Vo, Vo, Max: Exercise Impulses Medullary Proprioceptors

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Vo,Vo, MAX

INTRODUCTION 4. Body temperature.

5. Acidosis.
Muscular exercise brings about a lot of changes on vari-
ous systems of the body. Degree of changes depends 1. Higher Centers
exercise. Refer Chapter 114 for increase during the
upon the severity of Rate and depth of respiration
types and severity of exercise. the e x e r Cise
of exercise. Sometimes, before starting i n c r e ases
of exercise
RESPIRATION even the thought or anticipation
EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON is a psychic phe
the rate and force of respiration. It
activation of higher centers

cortex and motor cortex of brain. Higher

air that enters Sylvian
ventilation is the amount of by
minute. It is the product of
tidal ters, in turn accelerate the respiratory processes
and leaves the lungs in 1 stimulating respiratory centers.
about 6 L/min, with a
volume and respiratory rate. It is
rate of 12
normal tidal volume of 500 mL and respiratory
2. Chemoreceptors
per minute.
(increase in rate Chemoreceptors which are stimulated by exercise-
During exercise, hyperventilation moderate exercise, induced hypoxia and hypercapnia send impulses to the
occurs. In
and force of respiration)
about 30 per minute and respiratory centers. Respiratory centers, in turn increase
respiratoryrate increases to
the pul-
about 2,000 mL. Thus, the rate and force of respiration. Chemoreceptors are
tidal volume increases to
L/min during described in detail in Chapter 123
increases to about 60
monary ventilation it rises
moderate exercise. In severe muscular exercise,
L/min. 3. Proprioceptors
still further up to 100
Proprioceptors, which are activated during
Factors increasing pulmonary exercise
ventilation during exercise send impulses to cerebral cortex through the somatic
afferent nerves. Cerebral cortex, in turn causes hyper-
1 Higher centers ventilation by sending impulses to the medullary respi
2 Chemoreceptors ratory centers. Reter Chapter 153 for proprioceptors
Chapter 129 Effects of Exercise on Respiration 783
4. Body Temperature
required is more than the quantity available to the
Body temperature which increases muscle. This much of oxygen is required not only for
increases the ventilation by muscular activity,
the activity of the muscle but also for reversal of somee
centers. by stimulating the respiratory metabolic processes such as:
1. Reformation of glucose from lactic acid, accumu-
5. Acidosis lated during exercise.
2. Resynthesis of ATP and creatine phosphate.
Acidosis developed during exercise also stimulates 3. Restoration of amount of oxygen dissociated from
respiratory centers, resulting in hyperventilation. hemoglobin and myoglobin.
an extra
Thus, for the above reversal phenomena,
EFFECT ON DIFFUSING amount of oxygen must be made available in the body
CAPACITY FOR OXYGEN after severe muscular exercise. Oxygen debt is about
six times more than the amount of oxygen consumed
Diffusing capacity for oxygen is about 21 mL/min at rest-
under resting conditions.
ing condition.It rises to 45 to 50 mL/min
during moder-
ate exercise because of increased
blood flow through
pulmonary capillaries. EFFECT ON VO, MAX

Vo, max is the amount of oxygen consumed under

EFFECT ON CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN maximal aerobic metabolism. It is the product of maxi-
mal cardiac output and maximal amount of oxygen con-
Oxygen consumed by the tissues, particularly the skel- sumed by the muscle.
etal muscles is greatly enhanced In a normal active and healthy male, the VO, max is
during exercise. Be-
cause of vasodilatation in muscles 35 to 40 mL/kg body weight per minute. In females, it is
during exercise,
more amount of blood flows through the muscles and 30 to 35 mL/kg body weight per minute. During exercise,
more amount of oxygen diffuses into the muscles from
VO, max increases by 50%.
blood. The amount of oxygen utilized by the muscles is
directly proportional to the amount of oxygen available. EFFECT ON RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT
Respiratory quotient is the molar ratio of carbon dioxide
EFFECT ON OXYGEN DEBT production to oxygen consumption. Refer Chapter 121
Oxygen debt is the extra ameunt of oxyeen TOqired for details.
by the muscles during recovery fron severe mueculsr Respiratory quotient in resting condition is 1.0 and
exercise. After a period of severe muscutar exero3, Guring exercise it increases to 1.5 to 2. However, at the
amountofoxygen consumedisgreatly increas6d. Uxygen end of exercise, the respiratory quotient reduces to 0.5

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