford Davis ex- In other news … weight limit. Pre-registration is
more, do more and become Music will be provide by the able. plained the FCC passed a law re- • Davis announced a free elec- required for 20 or more comput-
more, you are a leader.” She “Fancy Dancer” band. There Tickets can be purchased at quiring all radio systems to oper- tronic recycling collection is ers or similar sized items.
when on to say, “Karen Boback will be over 65 door prizes and any senior center or by calling ate on narrow ban frequencies scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those wishing to participate
embodies that statement. She a grand prize donated by Cen- Rhonda Adams at 822-1159, versus the wide ban frequencies. on June 11 at the Hanover Junior should call 1-800-821-7654 for
is committed to serving the ci- tral Penn Gas for the lucky per- ext. 3337. The narrow ban would create Senior High School in Hanover more information.

PAGE 4 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

OBITUARIES Gerald Ross and Max Rosenthal.

She was educated at St. Ann’s
brother, Ralph; sister, Theresa;
nieces and nephews. SUMC RUMMAGE SALE PLANNED
BARNA - Nicholas “Nick” Sr., Academy, Wilkes-Barre, and
78, of Punta Gorda, Fla., and for- College Misericordia, Dallas. SIMKO - Phyllis R., 51, of
merly of Tunkhannock and Min- She was a life member of Tem- Tunkhannock, died Friday, April
ers Mills, died on Friday, April ple Israel, Wilkes-Barre, a mem- 29, 2011, at home.
22, 2011. ber of Hadassah and a life mem- She was born January 13,
He was born November 13, ber of the Longboat Key Coun- 1960, in Pittston, and was em-
1932, in Miners Mills, and was try Club. ployed most of her life as a pri-
employed at Procter & Gamble Surviving are her son, Dr. Ri- vate personal care assistant and
in Mehoopany for 27 years be- chard, Holland, N.Y.; and her nursing assistant.
fore retiring in 1996 and relocat- daughter, Patricia Rosenthal, Surviving are her mother,
ing to Florida in 2000. Dallas; three grandchildren; five Phyllis Dovin Redmond; her
He was a member of Nativity great-grandchildren. husband of 15 years, Ronald;
B.V.M. Catholic Church, Tunk- Memorial donations to the sons, James, of Pittston; and Er-
hannock, and the American Le- Jewish Home of Northeastern ic, of Tunkhannock; daughter,
gion Post 0558, Plains Town- Pa., 1101 Vine St., Scranton, PA Amy Dupras, of Tunkhannock;
ship. He served in the U.S. Army 18510; or Wyoming Seminary, three grandchildren; brother,
from 1950 to 1953 and was a vet- The Shavertown United Methodist Church Spring Rummage Sale will beheld from 8:30 a.m. to
201 Sprague Ave., Kingston, PA Harry Redmond, of Pittston;
eran of the Korean War. 18704. 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 14 at the church on Pioneer Avenue. Planning the sale are, from left, Nancy
nieces, nephews, aunts and un- Dingman, Sandy Michalisin, Greg Novistad, Tina Novistad, Jen Dent, Victoria Dent, Bonnie Zie-
Surviving are his wife, the for- cles.
mer Lillian Radzville; a son, LOEFFLAD - Ann, of Spring gler, Royal Sutton, Jean Parrs and Sherri Waslick.
Memorial donations to Amer-
Nick Jr., of Missouri; daughters, Street, Shavertown, died Sun- ican Cancer Society, 190 Welles
Kathy Snell, Michele Whitmill- day, April 24, 2011, in Green St., Suite 118, Forty Fort, PA
er and Jody Viscomi, all of Tunk- Meadows at Allentown, Allen- 18704.
hannock; and Kim Van Fleet, of
Meshoppen; 12 grandchildren;
She was born March 8, 1933, TEETSEL - Kenneth S. Jr., 41,
two great-grandchildren; sis- in Waymart, graduated from of Noxen, died at home Monday,
ters, Bernadine Serafin, of Allen- Waymart High School as vale- April 25, 2011, of natural causes.
town; and Agnes Bosha; nieces dictorian of the class of 1950 and He was born in Wilkes-Barre
and nephews. from the Wilkes-Barre Mercy
on January 5, 1970, was a gradu-
Memorial donations to Ro- Hospital School of Nursing in
ate of Elk Lake High School and
nald McDonald House, P.O. Box 1953.
was formerly employed by Leg-
300, Danville, PA 17821. She resided on South Love-
gett and Platt in Hanover Town-
land Street, Kingston, for many
DOWNING - Sister Marjorie years and was employed as a reg-
He was a member of the Tunk-
R.S.M., a member of the Insti- istered nurse prior to her retire-
hannock Moose Lodge 1276 and
tute of the Sisters of Mercy, Mid- ment in 1995 from Community
Atlantic Community, died at the S.A.L. in Harveys Lake.
Counseling Services.
Mercy Center on Saturday, April Surviving are his mother,
Surviving are sons, Gerald A,
23, 2011. Shavertown; Daniel J., Allen- Kathryn Pond Teetsel; his sister,
The former Winifred Ann town; and Martin R., Seattle, Denyell May; several nieces.
Downing, she was born June 29, Wash.; daughter, Amy Kunkel, ,
1938, in New York, N.Y. Sister Nazareth; five grandchildren. TUCK - Henry C. Jr., original-
Marjorie graduated from Bishop Memorial donations to Volun- ly from Dallas and a resident of
McDonnell High School, Brook- teers in Medicine, 190 N. Penn- New Port Richey, Fla., died
lyn, and received a B.S. in Histo- sylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre, PA Wednesday, April 6, 2011 in The Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 55 W. Center Hill Rd., Dallas, will host an Open
ry from Misericordia University, 18702. Bayonet Point Medical Center House and Health Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 12 in the lobby and community
then known as College Miser- in Hudson, Fla. room. The community is invited free or charge. Various health-related and wellness and beauty
icordia, and an M.S. in History NALLON - Alice Mae Del- He was born and raised in companies will provide screenings, information, brochures, samples and various other services.
from Villanova University. more, 75, of Shavertown, died Kingston, moved to the Back Tours of the facility will be provided on request. A nutritious lunch will be available to purchase.
She entered the Sisters of Thursday, April 28, 2011, at the Mountain in 1964, then retired For more information, call Volunteer Services at 675-8600, ext. 195. Members of the planning
Mercy on September 8, 1956, in Meadows Nursing and Rehabil- to Florida in 1992. He graduated committee are, from left, Marilyn Gregorski, volunteer director; Susan Gillespie, Ascera Care;
Dallas, and professed her vows itation Center, Dallas. from Wyoming Seminary and Betty Sorchik, volunteer director; Ann Marie Trotta, Ascera Care; Alyson Neely, pet theapy; Joan
on August 16, 1959. She was born September 1, went on to Nichols College in Krispin, admissions director; Jennifer Kozak, Walgreens; George Schwartz, director of rehabil-
Surviving are her sister, Ma- 1935, in Wilkes-Barre, was a Massachusetts. itation; Brenda Balinski, director of nursing; Rebecca Sims, registered dietitian; and Doctors Rob-
rie, Charlotte, N.C.; her broth- 1953 graduate of G.A.R. Memo- A veteran of World War II, he ert Shmokler and Donald Kretchmer, Foot Center Podiatry.
ers, Patrick, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.; rial High School, Wilkes-Barre, attained the rank of Sergeant,
and Jerry, Glen Head, N.Y.; niec- and formerly resided in Morris- then returned home to the fam-
es, nephews and the Sisters of ville. ily business, Tuck’s Drug Store,
Mercy. She was a member of St. on Public Square in Wilkes-
Memorial donations to Mercy
Center, P.O. Box 370, Dallas, PA
Therese Church, Shavertown.
Surviving are her husband,
Barre where he spent 26 years
managing along with his father, DAISY SCOUTS DONATE TO VISION
18612. Donald A.; daughter, Donna Ma- Henry C. Tuck Sr.
rie Zavaskas, Hanover Town- After the Agnes Flood of 1972,
GARBER – Shirley A., 74, of ship; six grandchildren; two the drug store re-opened until
Dallas, died Sunday, April 24, great-grandchildren; sister, Pa- 1974 when it closed for good due
2011, in Hospice Unit of the VNA tricia Bogumil, Wilkes-Barre; to the redevelopment of Public
at Heritage House, Wilkes- nieces, nephews;and cousins. Square. He then went on to work
Barre. Memorial donations to the in collection for local banks and
Surviving are a daughter, Meadows Nursing and Rehabil- H.A. Berkheimer.
Donna G. Cosgrove, Philadel- itation Center, 55 W. Center Hill He was a State Constable and
phia; a son, David A., Atlanta, Rd., Dallas, PA 18612. part-time police officer for Leh-
Ga.; two grandchildren. man Township.
Memorial donations to the ORBACZ-KUBISKI - Susan, He coached youth teams and
American Cancer Society , 190 54, of Orange Road, Dallas, died American Legion teams in King-
Welles St., Ste. 118, Forty Fort, Wednesday, April 20, 2011, at ston, Mountain Top and Back
PA 18704. Geisinger Wyoming Valley Med- Mountain.
ical Center, Plains Township, af- Surviving are his stepson, Da-
HANDLEY - Frank R. Sr., of ter a 5-month battle with cancer. niel L. Tuck, of Shavertown; six
Dallas, died Wednesday, April She was born in Schenectady, grandchildren.
27, 2011, in the Wilkes-Barre N.Y., and had resided in Dallas
General Hospital. for the past 13 years. Previously, WEED - Velma R., 96, of Dal-
He was born April 20, 1926, in she had resided in California for las and West Pittston died Sun-
Larksville, attended Larksville 20 years. day, May 1, 2011, at The Mead-
Schools, and was a U.S. Navy She had formerly worked as a ows Nursing and Rehabilitation
Veteran of World War II, serving waitress at Really Cooking Café Center, Dallas.
on the U.S.S. Overton. and the Meadows Nursing Facil- She was born in West Pittston,
He was the former owner/op- ity Cafeteria, Dallas. and was a graduate of the class
erator of Wyoming Valley Floor Surviving are her mother, Ge- of 1932, West Pittston High Daisy Girl Scout Troop 30262 donated food and toiletry items to VISION to benefit the homeless.
Maintenance and Janitorial Ser- nevieve Stemepkow Orbacz, of School. She began her working The Daisy troop is from Shavertown United Methodist Church and is under the leadership of Wen-
vice, Kingston. He worked for New York; her husband, Joseph dy Barberio and Pamela Wintersteen. From left, first row, are Melody Gill, Madison Fostock, Olivia
career with the Pennsylvania
PG&W for many years, and, pri- A. Kubiski Sr.; sisters, Linda Or- Stevens, Marissa Stevens, Cassie Elgonitis, Mya Rinehimer, Mia Fino, Rose Hancuff and Sarah
Department of Public Assist-
or to retirement, was a bus driv- bacz, Fishkill, N.Y.; Patricia Nil- Hastings. Second row, Jessica English, Abby Lauer, Caelan Gallagher, Sara Wren, Jenna Maslow-
ance and, prior to her retire-
er for LCTA. After retirement, sen, Hurling, N.Y.; Karen ski, Chloe Fosko, Carolyne Wintersteen, Lydia Barberia, Madisyn Musselman and Lauren Finaly.
ment, had been executive secre-
he worked part time at The Schoonmaker, Poughkeepsie,
tary for several chief administra-
Wyoming Valley Historical So- N.Y.; and Barbara Boulais, Pitts-
tors at Valley Crest. ]
ciety and the Westmoreland field, Mass.; brothers, Victor, La-
She had been very active as a
Club, Wilkes-Barre. keland, Fla.; Jeffrey, Kingston,
50-year member of Dallas Chap-
He was a member of Ameri- N.Y.; and Brian, Milford, Pa.;
ter #396, Order of the Eastern
can Legion Post 655 Larksville, stepsons, Joseph A. Kubiski Jr.,
Star, where she had served as an
Wyoming Valley Crime Clinic Wilkes-Barre; and Robert Kubis-
officer and organist for many
and past president of the Notre ki, Sweet Valley; nieces and ne-
Dame Club, Hanover Township. phews. years.
She was also a member of the meals served
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Beverly Manganella, with PRECONE - Florence Jose- Irem Women’s Auxiliary and of Coffee House Takeouts are available by
calling 477-3521 and leaving Election Day meals will be
whom he would have celebrated phine, 87, of Dallas, died Tues-
his 34th wedding anniversary day, April 26, 2011, at her home.
the Shavertown United Metho-
dist Church and its Mary Circle. every Friday a message with a name,
phone number, number of
served from 7:30 a.m. to 7
p.m. on Tuesday, May 17 at
She had been organist for The Ekklesia Coffee House dinners requested and pickup the Centermoreland United
on May 28; his daughter, Carole She was born in Kingston and
many years at the First Congre- at River Of Life Fellowship, time. Methodist Church.
Ann Peck, Dallas; sons, Frank was a graduate of Kingston High 22 Outlet Rd., Lehman is Breakfast will be hot and
Jr., Plymouth; and Frank Cima- School. She was formerly em- gational United Church of
open from 6 to 9 p.m. every made to order, lunch will be
kasky, Cincinnati, Ohio; three ployed by Duplin Silk Mills,
granddaughters; a great-grand- Kingston, and later by Natona
Christ, and First Presbyterian
Church, West Pittston. Friday with live music and Meatloaf dinner set made to order and dinner
open mic. A meatloaf dinner will be will consist of chicken and
son. Mills, Dallas. As a youngster, she played for
Homemade soup, sand- held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sat- biscuits. All proceeds will
Memorial donations to Amer- She was a member of the Back the silent movies at the former
wiches and desserts are of- urday, May 14 at Alderson benefit the Soldiers of Christ
ican Parkinson’s Disease Associ- Mountain Senior Citizens Club, Garden Village Theatre, West
fered. For more information, United Methodist Church- Youth Group.
ation, American Heart Associ- West Side Flower Club and was Pittsto. call 477-3720. For more information, call
,Pole 108 Lakeside Dr., Har-
ation and ALS Association. formerly active with Cub Scouts Surviving are her son, Charles Doug or Nancy 333-4608.
veys Lake.
of America. A, West Pittston; daughter, Sha-
The menu consists of meat-
KLEIN - Muriel Rosenthal, 94, She also belonged to the Mod-
formerly of Dallas and Longboat ern Lanes Sunday Night Bowl-
ron Jones, Dallas; two grand-
daughters; great-grandson and a
Turkey dinner loaf, baked potato, green
Yard sale planned
Key, Fla., died Thursday, April ing League and was a member of nephew.
Memorial donations to Shrin-
slated bean casserole, coleslaw,
rolls, brownie with straw- Huntsville United Metho-
28, 2011, at the Jewish Home of St. Therese’s Church, Shaver- A roast turkey dinner and berries and a beverage. dist Church will hold a Com-
Scranton where she had resided town, and its Altar and Rosary er’s Hospital, c/o Irem Shrine bake sale will be held from Cost is $8 for adults and $4 munity Yard Sale from 8 a.m.
for the past three years. Society. Center, P.O. Box 307, Dallas, Pa. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Satur- for children. Take-outs will to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May
She was born on December Surviving are sons, Michael 18612, or to Pediatric Cancer day, May 14 at Loyalville be available and tickets may 21. Food and beverages will
29, 1917, in Rockville Center, A., Dallas; Joseph W. Jr., Sweet Center, Janet Weis Children’s United Methodist Church. be purchased at the door. be available.
N.Y., and spent her childhood Valley; and Paul J., Dallas; Hospital, Geisinger Medical Cost is $8 for adults and For more information, call Vendor space is available
living as “Eloise” at the Hotel daughter, Roseann Coates, Center, Danville, Pa. 17821. $3.50 for children under 12 639-5688, 333-4218 or 639- for $10. Call Kris at 477-3748.
Sterling with her two brothers, Pittsburgh; three grandchildren; years of age. 5401.

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 5


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PAGE 6 E D I T O R I A L Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Dallas Post
Community Newspaper Group

15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 • 570-675-5211
Richard L. Connor Dotty Martin
829-7202 970-7440

Diane McGee


Don’t let Master Gas

take over our lives
Dear Editor: Only one of them has any con-
When coal was King, mining nection to the gas companies.
put boys to work, doing with-
out schooling, and accepting
They can let the meetings drag
on until the community’s short
injury or death for their mea- attention span wanes and peo- "Blue" loves to run but when he runs in the mud after the snow has melted, he creates quite a mess. "Blue" is a 9-month-old sheep dog and
ger wages. Mine owners made ple don’t come to meetings weighs in at 75 pounds. He lives with his owner, Jim Kozemchak in Harveys Lake.
lots of money and blessed the and make noise anymore.
communities with culm, water What’s in it for us local
pollution and subsidence that folks? Will we get the gas to
is taking generations and lots use for our heat, light, etc. at a
of taxpayer dollars to correct. fair price? All the signs are "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post read- Information must include the submitting person’s name, address
There was no dollar value that the foreign companies ers who have something they’d like to share with fellow read- and telephone number in the event we have questions.
placed on the young lives im- buying into these local drillers ers. Readers wishing to have their photos returned should include a
pacted. will export our gas to take care Submitted items may include photographs or short stories self-addressed/stamped envelope. Items will be published in the
Today the Marcellus gas “bo- of their needs, not ours. and should be sent via e-mail to, by order in which they are received.
nanza” is promising mega dol- All of which makes me won- fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. items submitted for publication.
lars for the natural gas beneath der if we really are that stupid.
our neighborhoods and farms. We saw and paid for all that
It cares little about pollution of King Coal did for us, and now
wells, streams, rivers, so long we are sitting back and letting
as it simplifies disposal of the Master Gas do it to us again. 20 YEARS AGO conducted by Carolyn Bulford Hon. Daniel J. Flood. Ed was Rev. W.F. Moock, Jr., Joseph
fracking fluids that come to Or are we? Will we get off our Members of Brownie Troop and the following officers were also accepted at Cornell, Le- Blaze, Vernon Ash and Harry
the surface when a well is com- duffs and go to the meetings #704 at Lake-Noxen Elemen- installed for the 1981 term: high and Penn State Universi- Smith, wills serve as directors
pleted. Gee, who does it hurt that will, in the end, decide the tary School participated in the president, Rose Burleigh; in- ty. He is the son of Mr. and for 1951.
when a well pad is planted in a future for this wonderful com- fourth annual clean-up day at ternal vice president, Barbara Mrs. Edmund Labatch Sr., Dal- Louise Brzyski has been
residential area? The gas com- munity? No one will speak for Harvey’s Lake. David Abod, co- Regan; external vice president, las. elected Queen for the May Day
panies are making money and us if we don’t speak for our- ordinator of the event, said Sharon McDermott; secretary, exercises of Dallas Township
that is number 1, isn’t it? selves. No one will speak for that more than 10 local organi- Joan Marshall; treasurer, Gail 50 YEARS AGO Schools to be held this week on
Furthermore, who cares if our children and the world we zations took part in picking up Killeen and directors, Karen Lake-Lehman High School the school grounds. Miss Bar-
there is a public school cam- are making for them. It will garbage along Lakeside Drive. Tupper, Haniuce Keen, Connie vocal department under direc- bara Brace was elected maid of
pus within shouting distance? take many voices speaking to- Participating Brownies includ- LaJeunesse and Mary Jo Shis- tion of Bernard Gerrity pre- honor. Elected as attendants
Why should the gas companies gether to make a difference. ed Carrie Gordon, Brian Ruda, ko. sented an evening of song last were: Seniors, Dorothy Ed-
feel any responsibility for the There are not enough dol- Jennifer Frank, Amy Ruda, Bill Kalinowski, Dallas Li- Friday in the school auditori- wards, Nancy Fahringer, Ma-
safety of the 3,000 kids who lars to pay for the loss of one K.C. Bo- ons Club, chairman of this um. The Senior chorus gave a rion Parsons, Dorothy Prutz-
happen to be in those schools? child to water or air pollution, back, Chris- year’s Back Mountain Citizens varied program, interspersed man; Junior Class, Joan Davis,
Nobody puts a value on those a fire or an explosion. Those tie Gordon, of the Year Committee, an- with readings by Dean Long, Marilyn Rogers; Sophomores,
lives – after all, they are just children are our future to be Tara Birt, nounced that the committee piano solos by Larry Carpenter Nancy Elston, Irene Schultz.
kids – they don’t produce any protected and cherished. We Tara Burak, had selected Ray Hillman of and Mary Ann Laskowsky, and
dollars, not even as much as must find better answers. Let’s Kristen Ru- Lake Silkworth, as male Citi- a piano duet by Gloria and 70 YEARS AGO
those breaker boys did. Do have a moratorium until the da, Jamie zen of the Year, and Ann Row- Dean Long. Vocal solos were Junior music pupils of Vera
those emergency responders gas companies prove that gas ONLY Lauben- lands of Dallas, as the female given by Karen Poshoski, Sha- Whitesell entertained their
really need to know how to extraction can be done safely YESTERDAY stein and Citizen of the Year. ron Coombs and Allan and mothers at a piano recital at
evacuate those kids if the un- without destroying the quality Angela Bu- John Landis. the Whitesell home Sunday af-
thinkable were to happen? of life we all enjoy in the Back rak. 40 YEARS AGO Frank Slaff, Machell Avenue, ternoon. The program consist-
That couldn’t happen, could Mountain today. Let’s not be- “Walk a mile in my shoes!” Dallas Senior High Choris- was honored guest (man-of- ed of piano solos and duets and
it? come the East Coast Texas. says Wilkes-Barre General ters presented a concert last the-year) of the Atlantic Coast a song, “Mister Moon and Miss
And what is in it for the Dal- Eleanor Kandler Rodda Hospital’s Terese Capece of weekend at Dallas Senior High Independent Distributors As- Sunshine” sung by Anita Am-
las Township Zoning Board? Shavertown Carverton, a fast moving mess- School. It was the first time the sociation at a dinner held last brose and Priscilla Cooper.
enger who in an average seven- concert was presented to the Thursday night in the grand Taking part were Janet Wright,
hour work day walks about 14 public. In the past, it has been ballroom of the Waldorf Asto- Priscilla Abbott, Marilyn Wil-
miles. “In this job, you will a private presentation for par- ria Hotel in New York City dur- liams, Bernadine Krasavage,

New books are added to

have to enjoy being on the ents and non-professional em- ing the twenty-sixth annual Anita Ambrose, Polly Lou
move,” she declares. Donning ployees of the school. Mem- four-day convention of the as- Cooper, Priscilla Cooper and
her trademark white walking bers of the Chansonaires who sociation. Eight hundred at- Tommy Elston.

shelves at BMT library

shoes, Capece says her pri- performed with the chorus are: tended. Miss Betty Naugle, clarinet
mary responsibility is to pick Brenda Richards, Barbara soloist of Lehman High School
up and deliver a multitude of Reese, Joanne Gensel, Diane 60 YEARS AGO Band, will be this section’s on-
items to various areas of the Morgan, Kitty Vernon, Nancy ly representative in the All-
Old Toll Gate Lions Club
The following new books FICTION hospital including “stat” Pichert, Gwynneth White- State band when 175 youthful
held election of officers at
have been added to the shelves “A Turn in the Road” by Deb- (emergency) medications, pa- house, Sandy Barakat, Cindy musicians from eight district
Tuesday night’s meeting, with
of the Back Mountain Memo- bie Macomber, “Eve” by Iris Jo- tients’ case histories, x-rays, Smith, Cathy Wilson, August bands of the State gather next
Lion Samuel Patton replacing
rial Library, 96 Huntsville Rd., hansen, “Bel-Air Dead” by files, reports and drawn blood Walters, Harold Hoover, Phil- Saturday at Lock Have High
George Howe as president, and
Dallas, for the month of May Stuart Woods, “Guilt by Associ- samples. On a hectic day, she lips Scott, Brock Phillips, Har- School for their annual con-
Mr. Howe assuming the office
2011: ation” by Marcia Clark, “The can respond to over 100 re- ry Swepston, John Engler, Tom cert.
of Immediate Past President.
quests! Yarnal and Bob Carle. Information for “Only Yes-
EXPRESS Sixth Man” by David Baldacci, Robert J. Williams was elected
Edmund Labatch, Jr., senior 1st vice president; Raymond terday” is taken from past is-
“A Turn in the Road” by Deb- “Quicksilver” by Amanda
bie Macomber, “Eve” by Iris Jo- Quick
30 YEARS AGO at Dallas Senior High School, Stroud, 2nd; J. Lear Wagner, sues of The Dallas Post which
The Back Mountain Jay-C- has received an appointment 3rd; George Prater, secretary; is 122 years old. The informa-
hansen, “Night Road” by Kris- BIOGRAPHY to The U.S. Military Academy tion is printed here exactly as
tin Hannah, “The Sixth Man” ettes recently held their 1981 Owen Williams, treasurer;
“The Dressmaker of Khair at West Point, N.Y. His nomi- it appeared in the newspaper
Installation at the Overbrook Chester Hartman, lion tamer;
by David Baldacci, “Quicksil- Khana nation was sponsored by the years ago.
Inn in Dallas. Installation was William Dierolf, tail-twister;
ver” by Amanda Quick

“ W H AT I S YO U R FAV O R I T E M O T H E R ’ S D AY M E M O R Y ? ”

"When my children "Breakfast in bed by "I loved the home- "Breakfast in bed from “Every year has been “When my husband
were younger and we the kids - of course, I made cards. I still get my kids." a beautiful experience. gave me a double
spent the day with bought everything." them." Patti Snyder Each one is different -twisted diamond
their grandmothers." Michelle Lavelle Gail Stevens as the kids get older." bracelet after our sec-
Plains Harveys Lake
Vivian Bednarz Hayley Baseski ond child was born."
Shavertown Shavertown
Terry Serafin

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 7

Lake-Lehman students are named to Honor Roll

Mr. Douglas Klopp, principal, Emily Crawford Ashley Rood Emily Blaski Tiffany Oplinger Jessica Neare
Lake-Lehman Junior-Senior High Hannah Cross Emily Sutton Zachary Chabala Nathan Rinehouse Colleen O’Callaghan
School, announces the honor roll Brian Deome Kelly Sweeney Jolisa Copeman Nikki Sutliff Justin Partington
for the third marking period of Matthew Edkins Alyssa Talacka Brandon Kelley Taryn Talacka Sarah Perry
the 2010-2011 school year. Antonio Ferrari Amy Williams Shane Kreller Carl Whispell Jr. Rebecca Rosser
Jason Field Lindsay Williams Megan Lee Matthew Wolman. Justin Salvati
Emily Maculloch Brandon Scott
Caitlyn Henninger Alesha Martin Raine Scott
PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Rachel Anthony Curtis Barbacci
Philip Hettes Sierra Pall Nicholas Shelley
Lauren Cunius Maria Chinikaylo Lindsey Bennett
Andrew Hutsko Jeremy Prater Troy Shurites
Kaley Egan Austin Harry Julia Bilbow
Jeremy Jayne Rachel Runner Evonne Spencer
Zachary Field Alexander Hoyt Jay Dawsey
Connor Jones Cassandra Stevens Job Stepanski
Victoria Goodwin Stephanie Konek Kyle Fine
Katrina Joyce Dustin Zeiler Kailee Taylor
Rachel Malak Jason Patterson Benjamin Flood
Nicole Lockard Amanda Teutonico
Lindsay Pembleton Kyle Romanofski HONORS Alexandra Jayne
Lauren MacMullen Jordan Thomas
Catherine Rose Kaila Thomas Ryan Akins Scott Judson
Brittney Mahoney Zachary Titus
Kaitlin Sutton Joseph Wojcik III Scott Baker Michael Kiwak
Jasmine Moku Keegan Truska
Clayton Vasey Connor Balloun Kayla Koziol
Jenna Mortenson HONORS Paige Vacante
Thomas Williams Kayley Bedford Emily Leskowsky
Neil Mras Brittany Acevedo Alexis VanFleet
Victoria Cadwalder Carol Mosier
HIGH HONORS Jamie Niedjaco Emily Anglovich Zachary VanLoon
Jessica Campbell Jared Novitski
Holly Banta Anna O’Connell Benjamin Attanasio Mackenzie Wagner
Emily Barber Jeffrey Carter Brent Oliver II
Emily Bauer Alexis Oplinger Julia Whitesell
Scott Bean Michelle Chappell Mikayla Orrson
Julia Baur Rachel Pilch David Wilson
Danielle Belcher Jarod Ciehoski Cody Poepperling
Eric Bordo Carolyn Price
Tyler Bonner Morgan Decker Vincenzo Sicurella
Joseph Chaga Eliana Sicurella
Miranda Dembowski Daniel Williams
Anthony DeCesaris Adam Simmonette Brady Butler
Julia Eneboe Hannah Stull Desirae David HONORS
Nicholas Eury Adam Dizbon Brian Durling PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL
Danae Sutliff Amber Anderson
Kyra Grzymski Peter Groblewski Makenzie Fallon Thomas Bedford
Michael Symeon Eliott Anderson
Charles Hennebaul III Justin Haas Nicole Ford Meghan Bloom
Sara Tronsue Olivia Anglovich
Isabelle Henry Robert Hamilton Lydia Forster Lily Calkins
Jacob Yaple Kevin Bohan
Dominic Hockenbury Adeline Hannigan Michael Hartman Kristopher Carter
Christian Zeisloft Joseph Brandenburg
Brandon Hogrebe Zebulon Harrison Brianna Headman Joshua Everett
HONORS Brent Hizney Mark Bullock
Perry Hoover August Headley Corey Hohol
Melissa Anthony Robert Ide Toni Burak
Julia Hutsko Kodey Hummel Erin Hohol
Natalee Barker Kenneth Kocher John Butchko
Marie Johns Dustin Jones Henry Judson
Aleaha Blazick Kristopher Konicki Laura Casterline
Samantha Kanios Olivia Kojadinovich Emily Mras
Cahil Carey Genevieve Konopinski Hope Dante
Kayleigh Konek Kahli Kotulski Tyler Pearson
Jared Casaldi Colin Kovalchek Sara Davis
Grace Kuschke Jordan Lindley Mikayla Rosencrans
Matthew Cragle Michael Labatch David Eury
Karlie Lobitz Shoshana Mahoney Linley Smolow
Derek Dragon Aaron LaValley Korey Fegley
Jared McGrath Connor McCue Stephanie Zeiler
Emma Evans Samantha Lindley Sean Fertal
Michael Minsavage Lacey Miller
Monica Fries Craig Manzoni Charleen Fisher HIGH HONORS
Maranda Moosic Jacey Moore
Jessica Geiger Michael Murphy Christopher Gerlin Stephanie Butler
Haley Nice Charles Morris IV
Morgan Goodrich Mark Navin Matthew Gorski Kevin Cope
Rebecca Osiecki Victoria Nicholas
Micayla Grey Donald Nevel III Lewis Hackling Julie Degnan
Miranda Pace Brooke O’Brien
Jessica Harvey Nicole O’Connor, Samantha Headley Bradley Fuller
Miranda Parry Corey Pagnotti
John Hospodar Samantha O’Neill Jonathan King Sara Hagenbach
Alexis Soifer Jacob Pelton
Cory Hoyt Eric Ottaviani Bam Kittitongsophon Pauline Rose
Matthew Sowden Katelyn Pelton
Megan Spess Jared Kepner Katrina Patla Samantha Loefflad Brittney Rosencrans
Alexander Scott Kaitlyn Runner
Madison Stambaugh Shawn Kidd Bryar Raspen Zachary Manganella
Symantha Sharon Claire Sesson
Molly Storz Kierra Kimble Chelsea Ruger Curtis McGovern V
Tracy Snyder Kendra Smith
Katie Supey Brandon Kozlowski Bailey Ryan Tyler McGovern
Megan Sorber Nicole Snyder
John Thomas Hayley Kozlowski Donald Scavone III Lianna Milazzo
Jennifer Spera Jessica Swingle
Rachel Turner Amanda Lopez Sommer Sereyka Ann Milbrodt
Daniel Stefanowicz
Megan Mahle Brian Sisk Briar Moore
HONORS Jacob Stroud
Collin Masters Sarah Stacey Hunter Murphy See HONOR, Page 8
Elizabeth Bauer Joseph Tranell
Natalie McCue Kendra Stine
Benjamin Brooks Brandon Tucker
Erica McGovern Kieran Sutton
Zachary Brucher
Aubrey Bullock
Kayla Carrera
Sade Miller
Olivia Moore
Jazmine Tucker
Brinley Williams
Robert Wright III
Deanna Szabo
Steven Taylor
Kevin M. Barno, MPT • K. Bridget Barno, PT
Ginger Mutzabaugh Olivia Weaver Sharon Marranca, MPT • Hal Glatz, MPT • Maria Hall, PTA
Morgan Coburn Robert Nyavich
Andrew Cook Haley Novitski
Attention Golfers!
Karli Coole TENTH GRADE Is A Golf Injury Affecting Your Game?
Matthew Durling
Tessa Paul ELEVENTH GRADE Do you have pain or soreness the first month of
Joshua Sayre PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL golf due to:
Courtney Eiswerth Amanda Scavone PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL
Joel Austin • Low back pain and stiffness
Megan Galasso Cayle Spencer Kristen Boyle • Tightness in you hips/thighs
Sarah Bedford • Pain in your wrist, elbow, or shoulder
Riley Gallagher Colleen Spencer Bryan Carter Kevin M. Barno, MPT
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Rachel Leskowsky Ashley Jackson
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Noah Crispell Mon.-Wed. 4-10PM • Thurs 4-11 • Fri 11-11 • Sat. 12:30-11 • Sun. 2-10
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Ronald Ziomek Session I: Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24
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Visit, click on athletics, then icon for Summer Camps for more information
Justus Cole

or to register on line or contact Carl Danzig at 941-7252

Kirsten Cope

PAGE 8 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ryan Evans Matthew Price

Patricia Farrell Brandon Roberts
Rebecca Farrell Andrew Sabol
Devin Fine Kameitri Saxe
Joshua Ford Erica Schwartz
Continued from Page 7 ost Com
Krysia Goodwin Jacob Sedorchuk The M Dental Our S e and Enjo
le taff
Michael Tomolonis Amber Hartman Bradley Stevens or tab le Part o and Becom
Delilah VanGorder Jesse Hauze George Stuffick Comf nce Possib f Our
i e Famil e
Winter Wenner Jeffrey Heath Courtney Sult Exper y
Koral Holcomb Ashley Sutton s t
HONORS We W enti
Garrett Hopfer
Home ill Send Yo ight D
Brittany Adams Alexandra Kachapuridze
Corinne Updyke
With u The R ake All
Selena Adamshick Kylee Kamenstein
Anjuli Vaughn A Sm Can M erence
ile! iff
Jordan Agnew James Karlowicz
Adam Weaver
The D
David Anthony Katelyn Wojcik
Kristen Baker
Stevie Kioske
Joseph Kojadinovich
Caitlyn Wright Dr. Gary Nataupsky
Jenna Barski Jessica Wright Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201, Kingston
Kristy Komrowski
Anthony Bennett Zachary Yursha 570-331-8100 •
Timothy LaBar
Sarah Bray Shelby Mack Zachary Zubkoff
Jesse Brelsford Lauren Malarkey
Christopher Cain Kaitlyn Martin
George Casterline Molly McCoy
Justin Cornell Shila McRoy
Cassandra Cragle Kory Mininger
Avery DeFranco Ryan Murphy
Diana DePrimo John Naessig
Dominick Duris Richael Pantig
Casey Evans Adam Paulauskas
Robert Evans Joshua Payne

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Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 9


GFWC Harveys Lake

honors LL seniors
The General Federation of Carter, Hunlock Creek; Corey Ho-
Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Harveys hol, Hunlock Creek; Erin Hohol,
Lake will host Community Night Hunlock Creek; Henry Judson,
at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 12 at Harveys Lake; Tyler Pearson, Har-
the Lake-Noxen Elementary veys Lake; Claire Sesson, Shaver-
School, Harveys Lake. The annual town; and Stephanie Zeiler, Dal-
event honors the top 10 seniors at las
Lake-Lehman High School. Lake-Noxen student art contest
Honored seniors include Tho- winners and participants will be
mas Bedford, Sweet Valley; Megh- presented with certificates of rec- HENRY JUDSON TYLER PEARSON CLAIRE SESSON STEPHANIE ZEILER
an Bloom, Shavertown; Lily Cal- ognition and their artwork will be
kins, Shickshinny; Kristopher on display.

SCHOOL BRIEFS Misericordia University will

host the 2011 Diversity Institute
Summer Camp from June 26-30.

Concert slated nual Farewell/Senior Recital at

4 p.m. on Friday, May 27 in the
Participants in the five-day,
four-night program will stay in
The Wyoming Seminary Civic Great Hall of Wyoming Semi- the Misericordia residence halls
Orchestra, Yoon Jae Lee, con- nary, 228 Wyoming Ave., just and will be treated to campus-
ductor, will present a perform- north of Kingston Corners. wide cultural events and lead-
ance of classical music favorites The students will perform ership workshops.
from Germany, Norway and their favorite pieces for the last The camp’s goal is to create
Russia at 8 p.m. today, May 8 in time as Sem students. The per- student leaders who are en-
the Great Hall of Wyoming formance is free and open to the gaged in and community ad-
Seminary 228 Wyoming Avenue, public. For more information, vocates for inclusive excellence
Kingston. call 270-2190. in the region. Sessions will
The concert is free and open examine stereotypes, aging and
to the public. For more informa- ability and world religions,
tion, call 270-2190. ‘Tartuffe’ comes to which also includes visits to a
local mosque, temple and
Wyoming Seminary church.
Lock-In Committee The Wyoming Seminary Play- For additional information,

meeting is changed ers will present the classic

French comedy “Tartuffe” at 8
contact Erica Acosta at 674-
The Dallas High School 2011 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Eight Back Mountain graduating seniors from Sue Hand’s Imagery representing four area high
Graduation Lock-In Committee May 29 and 30 in the Bucking- schools will hold their senior art exhibit May 23 and 24 at Sue Hand’s Imagery, 35 Main St.,
meeting has been changed to ham Performing Arts Center, Dallas. From left, are Stephen Ruch, Marisol Poggi, Anthony Benedetti, Allison Spencer, Nick
6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10 in Sprague Avenue, Kingston. PEOPLE Gototweski, Katrina Wallace, Charles Krouse and Elizabeth Rybakovsky. Absent at the time of
the Dallas High School audi- This play by the great French BRIEFS the photo was Sara Skammer.
torium. playwright Moliére tells the
story of a hypocritical imposter

Classmates meet who uses false piety and virtue MU professor

Eight senior art students will
to take over the home, posses-
to plan reunion sions and family of his bene- presents findings
factor. Cari Tellis, Ph.D., C.C.C.-
Members of the Lehman- Tickets are $3 in advance and

exhibit their work May 23, 24

SLP, an assistant professor in
Jackson-Ross Class of 1951 will $4 at the door. For tickets or the Speech-Language Patholo-
meet at noon on Wednesday, more information, call 270-2110. gy Department at Miser-
May 11 at the Red Rooster res-
icordia University, presented
taurant, Route 118, Hunlock
her research findings at the
Creek to finalize plans for the
60th anniversary reunion.
Volunteers will 132nd Annual Meeting of the
Eight Back Mountain grad- cer, Lehman; and Katrina Wal- The graduates pursue careers
run through Lock-In American Laryngological
Association that was held in
uating seniors from Sue Hand’s
Imagery representing four area
lace, Dallas.
Each student will exhibit up
in engineering, information
technology, architectural and
Sem presents There will also be a mandato-
ry run-through at 7 p.m. on
Chicago, Ill. in April.
The annual Meeting of the
high schools will hold their se- to 20 pieces of artworks, a retro- mechanical engineering, pho-

dance performance Tuesday, May 31 in the Dallas

High School auditorium for all
American Laryngological
Association is considered the
nior art exhibit May 23 and 24 at
Sue Hand’s Imagery, 35 Main
spective of their artistic endeav-
ors throughout their years at
tography, account, math educa-
tion and medicine.
The Wyoming Seminary St., Dallas. Sue Hand’s Imagery. All eight The public is invited to view
volunteers working the night of most prestigious conference in
Dance Company will present its The 12th grade students in- students have received numer- the exhibit from 9 a.m. to 8 p. m.
the 2011 Dallas High School the nation for Laryngology. Dr.
annual performance, titled “Ju- clude Anthony Benedetti, Dal- ous art awards for their draw- on Monday, May 23 and from 9
Lock-In. Tellis is a classically trained
bilee,” at 8 p.m. on Friday, May las; Nick Gototweski, Dallas; ings and paintings in many var- a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May
The Lock-In is an alcohol-free, singer, research scientist,
13 and Saturday, May 14 in the Charles Krouse, Hunlock Creek; ied art contests and exhibits. 24. A meet-the-artist reception
drug-free, fully chaperoned, author and voice specialist.
Buckingham Performing Arts Stephen Ruch, Dallas; Elizabeth Many of the students have stud- and graduation ceremony will
all-night party for the graduat-
Center, North Sprague Avenue, Rybakovsky, Shavertown; Sara ied art with Sue Hand since ele- be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mon-
ing class. This year’s Lock-In
The performance is free and
will be held after graduation on
Friday, June 3.
Phillips named Skammer, Dallas; Allison Spen- mentary school. day, May 23.

open to the public. For more

to honor society
information, call 270-2190.
Shauna Phillips, of Dallas, APRIL STUDENTS OF THE BUILDING
THS Class of 1961 was recognized as a member
Sem presents plans reunion of the Psi Chi National Honor
Society in Psychology during
big band program The Tunkhannock High
School Class of 1961 is planning
Widener University’s 2011
Honors Week.
The Wyoming Seminary Wind
Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble its 50th anniversary reunion to Psi Chi aims to encourage,
will present a program of big be held on Saturday, June 25 at stimulate and maintain excel-
band music at 7 p.m. on Tues- the Triton Fire Company with a lence in scholarship of its
day, May 17 in the Buckingham mixer at 5 p.m. and dinner at 6 individual members and to
Performing Arts Center, North p.m. advance the science of psy-
Sprague Avenue, Kingston. Music of the 50s and 60s will chology.
The program will feature be provided by the Tones at 7 Members of Psi Chi have
student soloists and jazz en- p.m. completed at least nine semes-
sembles and is free and open to For more information, call ter hours of psychology cours-
the public. For more informa- Allan Kinsman at 674-9882. es, have a grade point average
tion, call 270-2190. of ate least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
and are within the top 35
WSCC plans percent of their class.
Lock-In Committee 70th Birthday Bash
meets on May 27 West Side Central Catholic Scartelli recognized
The Dallas High School 2011
Graduation Lock-In Committee
High School Class of 1959 is
planning a 70th Birthday Bash
as trial advocate
will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, the week of June 25 and 26. Atty. Melissa Scartelli, of
May 26 in the Dallas High Any classmate interested in Dallas, has been recognized as
School auditorium. attending who did not receive a Board Certified Civil Trial
an invitation may call Rosemary Advocate by the National Students of the Building for April at Ross Elementary School were recognized for their citi-
Grebeck at 655-3333. Board of Trial Advocacy zenship, academics and/or improvement. From left, first row, are Jaedyn Kolb, William Good-
Sem students (NBTA).
Scartelli is one of the select
rich, Philip Blaski, Alexis Long, Josette Straigis, Spencer Judge, Jeanna Pritchard and Daniel
present last recital Misericordia hosts few female Pennsylvania at-
torneys to achieve this recog-
Kutz. Second row, Donald James, principal; Shannon Kreidler, second-grade teacher; Morgan
Weaver, Emily Carey, Corey Nevel, Frank Kutz, Derrick Lanning, Kalina Grey, Katelyn Konopin-
Wyoming Seminary student
musicians will present the an- diversity camp nition. ski, LeeAnn Bauer, third- grade teacher; and Melissa Smigielski, sixth-grade teacher.



Carl Markowski (No. 28) of the Yankees makes it safely to home Cody Coolbaugh pitches for the Yankees. Jared Stritzinger reacts to a play on the field.
as Astros catcher Nick Kocher makes the late catch.

sure sign that summer is right around the corner
is the opening of Little League action. Boys and
girls can be seen practicing and playing nightly at
the Back Mountain Little League Field.

BELOW LEFT: Stone Mannello and Michael Anderson, both of the

Red Sox, find themselves on the opposite side of the fence from
other friends their own age.
BELOW RIGHT: A new batter cage/box has been erected between
the upper and lower fields - a collaborative effort between the
Back Mountain Little League Association and the Dallas School CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST
District. Anton Kachur and his son Nicholas, Dallas, use the cage Astros catcher Nick Kochar tags Yankee base runner Evan McClain out but McClain scores because of runner interference between
for practice. third and home. The Yankees defeated the Astros, 6-3.

Dallas tennis team picks up four wins in week
7/8 girls team rallies for four victories The Dallas High School tennis
team picked up four victories in
Andrew Murray, 6-0, 6-0.
Dallas 4
In singles action, Ethan Pen-
Goalie Jordan Kelly saves Brigid Wood each had assists. Back Mountain 9 the past week. Wyoming Area 1 sak (D) defeated Micheal
Baloh played goalie in the Eaton A 4 Dallas 4 In singles competition, Ethan McGraw, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4; Andrew
four, scores four against second half, turning away all The Back Mountain 7/8 Wyoming Valley West 1 Pensak (D) defeated David Fa- Nakkache (D) defeated Zachary
Saucon Valley team. but two shots. girls continued their winning In singles competition, Steve nelli, 6-1, 6-3; Scot Riccetti (D) Bowman, 6-2, 6-2; and Ryan
Back Mountain 14 ways by beating Easton A, Brand (WVW) defeated Ethan defeatedJohn Scrobola, 6-0, 6-0; McCarthy (D) defeated Justin
The Back Mountain Ban- Lower Macungie 4 9-4. Pensak, 6-3, 6-1; Scot Riccetti (D) and Andrew Nakkache (D) de- Sheen, 6-1, 6-1.
dits Girls 7/8 grade lacrosse The Bandits travelled to Al- Jordan Kelly shut out the defeated Tyler Ryman, 6-4, 6-2; feated Trevor Alder,7 -5, 6-0. In double competition, Blake
team was busy this past lentown and came away with Red Rovers while in goal the Ryan McCarthy (D) defeated An- In double action, Blake Dono- Donovan/Francois Ross (D) de-
week. their first victory ever against first half. In the second half, thony Molino, 6-4, 6-1. van/Francios Ross (D) defeated- feated Corey Sisack/Ryan
Back Mountain 13 a tough Lower Macungie pro- Kelly managed to score a In doubles action, Blake Dona- Nick Szewczyk/Tyler Mangalel- Twardzick, 6-0, 6-2; and Tyler
Saucon Valley 6 gram with a 14-4 win. game-high five goals. van/Francois Ross (D) defeated lo, 6-2, 6-1; and Nick Leon/Con- Tuck/Steve Mingey (D) defeated
The Bandits dominated the Hannah Stull led the of- Alyssa Adams added three James Yozviak/Sabri Aboutanos, nor Mengan (WA) won by forfeit. Andrew Kempchinsky/Tyler Ful-
Saucon Valley Panthers, tak- fense with five goals and tallies and an assist while 6-2, 6-0; and Tyler Tuck/Steve Dallas 5 ton, 7-5, 6-0.
ing a 13-6 victory. three assists. Jordan Kelly, Mallory Wilson had a goal Mingey (D) defeated Tom Der-
Starting goalie Jordan Kel- Alyssa Adams and Hailee Du- and an assist. Hannah Stull by/Steve Wheaton, 6-0, 6-2.
ly saved four of eight shots in mont scored two goals each added two assists to help the Dallas 4
the first half and scored four while Mallory Wilson and Bandits sweep the season se-
HR Basketball Clinic set for June
Crestwood 1
goals from the attack position JillViercinski each added a ries against Easton. Ethan Pensak (D) defeated
in the second half. Hannah tally. Julia Baloh had two as- Back Mountain 7 Alex Machalick, 6-1, 6-3; Scot
Stull also scored four goals sists. Easton B 12 Riccetti (D) defeated Ross Gla- The 2011 Holy Redeemer ninth grade will meet from 9
and had one assist while Aly- The defensive unit, consist- In the B game, Julia Hutsko dey, 6-3, 6-0; Andrew Nakkache Boys Basketball Clinic for boys a.m. to noon each day while
sa Adams tallied three goals ing of Kennedy Straitiff, Da- and Hailee Dumont had three (D) defeated Joe Picket, 6-2, 6-2. in fourth through ninth grades boys in fourth, fifth and sixth
with two assists. nielle McCole, Amanda Mill- goals each while Danielle In doubles competition, Ryan will be held June 23, 24 and 25 grades will meet from 1 to 4
Mallory Wilson added two er and led by team co-captain McCole and Claudia Leu each McCarthy/Blake Donovan (D) at Holy Redeemer High School p.m. each day.
goals of her own with an as- Katie Stemrich, held the op- had an assist. defeated Neil Patel/Nikhil Patel, gym, 159 S. Pennsylvania Blvd., For more information, con-
sist. Julia Baloh, Kennedy ponent to just five shots on Grace Butler had five saves 6-2, 7-5; Briley Marchetti/Steven Wilkes-Barre. tact coach Mark Belenski at
Straitiff, Hunter Pittman and goal. in goal for the Bandits. Waskie (C) defeated Tyler Tuck/ Boys in seventh, eighth and 262-9562.

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 11

CIVIC BRIEFS beginning level from 10 to

11:30 a.m. Thursdays, May 12

‘The Wedding Singer’ and 19 and June 2 and 9.

For more information or to
comes to Music Box register, call 821-1959.

The Music Box Repertory

Company presents the region-
al premiere of the new musi-
Dance benefits
cal, “The Wedding Singer,” transplant patient
based on the Adam Sandler DJ Dance will be held from 7
movie, today, May 8, 12-15 and to 10 p.m. on Friday, May 13 at
19-22 at the Music Box Dinner the Noxen School, School
Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Street. Food, beverages, a bake
Swoyersville. sale and door prizes will be
Showtimes are 8 p.m. Thurs- available.
days through Saturdays and 2 A $5 donation will benefit
p.m. on Sundays. A buffet Marissa Wilcox who is in need
dinner is served 90 minutes of a liver transplant.
before curtain. For more information, call
For information and reserva- Kevin at 298-2467.
tions, call 283-2195.

Barbeque planned Fire company

The Noxen Volunteer Fire plans ham dinner
Company will hold a chicken The Sweet Valley Volunteer
barbeque from noon to 2 p.m. Fire Company will hold a fam-
today, May 8 at the fire hall on ily-style ham dinner from 4:30
Stull Road, Noxen. to 6:30 p.m. with takeouts
Dining-in or takeout dinners beginning at 4 p.m. on Sat-
will be available. Price is $7.50 urday, May 14.
per dinner. Cost is $8 for adults, $4 for
children between the ages of 6
and 12 and free for children
Master Gardener under the age of 6. CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST

presents workshop Aaron Spencer Martin, the grandson of Spencer Martin, checks over his bike prior to the Third Annul Spencer Memorial Bike Race at
Penn State Lehman which benefits the Wyoming Valley chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
Mary Ann Miller, Penn State Knitting program
Extension Master Gardener in
Luzerne County, will conduct offered at Osterhout
a workshop on Vegetable Gar- The Osterhout Free Library
dening Basics from 1 to 2 p.m. will offer a free program called
on Wednesday, May 11 at the “Knitting Without Needles”
Luzerne County West Side from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Sat-
Annex, 2009 Wyoming Ave., urday, May 14.
Forty Fort. Participants will learn to
Registration and a fee of $5 knit a scarf without using
per person are required. Con- knitting needles and are asked
tact Penn State Extension in to bring thick yarn.
Luzerne County at 825-1701 or To make a reservation, call
602-0600 to register. the library at 821-1959.

Senior dinner Flea market set

dance planned Members of the Mt. Grange
#567, West Eighth Street,
“Hollywood Glamour” is the Carverton are planning their
theme for this year’s 44th first flea market of the season
annual senior dinner dance from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat- The Third Annul Spencer Memorial Bike Race at Penn State Leh- Megan, Barbara, Melissa and Emily Fleming, all of Dallas, register
sponsored by the Area Agency urday, May 14. man benefits the Wyoming Valley chapter of Habitat for Human- for the Spencer Martin Bike Ride to benefit the Wyoming Valley
on Aging for Luzerne-Wyom- Lunch, including homemade ity. Habitat for Humanity.
ing Counties from 2 to 6 p.m. soups, sandwiches and des-
on Wednesday, May 11 at Ge- serts, will be available.


netti’s Best Western. New vendors are welcome.
Music will be provided by Tables are $10 for inside space
the “Fancy Dancer” band, and $5 for outside space. Call
there will be over 65 door 287-7851 for more information.
prizes and a grand prize donat-

Bingo planned
ed by Central Penn Gas for the ormer Back Mountain resident Spencer Martin volunteered for many years and sat on the board of directors of Wyoming Valley
lucky persons chosen to be the Habitat for Humanity. Every year, people come together to remember Martin’s devotion to the group by participating in the
King and Queen of the dance. The Northmoreland Town- annual Spencer Martin Memorial Bike Ride for Habitat. This year, the third annual event of its kind, was held on May 1 at Penn
Open to all adults, tickets ship Volunteer Fire Company State Wilkes-Barre. The 8-mile All Ages Fun Ride and the 30-Mile Challenger Ride wound their way through the scenic Back Mountain
are $21 for age 60 plus and $22 of Centermoreland will hold with proceeds used by Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity to help provide simple, decent, affordable housing for qualified families
for under age 60 and include an all day bingo on Sunday,
within Wyoming Valley.
dinner choice of prime rib, May 15.
sole stuffed with crab imperial For more information and
or chicken francais. reservations, contact Jim at

Legion plans golf tourney

Tickets can be purchased at 333-4906.
any senior or by calling Rhon-
da Adams at 822-1159 ext.
3337 or Brenda Lispi at 822- Support group meets
1159 ext. 3333. The Dallas Alzheimer’s Daddow-Isaacs Dallas American Legion Post 672 will sponsor its
Support Group will meet from annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 4
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, at Stone Hedge Golf Course in Tunkhannock.
One book program May 16 in the board room of The tournament is open to members as well as non-members and
the format is Captain and Crew. A donation of $75 includes the fa-
at BMT library the Meadows Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 55 Cen- mous outdoor steak dinner, beverages and door prizes.
Any business or person who wishes to sponsor a hole can do so
The Back Mountain Memo- ter Hill Rd., Dallas. with a donation of $50. Door prizes will also be solicited.
rial Library will take present a For information, call 675- The monies raised at this tournamentare used to provide scholar-
special One Book program at 8600. ships to Back Mountain residents pursuing a degree at an accredited
11 a.m. on Thursday, May 12 in two-year technical school.
the Children’s Room of the For further information, contact the American Legion at 675-6542
library. Boback offers or Clarence J. Michael at 675-0488.
Jean Grube will read the Pa.
One Book to the children and assistance to vets Planning the Daddow-Isaacs Dallas American Legion Post 672
then lead them in songs, fin- Rep. Karen Boback (R-Co- Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament are, from left, Clarence J.
gerplays and puppet fun. lumbia/Luzerne/Wyoming) Michael, Jean Skaff, Sally Mock and Jim Baloga, chairman. Ab-
For information, call the will offer assistance to veter- sent at the time of the photo were Joe Kelley, Post Commander;
library at 675-1182. ans and their families from 10 Tom Considine and Jim Spencer.
a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, May
16 in her Sweet Valley office,
Civil War Round
Rock Solid
5929 Main Rd. Hours are nor-

Table will meet mally held on the third Tues-

day of each month but the date
The Wyoming Valley Civil
War Round Table meeting will
be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday,
was changed due to the pri-
mary election.
A claims consultant from
team wins
May 12 in the lower level of
the Daddow-Isaacs American
Legion, 730 Memorial Hwy.,
the Wilkes-Barre Veterans of
Foreign Wars will be available
during veterans assistance
regional event
Dallas. hours. Appointments for these The seventh-grade Rock Solid
Speaker will be Anthony hours are not necessary. AAU basketball team recently
T.P. Brooks, executive director For more information, call won the AAU Super Regional
of the Luzerne County Histor- 477-3752 or 836-4777. Basketball Tournament in Be-
ical Society, will present his thlehem. The team’s win in this
program on “Brothers from tournament qualifies it for the
Wyoming Valley Fighting on Benefit spaghetti National AAU Tournament in Or-
Opposite Sides in the Civil
War” in readings of letters supper planned lando, Florida in July. Team
members are, from left, first row,
from Joseph Lord Butler and The Northmoreland Town- Tanner Gattuso, Robbie Hop-
Ziba Bennett Butler to their ship Volunteer Fire Company kins, Jason Klusewitz, Spencer
mother, Abigail Slocum Butler. will sponsor a benefit spaghet- Bowanko and Scott Stout. Sec-
ti supper from 5 to 7 p.m. on ond row, Don Hopkins, head

ESL classes offered Thursday, May 19 at the fire

company, 1618 Demunds Rd.,
coach; Patrick Ganter, Brent
Piontowski, Josh Kaminski, Ray
Those interested in attend- Centermoreland. Ostroski, Adam Niznik, Bennie
ing are asked to call the Alz- Proceeds will benefit Mary Sersen and Rick Piontowski, as-
heimer’s Association at 822- Anne Warner, a former fire sistant coach.
9915.The Osterhout Free Li- company volunteer, who has
brary, 71 S. Franklin St., undergone several operations
Wilkes-Barre will offer a series in the past two years.
of free classes for English as a For more information, call
Second Language learners at a Jim Gilpin at 333-4906.

PAGE 12 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

Continued from Page 1

Brennan. “We can only use the cu-

rative amendment procedure
once every three years, so please,
no more emergencies, no more
new things in the township.”
Brennan asked the board to
vote on the resolution before the
proposed amendment, which
would keep the pending ordi-
nance doctrine intact. He said all
applications received after the
April 7 advertisement date of the
proposed ordinance amendment
were subject to that amendment,
and no action would be taken un-
til the amendment was voted up-
He believes the resolution AIMEE DILGER/ THE DALLAS POST
passed on Tuesday will be a con- Dallas Township Supervisors Frank Wagner, right, and Phillip Wal-
CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST tinued “holding pattern” that will ter, left, discuss a proposed ordinance.
Mason Palissery, center, listens carefully to stage instructions for the Miss Luzerne County Out- ensure a sort of “moratorium” on
standing Teen Contest. Looking on are Rebecca Zaneski, left, and Alexis Selli, right. zoning applications since the ad-
vertisement date until now. UP NEXT
Brennan said he and Jack Vara-

ly, the township’s planning con- The next meeting of the Dallas Township Board of Supervisors will be
sultant, researched the resolu- held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 18 in the municipal building. A public
tion even before the proposal of hearing will be held at 7 p.m. regarding an inter-municipal alcohol liquor
license transfer. A zoning hearing for Williams Field Services LLC’s
the zoning ordinance amend- application to build a metering site about 1,800 feet from the Dallas
Continued from Page 1
ment. schools will be held May 16.
eants,” said Duffy. “All of them The option was further re-
conducted themselves with self- searched after about 50 residents
confidence and poise.” packed the municipal meeting tecting the township. “prospectively, not retroactive-
Duffy said it was nice to see room April 28 in opposition of “It’s nice to have a little breath- ly.”
nearly half the girls participa- the proposed amendment, which ing room instead of being rushed In other news…
ting were from the Back Moun- many said did not adequately into something,” said resident • The board announced the
protect the township from cer- Norm Tomchak. Dallas Area Municipal Authority
tain, and though he was able to
tain aspects of natural gas indus- The township currently has will no longer offer the Dallas
listen and ask questions during
try activities. two zoning applications pending Township building as a mulch
the interviews, he alluded that Attorney Earl Phillips, of the decisions – one for Chief Gather- hauling site for commercial busi-
other aspects of the contest may Robinson & Cole law firm based ing LLC’s application for special nesses.
not have been very easy for him in Connecticut, and resident Joe exceptions to build a metering • Mark Van Etten announced
to judge. Cigan, also an attorney, had sev- station off Hildebrandt Road, and that effective May 16, Dallas Fire
“I don’t know how to judge eral points of criticism, and ar- another from Williams Field Ser- & Ambulance will have an ad-
evening wear and things like gued the existing ordinance vices LLC for special exceptions vanced life support rating, which
that,” he said. Mikayla Orrson, a junior at Lake-Lehman High School, prepares would be more protective than to build a metering station about means the organization will have
Other judges included Cas- her make-up for the Miss Luzerne County Outstanding Teen the proposed amendment. 500 feet away from the Chief site. paramedics in addition to emer-
sandra Coleman, mayor of Exe- Pageant. Orrson was the third runner-up in the contest. Residents were pleased with Brennan said he will go over gency medical technicians and a
ter Borough; Frank White, oper- the result of Tuesday’s meeting, applications to see if any apply to 24 hours a day, seven days a week
but were aware that more still the current resolution, but he crew as well as a second crew
ations manager of the Miss Phi-
needs to be done in terms of pro- said the resolution will work available during the day.
ladelphia Scholarship Pageant;
Doreen Pavinski, executive se-
nior sales director of Mary Kay, clothing at the school. Maransky from part-time guid-

Inc.; Lauren Harrington-Coop- After speaking with students, ance secretary and part-time ath-
er, a middle school language arts parents and teachers, Shaffer letic director secretary to build-
teacher and dance instructor; said the proposal was developed ing secretary of the Dallas Mid-
and Darlene Deeley Malone, to include better defined lan- dle School to replace Allyson
Continued from Page 3
who was named the first Miss guage in regards to clothing. Lord, effective May 3.
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton in 1986. costly for districts to utilize out- “This is my 10th year in high • The appointment of Todd
Palissery took a different side sources for score tracking. school administration, and I just Hunter as chairperson of the mu-
route to the stage - she also However, Reinert said biology realized it,” said Shaffer. “When sic department for the 2010-11
signed up for the pageant when and math classes in the high it comes to fashions with high school year and compensation
school have begun to change cur- school age kids, fashions come for his services throughout the
Gruber came to town, but didn’t
riculum structure to align with faster than we can make poli- year.
start to prepare until two weeks new standards. The class of 2015 cies.” • The appointment of Thomas
prior to the event. will need to take four Keystone Bob Nesbit of Crabtree Rohr- Gilroy as chairperson of the so-
She quickly wrote a stand-up Exams as field tests - algebra I, baugh & Associates also provid- cial studies department and as as-
comedy routine to perform dur- English literature, composition ed the board with an update to sistant senior class advisor for
ing the show, and her related Taryn Chopyak has her hair sprayed before the pageant. and biology. the high school construction pro- the 2010-11 school year and com-
platform reflects her adoration The board also received an up- ject. He said the project is cur- pensation for his services
of all things funny. date concerning the district dress rently lagging three weeks be- throughout the year.
“I love making people laugh,” “It’s not really something I tion, which funnels into the code policy from high school hind due to problems with a • Changes to the meeting
she said. “Laughter is the best normally do,” she said of partici- Miss America national competi- principal Jeffrey Shaffer. flooring subcontractor. schedule for the next three
medicine.” pating in the event. “I’m kind of tion. Shaffer prepared a proposal for The board approved two months. The board will meet on
Taryn Chopyak, 13, of Dallas, nervous.” Miss Outstanding Teen com- the board to consider in terms of change orders for the project, to- May 23, June 20, June 27 and July
Mikayla Orrson, 16, of Leh- petitions are held on local and more clearly defined parameters taling $3,946. 11, which will be the only meet-
had only done dance perform-
man Township, isn’t afraid of the regional levels throughout the for what is allowed to be worn at In other news… ing in July. August meetings will
ances on stage before, but be-
stage - she’s a veteran actor of the high school. He said there The board approved the follow- return to normal schedule, the
cause many of her friends want- state, and contestants will com-
the Lake-Lehman Theater have been some issues about too ing matters: first and second Monday of the
ed to take to the spotlight, she pete in June at the state level for loose, too tight and too revealing • A lateral transfer of Michelle month.
Troupe. She thought her experi- the title of Miss Pennsylvania
thought it might be a good expe-
ences in various plays through- Outstanding Teen.
rience for her as well.
out the years would be a good

Her platform, “Start Smart 4 Local coordinator Gina Major
basis for her platform, which she
School,” helps underprivileged Ackerman, a former Miss Penn-
called “Beyond the Theater
children receive school suppli- sylvania in 1984, said despite the

residents enjoy
es. program’s changes over the
“I’ve been in theater since I
“I have a huge family, and I years, the competition still helps
was 11 years old,” she said. “It

Spring Fling
had a couple cousins who were young women learn life lessons
makes you more confident and
made fun of at school because gives you social skills. I did well through experience.
they didn’t have everything they during the whole interview be- “When I was entering, I en-
needed for school,” she said. cause I’m used to talking to peo- tered because of scholarship and
The Village at Greenbriar held
She’s been tap dancing since ple.” talent,” said Major Ackerman. "I
its annual Spring Fling recently.
she was 4 years old, so it was on- The Miss Pennsylvania Out- was putting myself through col- Residents enjoyed music, food
ly a matter of practicing a little standing Teen pageant is a sister lege at Drexel University in Phi- and chose a king and queen.
more for her performance to the organization to the Miss Penn- ladelphia. That’s why girls en- From left, first row, are Margaret
“Hawaii Five-0” theme song. sylvania scholarship competi- ter.” Dzanis, queen; and Ed Cono-
logue, king. Second row, Lynma-
rie Young, activities director; and
plete work,” he said. “Kids can puters in any sort of capacity Courtney Sadusky, activities.

listen to music in writing labs – and are doing just fine.
they really like that.” “There’s still a place for books
He said students who enjoy and worksheets,” said Gartrell.
these activities will be less likely “So many great teachers never
Continued from Page 1
to commit actions that will pre- use technology.”
sible for students to visit certain vent them from utilizing their Students may be using less pa-
off-limits websites during class – computers in the future. per, but they will be using more
something that’s already a part
of the Dallas technology rule-
“That’s why, in the beginning,
we’ll go over this slowly with
power – there will be fewer op-
portunities to print at the new ◆ PUZZLE ANSWERS Puzzles, Page 2
book. each student so they know high school, but there will be a
Students are now responsible they’ll be jeopardizing a great media center where students
for their own computers, but a thing (if they misbehave),” he can drop off their devices to
letter sent home to parents in said. charge them during the day.
April said students must only Students who lose computer “That’s why we’re telling stu-
use their computers for school- privileges could also get left be- dents to get more energy-effi-
related activities during school hind in class if a teacher is using cient products,” said Gartrell.
hours, and disruptive material a computer to teach or present “(We’ll advise them to get)
or behavior will result in admin- material without physical something with longer battery
istrative action. books. Gartrell said some text- life.”
Gartrell said certain behav- books also offer e-books to ac- While the program’s test run
iors are curtailed by banning company the material, and oth- means extra work for Gartrell
students from using computers, ers allow a limited number of and his crew, he said the switch
and he likes that computer use scanned editions to circulate to utilizing more technology in
in the Dallas High School is seen within schools. the classroom will only better
as a privilege that can be taken “The goal is to use less paper prepare students for the future.
away. and save money,” he said. “The more things we can do
“Kids are allowed to use Yet, Gartrell also said some to get kids ready for college, the
games as an incentive to com- teachers have never used com- better,” he said.

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 13

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PAGE 14 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

100 Announcements 300
Personal Services 500 Employment 700 Merchandise 900 Real Estate
200 Auctions 400 Automotive 600 Financial 800 Pets & Animals 1000 Service Directory

To place a Classified ad: Call 570-829-7130 or 1-800-273-7130 Email:

380 Travel 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 415 Autos-Antique 427 Commercial 439 Motorcycles
& Classic & Classic Trucks &
BMW `93 325 IC LEXUS `95 ES 300 Rare, Exclusive PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD Equipment SUZUKI ‘04
June 20, 21 and 22 Convertible, Beautiful, mint Opportunity To 400 CONVERTIBLE
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CHEVY ‘08 3500 GSXR 1000CC
100 Wednesday)
Catch the Yankees
Exterior & Tan leather interior. 2 Own... Blue/white top &
white interior. COUPE DEVILLE TOWN CAR Less than 1,000

Interior, 5 Speed owners.New brakes miles. Team colors
ANNOUNCEMENTS take on the Reds at Transmission, rotors & shocks. Recent document- Excellent condition, 61,000 original
‘26 FORD ed frame-off $3,000 located in miles, garage kept, with matching hel-
The Great American Heated Seats. 2nd Ice cold AC. Fully 2WD, automatic. met & jacket. Fend-
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Ballpark in Cincin- Owner, 66k Miles. loaded. 112K. er eliminator kit.
110 Lost $31,000 invested. 570-454-1945 or interior, carriage Only 12,000 miles.
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dition. $31,000. Call
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OLDSMOBILE `68 Dark gray metallic,
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150 Special Notices $5000 CHRYSLER `02 $5,500 FIRM.
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PT CRUISER Call 570-650-0278 AVPS, Fully 570-579-3517
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newborn. We Leather Interior Asking $24,995
can provide a & Sunroof Serious inquiries
lifetime of happi- $20,000 only. 570-636-3151
ness, security (570) 814-8398
& educational
Call after 9:30 a.m.
Expenses paid. 63,000 highway
Nancy/Kevin miles, silver, runs
1-866-254-3529 great, $11,500.
Audi `02 A4
1.8 Turbo, AWD, FORD `07 WASHER / DRYER / RANGE We Do It All! Tired of Paying Too Much For Lawn Care???
Automatic, white
with beige leather
interior. 84,000 MUSTANG GT REFRIGERATOR Auto • Commercial
MINIMUM Miles. Very Good Premium package,
Bring in old part with model # and serial # Residential
DRIVEN IN Condition. $8,900 silver, black leather 570-760-8264 - ASK FOR ALAN
Full size 4 wheel
drive trucks
(570) 696-9809 interior, 5 speed
manual. 20,000
(570) 690-4262
ALSO PAYING TOP $$$ miles. $18,900 936 Market Street, Kingston • Lawn Care • Spring & Fall Cleanup & Removal
for heavy equip-
(570) 868-3832
Open 9-4:30-Sat ‘til Noon - 288-5526 • Landscaping • Shrub Trimming & Pruning
ment, backhoes,
dump trucks,
bull dozers
BMW `07 328xi
Black with black HOME IMPROVEMENTS
TRUCK SALES interior. Heated


570-760-2035 seats. Back up &
542-2277 navigation sys- Exterior Home Improvements By
6am to 8pm tems. New tires &
brakes. Sunroof.
Garage kept. Many
Red with black top.
extras! 46,000 6,500 miles. One
Miles. Owner. Excellent Finish Carpenter, Woodworker, Craftsman
Asking $19,500.
570-825-8888 or
Condition. $18,500
570-760-5833 • Trim • Cabinets • Remodeling
• Windows
Locally Owned & Operated Since 1987

• Storm Doors
• Stairs • Formica • & Much Sofas • Kitchen Sets • Chairs
Call Anytime!
HYUNDAI `04 • Railings • Tile More
• Siding • Vinyl Railings Boat Seats, Etc.
TIBURON GT INSURED AND REASONABLE • Enclosures • Roofing Free Estimates & Delivery
“We’re Here To Serve You”
Blue, 5 speed
manual, CD, Air, CALL GREG at 570-690-3995 • Fiberglass Doors • And More RD 44 Dallas • 639-1721
factory alarm,
power windows & FREE ESTIMATES
310 Attorney
BMW `07 328xi
Black with black
locks. 38K.
$7,500 negotiable.
Call 570-540-6236 PA018418
interior. Heated
Free Bankruptcy seats. Back up &
Consultation navigation sys- MERCEDES `95 SL 500
Payment plans.
Carol Baltimore
tems. New tires &
brakes. Sunroof.
Convertible. Low
mileage. Hard top
570-822-1959 Garage kept. Many included. Leather
extras! 46,000 interior. Excellent
for all legal matters
Attorney Ron Wilson
Asking $19,500.
570-825-8888 or
loaded. $11,000.
Call 619-884-2266
or 570-696-1271
SINCE 1976
Call Anytime! • COMPLETE REMODELING & Central PA

LINE UP Licensed & Insured

A GREAT DEAL... 150 Special Notices 150 Special Notices THOMAS DANIELS
General Contractor 675-2995
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
the directions!
380 Travel
The Dallas Junior Football & Cheerleading
Association will sponsor a
Homemade Chicken Croquette Dinner
(featuring Shorty’s famous recipe!) on • Flat Roofs • Shingles • Siding • Replacement Windows
May 21, 2011 from 4-8pm
at the Idetown Fire Hall (Memorial Hwy 1/2 Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured
mile past Greenbriar on the left). The din-
ner will feature 3 large croquettes, mashed WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED
W OULD Y OU LIKE potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables and ROBERT SMITH, WEST PITTSTON HIC#
Call us to make
your reservation!
corn bake. Dinner will be $10 and will be
eat-in or take-out. Email 655-6710 PA-005521
Kelly at
570-793-1769 or call 675-6959 for reservations.

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 15

442 RVs & Campers 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 545 Marketing/ 708 Antiques & 716 Building 744 Furniture & 754 Machinery & 758 Miscellaneous
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Product Collectibles Materials Accessories Equipment
childrens’. $7.50
CLASSIC with cap. 1 owner,
In search of a
Coughlin H.S. 1926,
1928, 1932, 1937,
placement new 1-
16”x27.5” & 1-
sand colored cush-
man with stand $75.
large tank air com-
Super Lite Fifth garage kept, very 1940, 1961, 1963, 18”x27” white vinyl ioned, excellent pressor 3/4 hp.
Wheel. LCD/DVD dynamic person double hung insulat- On Wheels. $50.
good condition. 1942, 1943, 1944, shape $200. 570-814-4775
flat screen TV, fire- Many extras includ- 177,102 miles, auto- with great commu- FINANCIAL 1949. G.A.R. H.S. ed glass 1/2 screen 570/824-7807 or
place, heated mat- matic, four wheel nication skills and 1934, 1935, 1936, $65. each. (2) 570-545-7006
ing lift & back seat. 756 Medical TIRES -4 Dayton
tress, ceiling fan, drive, 4 door, anti- ability to multi-task. 1937, 1945, 1946, 16”x16” concrete
29 MPG gas. 610 Business Timberline P255/
Hide-a-Bed sofa, lock brakes, air con- The successful can- 1951, 1955, 1956, chimney caps $10. MIRROR large full Equipment
$4,000 70/R16 good tread
outside speakers & or best offer ditioning, air bags, didate will be punc- Opportunities 1957, 1961, 1965, each. size wall mirror 30”
$150. 570-824-7015
grill, 2 sliders, tual, organized, reli- 570-735-7658 x 52” great for salon LIFT CHAIR. Pride.
(570) 868-0944 power locks, power 1966, 1970, 1980,
aluminum wheels, windows, power able, creative, con-
CREATIVE & EXCITING 1985, 2005, 2006.
726 Clothing
or gym $50. or best Elegance series TIRES. Various


water purifier, mirrors, power scientious, and per- Meyers H.S. 1935, offer. 570-905-5602 Model 550. 3 posi- sizes. $145 to $240.
awning, microwave seats, cruise con- sonable. Must have Paint your own tion, 375 lb capacity. Call for details
1936, 1937, 1938, MIRRORS: 2 mirrors
prior marketing pottery studio BABY GIRLS clothes
oven, tinted safety
glass windows, 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3 trol, AM/FM radio,
cassette player, CD experience.
be a self-starter
Must franchise. Low start
up & local training.
1942, 1943, 1944,
1945, 1946, 1960, (0-18 months) tons
of outfits, like new
that fit on dressers.
$50 for both.
Marine blue, less
than 2 years old.
TIRES: Four (4)
raised panel fridge 82,000 miles, auto- changer, leather 1974, 1975, 1976, $175. 954-9883
& many acces- matic, chrome step with reliable trans- POKE-A-NOSE $150. Maternity 570-313-5213 Good tread.
interior, sun roof, 1977. Kingston H.S.
sories & options. up and mirrors & rear defroster, rear portation. Computer POTTERY clothes, over 20 255/70/R16 $100.00
1938, 1939, 1940, PANTRY/CABINET: 758 Miscellaneous
Excellent condition, leather interior. windshield wiper, skills a must. Will- Inspiration is Within pieces $40. 570-824-7015
1944, 1948, 1949. 6 1/2ft tall, 3ft wide
$22,500. Good Condition. new Passed inspec- ingness to work Call Jason 570-212-2347
Plymouth H.S. 1930, with shelves and AB-DOER In box TRAILER HITCH with
570-868-6986 Drums Area. tion, new battery. Saturdays a must. 570-730-7855 or
1931, 1932, 1933, CLOTHING. Great lots of storage never opened, $70. hardware, fits 2005-
$4,500 $2,500 Positive attitude and email: pnpfranchise
1938, 1943, 1944, space. White with
SUNLITE CAMPER 401-524-9763 high energy a must. Buys! Girls, like new. VCR Magnovox with 2008 Escape, Mer-
(570) 868-1100 1959, 1960. Sizes 10-12. Large light wood trim. all hookups, on cury Mariner, Mazda
Call after 2:00 p.m. Fax resume to Hanover H.S. 1951,
22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
center bathroom,
Say it HERE 570-822-3446. No LINE UP 1952, 1953, 1954,
box $25, Size 14
$25 box. Misses
Excellent condition.
$50. 570-855-9221
screen display
record & timer $20.
Tribute $110 or best
offer. 570-466-1214
in the Classifieds! phone calls please.
kitchen, sofa bed.
Air, Fully self con- 570-829-7130 SUZUKI `07 XL-7 A GREAT DEAL... 1960. West Pittston
H.S. Annual 1925,
women’s, Medium
$20, X-large $25.
PATIO SET: 7 piece
DVD player $15.
570-822-8957 TRUCK BOX. Kobalt
tained. Sleeps 6. 56,000 miles, 548 Medical/Health IN CLASSIFIED! 1926, 1927, 1928, 570-474-6028
white, rectangle aluminum. Fits small
New tires, fridge
awning. $4500. FORD `99 E250 automatic,
all-wheel drive,
CAREGIVER Looking for the right deal
1931, 1932, 1959.
Luzerne H.S. 1951, JACKET - Mens
table, new cushions
that are 1 year old
Black. For 6 foot
truck. $85
Call Mark at
215-322-9845 Wheelchair Van 4 door, air condi- on an automobile? 1952, 1956, 1957, Brown Leather $250. 883-5640 truck bed. $200.00. 570-829-1478
78,250 miles. Fully Part Time in-home 1959. Berwick H.S. Jacket. Medium. 570-283-5142
tioning, all power, Turn to classified. SOFA TABLE: 48”
TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft serviced, new bat- care for female 1952, 1953, 1956, Long. Good Condi-
tery, tires & rods.
CD player, leather
adult in Dallas. Must It’s a showroom in print! 1957, 1958, 1960, tion. $10. 675-0920
medium shade of 762 Musical
interior, tinted wood, $40. Childs BARREL,
Rear queen master Seats 6 or 3 wheel- windows, custom reside nearby. Classified’s got 1967, 1968, 1969
wood high back wooden. Instruments
bedroom, Walk chairs. Braun Millen- Bathing required. ,1970. Lehman H.S.
wheels, $13,000 the directions! 728 Commercial/ bench with cut out 53 gallon.
thru bathroom.
Center kitchen +
nium lift
remote. Walk up
with Call 570-829-8753
Before 5:00 p.m.
Call 570-675-2539.
1973, 1974, 1976,
1978, 1980. Nanti- Industrial hearts on sides and Excellent DIGITAL PIANO
dinette bed. Front back, $15. 3 light condition $195. Roland RP-101-MH
door. Front & rear coke Area H.S.
Equipment green metal 570-876-3830 Digital Piano with
extra large living A/C. Power locks &
A GREAT DEAL... 1976, 2008. Dallas

room + sofa bed. windows. Excellent Healthcare Services H.S. 1966, 1967, planters, hook on cabinet and bench.
GENERATOR Honda top of deck railing,
Big View windows.
Air, awning, sleeps
condition. $9,500.
Group at Highland
Manor Nursing and
IN CLASSIFIED! 1968. Bishop Hoban
H.S. 1972, 1973,
EB 2500 $400 24” long, $12. for BATHROOM SINK Excellent condition -
hardly used.
SET: Gerber white
6, very clean, will Rehabilitation Center Looking for the right deal 1974, 1975. West
570-674-7034 all. 570-301-8515
porcelain bathroom Paid $2400 $1500.
deliver. Located in
is currently accept- on an automobile? Side Central SOFA. Green sec- sink with mirror and 570-417-1734
Benton, Pa. $4,900.
ing applications for Turn to classified. Catholic H.S. 1965 - 730 Computer tional w/sleeper and medicine cabinet. PIANO Baldwin con-

GMC `99
215-694-7497 part time Dietary 1974, 1980, 1981. Equipment & recliner. $100 Matching set. $80.
475 CAT & 10 Aides. Also hiring Full It’s a showroom in print! Westmoreland H.S. 570-417-9280 570-331-8183
sole with matching
speed transmission. & Part time House- Classified’s got 1952, 1953 - 1954 Software bench $995. tuned
451 Trucks/ $12,000 BEAUTY SALON a440 almost mint,

keeping & Laundry
Aides. Apply in per-
the directions! G.A.R. H.S. 1972,
COMPUTER SYS- 746 Garage Sales/ two chairs beige hardly used, excel-
1973, 1974, 1975,
son Monday - Friday 1976 Pittston H.S. Estate Sales/ color hydraulic lift &
call 570-474-6362
between the hours 610 Business 1936, 1951, 1954, PRO SP3, Includes
Flea Markets
swivel $50 each

430 Detroit, Super mouse, keyboard, 570-905-5602
Champagne 10 transmission.
of 9am-4pm at: Opportunities 1963 Pittston Hospi-
monitor. Still a year PIANO
exterior, 750 Schooley Ave. tal School of Nurs- Beautiful Story &
Asking $15,000. Exeter, PA 18643 left on warranty. BEER MEISER Dans-
CX leather interior, ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, 746 Garage Sales/ Clark console piano
1959 West Pittston $75. 570-457-6610 by, holds 1/4 keg.
power windows Estate Sales/ with matching
AWD, & locks, 4 wheel
‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’
with sides. All LINEUP H.S. 1950, 1954,
1955, 1956, 1960 732 Exercise Flea Markets
$225. 283-2047
bench. Excellent
loaded, 1 owner, drive. $4,850. CANES & WALKING condition. $750.
18,000 miles. 6 Call for
aluminum, spread
axle. $6,500. ASUCCESSFULSALE Hazleton H.S. 1938,
1939, 1940, 1941, Equipment STICKS - Uniquely Call 570-287-8711
cylinder. New condition and
inspection, tires known issues. 2 storage trailers. INCLASSIFIED! JAN-PRO
1942, 1943, 1945,
BUYING made from the roots
of Slippery Elm PIANO/SPINET
& brakes. Like 570-362-4080 1948, 1949, 1950, US/FOREIGN trees. Over 16 avail- brown, great for
new, inside & out.
570-814-4790 Doyouneedmorespace? CLEANING 1953, 1954, 1955,
“Half Price” Nordic-
track exercise bike. able. $4 & 5 each. students $75.
$16,900. Call A yard or garage sale 1956, 1957, 1959, Call 570-735-2081. 570-417-9280
16 levels. Like new. CURRENCY
1960, 1961, 1962,
(570) 540-0975 in classified Be Your Own 1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
$125. 204-4449
Boss Work Full or
is the best way 1951, 1952 PREMIUMS FOR white, very good ad call...829-7130
CHEVR0LET`02 ODYSSEY tocleanoutyourclosets!
Part time
Accounts available
570-825-4721 742 Furnaces &
Anderson window-
766 Office
You’re in bussiness NOW throughout
Wilkes Barre,
Don't need that 36”w X38”H double

with classified! Scranton,
and Hazleton.
Sell it in the
lander. 27-3000
hung, grills & screen
included, very good
PRINTER, Fax, Copi-
CONVERSION 554 Production/ We guarantee
Classified Section! heats approximately condition. $75. or
JEWELRY & best offer. 826-1702 er, Scanner. 4 in 1
VAN SERVICE Operations $5,000 to 570-829-7130 2600-2800 square
feet. Burns chestnut WATCHES HP Series 2200.
Loaded. Low DIRECTORY 710 Appliances coal. Firebrick-lined, ALL TYPES
CHILTON & Motor Excellent condition
miles. Excellent in annual billing. Manuals for auto/ $50. 570-675-4383
Small investment built in blower sys-
condition. tem, large glass
OF STERLING truck repair, ranging
$18,900 468 Auto Parts We’re ready - SILVER from 1960 to 1980.
viewing area, 6” top 772 Pools & Spas
Special Edition. Are you? each $12. Truck
570-674-3901 or rear exhaust, 610 Old Postcards &
Maroon, Fully For more info door for 1973-1980
loaded. Leather Area commercial lbs. Must pick up. Local Photo’s, POOL 4’x15’ above
570-301-3602 Call 570-824-5774
CHEVROLET `05 $500. 570-497-4132 passenger side
seats. TV/DVD, printer seeks design/ Lead Soldiers & Dodge Pickup new, ground pool $600.
navigation, sun roof CALL US! prepress person for HEATER: Timberline Old Toys, Mining never used. $100. includes heavy duty

Black/Grey. 18,000
plus many other
extras. 3rd seat .
Only 1,900 Miles.
possess 630 Money To Loan
vent-free propane
gas heater with fire-
& Military Stuff,
Old Crocks, Jugs
Pinto trailer hook for
dump truck. $40.
ladder, large filter,
solar cover,

miles. Well Brand New. YOUR CAR strong design capa-

bility with experi- “We can erase
log. Wall mounted. & Bottles, China Radiator for 1950/
54 model Chevy 570-779-2079
Asking $37,000 15,000 to 25,000 & Glassware,
equipped. Includes BEST PRICES ence in MAC, PC & your bad credit - GENE’S truck. $75. Tail
(570) 328-0850 BTUs, sells for $250 Local Advertising
On-Star, tow pack- IN THE AREA DTP applications & 100% GUARAN- RECONDITIONED Lights, new, for 774 Restaurant
asking $99. Excel-
age, roof rack, an understanding of TEED.” Attorneys STAMPS Ford dump or box
running boards, prepress, the print- Equipment
remote starter, Free Anytime ing process, and all
for the Federal
Trade Commission
60 Day Warranty 570-328-5611
PAYING truck, brackets
included. 2 for $25.
DUMP TRUCK Pickup Monday-Friday
extended warranty.
$16,000 Refurbished, rebuilt 570-301-3602
aspects of bindery
operation. Must
say they’ve never
seen a legitimate 8:00PM-5:00PM OIL: Home heating
engine, transmis- EQUIPMENT,
(570) 825-7251
sion replaced. Selling your
have a minimum of
2 years education in
credit repair opera-
tion. No one can
oil. Approximately
150+ gallons. Must
Rose Theme. 5 8x12 walk in

Rear-end removed
and relubed. Brand
Place an ad and
graphic design & legally remove Gateway remove from tanks. PRICES piece. Small Repair.
$20. Dinnerware - 8
cooler $2300;
advertising, and a accurate and timely Shopping Center $2.00 a gallon 8x8x10 walk
new 10’ dump. PA find a new owner.
state inspected.
minimum of 5 years information from Kingston, PA Located in Jermyn. HERITAGE place setting. Royal in freezer $3800;
570-829-7130 practical experience your credit report. 570-877-3861 Staffordshire Ameri- Pizza oven with
4X4 pickup, extend- $12,900/best offer. in graphic design, It’s a process that (570) 819-1966 GALLERIES can Legend. With stones $2000;
ed cab, 6 1/2 ft. 570-594-1496 print and bindery DALLAS, PA extras. $100.
starts with you and Stainless steel
box, automatic. production. Knowl- MICROWAVE: GE, all 744 Furniture & 570-675-0920
JEEP `00
involves time and a Across from kitchen hood
Pewter. 48,000 edge of the Apogee conscious effort to options, with Accessories Dallas Agway $3000; Stainless
miles. Excellent workflow a plus. pay your debts. turntable, excellent COFFEE MAKER. steel pizza oven
on Rt. 415
condition. $15,000
(570) 954-7461
WRANGLER Must have the ability
to move freely
Learn about manag-
ing credit and debt
$40. ARMOIRE. For com-
puter. Excellent
condition. $100
Look for blue
& white signs
Restaurant style, 2
pot Bunn Pour O
Matic. $80. PUMP,
hood $4000;
bread pan rack
throughout the at ftc. gov/credit. A small college size, $100; 2 soup
building to gather message from The good condition $40/ 570-256-7208 windshield, for Jeep warmers for $100;
CHEVROLET `09 information, materi-
als & authorizations.
Times Leader and
the FTC.
570-675-4383 BEDROOM SET
4 piece Basset,
Tues-Sat, 10-5
Wrangler, $50
2 door sandwich
prep table $500.
MIXER. Hobart,
Competitive salary DISHES Apple dish- All equipment is
20 quart. Excellent white, dresser with
509 Building/ and full benefits.
condition. $850 3 drawers, desk es 12 place setting sold as is. For
Low mileage, 15000 Send resume only more info, call
Construction/ to: Independent 570-288-5571 with matching chair with salt/pepper
miles, automatic, 570-847-0873
all-wheel drive, 4 Skilled Trades Graphics REFRIGERATOR,
& lighted bookshelf,
single bed with con-
BUYING shakers, butter dish
and matching canis-
door, anti-lock TJ, Black with grey P.O. BOX 703, US/FOREIGN ter set $25. Call
Kenmore, white vertible canopy. RESTAURANT
brakes, air condi-
tioning, air bags,
interior. 4 cylinder,
5-speed manual
CARPENTER Pittston, PA 18640
Phone calls will
side by side with ice Excellent condition. COINS & 570-631-6635 9am- EQUIPMENT,
power locks, power transmission. CD
Experienced. not be accepted. 700 and water in door.
Excellent condition
$350. 287-8711.
5:30pm or 570-283-
5958 After 5:30.
Somerset Dough
Full time position. Sheeter, Model
windows, power player, hardtop, full Please forward MERCHANDISE $450. Call BEDROOM SET HIGHEST
CAR-100. Only
mirrors, cruise con-
trol, AM/FM radio,
doors, sound bar.
4” Skyjacker
resume to:
Job Seekers are 570-654-3135 or
5 piece, complete,
dark wood, like new
1 available. $1,500
Call for more info
708 Antiques &
looking here!
cassette player, CD Suspension lift with queen size, 7 ft. & BETTER ITEMS RACK, for top of car, or send 570-498-3616
player, keyless steering stabilizer. Collectibles WASHER. Maytag. dresser with double $40. ENTERTAIN-
to: PO Box 1227
entry, rear de- Like new BF Fabric-matic. Heavy mirror. Asking GOLD & MENT CENTER, oak RESTAURANT
froster, rear wind-
shield wiper, tinted
Goodrich 35’s with
Full size spare. Only
Kingston, Pa 18704
Where's your ad? BARBIE DOLL: 1997
Mattel Hallmark
duty, extra large
capacity top loader.
$599. 655-5404
with glass doors,
$40. CHAIR, rock-
windows. $17,500.
(570) 954-9333
85,000 miles.
518 Customer
Support/Client Care 570-829-7130 and Special Edition Bar-
bie Doll. Fair
25 1/2” wide. White.
Good condition.
sion oak wood twin
size complete &
ing, wood, $15
model SPM45,
ask for an employ-
Call after 9:00 a.m. (570) 301-7221 Valentint; 12” tall; $325 ALL TYPES $500; ALSO, Bunn
570-885-1338 cabinet never used! HEATER: kerosene
LUBRICATION Pink & Torquoise OF STERLING Pour Over Coffee
CHEVY `05 EQUINOX 451 Trucks/ 1870’s dress. New
$175. 905-5602 heater, used once,

ment specialist
DISTRIBUTOR WASHER/DRYER. SILVER with cyphon. $100. Machine, Model #
LT (premium pack- SUVs/Vans HAS OPENING FOR in box $20.735-0191 Whirlpool,electric. CURIO CABINET: New countertop STF15, $225
Old Postcards &


age), 3.4L, 47,000 Excellent, $350. solid oak, three broiler oven, white. For more info, call
COLLECTIBLE Sea- glass shelves and Local Photo’s, 570-498-3616
miles. All wheel REFRIGERATOR, $20. Room size car-
gram’s Mirror – 1908 two lights for display Lead Soldiers &
drive, power moon- 566 Sales/Retail/ Roper, 18.2 cu ft. pet with fringe on
Stanley Cup $50. $200. Bridal Pre- Old Toys, Mining RESTAURANT
roof, windows, locks Excellent. $200. each end, very dark
& seats. Leather Business Call Mark at 570-
570-474-5188 cious Moment knick & Military Stuff, blue with floral EQUIPMENT,
Oil Corpora- Development 301-3484 or Allison knacks $5 to $35. AMERICAN EAGLE
interior, 6 cd chang- Old Crocks, Jugs design $100.
tion is looking for a at 631-6635. Hunter green couch MIXER, 20 quart
er, rear folding & Bottles, China 570-970-3576
p r o f e s s i o n a l 712 Baby Items
seats, keyless entry,
onstar, roof rack,
running boards,
with excellent cus-
tomer service skills.
INDEPENDENT Doyouneedmorespace?
A yard or garage sale BABY ITEMS: New-
reclines on both
sides, drawer in
center bottom and
& Glassware,
Local Advertising
HUTCH, Mahogany.
$50. STOVE, Camp-
mixer, Model
AE-20, with timer
and guard, $1300.
garage kept.
This is a telephone
AGENCY in classified
is the best way
born swing $50.
Childcraft crib $75.
Childcraft oak 4
hidden pull out table
with cup holders
ing, $30. LANTERN,
camping $25
ALSO, Bev Air 2
door refrigerator/
sandwich prep
570-362-1910 $150. 570-704-8117 570-287-8092
strong oral commu- Agency is looking to tocleanoutyourclosets! drawer chest $50.
RECORD table, Model
CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR Triple black, eco- nication and com- hire a Commercial Oak dresser combo DESK, Secretary IRONING BOARD SP48-12, $1300.
You’re in bussiness
Custom Van. 67K
nomical 6 cylinder.
4x4 select drive.
puter skills.
Applicants must be
Lines Customer
Service Agent to with classified!
changing table
$100. Newborn-12
drop down top 3
drawers, pecan fin-
MAKER $10; (2)
Call 570-498-3616
for more details.
miles. Interior has
oak wood trim, car-
CD, remote door dependable, highly
motivated and good
handle existing book
of business. At
month clothing - girl
$5. each
ish, excellent condi-
tion. $100. 287-2517
PRICES LAMPS, $15 each;
opener, power win- 1963 Topps Mike 776 Sporting Goods
peting, storage at multi-tasking. least (3) to 5 years 570-825-0569 $30 for all.
areas, TV, rear seat dows & locks, Ditka Football Card- DESK: O’Sullivan HERITAGE Call 570-829-2599
cruise, tilt wheel. Minimum 3 years experience is pre-
convertible to dou-
108k highway miles. experience in cus- ferred, position
Great Shape-Make BASINET, for baby, Corner Work-center GALLERIES 08 LOWE 14 Foot
ble bed, curtains. an offer. $50.00 blue & white, excel- 5.5’x5’.5 finished in SHOES - Capezio, Aluminum Boat.
Seats 7. Power win- Garage kept. Super tomer service. available in our
570-824-1180 lent condition. $50.; pine laminate, in
DALLAS, PA tan, size 8W, new in Hand Galvanized
dows & seats. Cus- clean inside and out. We offer a competi- Wilkes-Barre office. Across from
tive starting rate BABY BATHTUB excellent condition, box/never worn, Trailer. 40 pd Thrust
tom lighting on ceil- No rust. Sale price Salary commensu- PICTURES: Pittston
and full benefit $10; BABY SWING, sells for $250. ask- Dallas Agway $25. 570-675-6377 Electric Motor.
ing. New exhaust $6,895. Scranton. rate with experi- St. Johns pictures of
package including Oraco $40. Call ing $99. E-mail on Rt. 415 $900. 570-675-3171
system. New rear 570-466-2771 ence, Benefit Pack- the school fire of
comprehensive age includes, Health 1960 copies & some 570-829-2599 photo available. Call Look for blue
tires. Recently
468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
JEEP `07
inspected. Excellent health benefits and Benefits, Life Insur- originals. also, the 570-328-5611 or & white signs
BASSINET: With 570-328-5506
condition. $4,200 or 401k. ance, 20 day PTO 1964 St. Johns year
Send resume to: book. both for $20.
canopy, mobile, Tues-Sat, 10-5
best offer. Call Time & 401k plan.
570-655-0530 WRANGLER X Craft Oil Please forward Add also King’ col-
music, vibration. DINETTE SET: round 570-674-2646


Storage area under- top on pedestal bot-
Corporation resume to: lege year book of
Motorcycle for sale? 4x4, stick shift, soft 1980. $20. BOOKS neath. Light green/ tom, with 4 match-
Let them see it here top. Red exterior, Attn: Human
Insurance Group on 5 great women cream pattern for ing chairs in solid 752 Landscaping &
well maintained, Resource Dept. boy or girl. Excellent
in the Classifieds! P.O. Box 5066 Attn: Renee Valenti, of our times”Jack & maple. Mint Condi- Gardening
$300 and Up
garage kept. 11,500 Jackie” A portrait of conditions. Extra tion Less than one
570-829-7130 miles, one owner. Avoca, PA 18641 613 Baltimore Drive,
an American mar- sheets, mattress year old. Four cush- CHIPPER, shredder,
AC, CD player, Or Email: Wilkes-Barre, Pa. pad included. $40. ions included. $175.
Custom Van. 67K
cruise control.
Tow package with
18702. riage in the Kennedy
family. “Living His- 570-855-9221 570-288-5835
mulcher, bagger.
Craftsman 5 HP. 3 $125 extra if driven,
Let the Community tory” a book on cutting stages. Very
DRESSER 5 drawer
pulled or pushed in.
miles. Interior has cargo carrier. No Phone Calls Hillary Clinton.
oak wood trim, car- Excellent condition. Please. EOE Know!
“Going Rogue” A
716 Building oak, very good con-
good condition.
Place your Classified $325. 675-4383
peting, storage $18,700 amazing life of Materials dition $50.
areas, TV, rear seat
convertible to dou-
Call 570-822-9680 527 Food Services/
Sarah Palin. “My
Turn” Memoirs of DOORS 2 used Lar-
570-878-2849 LAWN MOWER -
Yard machine, 5.75 NOBODY Pays More
ble bed, curtains. Nancy Reagan. “A son storm doors H.P., 22” cut,
Secret Life of Mari- 30” & 36” white. CENTER. Cherry,
Seats 7. Power win-
EX, Van, Sunroof.
569 Security/ lyn Monroe” $10. $50 each. 570-417- real wood. 57” wide.
mulches, high
dows & seats. Cus- wheeled, good con- Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
tom lighting on ceil- 61,000 miles. Protective Services each. 655- 9474 4188 leave mes- $20. 570-674-2985
dition. $85. Sunday 8 am - 68 pm
ing. New exhaust Loaded. Good email bing 570-881-7116
system. New rear
tires. Recently
$5000 or best offer. SECURITY DOORS: (2) sliding
closet doors, 24x80 CHAIR, weight
capacity 375 lbs.
570-606-7654 wood with natural Craftsman /Honda 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy
inspected. Excellent
condition. $4,800.
Full-Time Security
positions available Collectcash,notdust! finish $50. DOOR (1) Medium brown,
motor includes bag Auto Auto
TRUCKS FOR SALE 30x80 natural finish. never used, $450.
Call 570-655-0530 in Mehoopany. not self propelled,
Call 570-388-6044
Ford, GMC, Gerrity’s Supermar-
kets is now hiring
Nights & weekends
a must. Must have a
Clean out your $40. Excellent con-
dition. 675-4383
Line up a place to live
new blade runs
good $150. after


DODGE `10 starting at $2,295.
Box Truck, Cab &
Part Time Deli
Clerks. Looking for
valid/clean driver’s
license for at least 3 basement, garage GLASS DOOR. 3
way glass door for in classified!
3pm 655-3197
dependable and years to date & be

Only 17k miles.

Chassis available.
Call U-haul customer oriented
individuals. Sales
able to pass a pre-
employment drug
or attic and call the bath tub. $25
K I T C H E N TA B L E ,
small, oak. Sides
Craftsman 6.75 hp,
self propelled bag- FOR JUNK
570-822-5536 fold down. $50. Call ging mower, key VEHICLES
Fully loaded.
Excellent condi- Find Something?
Commission Bonus.
Apply at:
test. Benefits are
available & uniforms Classified depart- SINKS:
2 new
(570) 829-2599 start, fully services
$165. 878-2849 PICKED UP
ment today at 570-
tion. Factory & Lose Something? 2020 Wyoming Ave. are provided. Please bowl sinks with LIVING ROOM SET.
extended war- Wyoming; or apply online at slight imperfection Couch, 2 matching Peter’s Lawncare
ranty. $17,995
Get it back where it
belongs 801 Wyoming Ave. https://jobs.nana. (almond). $30. or swivel rockers and See our ad under 570-876-1010
(570) 690-2806 with a Lost/Found ad!
West Pittston, or at:
Careers.aspx 829-7130! best offer.
details 457-6380
For Ottoman. $350
Call an Expert
1165 Lawn Care

PAGE 16 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011


Greg Martin Joe “Bobo” Nocera Ginny Kutzer Jim Bufalino Joe Skrutski Toni Grasso Victor DeAnthony Rob Kosco Doug Brown Marcus Ossowski Kevin Uren Jason Kilduff Kyle Wesley Frank Vieira
General Manager Used Car Manager Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Director of
20 Yrs. at Coccia 25 Yrs. at Coccia 19 Yrs. at Coccia 18 Yrs. at Coccia 11 Yrs. at Coccia 8 Yrs. at Coccia 3 Yrs. at Coccia 24 Yrs. with Ford 3 Yrs. at Coccia 1 Yr. at Coccia Internet Services

Terry Joyce Tom Washington Abdul Alsaigh Rudy Podest George Geiges Steve Mizenko Pat McGinty Lenny Santarsiero Barry Williams
Sales Manager Sales Manager Sales Manager Parts & Service Service Manager Service Manager Parts Manager Body Shop Manager Finance Manager
33 Yrs. at Coccia 14 Yrs. with Ford 3 Yrs. at Coccia Director 24 Yrs. with Ford 14 Yrs. at Coccia 19 Yrs. at Coccia 23 Yrs. at Coccia
26 Yrs. at Coccia

Auto., AC, Pwr. Mirrors, Advanced Trac with

Automatic, Advanced Trac with Electronic Stability Control, Side Curtains,
Electronic Stability Control, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Door Locks, Tilt Wheel,
Side Curtains, AM/FM/CD, SYNC, Sport Appearance Pkg., Rear
Spoiler, Cruise Control, 15” Alum.
Pwr. Door Locks, Remote Wheels, Winter Pkg., Heated
Keyless Entry, Air, Seats, Keyless Entry w/Keypad
Tilt Wheel, Pwr. Mirrors

** **
72 Mos.
Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

Auto., AM/FM/CD, Anti-Theft

Sys., AC, Side Curtain Air Bags,
Remote Keyless Entry, 16” Steel Wheels, Tilt Wheel, Instrument
Air, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Cluster, Message Center, PL, PW, Keyless
Locks, Side Curtain Entry, Pwr. Side Mirrors, Fog Lamps,
Air Bags, Anti-Theft Sys., MyKey, Convenience Pkg., Cruise,
Control, Map Light, Perimeter Alarm,
Side Impact Air Bags, MyFord, SYNC, Sirius Satellite Radio
Message Center, MyKey

** **
Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

Auto., 6 Disc CD, Anti-Theft Sys., Tilt, Alum.

Wheels, Sirius Satellite Radio, Pwr. Seat, Safety
Front Wheel Drive, Auto., AC, All Wheel Drive, Air, CD, Safety Canopy,
Pkg., Side Impact Air Bags, Message Side Impact Safety Pkg., Pwr. Driver’s
Center, Keyless Entry, 16” Steel Wheels, Keyless Seat, Rear Cargo Convenience
Entry w/Remote, PDL, Pkg., Fog Lamps, Privacy Glass,
Safety Canopy, Side Air 16” Alum. Wheels, Roof Rack,
Bags, PW, Cargo Auto., Sirius Satellite Radio,
MPG Cover, Roof Rails
PW, PDL, Keyless Entry,

** **
** **
72 ** 24
Mos. Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory
72 rebates applied **Lease
*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied
**Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, Mos. payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles.
First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down
$595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

All Wheel Drive, SEL, Auto., ABS, V6, PDL, Air, Remote Keyless Entry
Auto., 3.5L V6, 18” Alum. Wheels, AM/FM/CD, w/Keypad, Rear Spoiler, Anti-Theft Sys., CD, PW, Safety Canopy, Side
Anti-Theft Perimeter Alarm, Reverse Sensing Impact Air Bags, Personal Safety Sys., Reverse Sensing, Sirius
System, Keyless Entry with Keypad, 3.7 V6, XL Plus Pkg., Satellite Radio, Convenience Group,
Auto. Headlamps, 18” Alum. Wheels,
PDL, PW, Sirius Satellite Cruise, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Seat, MyKey, Dual Elect.
Radio, MyKey System, Pwr. Climate Cont, MyFord
LCD Display, Cruise
Equipment Group, Pwr.
MPG Mirrors, 40/20/40 Cloth MPG
Seat, XL Decor Group

** ** ** **
24 72
** 24
72 *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied
*Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied
**Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, Mos. **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment,
$595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

CALL NOW 823-8888


Overlooking Mohegan Sun

577 East Main St., Plains
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B
.*Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit Waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at
delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate. Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000
financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends

Sunday, May 8, 2011 T H E D A L L A S P O S T PAGE 17

776 Sporting Goods 815 Dogs 835 Pets- 906 Homes for Sale 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 953 Houses for Rent 1129 Gutter 1213 Paving &
Miscellaneous Unfurnished Properties Repair & Cleaning Excavating
HOOP, portable. CHAMELEON cage
great condition. (new) with all 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2
paid $150 asking 353 East Ridge St bath single. 1st floor PA#067136- Fully
accessories. $45.
$60. price nego- Call 570-631-6635 1 person apartment. laundry. Many Licensed & Insured.
tiable. 814-4064 9am-5:30pm or 1st floor. Heat, extras. All new, We install custom
620 Market St. inside and out. Rent
BICYCLE: 26” 570-283-5958 After water, sewage & seamless rain
garbage included. Newly Renovated to own. Owner gutters & leaf
Sears ladies 3 5:30.
financing available.
speed bicycle, in CHINCHILLA. With
All appliances &
parking. $540/
Prime Space.
1,250 sq. ft., 570-817-0601
protection systems.
very good condition, 3 Generations of
helmet included.
cage. 4 ft. high. 941 Apartments/ month. Call Near Kingston Leave message OUR 10% OFF WHOLE
$100 570-417-9280 PRICE REDUCED! 570-301-3170 with phone number

$35. 570-696-1703 Corners. Great Celebrating 76
Move right into this 570-561-2328
Weider (over 65
by 845 Pet Supplies 3 Bedroom,1 3/4
Bath Split level on a
location for retail or
business office. NANTICOKE
Desirable 1135 Hauling &
years of Pride &
cul de sac in Sutton Modern 3 room, Easy Access and
exercises) $75. ENHANCE FISH TANK, Hills. Modern eat in
3 rooms, wall to wall wall to wall carpet, parking. Call Cliff Lexington Village Trucking The 1st Seal Coat-
570-654-2396 YOUR PET 30 gallon. Includes carpeting, appli- Nanticoke, PA ing FREE with
kitchen, oak cabi- washer/dryer 570-760-3427
everything you ances, coin-op laun- Many ranch style signed contract.
nets, Living room,
dry, off street park-
hookup, fridge &
A.S.A.P Hauling
Mizuno, brand new wood, Fireplace range. Water homes. 2 bedrooms Licensed and
AD ONLINE wooden stand. $100 ing, security. No sewer, garbage& 2 Free Months With Estate Cleanouts, Insured.
$50. PSE Com- with new Stainless Attics, Cellars,
Call (570) 762-1015 pets. $410/month off street parking A 2 Year Lease Free estimates.
pound bow with soft Steel liner, Lower Garages, Fire &
(570) 655-1606 $795 + electric
case, excellent con- Call 829-7130 PET CARRIER, Pet- Level family room, included. $430/mo.
Flood Damage. 570-474-6329
dition $50. 50lb. mate Pet Taxi laundry, Bath.
No pets. Call
SQUARE FOOT RE Free Estimates, Lic.# PA021520
feeder $20. Bow
deer Place your pet ad
and provide us your
Deluxe, small size,
18” L x 10” H x 10”
Private back yard,
deck, garage. New New furnished 3
Same Day
Flex XLT with lat bar email address roof, lifetime leaf- room apartment
& leg extension, all
W, heavy duty plas-
tic shell with latches less gutters, drive- Includes water, sep- 2nd floor, 2 bed- WAREHOUSE SPACE 866-873-0478 570-822-4582
cables, bars, and This will create a to lift off top, side way expanded, tic & most of the WILKES-BARRE Charlie’s
rooms, washer, Charlie’s Hauling
instructions includ-
ed $200. Sit up
seller account
online and login
ventilation, metal
pinch latch door for
shelving in garage.
Quiet, private, Lake
heat. No smoking &
no pets. $750/
dryer, fridge, stove Starting at
Residential & INCLASSIFIED!
IMMACULATE Doyouneedmorespace?
information will be Lehman schools. & heat included.
bench with leg hold- easy opening, month. + security, First month free. Licensed & Insured.
emailed to you from $169,900 $685/month +
er $20. Outdoor sun
shelter 9x13 $25.
excellent $10. 570-
MLS# 10-2545
references. Could
be unfurnished. Call
security. Call 570-829-0897
2 bedroom Cape
Free estimates. A yard or garage sale
709-3146 in Laflin. Whole estates, yard
570-212-2347 “The World of Pets Call Sue Barre (570) 954-1200
570-332-9355 Cod with eat-in
waste, construction in classified
kitchen, hardwood
Unleashed” 570-696-5417 is the best way
Spring cleanup.
UP You can then use SMITH HOURIGAN DALLAS 2 bedroom apt.
floors, gas heat,
detached garage.
570-266-0360 or
your account to 570-696-1195 2 apartments
Modern 1st floor 2 Heat, water, stove
$950 month + utili-
ties & security
You’re in bussiness
tires, new springs
enhance your online
bedroom apartment & fridge included. PLAINS TWP deposit. 1165 Lawn Care with classified!
ad. Post up to 6 7 PETHICK DRIVE
$950. 693-0140 captioned photos & large 2nd floor 3 Near bus stop. 570-675-3178
OFF RTE. 315
of your pet 900 bedroom apart- $500/mo.
No smoking or 1200 & 700 SF
Expand your text to ment. Washer &
776 Sporting Goods include more REAL ESTATE dryer. Gas heat. Off pets. Security & Office Available.
Reasonable. Reliable service &
GOLF CLUBS Arnold information, include FOR SALE street parking. No
required. Call 570-760-1513 reasonable rates!
your contact pets. $600 - $690. 570-829-5444
Palmer irons, 2 thru

information such Call Joe (570) 592-2902
9, good condition 570-332-4199
hiking, large, navy,
as e-mail, address
phone number and
906 Homes for Sale 570-881-2517
1204 Painting &
excellent condition or website. Having trouble
paying your mort-
$50. 570-675-4383 Wallpaper
people cite the
gage? Falling 3 bedrooms,
GOLF CLUBS behind on your all appliances
men’s left-handed
complete set taylor
may get mail from


Available May 15th
1750 & 3200 SF
Call 570-822-7039 Int./Ext. Experts!
The Times
- made driver #3, 4, people who promise Retail / Office Aluminum, Wood Leader as their
5 fairway metals #3 AKC DOBERMAN to forestall your 1 bedroom, 2nd Space Available
Black/Rust, 5
foreclosure for a fee
in advance. Report HOME5thFOR SALE
545 Street
CHARMING floor, modern bath,
water included. No
& Deck Staining
Free Estimates primary source
irons #5 wedge put- males, Parents OFA them to the Federal pets. $400/month 143 Stucker Ave. Licensed-Insured
ter $100. 655-1582 certified. VWD Trade Commission, Manor, ranch, sin- FORTY FORT -
+ security. Call 950 Half Doubles 3 Bedroom 1-1/2 30 Years for shopping
gle family, 3 bed- SECOND FLOOR, 570-575-2868
cleared, thyroid the nation’s con- Bath. 1,900 square Experience
Clubs, cart. 13 vari-
done, Ready 5/28.
$600. Approved
sumer protection
agency. Call 1-877-
rooms, 2 bath-
rooms, double car
Immaculate 4
rooms with appli- Shopping for a
foot Modern Home
in Great Neighbor-
Book Now & information.
attached garage, Receive 10% Off
ous irons, woods, homes only. For info FTC-HELP or click ances, laundry, new apartment? hood. Includes all 570-283-5714 *2008 Pulse Research
etc plus other items. eat-in kitchen, din- porch, parking.
(570) 974-1047 on A mes-
ing room, living Classified lets Appliances. Large
$50. 72 golf balls, sage from The Management pro- fenced in yard with
you compare costs - LINE UP
$10, 2 bags of tees,
$3. 570-474-6028
Times Leader and
the FTC.
room, fireplace,
forced air furnace,
vided, 2 YEAR
SAME RENT $465 +
without hassle EDWARDSVILLE deck & shed. Off
Street Parking. No
central air, unfin-
or worry! Recently remodeled smokers / pets.
POOL TABLE Collect cash, not dust! ished basement, Get moving large Victorian half
antique solid slate Clean out your 82x150 lot size and PETS/SMOKING/ double. 3 bed-
$875 / month + utili- IN CLASSIFIED!
with classified! ties. Security, Cred-

Do You
with everything AKC GREAT basement, garage spacious, deck. EMPLOYMENT rooms. Walk-out it Check & Refer- Looking for the right deal
included business Great location. APPLICATION basement. Private
type excellent con-
PYRENEES PUPS or attic and call the
Nice yard. Perfect yard. Porch swing.
ences Required. on an automobile?
Both parents calm, Classified depart- REQUIRED.
dition $950. neighborhood. AMERICA REALTY Washer dryer
570-332-6003 Turn to classified.

well mannered & ment today at 570-
570-208-3888 loving. Raised with 829-7130! Must see. 570-288-1422 hookup. $700. Call It’s a showroom in print!
children. 1st shots, $219,000 Call 570-237-0124 Classified’s got
965 Roommate
780 Televisions/ wormed, heath (570)885-4900 the directions!
guarantee. $500. before 9:00 p.m. to Wanted
Accessories 65 West set an appointment Handicap equipped. A.B.C. Professional
(570) 937-4154
Large 2 bedroom. Painting
TV Curtis 13.3” LCD Pettebone St.
Includes electric lift, 36 Yrs Experience
inputs, remote, like AMERICAN Beautiful remod-
eled home in nice oversized doors,
large sit in shower.
1st floor. 3 bed- We Specialize In
New Construction
new in box. $50.
570-833-2598 BULLDOGS neighborhood. 4
bed, 3 bath, new AMERICA Appliances. Heat,
hot water & much
rooms, 1.5 baths,
new carpet, wash- Residential
TV: Sony 27” Trini-
NKC registered.
Both parents
carpeting new
kitchen, stainless WEST WYOMING REALTY more. Available
er/dryer hook-up,
dishwasher. $650 + DALLAS Comm./Industrial
tron color with show champions. appliances. QUALITY COLONIAL immediately. Refer- utilities. Call Fully Furnished. All Insurance


Sauder entertain- White with eye A must see. ences requested. 570-814-3838 Remodeled Claims
FORTY FORT - Call (570) 417-3299 upstairs. All utilities Apartments
ment center meas- patches. $800 and PRICE REDUCED FIRST FLOOR
ures 55h x 22w, 51 l
$100. Mintek DVD
Player $15
up. 570-430-8420 $169,500
Leave Message
148 Stites Street
Newly renovated. 2
included. $400/mo
Spray,Brush, Rolls
570-881-8493 BUNGALOW Cook’s kitchen with Cabinet Refinish-
570-829-4776 bedroom. Base-
$74,500 built-ins, formal din- Mayflower ment, attic, yard.
971 Vacation & ing
786 Toys & Games KINGSTON TWP. 650 sq. ft.
On corner lot with
ing room, front/rear
enclosed porches,
custom window
Crossing $500 + utilities,
security & lease.
Resort Properties Drywall/Finishing
Power Washing
ENGLISH SETTER 2 car garage. Call 570-287-5491 Deck Specialist
LITTLE TYKES play coverings. TWO Handy Man
PUPPIES 2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
house good condi- YEAR SAME RENT,
tion $175. 704-8117 Registered. Vet walk up attic & full
checked, $350 heated basement, Larry Neer
ING/EMPLOYMENT 570-606-9638
Ready to go. hardwood floors
APPLICATION - Light & bright
788 Stereo/TV/ 570-443-9189 with three season
Managed ORANGE
Electronics room. Freshly paint- open floor plans
ed & move in condi-
tion. 570-446-3254
570-288-1422 - All major
BLU-RAY disc player appliances included
sony model bdp-
650 blu-ray disc HUGHESTOWN - Pets welcome*
Park Place
Beautiful, 3 bed- CAMPGROUND
room, 3 floors, Camp sites
player, wifi for bd- 4 Room/2 bedroom, - Close to everything available!
8 Circle Drive garage, hardwood
live & auto updates,
remote, like new, in GOLDEN RETRIEVER Only one lucky fami-
ly will be able to
wall to wall carpet,
appliances, wash-
- 24 hour emergency
floors, full basement
Back yard. $950 +
Shaded. Show-
ers, flush toilets, Call 829-7130
box. $75. Toshiba
model DVR-670 & LAB PUPPIES make this home
their own! Beautiful- WILKES-BARRE
er/dryer hookup, off
street parking, - Short term utilities & security.
Call (570) 762-2878
water & electric.
Lake fishing,
Serra Painting
Book Now For
to place your ad.
DVD recorder/hifi Yellow $350. Black security, no pets. leases available canoeing, biking
vcr, two-way dub- $250. Wormed. ly kept Ranch with Spring & Save. All
bing, remote, like
new in box. $75
570-836-1090 2 car garage, new
bath, partially fin-
Affordable $470.570-655-1606
20 minutes from
Work Guaranteed
Newly built 3 AVAILABILITY!!
ished basement, 3 3 bedroom, 1 bath Wilkes-Barre. 30 Yrs. Experience
570-833-2598 bedroom home. 570-639-5478 ONLY
season room, www.mayflower half double, Freshly Powerwash & Paint
almost 1 acre in cleaned & painted. or 570-371-9770 Vinyl, Wood, Stucco
792 Video Dallas School Dis- 20-year Tenant pays all utili- Aluminum.
looking for good
trict. Home Warran-
cy included. For
mortgage. Certain Restrictions
ties including sewer.
$550 plus security.
30 minutes from
Free Estimates
You Can’t Lose!

DVD PLAYER Toshi- more information Must meet Apply*

home. Family raised and photos visit our Call (570) 332-5723 PSU. 300 ft. + of
ba all region, model Wyoming Valley
sd-590. Plays dvd”s
from any country.
and socialized. Vet
check and vaccina-
website at
www.atlas Habitat for A GREAT PLACE!!! PLYMOUTH
exclusive fishing,
hunting, 8+ acres,
971 Vacation &
Resort Properties
971 Vacation &
Resort Properties
tions. Parents are Humanity log cabin, oil heat,
Remote. Like new in
box $50. 833-2598 ACA registered.
Tootsie Roll (the
MLS #11-370 eligibility LIKE NEW!!
2 bedroom
Large 1/2 double, off
street parking &
out buildings, pond.
$174,900 requirements. yard. 2 bedrooms, 1

mother) is our family Call Charlie apartment in By appointment.
794 Video Game
pet. $500.
570-837-1980 Cell
VM 101
Inquire at great neighbor-
hood. 2nd floor.
WILKES-BARRE 1/2 baths, $575 +
security. Utilities by
Call (717) 919-9222

570-713-8170 570-820-8002 264 Academy St tenant. Call
Includes new 570-690-6289
XBOX 360 250gb 2 bedrooms, newly
kitchen (with new
renovated building. Ocean front, on the
slim system. Holiday
bundle. $199. Eric
609-433-5660 (in Large Modern Bi
stove, dishwash-
er & microwave)
& bath w/washer
Washer & dryer.
$600/per month WILKES-BARRE
178 Charles St
Beach. 1 bedroom
Condo, pool.
Wilkes-Barre) includes heat, hot 5/6-6/23 $1,250/
Level. Newly dryer hookup. Available Now! Come relax and enjoy
water and parking. week. 06/24 - 9/9
remodeled, hard- Hardwood 2 bedroom, 1.5 great fishing & tranquility
796 Wanted to Buy ITALIAN CANE CORSO PARDEESVILLE wood floors, 2 story
addition. Deck,
throughout with
ceramic tile in
570-328-9896 bath, Townhouse
style. No Section 8.
Call 570-693-3525 at it’s finest.
Merchandise Mastiff Puppies
garage, large kitchen and bath.
$550/month + utili- Housekeeping cottages
Registered and
Mr. Baseball, buying
all sports cards and
ready to go! Parents
on premises. Blue &
738 PARDEESVILLE RD fenced yard. Quiet
neighborhood. Extra
$695/mo + utili-
ties and security. WILKES-BARRE ties. References &
security required.
on the water with all the
amenities of home.
amenities. $190,000 No Pets, refer- (315) 375-8962
blue fawn.
Vet Checked CORNER LOT Call 570-814-5948 ences required.
Call Scott
Barney Street
3rd floor, 2-3 bed-
Call 570-301-2785
570-617-4880 room attic style 953 Houses for Rent
(570) 823-2431
WANTED: Free or 909 Income & apartment. Eat in
very cheap televi-
Ext. 137 kitchen, private 1000
sion for woman in entrance. Includes
nursing home with- Properties hot water & free SERVICE
out one. Approx. KINGSTON laundry. Pets ok. DIRECTORY 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
Unfurnished Unfurnished
20” screen thats in
good working con-
WALNUT ST. $450 / month. Secu-
rity, references.
dition. Call
(570) 654-3291 Parents on premises Single family built
bright, 1st
floor, 2 bedrooms,
BACK MOUNTAIN 1024 Building &
Shots Current. $500.
in 2005. 2.5 baths, elevator, carpet-
2 bedroom, 2 bath
home in beautiful IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE
PITTSTON Northeast
two story with
system. Garage. rural setting next to Immediate Occupancy!!
Looking for the right deal attached garage.
Oil furnace with 5 UNIT MULTI FAMILY
Extra storage & SECURE BUILDINGS Friedman Farms.
$1,100 monthly. Call
Contracting Group
Decks, Roofs, Sid-
on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
central air. 90 x
140 corner lot.
2 Buildings.
4 Car garage.
cable TV included.
Laundry facilities.
1 & 2 bedroom
apartments. 570-822-2992 ing, Masonry,
Driveways, Patios,
Heat & hot water Laundry facility. Off
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
Kitchen with cen-
ter cooking island,
Prime location with
over 6,000 sf.
furnished. Fine street parking avail- HANOVER TOWNSHIP Additions, Garages,
Kitchens, Baths, etc
61 E. Northampton St.
dining room, 3 New furnaces in
neighborhood. able. Starting at 3 bedroom single (570) 338-2269 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
PETS & ANIMALS the directions! raised ceiling with Convenient to bus $440. 570-332-5723 family. 1 1/2 baths.
last 2 years. & stores. No • Affordable Senior Apartments
glass door entry & Driveway, yard, nice
WILKES-BARRE 1042 Cleaning &
New roof in ‘08.
hardwood floor. Separate utilities.
pets. References. area. $800 + utilities • Income Eligibility Required
810 Cats Carpeting thru out Close to churches,
Security. Lease.
West River St.
Call 570-332-5723 Maintainence • Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
home. Tiled No smokers
parks & town. please. $840. Large 3-4 bedroom Sell your own home! Residential / • New appliances; laundry on site;
CAT - Female Calico kitchen and bath. Fully rented -
free to a good Kitchen appli- 570-287-0900 apartments. Heat & Place an ad HERE Commercial • Activities!
POMERANIANS gross income hot water included.
570-829-7130 Cleaning by Lisa. • Curb side Public Transportation
home. 5 years old, AKC, 16 weeks, All ances included. over $25,000!! Balcony. Off street
spayed & litter Pet Sitting also
Shots & wormed. NICELY PRICED $169,000 OBO parking. Washer Please call 570-825-8594
trained. Needs a
loving home ASAP.
Also free kittens.
Vet checked.
(570) 233-1993
570-563-1261 dyer hookup. Pets
OK. Call 570-237-0124 HARVEY’S LAKE
2 bedroom home.
available. Call Today!
570-690-4640 or
570-696-4792 TDD/TTY 800-654-5984
570-762-1015 912 Lots & Acreage All appliances,


water, sewer & trash.
NO PETS. Security
1057Construction &
AKC registered JENKINS TOWNSHIP Very clean, 1st floor
3 Bedroom with
and lease. 944 Commercial 944 Commercial
White in color, 5 New Section in 570-762-6792 Properties Properties
months old, all
shots,$550, moving
must sell. 954-4656
Highland Hills,
Charles Place
modern bath and
kitchen. New floor-
ing, large closets. HUNLOCK CREEK GARAGE DOOR
Sales, service,
Four 1+ acre lots Off Street Parking, Retreat. 3 bed- installation &
SHILOH fenced yard. Water room home. 2 repair.
available. Call
Rare breed. Male, 570-498-9244 & garbage included.
Tenant pays electric
1 car
HIC# 065008
MALAMUTE PUPPIES! white plush coated.
19 months old,
375 Greenpond Rd.
Well kept Ranch in 915 Manufactured
& gas
attached garage. 3
car detached
(570)606-7489 Great Commercial Store Front,
Very beautiful, excellent tempera- pets. One year garage. Pool, hot (570)735-8551
excellent blood- ment. $800
Midway Manor with
Homes lease. tup & appliances & Inside Suites Available
lines. Family raised. 7 rooms, 3 bed- Up to 7,500 SF
570-288-5571 570-760-5573 included. $950 + Steps from New Intermodal Hub
rooms, 2 baths, 2
1st shots, wormed.
car garage, newer ASHLEY PARK Warehouse. utilities. Available 1093 Excavating & Public Parking
$625 each.
Call 570-374-2190
or 570-259-8503
MLS #10-4474
Laurel Run & San
Souci Parks, Like
1st floor, 1 bedroom.
Includes offices and
baths. 20’ ceilings.
Immediately. Call
386-873-1879 All Types Of Starting at $650
3 overhead doors Excavating,
$162,900 utilities included
new, several to Heat, water, Demolition &
with loading dock.
Call Tom
choose from,
Financing &Warranty,
garbage & sewage
included. Off street Much paved off Whole house for
Concrete Work
Large & Small Jobs
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today!
AKC shots, wormed ACA. 1 Female. parking. All appli- street parking. rent. $1300/per FREE ESTIMATES
www.mountain Wormed & shots MobileOne.Sales ances included. Reduced to month, utilities (570) 760-1497
570-829-1573 $500 Call (570)250-2890 $530 + security. $800-$2,100/mo. included, Call
570-746-1689 570-274-5099 Call 570-406-5221 Call 570-885-5919 845-224-9151

PAGE 18 T H E D A L L A S P O S T Sunday, May 8, 2011

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By Jason Delong
Got gold? This week, visitors can cash in on antiques, collectibles, gold, silver, coins
Clean out your attics, closets and lock boxes, the Roadshow staf f will test it for free. Other WHAT WE BUY
because the Treasure Hunters Roadshow is com- gold items of interest include gold coins, gold
ing to Wilkes-Barre. Roadshow specialists ounces, gold proof sets and dental gold.
are in town examining antiques, collectibles, Other types of items Roadshow specailists C O I N S Any and all coins made before
1964: silver and gold coins, dollars, half
gold and silver. hope to see include old toys and train sets. Ar-
dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
While the Roadshow will accept anything chie Davis, the Roadshow’s toy specialist, spoke
All conditions wanted!
that’s old, they will be focusing on: gold and about some of the top toys getting great offers.
silver coins made before 1964, militar y items, “ O l d t i n w i n d - u p t o y s f r o m t h e l a t e 1 8 0 0 ’s GOLD & SILVER PRICES AT 40 YEAR
toys and trains, musical instruments, pocket andthrough the 1960’s are in great demand right HIGH for platinum, gold and silver during this
wrist watches. Scrap gold is expected to be a now,” said Davis, “especially those that are event. Broken jewelry, dental gold, old coins,
popular category this week due to soaring gold character related. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, pocket watches, Krugerrands, gold bars,
prices. the Flintstones or any other character toys are Canadian Maple Leafs, etc.
Buyers for the roadshow have noticed a tre-sought after. Old Buddy L toys from the 1920’s
mendous increase in the amount of gold coming to the 1960’s are especially in high demand.” JEWELRY Gold, silver, platinum, diamonds,
Basically any toys made be- rubies, sapphires, all types of stones and
fore 1965 are wanted. metals, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
(including broken jewelry) Early costume
Train sets made by Lionel,
jewelry wanted.
American Flyer, Marklin and
others have the potential to
fetch a large sum. Davis
a l s o s t r e s s e d , “ To y s w i t h
boxes and in mint condition
bring sensational prices.
Most of the toys that come
to the Roadshow are not in
perfect shape, but can still
bring good prices from col-
Above—Roadshow specialist, Mike Delong, sits with a W h e n s p e c i a l i s t To m
gentleman who is eagerly anticipating the assessment of his Fuller was asked what he WRIST & POCKET WATCHES Rolex,
Tiffany, Hublot, Omega, Chopard, Cartier,
collectibles. enjoyed most about working
Philippe, Ebel, Waltham, Swatch, Elgin, Bunn
to the Roadshow, and for good reason. Record at the Roadshow, he was quick to answer, “Old
Special, Railroad, Illinois, Hamilton, all others.
gold prices have Roadshow guests cashing in on coins and paper currency—for as long as I can
broken or outdated jewelr y with our fair and remember, I have been fascinated with collect-
honest purchase offers. ing coins. I would go through the change in my
The Roadshow encourages anyone plan - parents’ grocer y store, looking for rare dates
ning a visit to take a minute and examine their and errors. Once, I found a silver quarter that I
jewelr y box or their lock box at the bank and sold for $300. Not bad for an 8 year old.”
gather anything that is gold. If a guest is not Fuller went on to explain that any U.S. coins
sure if something is gold, bring it anyways and made before 1964 are the most sought after by
collectors. Coins made before 1964 are 90%


TOYS, TRAINS, DOLLS All makers and
types of toys made before 1965: Hot Wheels,
ROADSHOW 1 9 6 4 A R E 9 0 % S I LV E R , A N D Tonka, Buddy L, Smith Miller, Nylint, Robots,
Battery Toys, Mickey Mouse, train sets—Mark-
WHAT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TO lin, American Flyer, Lionel, Hafner, all other
SELL THEIR ANTIQUES & SILVER CONTENT OR EVEN MORE trains (all gauges, accessories, individual
COLLECTIBLES cars), Barbie dolls, GI Joe, Shirley Temple,
characters, German.
1063 PENNSYLVANIA 315 silver, and valuable because of either the silver
WILKES-BARRE, PA 18702 content or even more valuable if one happens to
be a rare date. Fuller explained, “We help peo-
WHEN MAY 10TH - 14TH ple sort through their coins for unique dates. We
TUES–FRI 9AM–6PM buy all types of coins at the Roadshow—from
SATURDAY 9AM–4PM wheat pennies to buffalo nickels, and from sin-
gle coins to entire truckloads. See you at the
DIRECTIONS 570. 825.3838 Roadshow.”

INFORMATION 217.787.7767
Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII,
WE BUY ALL WE BUY SCRAP etc: swords, badges, clothes, photos, medals,
knives, gear, letters. The older the swords, the
GOLD & GOLD better.


Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, new
and vintage amps, saxophones, wood winds,
mandolins and all others.


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