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Daniel Pn. March 20, 2020

Writing a term paper based on research and several lines on a paper.

What Is a Term Paper

A term paper is a research paper required at the end of a school semester. It tracks and
evaluates students’ knowledge about the course. Usually a scientific report or a discussion
of an assigned topic, a term paper requires a lot of research and technical writing expertise.
This academic writing assignment must be well-written, analytical, organized, and well-

Term Paper Topics

Instructors usually provide topics related to your course. However, sometimes you are
free to choose your own topic. Try surfing the web, reading articles, news, magazines, and
blogs to get ideas for your term paper. Make sure that the chosen topic will fulfill the
objectives of your course and will interest you. If a certain topic interests you, researching and
writing about it will be easier and more fun.

The following should be considered when

 Length: Consider the length of the required assignment. Considering the length will
help will be able to decide how broad or narrow your subject will be.

 Resources: Check out your school or community library for any available resources.
You can also look for any available online resources. Make sure you have hands-on
books and other materials to reference for your paper.

 Complexity: Make sure that you will be able to explain your topic—no matter how
complex it may be. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask experts.

 How to Start a Term Paper

Before starting, make sure to follow the instructions that were given to you. Clarifications
should be made with your instructor before doing any research or writing work. Don’t wait
until the last minute before you start writing a research paper. If you want quality work and a
high-grade, plan ahead and make time every day for writing your assignment. Allot time for
proofreading your work before handing it in to your professor.

Term Paper Outline

The outline should be produced before and while researching and writing a term paper
because it will serve as the basis around which you will build your work. There are a lot of
templates to choose from, but most of the time your instructor will require you to follow
a certain essay format. The main parts should include an introduction, a body, and a

The structure should be organized and well-researched. Technical writing skills should be
crucial in organizing your ideas. The following is a general term paper format or layout that
you should follow in presenting your argument or topic:

 Cover page: Align the text that contains your name, course number, your teacher’s
name, and the date of the deadline in the center of the page.

 Abstract: Usually less than a page long, the abstract describes your work. It lets
readers know where the term paper is headed, the issue at hand, and why the subject
was interesting or important enough that you decided to write about it.

 Introduction: The introduction should begin with a statement of the topic to be

discussed. Explain the significance of the topic or problem at hand and write about
how you plan to discuss or resolve the issue.

 Body: The body of your text should contain the main points from your research.
Provide information about the topic so that the reader can further understand what is
being discussed. Don’t forget certain positions pertaining to the issue and the analysis
of the research you have done.

 Results: Explain why your research has led you to believe certain things about your
subject. How has your view changed from when you began the project? Has it stayed
the same, and why? Tie everything you’ve been explaining into what you had stated in
your introduction.

 Discussion: End with a summary and a conclusion about the topic in question. Finish
by stating an opening question or by prompting the reader to continue his or her own
research on the subject through a discussion.

 How to Write a Term Paper Proposal

Before researching and writing, you should know what a term paper proposal is. Basically,
you should be able to defend your topic to your instructor through this proposal. This proposal
must be handed in and approved of before writing the actual term paper.

Include recent studies or research on your topic. Don’t forget to insert proper referencing.
State the relevance of your topic to your course effectively by submitting a short article with a
clear explanation. Provide your objectives and organize the flow of your ideas.


If your professor didn’t provide a proposal template or sample, you can follow this format:
 Title: This is the draft title of what you want to research. Make it clear and

 Objectives: This part should define your outcomes after your research.

 Relevance and Importance: Include recent news, social events, articles, and blogs
that convey the importance of the topic. Your topic should be up to date and capture
the attention of the reader.
There are many examples of term paper proposals available online, including formats and
templates. You can follow these formats, but make sure that you maintain your proposal’s
organization and do not forget to highlight your main points and objectives.

Term Paper Format

For the format, first consider the length and the citation style you will use. When you have
researched a certain topic, you are required to use a specific citation style. If you neglect to
reference properly, you might be accused of plagiarism. Also, a term paper is an academic
writing assignment, therefore APA citation styles are commonly used.

 Use APA (American Psychological Association) term paper format for social

sciences. To reference a book in an APA style term paper, the author’s name, the
book’s title, the year of publication, the publisher, and its location are needed. So
make sure to not forget to include this information during your research.

Assessment Criteria

All students are expected to participate in group activities and share the group assignment
works. Instructor will ask each group member to evaluate all other group members’
participation. A Peer Evaluation Form will be submitted by each student. Based on the
evaluation information, instructor will assign a group participation grade for each student.
However, peer evaluation should be done on the due date of the project.

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