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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,647,344

Turnbull [45] Date of Patent: Jul. 15, 1997

[54] HEAT AND MOISTURE EXCHANGERS 4,612,019 9/1986 Langhorst ................................. .. 95/52
4,840,227 6/1989 Schmidt ........ .. 165/162
[75] Inventor: Christopher Stratton Turnbull, Hythe, 5,067,971 11/1991 BikSOll e161. ......... .. 55/16
England . 5,282,964 2/1994 Young et a1. .. 210/3218

[73] Assignee: Smiths Industries PLC, London, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

England 1131524 9/1982 Canada ........................... .. 128/201.13
0009543 4/1980 European Pat. 01f. A61M 16/00
[21] Appl. No.: 662,316 0134326 2/1979 Germany ........................ .. 128/205.27
2900484 8/1980 Germany.
[22] Filed: Jun. 13, 1996 2053694 2/1981 United Kingdom ........ .. A61M 16/00
8904684 6/1989 wrpo ............................. .. 128/2041?
[30] Foreign Application Priority Data
Jul. 15, 1995 [GB] United Kingdom ................. .. 9514527 Primary Examiner-Vincent Millin
[51] Int. Cl.6 .................................................. .. A61M 15/00 Assistant Examiner-W‘. Srivastara
[52] US. Cl. .............................. .. 128/201.13; 128/204.13;
Attomey, Agent, or Fima-Pollock, Vande Sande & Priddy
128/204.17; 128/205.12; 604/406 [57] ABSTRACT
[58] Field of Search ....................... .. 128/20l.13, 204.17,
- 128/203.26, 203.27, 204.15, 204.13, 206.16, An HME has an exchange element comprising a bundle of
206.17, 719, 205.12, 205.27; 165/140, 141, hollow ?bers parallel to the direction of gas ?ow through the
DIG. 9, DIG. 10; 604/406; 95/52 HME. The ?bers are of a polymeric material, such as a
sulphone, and are treated with a hygroscopic material. The
[56] References Cited bundle of ?bers is held together by an outer sleeve and a
porous cap at each end.
4,327,717 5/1982 Oetjen et a1. .................... .. 128/20113 11 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

11 1

10 11——-1'
1 2
HEAT AND MOISTURE EXCHANGERS material, such as polycarbonate. The casing 1 has a central
region 2 with a length and an external diameter of about 30
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION mm. At opposite ends, the casing 1 is formed with two inlets
This invention relates to heat and moisture exchangers in the form of male, luer-tapered terminations 3 and 4 of
and breathing circuits including a heat and moisture reduced diameter, which are connected with the central
exchanger. region 2 by short frusto-conical shoulders 5 and 6 respec
Heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs) are used to warm tively. The casing is preferably made in two parts to enable
and moisten gas supplied to a patient. The HME comprises installation of an exchange element 10 and could be reusable
a housing coupled in the patient breathing circuit, through with single-use exchange elements.
which both inhaled and exhaled gas pass. Within the The exchange element 10 is located within the central
housing, an exchange element takes up a part of the heat and region 2 so that the inlets 3 and 4 are located at opposite ends
moisture in the expired gas and transfers a part of this to the of the element. The exchange element comprises a cylin
inspired gas when ?ow is reversed. The exchange element drical bundle of hollow ?bres 11 held together by a shrink
may be a coiled strip of corrugated paper treated with a wrap sleeve 12, or some other means, around its circumfer
hygroscopic material or a foam. HMEs are sold by Portex ence and by porous end caps 13. The ?bres 11 are made from
Limited of Hythe, England under the trade mark Ther a sulphone, such as polysulphone or polyether sulphone,
movent. Examples of HMEs are described in: GB 2277689; with an external diameter of between about 0.25 mm and 1.5
GB 2268496; 6132267840; EP 535016; EP 533644; EP mm. The ?bres are made by extruding a solvent-based
387220; EP 265163; EP 413127; U.S. Pat. No. 4,516,573; solution of the polymer through an annular die into a water
U.S. Pat. No. 4,090,513; U.S. Pat. No. 4,771,770; U.S. Pat. 20 bath. The solvent comes out of solution into the water,
No. 4,200,094; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,048,993. leaving the polymer structure behind. This results in a
HMEs have the advantage over conventional humidi?ers porous wall structure of the ?bres, which allows gas to seep
in that they can be compact, light, and disposable after a through the walls. The pore structure of the ?bres can be
single use. The HME should preferably have a low resis varied by using different solvents, temperature and other
tance to ?ow, a high e?iciency in exchange of heat and extrusion factors. There are various other ways in which the
moisture, a long life and be easily made at low cost. The ?bres could be made, such as, solution casting or a melt
HME must also present no hazard to the patient. process.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The ?bres 11 in the bundle are aligned parallel with one
It is an object of the present invention to provide an 30 another and longitudinally of the casing 1, parallel with its
axis, so that they are parallel to the ?ow of gas through the
improved HME. HME. The ?bres 11 are preferably treated with a hygro
According to one aspect of the present invention there is scopic material, such as calcium chloride, to increase their
provided an HME having an exchange element within an ability to retain water. This treatment may be accomplished
outer casing, the casing having inlets at opposite ends of the 35 by immersing the bundle in a solution of calcium chloride
exchange element such that gas ?ows through the exchange and then drying to leave crystals of the calcium chloride.
element in opposite directions when ?ow of gas to the HME Alternatively, the ?bres could be treated during their
is reversed, the exchange element including a bundle of manufacture, rather than after bundling together. The porous
hollow ?bres arranged parallel to one another. structure of the walls of the ?bres can help hold calcium
The ?bres preferably have porous walls and are preferably chloride crystals on the inside and outside surfaces. ‘
arranged parallel to the direction of gas ?ow through the
casing such that some at least of the gas ?ows along the The I-IME is connected in a patient breathing circuit 20 so
bores of the ?bres. The ?bres may be treated with a that gas supplied to and from the patient must ?ow through
hygroscopic material. The ?bres are preferably of a poly the HME. The circuit includes a tracheal tube 21, mask or
meric material such as a sulphone. The bundle of ?bres may the like through which gas is supplied to and from the
have a porous cap at each end and may be held together by patient Gas ?ows through the bundle of ?bres, both along
an outer sleeve. The ?bres are preferably of circular section. the bores 14 of the ?bres and along their outside, through the
gaps 15 between adjacent ?bres. A small amount of gas may
According to another aspect of the present invention there also ?ow through the walls of the ?bres. The ?bres shown
is provided a breathing circuit including an HME according have a circular section but they could have other shapes,
to the above one aspect of the present invention. 50 such as hexagonal, to vary the packing of the ?bres and the
An HME according to the present invention, will now be gas ?ow characteristics along the HME. Exhaled gas warms
described, by way of example, with reference to the accom and moistens the ?bre bundle. Inhaled gas passing through
panying drawing. the element 10 in the opposite direction takes up moisture
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING and heat from the bundle so that the cold dry gas supplied
55 to the breathing circuit 20 is warmed and moistened before
FIG. 1 is a partly sectional side elevation View of the it is inhaled by the patient.
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view through the HME along The hollow-?bre bundle exchange element 10 has a large
the line ]I—]I of FIG. 1; surface area exposed to gas ?ow, making the exchange
element very e?icient. The surface of the ?bres can be easily
FIG. 3 is an enlarged sectional side elevation of a part of
modi?ed chemically to vary the properties of the exchange
the HME; and element. The porous nature of the ?bre walls increases gas
FIG. 4 is a cross-section along the line IV—IV of FIG. 3. turbulence and may enable a high retention of hygroscopic
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE material, both of which help improve the e?iciency of the
The HME has a conventional outer casing 1 of generally It will be appreciated that various diiferent materials
cylindrical shape made ?om a rigid, transparent plastics could be used for the ?bres.
3 4
What I claim is: ?bres are of a porous, polymeric material treated with a
1. An HME comprising: an outer casing; two inlets on the hygroscopic material, and wherein said ?bres are arranged
casing spaced from one another; and an exchange element such that gas ?ows through said bundle in both directions
within said casing, said element being located between said both along the bores of said ?bres and along spaces between
inlets such that gas ?ows through the exchange element in the ?bres.
opposite directions when ?ow of gas to the HME is reversed, 10. An HlVIE comprising: an outer casing; two inlets on
wherein said exchange element is provided by a bundle of the casing spaced from one another; and an exchange
hollow ?bres arranged parallel to one another, and wherein element within said casing, said element being located
said ?bres are arranged such that gas ?ows through said between said inlets such that gas ?ows through the exchange
bundle in both directions both along the bores of said ?bres 10
element in opposite directions when flow of gas to the HME
and along spaces between the ?bres.
2. An HME according to claim 1, wherein said ?bers have is reversed, wherein said exchange element is provided by a
porous walls. bundle of hollow ?bres arranged parallel to one another,
3. An HME according to claim 1, wherein said ?bers are wherein said ?bres are arranged longitudinally of the casing,
treated with a hygroscopic material. 15 wherein said ?bres are held together by an outer sleeve and
4. An HME according to claim 1, wherein said ?bers are by porous end caps at each end of the bundle, and wherein
of a polymeric material. said ?bres are arranged such that gas ?ows through said
5. An HME according to claim 4, wherein said ?bers are bundle in both directions both along the bores of said ?bres
of a sulfone. and along spaces between the ?bres.
6. An HME according to claim 1, wherein the bundle of 20 11. A patent breathing circuit comprising: a tube through
?bers has a porous cap at each end. which gas can be supplied to and from a patient; and an
7. An HME according to claim 1, wherein the bundle of HME, said HME comprising an outer casing, two inlets on
?bers is held together by an outer sleeve. the casing spaced from one another, and an exchange
8. An HME according to claim 1, wherein the ?bers are element within said casing, said element being located
of circular section. 25 between said inlets such that gas ?ows through the exchange -
9. An HME comprising: an outer casing, two inlets on the element in opposite directions when ?ow of gas in the
casing spaced from one another; and an exchange element breathing circuit is reversed, and said exchange element
within said casing, said element being located between said being provided by a bundle of hollow ?bres arranged
inlets such that gas ?ows through the exchange element in parallel to one another, said ?bres being arranged such that
opposite directions when ?ow of gas to the HME is reversed, gas ?ows through said bundle in both directions both along
wherein said exchange element is provided by a bundle of the bores of said ?bres and along spaces between the ?bres.
hollow ?bres arranged parallel to one another, wherein said
?bres are arranged longitudinally of the casing, wherein said

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