Salt Cave (Salt Therapy) Report

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What does a Salt Cave do?

Live the miracle of Salt therapy

Count 45 minutes equals to 3 days at sea aura!


Through respirations we receive the Iodine & the other 83 microelements of mineral salt!

It heals:
 Relaxation & Healing attributes.
 Stress relief
 Relaxation, healthiness
 Obesity control
 Smoking reduction
 Intoxication

We offer:
1 alternative: Visit a Salt Cave
A pleasant & natural environment for us and our friends. A special place for kids party, social &
family gatherings, team building, group therapy, photo sessions &unique experiential presents.
An alternative space for creative company meetings, and collaborations with customers and
Music Concerts.

2nd alternative: Offer unique approachable luxury &health to your

Customers and/or Employees!

A rejuvenating and creative environment for all members of the team. A space for Re-stand
3rd alternative: Invest on Salt!
A professional spa of unique value to People. A spot of reference for the city or region where it
is located. With low cost of installation, operation and maintenance and surprising return on

4th alternative: Enjoy the beneficial attributes of salt at your own space!
Every salt painting, lamp or sculpture is extraordinary due to its unique color and shape.
Heated, it releases. Salutary salt microelements. Being a crystal, it neutralizes the ions of
computers, TV, air-conditioners& smoke.

Body and mind rejuvenation and growth through the Hippocratic method of salt therapy in Salt

Respect to People and Environment, Simplicity, Innovation, Friendliness, Honesty, Self-
confidence, Superior goal setting, Human centered organization, Speed and Continuous

 Relaxation & rejuvenation in company owned Salt Caves (Salt therapy, color therapy,
music therapy & other services).
 Design & installation of salt caves (for private or professional use)
 Salt cave business Management
 Franchise of salt cave business
 Interior decoration with mineral salt
 Commercialization of mineral salt products (e.g. salt lamps & sculptures as
Company & private presents)
Marketing Plan

Vision statement:
The Salt way to feel good

Mission Statement:
Live the miracles of salt therapy

Marketing Strategy:
We are marketing the product on the basis of LOHAS. The product will be marketed through
press releases. Newspapers like DAWN, THE NEWS and JUNG will likely be suitable. Hoardings
and bill boards at most busy and influential areas like Shahra-e- Faisal, Defense, Karsaz, etc.
Adverts in popular news channels will prove to be a significant marketing move.

Market Segmentation:
Since it is a treatment as well as a leisure activity designed to revitalize your health and
strength, so we position the product in the segment of the society who is willing to get a change
that is of course the wealthy and affluent families. We also cater to corporate sector meetings
and conferences, Business meetings, private parties, etc. We emphasis more on
psychographics’ segmentation.

Product Positioning:
We are not positioning the product as if it is only a treatment. It is of course better than
sedatives and tranquilizers people usually take to cure such diseases. There is no competitor
that can be a threat to our business as yet.
SWOT Analysis:
Strengths are the way the treatment is done and that is our unique selling proposition that will
lead us to build our core competency. Weakness can likely be the mindset of the masses for
visiting a salt cave repetitively for regeneration purposes. Opportunity are of course going
globally and establishing a brand. Threats can just be the political and security issues.

Brand Management:
The product is itself a perfect brand equation since it is a new therapy in Pakistan. It is hard for
other businesses to imitate our core activity and so we create a competitive edge this way.
PRICES: For Adults:
For Childrens 1 session: RS.500
1 session: RS.350 10 sessions: Rs.3900
10 sessions: RS.2800 Grand Opening discounted pac
Grand Opening discounted package(unlimited session): RS.2000 per person

Description Amount  
Construction of cave 500000  
Furniture 500000  
raw material for cave 300000  
Machinery and
equipment 500000  
Total 1800000 1800000
Operating Expenses    
rent expense 300000  
SALARIES 400000  
advertisement expense 300000  
Marketing expense 500000  
plant maintenance 120000  
supplies 200000  
utility expense 180000  
Total expenses 2000000 2000000
Working Capital    
Raw material-drinks 200000 200000
TOTAL   4000000
fixed cost variable cost
utility EXPENSE= 144000 raw material= 200000
plant maintenance=
premises rent= 300000 120000
machinery and equipment= 500000 supplies = 200000
salaries= 400000
utikity expense= 180000
cons= 800000

Projected Sales: per month year 2011 year 2012

max inflow of customers 750 9000
expected inflow of
600 7200
max sales 375000 4500000

expected sales 300000 3600000

Projected Income Statement

PARTICULARS 2011 2012 2013 2014
expected sales 0 3960000 4356000 4791600
less: cost of goods sold 0 440000 484000 532400
gross profit 0 3520000 3872000 4259200
less: expenses
rent expense 300000 330000 363000 399300
salaries expense 400000 440000 484000 532400
utility expense 144000 158400 174240 191664
depreciation-machinery 50000 50000 50000 50000
depreciation-furniture 50000 50000 50000 50000
advertisement 300000 220000 242000 266200
marketing expense 500000 330000 363000 399300
total expense 0 1578400 1726240 1888864
ebit -344000 1941600 2145760 2370336
less: tax 21% 405636 446199 497770
NET INCOME -344000 1535964 1699561 1872566

Projected Cash Balance

PARTICULARS 2011 2012 2013 2014

opening cash 0 3656000 5191864 6860525
sales reciept 0 3960000 4356000 4791600
total cash available 0 7616000 9547864 11652125
less: payments
depreciation expense 100000 100000 100000 100000
rent expense 300000 330000 363000 399300
salaries expense 400000 440000 484000 532400
utility expense 144000 158400 174240 191664
advertisement 300000 220000 242000 266200
marketing expense 500000 330000 363000 399300
taxation 405636 446199 497770
total payments 0 1984036 2172439 2386634
cash available 0 5631964 7375425 9265491
less :cogs 0 440000 484000 532400
NET CASH BALANCE 0 5191964 6891425 8733091

Project Balance Sheet

ASSETS 2011 2012 2013 2014
Current Assets 0 5191964 6891425 8733091

Net Income -344000 1535964 1699561 1872566
equities 0 3656000 5191864 6860525
TOTAL EQUITY 0 5191964 6891425 8733091

Ratios 2011 2012 2013 2014

ROE = netincome/totalequity -9.41% 29% 24.00% 21.40%
GROSS PROFIT MARGIN=sales-cogs/sales 38.80% 88.80% 88.80% 88.80%

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