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Now that you have completed your brand evaluation, review the feedback below which relates to your
evaluation of your business's current performance in the four key areas of brand strength:

1. Awareness
2. Consideration
3. Loyalty
4. Preference

Green scores suggest that your business is performing well in the relevant area. Amber scores suggest
that further development is required to support successful growth. Red scores indicate a key area for
development to strengthen your brand.

Brand awareness feedback

Your amber awareness score suggests that you sometimes promote your brand offer
well, but could develop this further. You may need to think carefully about both the
placement of the brand at the point of purchase, and the messages you are
communicating to your target customers.

Brand consideration feedback

Your amber consideration score suggests that you sometimes communicate the
benefits that you offer to customers well. You could develop this further to stand out
from the competition, and may be able to improve how well your brand is aligned to
the needs of your target customers.

Brand preference feedback

Your amber preference score suggests that you have begun to build a customer base
that actively seeks your products, but could help customers understand the unique
selling points of your brand more clearly.

Brand loyalty feedback

Your green loyalty score suggests that you have built ongoing relationships with your
customers, who make repeat purchases or remain service users. Your customers are
willing to recommend the brand to others through reviews, sharing content, or
informal recommendation. 1/2

Record your action steps

Once you have reviewed your feedback, record the action steps you will take to develop your brand. 2/2

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