Bharti Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Navi Mumbai

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Program: Electrical Engineering

Subject: Capstone Project
Faculty: Mr.Mohan Sawarkar
Project Title: Sun Tracking Solar Power System




Weekly report ………………………………………………….….……………………..…04

Principle of sun tracking solar system………………………………..…………………......05

Equipment / material estimattion………………………………………………….…….…..07

Description of components………………………………………………………………….08


Arduino code………………………………………………………………………………...10

Advantages/Application/Limitation of Solar Panel...............…………………………….....11


With growing development, there arises the subsequent need of energy for every
part of human life. The main source of energy is nature, which provides several
sources like fossil fuels. Natural resources can be classified into nonrenewable
and renewable sources of energy.

Nonrenewable sources of energy like coal, oil, natural gas are mostly used, but
cannot be replenished. Also, factors such as global warming, continuing fuel rise
create hindrance in using these sources of energy.

Henceforth the only way is to use renewable sources of energy, which can be
replenished and replaced. Examples are wind energy, solar energy, thermal

Out of this solar energy is the most primary one.

The Sun provides a very abundant supply of energy that is available to all of us.
This energy from the Sun is completely under used. If we covered only 4% of the
world's desert area with solar panels, this would supply the same as all the worlds
electricity today. Considering how much we rely on fossil fuels this is far under
utilized. Solar energy from the Sun is available almost anywhere on the planet.
Though it is not always available depending on the obvious weather conditions
and time of day. It could drastically change the way we make energy.

This resource is not just available to businesses and major energy companies. It
is also available to the every day people who would like to utilize energy from
the sun in their own backyard. Back yard and roof top solar panels are being seen
more and more all over the world. From professional installation with
manufactured panels to home made with do it yourself installation. If your
looking to move down the do it yourself path, this is by far the easiest, simplest
and most inexpensive way I have found to get started with utilizing the infinite
supply of energy from the sun. The supply is unlimited so it really just depends
on how much of it we want to use. Run a small appliance or two, or produce
enough to replace your entire electric bill. It's all up to you.

Use of solar energy is efficient in nature as it is a renewable energy source. By

using such type of energies to generate and environment can be protected from
global warming. Solar energy right now is minimal and does not make enough
difference to justify the costs, in the future it probably has the greatest amount of
potential because it does not have to manually produced, extracted or burned.
And it can also be used in outer space.

Thus we have Selected this Project to look forward for the future Energy Sources.

28 October 2021
By discussing among our group members and projecting future we have selected
our microproject on the basis of Solar Power i.e Sun Tacking Solar system.

04 November 2021
After Selecting the topic in this week we have made plans of what
components,materials or tools we will need to make Our project and made a list
of that materials and also made a proper plan of where we should get those
materials from.

11 November 2021
After making the list of materials, we have executed our plan as we have
discussed in earlier week by getting those equipment/materials from the Shop.As
it was a well known shop because as we don’t have to compromise with the
quality of the equipment or materials which we needed.

18 November 2021
After getting those materials from the Shop we made a proper layout on where
should we arrange those equipment as it was a very crucial step of making the
layout so that everything which we have discuss should workout properly and
neatly and it should be well presentable at the time of exhibition.

02 December 2021
After making the layout in earlier week we have placed and fitted those
equipment/materials as per the layout and made the connection according to the
project which we have discussed and tested the demo of the Project and
thankfully it worked well as we thoguht it could be.
Principle of Sun Tracking Solar Panel
The Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel and a 10 rpm DC
motor and one Arduino UNO.

Two light dependent resistors are arranged on the edges of the solar panel. Light
dependent resistors produce low resistance when light falls on them. The DC
motor connected to the panel rotates the panel in the direction of Sun. Panel is
arranged in such a way that light on two LDRs is compared and panel is rotated
towards LDR which have high intensity i.e. low resistance compared to other. DC
motor rotates the panel at certain angle.

When the intensity of the light falling on right LDR is more, panel slowly moves
towards right and if intensity on the left LDR is more, panel slowly moves
towards left. In the noon time, Sun is ahead and intensity of light on both the
panels is same. In such cases, panel is constant and there is no rotation.

The factors which affect the output or the efficiency of the solar panel
are as follows:

Direction: Incase of the location being Northern Hemisphere, the

panels should face due north and the location being Southern
Hemisphere, the panels should face due south.
 Tilt or Orientation: Solar Panels must have a tilt equal to the latitude
of their location. As the tilt of the earth rotation changes, the solar panels
need to be adjusted to get maximum light.
 Type of surface: A broader surface is mostly preferred, as it receives
a maximum amount of sunlight.

To make efficient mounting of the panels, so that they receive adequate sunlight,
devices called Trackers are used which point the panels towards the earth.
Components Make/Specification/Details Estimation

Micro-Controller Arduino UNO R3 620

Dc Motor 10 RPM 250

Motor Controller L293d 300

Ldr Sensor RK electrical / 2 Nos. 100

Infrared Sensor RK electrical / 2 Nos. 100

Battery 9 volt /Nippo/2 Nos. 30

Motor Clip 2 Nos. 60

Materials/ Tools Quantity/Estimation

Wooden Blocks 2 Nos.

Cardboard 10*10 Cm

Gluegun Rs-120/-

Hammer 1 Nos,

Foil paper Rs 50/-

Fevistick 1 Nos. – Rs 10

Jumper Wires 15 Nos.- Rs.50/-

Description Of Components

Light Dependent Resistors or LDRs are the resistors whose resistance values
depend on intensity of the light. As the intensity of light falling on the LDR
increases, resistance value decreases. In dark, LDR will have maximum
resistance. LDR will output an analog value which should be converted to digital.
This can be done using analog to digital converter.

Arduino UNO R3
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 20
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be
used as analog inputs), a 16 MHz resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an
in-circuit system programming (ICSP) header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer
with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

L293D IC

The L293D is a popular 16-Pin Motor Driver IC. As the name suggests it is
mainly used to drive motors. A single L293D IC is capable of running two DC
motors at the same time; also the direction of these two motors can be controlled
independently. So if you have motors which has operating voltage less than 36V
and operating current less than 600mA, which are to be controlled by digital
circuits like Op-Amp, 555 timers, digital gates or even Microcontrollers like
Arduino, PIC, ARM etc.. this IC will be the right choice for you.

 At first we have collected all components

 Then we have given 18 volt to power up the Arduino UNO by connecting
two DC battery in series.
 We have used 5 volt and gnd port of arduino as positive and negative
respectively to connect 2 Infrared Sensors.
 Further we have connected output of the IR sensor to the LDR (light
dependent resistor) sensor.
 Then we have used digital output of arduino 2 and 3 to the IR sensor Input.
 By proceeding further we have given power to L293D ( motor controller )
from Arduino 5v and gnd port.
 Then we have used Arduino Digital output port 4 and 5 to give input to
motor controller input M2.
 Further we have given output of Controller to the Input of 10 RPM DC

void setup() {

// initialize digital pin 13 as an output.

pinMode(2, INPUT);

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(3, INPUT);

pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever

void loop() {

if( digitalRead(2)==HIGH)

digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

else if( digitalRead(3)==HIGH)

{ digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

else { digitalWrite(4, LOW);

digitalWrite(5, LOW);

Advantages of Sun Tracking Solar Panel

 The solar energy can be reused as it is non-renewable resource.

 This also saves money as there is no need to pay for energy used (excluding
the initial setup cost)
 Helps in maximizing the solar energy absorption by continuously tracking
the sun.

Sun Tracking Solar Panel Applications

 These panels can be used to power the traffic lights and streetlights
 These can be used in home to power the appliances using solar power.
 These can be used in industries as more energy can be saved by rotating
the panel.

Limitations of Sun Tracking Solar Panel Circuit

 Though solar energy can be utilized to maximum extent this may create
problems in rainy season.
 Although solar energy can be saved to batteries, they are heavy and occupy
more space and required to change time to time.
 They are expensive.

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