Extension: 1. Answer The Question

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1. Answer the question

1) His father’s death made him think about his roots.

2) His father’s family.

3) Because in England was a shortage of labourers and work was easy to find.

4) Writer’s mother’s greatfather probably own and run medium-sized farm.

5) Writer would love to go to Australia one day and meet them.

2. Match

1) Paragraph 1_c

2) Paragraph 2_e,h

3) Paragraph 3_b,f

4) Paragraph 4 _g, d

5) Paragraph 5 _a

3. Read the writing task and answer the question

1) C

2) C

3)   how your family came to live where you live

     how and where your mother and father met

4)   why you think it’s important to know your roots

4. Writing

My father and mother were both born and raised in Quang Tri, Vietnam, and so am I. My parents met
while attending a friend's wedding.

My mother's family and my father's family were both born in Quang Tri. My father's family is a
farmer. My mother's family runs a small business. My maternal and paternal family are very close, it
only takes me 15 minutes to count. I love my family.

Knowing where we come from helps us understand our own bloodline and thus be able to feel our
growing love and concern for our loved ones.


Extra practice
1. Wordsnake

• Brother

• Family

• Group

• Husband

• Acquaintance

• Workmate

• Relative

2. Odd one out

1) Physical

2) Blood

3) Unlikely

4) Passing

5) Nursing

6) Approval

7) Fair-weather
3. Synonym

1) Received

2) Be

3) Do

4) Persuade

5) Catch

6) Reach

4. Crossword

3. sociable

1. Complete the text

1) Have been exploring

2) Is

3) Is always play

4) Have been providing

5) Have been seen

6) Was

7) Has still traveled

8)Has been creating

9) Has achieved

2. Complete the sentence

1) Lately

2) This summer

3) Since january

4) Just

5) On Tuesday

6) For nearly an hour

3. Circle the correct option

1) Hang out

2) closes

3) Has Mary been looking after

4) Is staying

5) Has fascinated

6) Leaves

4. Rewrite the sentence

1) C

2) The website haven’t been updating for weeks

3) Have you been contacted about the family reunion?

4) Changes in animal behavior are usually affected with genes and experience

5) Traditional values are often questioned by young people

5. Choose the correct option

1) B

2) C

3) C

4) C
5) A

6) C

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