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Ian Cerqueira Lopes

Davi Braga iuiu, bahia, 19/11/2021

mirian caldeira, inglês
Colégio Reino Encantado
Is there an age to undertake? Davi Braga's life trajectory

In 2015, he presented his own
Biografia, jornada — davi braga talk on Ted Talk. He was also
At just 13 years old, young Davi Braga had an ingenious idea when he named Entrepreneur of the
saw his mother struggling to buy the right school material at a fair Year by Demo Brasil.
and affordable price. Thus came LIST-IT, an exclusive platform for
It appears in Forbes Under 30
research, price comparison and purchase of school products required
magazine, the 30 list brings
annually by private schools.
together young people, in 13
Seeking support from employees who would be willing to work in
categories, who make a
exchange for a piece of the company that was under construction,
difference in Brazil.
LIST-IT was initially made available in Maceió (AL), but is currently
present in more than 60 cities in Brazil through the correspondent
model .
The only investment received was made by his father Kepler and was
The second end of the R$ 600
right at the beginning, and for R$ 5 thousand. The rest of the money
thousand was the creation of
needed to proceed with the project was collected by the platform
the “Young Protagonists”
itself, which in the first year of activity earned R$ 100,000, through
project, a platform focused on
the percentage of sales generated by the system.
helping more young
"I have several startup ideas in store. When LIST-IT is more
Brazilians in their
independent, I will launch other things. They are from different
entrepreneurial journey and,
areas, totally different, day-to-day things, but nobody thought about
as the name suggests, that
it yet", he says.
they become protagonists of
Now, at the age of 16, Davi, with the objective of inspiring young their own lives from an early
people to become an entrepreneur, is launching his first book age to create what want. The
Empreender Grande, since he was a child, which shows his endeavors idea came from Davi's own
ahead of business and insights so that the reader "faces experiences, comparing
entrepreneurship as a Lifestyle". different education systems:
the Brazilian and the
American. While schools still
do not teach young people
LIVROS about entrepreneurship and
purpose, Davi decided to solve
Empreender grande, desde pequeno: A jornada de um the problem with the project
jovem empreendedor— Davi Braga that has already helped at
least 2,000 participants

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