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Mid 2 Examination
Course title: Business communication
Course Code: BUS 251
Time: 60 Minutes
Fall 21
Marks 15
Name: Shahi-Bit-Tazim
ID: 1831719030

Answer the following questions:

Q1. As meetings should be democratic, everyone present should be permitted to talk as much as
he or she wants without interference from the leader. Discuss.
Ans: In a meeting, every participant plays an important role. Whenever there is a discussion
going on regarding some topic, there needs to be a conductor or leader who gives direction to the
meeting. Participants should be given equal opportunity when it comes to properly expressing
their thoughts. Some people are precise and talks in a directed manner where some people have
trouble expressing and needs time to say it properly. If the leader interrupts that participants
while talking without letting him/her finish, it would discourage that individual to express
themselves in future meetings. Moreover, a leader can ensure equal opportunity when it comes to
talking in a meeting instead of interfering.

Q2. How do you manage bad news with a positive way?

Ans: Sometimes there will be bad news which we need to deliver to people in and out of our
organization. We need to start with a positive vibe by expressing our concern for others or by
thanking the receiver for contacting us. Then, we need to address the bad news and explaining
the reason and fact behind it. Expressing the truth helps the receiver sympathize with our
situation. While explaining we need to use first/third person instead of using second person. For
example, we can say, “We are unable to refund the money as the company policy strictly
prohibits us to refund without the receipt” instead of “we can’t refund you because you don’t
have the receipt”. The former one has a positive vibe where the later one sounds a bit negative.
However, we can also give suggestions to the person with alternative solutions.

Q3. Discuss why we have difficulties listening well. What can you do to improve your listening?
Ans: There are a few reasons why we have difficulty listening well. First, we sense sounds, then
we filter the words, and we remember. When there are outside noise and distraction in the
environment we often fail to listen well. Our biasness sometimes influences on what we want to
listen rather than what the speaker is actually trying to speak. Also, our attention span sometimes
deviates and miss a portion of what the speaker is saying.
When listening to someone, we need to put away our distractive devices, such as cell phones,
iPod etc. Maintaining eye contact with the speaker helps us to listen and focus better. Letting the
other person finish without interruption also helps. After the speaker pauses, we can ask
questions to clarify. Empathizing with the speaker by keeping an open mind helps us to be an
active listener.
Q4. Revise the following negative announcement to improve the organization, content, tone,
grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Dear Valued Quality Food Mart Customers; Due to the fact that some customers have recently
abused our coupon policy, effective immediately we are prohibiting the use of double coupons,
this includes any use of any coupon with another coupon or using any coupon with sale items
that do not require a coupon. What this does mean is you using only one coupon on an item or
getting only the sale price for you’re grocery items. Not using more than one coupon or using a
coupon with an item already on sale. We will still take all manufacturers coupons and store
coupons. Just not more than one at a time and not for an item on sale. We are doing this because
people use coupons in a manor for which they are not intended. Due to the popularity of reality
shows such as “Coupon Frenzy” where people compete using coupons to see how much
groceries they can get for free or not a lot of cost. We cannot do this and remain in business, we
must manage how we and customers use coupons so that we can serve you better. Thank you for
your understanding. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause you.

Dear customers,
We are always grateful to you for being the most valuable customers of Quality Food Mart for
over the years. We are writing this email to you for informing you about some unwanted
situations that arose in recent days.
It’s really unfortunate that some of our customers recently have abused our coupon policies as a
result we are prohibiting the use of double coupons. According to this policy we are allowing our
customers to use coupon in the regular grocery items, not to the items that are already in sale.
Also, this new policy allows you to use coupon one at a time. And yes, we are still taking
manufacturer and store coupons for you.

Recently, people are competing for coupons to get the most items of a store for free or at a
lowest cost. Sadly, if this continues, we will be unable to do business in the long run. We would
truly be grateful if you cooperate with us. Moreover, we apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause you.
Thank you for your understanding. If is there any confusion regarding the policy feel free to get
in contact with us and we will be more than happy to help you.
Best regards,
Quality Food Mart.

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