Triclosan 0410

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Consumer Health Information

What Consumers
Should Know
What is triclosan? benefit. In 1997, FDA reviewed exten- How can I tell if there is triclosan
Triclosan is an ingredient added to sive effectiveness data on triclosan in in a product that I am using?
many consumer products to reduce Colgate Total toothpaste. The evidence Antibacterial soaps and body washes,
or prevent bacterial contamination. showed that triclosan in this product and toothpastes are considered over-
It may be found in products such as was effective in preventing gingivitis. the-counter drugs. If an over-the-
clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and For other consumer products, FDA counter drug contains triclosan, it
toys. It also may be added to antibac- has not received evidence that the will be listed as an ingredient on the
terial soaps and body washes, tooth- triclosan provides an extra benefit to label, in the Drug Facts box. If a cos-
pastes, and some cosmetics—prod- health. At this time, the agency does metic contains triclosan, it will be
ucts regulated by the U.S. Food and not have evidence that triclosan in included in the ingredient list on the
Drug Administration (FDA). antibacterial soaps and body washes product label.
provides any benefit over washing
What is known about the safety with regular soap and water. What is FDA doing to evaluate
of triclosan? the safety of triclosan?
Triclosan is not currently known to What consumers should know: We are engaged in an ongoing scientific
be hazardous to humans. But several • Triclosan is not known to be haz- and regulatory review of the safety of
scientific studies have come out since ardous to humans. triclosan in FDA-regulated products.
the last time FDA reviewed this ingre- • F DA does not have sufficient safety We also have partnered with other
dient that merit further review. evidence to recommend changing Federal Agencies to study the effects
Animal studies have shown that consumer use of products that con- of this substance on animal and
triclosan alters hormone regulation. tain triclosan at this time. environmental health (see www.epa.
However, data showing effects in • In light of questions raised by recent gov/oppsrrd1/REDs/factsheets/triclosan_
animals don’t always predict effects animal studies of triclosan, FDA is fs.htm and
in humans. Other studies in bacteria reviewing all of the available evi- FDA is working to incorporate the
have raised the possibility that triclo- dence on this ingredient’s safety in most up-to-date data and informa-
san contributes to making bacteria consumer products. FDA will com- tion into the regulations that gov-
resistant to antibiotics. municate the findings of its review ern the use of triclosan in consumer
In light of these studies, FDA is to the public in spring 2011. products. FDA will communicate the
engaged in an ongoing scientific and • At this time, FDA does not have evi- findings of its review to the public in
regulatory review of this ingredient. dence that triclosan added to anti- winter 2012.
FDA does not have sufficient safety bacterial soaps and body washes
evidence to recommend changing provides extra health benefits over Find this and other Consumer
consumer use of products that con- soap and water. Consumers con-
Updates at
tain triclosan at this time. cerned about using hand and body
soaps with triclosan should wash
Does triclosan provide a benefit with regular soap and water. Sign up for free e-mail
in consumer products? • C onsumers can check product subscriptions at
For some consumer products, there is labels to find out whether prod- consumer/consumerenews.html
clear evidence that triclosan provides a ucts contain triclosan.

1 / FDA Consumer Health Infor mat ion / U. S. Food and Drug Administrat ion A PR IL 2010

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