Magickal Seals... The Seals of Solomon: Making A Talisman

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Magickal Seals...

The Seals of
The following Magical Seals, also known as 'The Seals of Solomon, Seals from the 6th
7th Book of Moses, the Black and White Seals of the Spirits. They are very ancient and
amazingly strong Talismans for various different areas of use.
Use of these seals can help Light Workers in their daily cases and life in general. I have
placed the best seal i know here. They seem to be kinda hard to find and should be a
part of your Light Worker arsenal. You can just Copy/Paste/ Print these and take them
with you. if you do SPIRIT REMOVAL or GHOST WORK these are amust!!! Get it,
print these out and USE THEM!!!! Put them inside your shirt to keep you safe or on
doors as needed. It is up to you to use them as needed. DO NOT do any extra doodles to
the talisman (except to make sure the circle is soild closed if it prints broken) Use the
Talisman as it is if you are a beginner.
If you are an advanced practitioner these Angelic symbols (talisman/Seals) can be
personalized to include you own personal energies in its foundation and influence the
outcome, but I like just letting it work as it was meant to without my influence, I figure
the universe knows far better what the outcome should be then I do. Also allowing it to
do as it was meant to keeps my Karma clean

Now before you ask yes these can be used for the "wrong reasons" and negativity but
the Karma built up is enormous and you are messing with sacred Angelic Symbols and I
wouldnt want to be in your shoes if you do something negative with them and disrespect
these Light Beings.
Making a Talisman
1. Relax and focus on why you want the talisman,
2. Draw those energies to you where you are successful in achieveing your cause.
3. The Burn a white candle and some sacred incense as you continue to visualize what
the talisman would be that you create for the cause you want to accomplish
4. Draw this symbol that you have envisioned on a piece of plain (none lined) paper. 
5. on the Reverse side of the talisman; write the Persons or Your Name Date of Birth to
whom the talisman is for,
6. Also be sure to add any important information there as well
7. Add a bit of sacred Oil (Like Talisman oil or anoiting Oil) to the corners of the paper.
8. This next step is optional but some like to do it . Cover/coat the Talisman in the white
candle or Bees Wax.
9. Now carry it close to your person when applicable or place it at it's most appropriate
Like I said above I would make available to you the Seals Of Solomon and here they
are. Please rememebr these not offered in an attempt to persuade any individual person
into the Supernatural Powers of these Amulets, Charms, Seals, Symbols or Talismans. I
am not making any guarantees or assuming any responsibility for the outcome of the
users who chose to use these items that I have shared. I must legally make this
disclaimer here: The following Seals, talismans and Legends are taken from various
sources and no magical claims are made.
1st-Penticle-of-Jupiter Defends & protects against any
The Magical Seal for acquiring
A Talisman for acquiring treasure enemy & against any evil spirits
glory,honors, riches, & tranquility
for gaining business which may linger near one's
of mind.
person or home.

This hath great power to assure
4th-Penticle-of-Jupiter visions.
Serves to acquire wealth and (Allegedly Jacob was armed with
Protects form all earthly dangers.
honor. this pentacle when he beheld the
ladder which reached unto
1st-Pentacle-of-Mars 2nd-Pentacle-of-Mars
The Talisman for gaining courage, Serves with great success against all
It has great power against
ambition, enthusiasm & all kinds of diseases when it is applied
physical accomplishments to afflicted parts.

4th-Pentacle-of-Mars 5th-Pentacle-of-Mars
This seal is of value in resisting
Of great power of towards bringing Causes all demons to obey the
one's enemies, and for exciting
victory or vindication in an wishes of the possessor of this
wrath, discord & hostility among
argument or battle of any kind. powerful seal.

6th-Pentacle-of-Mars 7th-Pentacle-of-Mars 1st-Pentacle-of-Moon

The owner of this cannot be The possessor pronounces the Divine Open's all doors and locks, no
harmed. If attacked, the foe's Names of El and Yiai to bring matter in what way they are
weapon shall turn against him. confusion to one's enemies. fastened.
Protects against all perils by 3rd-Pentacle-of-Moon
water, calms one in the event of Protects against all dangers of
Defends from all evil, and from any
natural phenomena such as travel, all attacks by night, and
injury to body or soul.
electrical storms, hurricanes, every danger from water.
earthquakes or tornadoes.

Protects against all Phantoms of
A wonderful magical talisman, 1st-Pentacle-of-Mercury
the night which may cause restless
designed to bring rain. Place it in Conveys personal magnetism upon
sleep or nightmares, and aids in
water, and as long as it remains the owner.
obtaining answers to questions or
there, the rains will continue
problems through dreams.
Influences the written word, tending 4th-Pentacle-of-Mercury
to make one eloquent in letters, Assists in gaining knowledge &
This Talisman is said to gain the
papers, or any writing. Used by all understanding in all things, and to
impossible. granting wishes
who wish to impress others with penetrate the hidden thought of
contrary to the order of nature.
there literary skills, particularly others.
poets & authors.

Of great value when meeting with
1st-Pentacle-of-Saturn adversaries in business or
Serves to open doors of any kind,
Designed to compel others to submit competitions of any kind. It should
for nothing it encounters can resist
to the possessor's wishes & requests. be carried when looking for work
or defeat it.
or negotiating any financial
3rd-Pentacle-of-Saturn 5th-Pentacle-of-Saturn
This seal is liked by those who wish
Good for protection against any Protects the home, and guards all
to impose their will upon others. It
plots made by others & for defense treasures & possessions one may
also alleged to bring good news to
against evil spirits. own.
the possessor.

Saturn - Pronounce an enemy's
7th-Pentacle-of-Saturn 1st-Pentacle-of-the-Sun
name and repeat 'Set thou a wicked
This Talisman is reputed to make The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is
one to be ruler over him and let
others listen and tremble before the alleged to bring the possessor all
satan stand at his right hand' to
words of the wearer. things they may desire.
cause the foe to be possessed by
2nd-Pentacle-of-the-Sun Enables the owner to see others as
This design serves to repress the they really are, not as they pretend
Serves to attract renown, glory,
pride and arrogance of those who to be. When the seal in the vicinity
oppose the owner's wishes & plans. of friend or foe, their true thoughts
and secret heart will be opened. 

5th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun 7th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun
Invokes the spirits who can This seal reputedly releases one
Provides invisibility to the
transport one from any place to from prison, opening all locks &
possessor at request.
any place, and in a short time. breaking all fetters which bind one
1st-Pentacle-of-Venus 3rd-Pentacle-of-Venus
For obtaining grace & honor, and
Brings friendships to the This serves to attract love, respect,
for accomplishing all desires in
possessor. and admiration.
matters of the heart.

Of great power, this forces any
The seal which excites great passion
person the owner desires to come to
and desire when shown to another.
him or her.

Ramon Llull (ca 1232 to 1315) developed his  16-vertex A-wheel by studying Arabic
language and culture.
Magical Seals & Symbols

So far I have Spoken of Talismans that we can wear ranging from Crystals to Cross's,
Amulets & Charms. There are also many other talismans ranging from Power Prayers,
Reiki Symbols, the Casting of a Circles. Besides them, there are those known by the
various Occults & Religions from around the world, as well as performing Witches &
Wizards (Black or White Magicians) These are called Magical Seals. Known Such as
'The Seals of Solomon, Seals from the 6th & 7th Book of Moses & the Black & White
Seals of the Spirits.'
It is these Seals that I am dedicating this page
There is another form of Talisman that is very Interesting? This is the 'Talisman of the
Tarot' The very first form of, 'Tarot Cards' were not cards but Metal Talismans. These
Talismans consisted of 36 Amulet Disc's. On each side was a varied collection of Images
& Symbols in relation to a Tarot (Card) Image. Thus Creating the 72 different Images
of the Tarot (The 72 Path's of the Qabalah, the 72 light & dark ruling Angels of
Manifestation. More Information on these Talismans to follow. For more Information
on the Qabalah/Tarot See the links below...
Talismans according to history, are there to aid & assist in bringing Good-fortune.
Enhance potentiality. Protect us from various negative, evil-wrong doings, dark forces
or demons. Of course there are Dark Magic Talismans, & Voodoo Charms, Talismans
that Manipulate & Worst? Well! I'm sorry to say If it's that, that your looking for?
You've come to the wrong place! However continue to Read..... You might learn
something New & find something better?
The Best Talismans are the 'Ones You Make Yourself,' I therefore suggest if you intend
using any of the following Talismans, that first you know what you are doing? Second
you are Doing It for the Wright Reasons, and most Importantly you Make it Correctly.
You could just; Copy/Paste/ Print & Use the Talisman as it is; using it this way would
Work, however talismans are special Angelic Symbols bound together to bring about
various actions, therefore if you don't personalize your talisman, it would generally
bring about Unconditional results, therefore the outcome may not be the one expected.
By personalizing the talisman it would have the foundations of your personal energies
and also Influence the talisman & it's Work. Personally I hold no expectations, just
allow the talisman to work as it should 'Naturally' As with all things in life, everything
has an opposite, hence 'Depending upon your actions, depends upon your outcome &
your Karma' If you use the Talisman for the 'Wrong Reasons ' Only Yourself can be
Responsible for the Outcome. 'Remember' They are 'Sacred Angelic Symbols' Please
Respect Them.

'The Energy you put into Making the Talisman reflects what you get out of it'

My Recommendation is to Save the Image, Print it out, Then Copy it:- Then Draw your
own Symbol; Why?
'The Energy you put into Making the Talisman reflects what you get out of it'
There are other reasons too. A Talisman is personal to yourself, therefore the energy
you put into making the talisman, will have an effect on how it works. for example:- to
just print out the disc and carry it with you, took no real effort & is not personalized,
very little energy on all levels would of been used, which in turn shows lack of
enthusiasm& effort. 'Listen to your Heart - Let your Talisman serve you & be your
When you are relaxed & ready to make your talisman, focus upon the symbols, at the
same time focus only upon what & why you are making the talisman, It is advisable to
Burn a Candle & Some Incense to cleanse & Invoke appropriate energies. (See the
Candle & Incense links) Once you have finished the Symbols and the Talisman
complete, on the Reverse side of the talisman; write the Persons or Your Name & Date
of Birth to whom the talisman is for... then add any other relevant or appropriate
information; Dab or lightly sprinkle oil & incense onto the talisman, then Coat the
Talisman in Candle or Bees Wax. The Wax can also contain Incense & oil but not
necessary. Once the Talisman is complete carry it close to your person when applicable
or place it at it's most appropriate place.
The Knowledge of Talismans has been around for hundreds of years, there are many
listed references in history books from all round the World and used for Many
Different Reasons. The here-with and following Images in relation to the 'Secrets of the
Magical Seals' is not offered in an attempt to persuade any individual person into the
Supernatural Powers of these Amulets, Charms, Seals, Symbols or Talismans. Nor do I
make any guarantees or assume any responsibility for the outcome of the viewers use of
the illustrations or text given herein. The following Seals & Legends are taken from
various sources and no magical claims are made.

It has been written & said that, 'Wherever you go, providing that you have them with
you, you will be completely secure for your whole life.' They are called the HOLY
PENTACLES, designed and consecrated to the Angels which rule the various planets.
since each planet rules in certain and specific matters, an appropriate seal can be found
to influence one's special situation or objective.
Each Talisman is marked with a Code Number in brackets (S-?)... Click the Code it will take you
to the Talisman's Meaning.

(S-1) 1st-Penticle-of-Jupiter (S-2) 2nd-Penticle-of-Jupiter (S-3) 3rd-Penticle-of-Jupiter

(S-4) 4th-Penticle-of-Jupiter (S-5) 5th-Penticle-of-Jupiter (S-6) 6th-Penticle-of-Jupiter

(S-7) 7th-Penticle-of-Jupiter (S-8) 1st-Pentacle-of-Mars (S-9) 2nd-Pentacle-of-Mars

(S-10) 3rd-Pentacle-of-Mars (S-11) 4th-Pentacle-of-Mars (S-12) 5th-Pentacle-of-Mars

(S-13) 6th-Pentacle-of-Mars (S-14) 7th-Pentacle-of-Mars (S-15) 1st-Pentacle-of-Moon

(S-16) 2nd-Pentacle-of-Moon (S-17) 3rd-Pentacle-of-Moon (S-18) 4th-Pentacle-of-Moon

(S-19) 5th-Pentacle-of-Moon (S-20) 6th-Pentacle-of-Moon (S-21) 1st-Pentacle-of-Mercury

(S-22) 2nd-Pentacle-of-Mercury (S-23) 3rd-Pentacle-of-Mercury (S-24) 4th-Pentacle-of-Mercury

(S-25) 5th-Pentacle-of-Mercury (S-26) 1st-Pentacle-of-Saturn (S-27) 2nd-Pentacle-of-Saturn

(S-28) 3rd-Pentacle-of-Saturn (S-29) 4th-Pentacle-of-Saturn (S-30) 5th-Pentacle-of-Saturn

(S-31) 6th-Pentacle-of-Saturn (S-32) 7th-Pentacle-of-Saturn (S-33) 1st-Pentacle-of-the-Sun

(S-34) 2nd-Pentacle-of-the-Sun (S-35) 3rd-Pentacle-of-the-Sun (S-36) 4th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun

(S-37) 5th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun (S-38) 6th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun (S-39) 7th-Pentacle-of-the-Sun

(S-40) 1st-Pentacle-of-Venus (S-41) 2nd-Pentacle-of-Venus (S-42) 3rd-Pentacle-of-Venus

(S-43) 4th-Pentacle-of-Venus (S-44) 5th-Pentacle-of-Venus
Each Talisman is marked with a Code Number in brackets (S-?) which corresponds to the
Code below. Click the Code it will take you to the Talisman.
(S-1) 1st Pentacle of Jupiter - A Talisman for acquiring treasure for gaining business.
The Magical Seal for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of
(S-2) 2nd Pentacle of Jupiter -
Defends & protects against any enemy & against any evil spirits which
(S-3) 3rd Pentacle of Jupiter -
may linger near one's person or home.
(S-4) 4th Pentacle of Jupiter - Serves to acquire wealth and honor.
This hath great power to assure visions. (Allegedly Jacob was armed
(S-5) 5th Pentacle of Jupiter - with this pentacle when he beheld the ladder which reached unto
(S-6) 6th Pentacle of Jupiter - Protects form all earthly dangers.

(S-7) 7th Pentacle of Jupiter - It has great power against poverty.

The Talisman for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical
(S-8) 1st Pentacle of Mars -
Serves with great success against all kinds of diseases when it is applied
(S-9) 2nd Pentacle of Mars -
to afflicted parts.
This seal is of value in resisting one's enemies, and for exciting wrath,
(S-10) 3rd Pentacle of Mars -
discord & hostility among others.
Of great power of towards bringing victory or vindication in an
(S-11) 4th Pentacle of Mars -
argument or battle of any kind.
Causes all demons to obey the wishes of the possessor of this powerful
(S-12) 5th Pentacle of Mars -
The owner of this cannot be harmed. If attacked, the foe's weapon shall
(S-13) 6th Pentacle of Mars -
turn against him.
The possessor pronounces the Divine Names of El and Yiai to bring
(S-14) 7th Pentacle of Mars -
confusion to one's enemies.
(S-15) 1st Pentacle of the Moon - Open's all doors and locks, no matter in what way they are fastened.
Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural
(S-16) 2nd Pentacle of the Moon - phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or
Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every
(S-17) 3rd Pentacle of the Moon -
danger from water.
(S-18) 4th Pentacle of the Moon - Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul.
Protects against all Phantoms of the night which may cause restless
(S-19) 5th Pentacle of the Moon - sleep or nightmares, and aids in obtaining answers to questions or
problems through dreams.
A wonderful magical talisman, designed to bring rain. Place it in water,
(S-20) 6th Pentacle of the Moon -
and as long as it remains there, the rains will continue?
(S-21) 1st Pentacle of Mercury - Conveys personal magnetism upon the owner.
This Talisman is said to gain the impossible. granting wishes contrary
(S-22) 2nd Pentacle of Mercury -
to the order of nature.
Influences the written word, tending to make one eloquent in letters,
(S-23) 3rd Pentacle of Mercury - papers, or any writing. Used by all who wish to impress others with
there literary skills, particularly poets & authors.
Assists in gaining knowledge & understanding in all things, and to
(S-24) 4th Pentacle of Mercury -
penetrate the hidden thought of others.
Serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or
(S-25) 5th Pentacle of Mercury -
defeat it.
Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor's wishes &
(S-26) 1st Pentacle of Saturn -
Of great value when meeting with adversaries in business or
(S-27) 2nd Pentacle of Saturn - competitions of any kind. It should be carried when looking for work or
negotiating any financial contracts.
Good for protection against any plots made by others & for defens
(S-28) 3rd Pentacle of Saturn -
against evil spirits.
This seal is liked by those who wish to impose their will upon others. It
(S-29) 4th Pentacle of Saturn -
also alleged to bring good news to the possessor.
(S-30) 5th Pentacle of Saturn - Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own.
Pronounce an enemy's name and repeat 'Set thou a wicked one to be
(S-31) 6th Pentacle of Saturn - ruler over him and let satan stand at his right hand' to cause the foe to
be possessed by demons.
This Talisman is reputed to make others listen and tremble before the
(S-32) 7th Pentacle of Saturn -
words of the wearer.
The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is alleged to bring the possessor all
(S-33) 1st Pentacle of the Sun -
things they may desire.
This design serves to repress the pride and arrogance of those who
(S-34) 2nd Pentacle of the Sun -
oppose the owner's wishes & plans.
(S-35) 3rd Pentacle of the Sun - Serves to attract renown, glory, riches.
Enables the owner to see others as they really are, not as they pretend to
(S-36) 4th Pentacle of the Sun - be. When the seal in the vicinity of friend or foe, their true thoughts and
secret heart will be opened.
Invokes the spirits who can transport one from any place to any place,
(S-37) 5th Pentacle of the Sun -
and in a short time.

(S-38) 6th Pentacle of the Sun - Provides invisibility to the possessor at request.

This seal reputedly releases one from prison, opening all locks &
(S-39) 7th Pentacle of the Sun -
breaking all fetters which bind one?
(S-40) 1st Pentacle of Venus - Brings friendships to the possessor.
For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in
(S-41) 2nd Pentacle of Venus -
matters of the heart.
(S-42) 3rd Pentacle of Venus - This serves to attract love, respect, and admiration.
Of great power, this forces any person the owner desires to come to him
(S-43) 4th Pentacle of Venus -
or her.
(S-44) 5th Pentacle of Venus - The seal which excites great passion and desire when shown to another.

I Believe that Talismans can work for us, if we are prepared to work for the
greater of our-selves & unconditionally for mankind & for a Oneness with the
Universe. I can only speak from my personal experiences 'I believe what you
put out-there into the Universe in terms of energy within the five elements of
earth, fire, water, Air & the Spirit; will come back to you.' Depending upon
the Energy Level you Work at, will depend upon your outcome. This is the
same law for everything in life, what I call 'Cosmic Law' Justice or

More Information on Magical Seals & Talismans will follow soon:- This page was completed on the 16th
November 2005 During the Full-Moon. Which happens to be in Taurus in the 8th House.
It has taken many 'weeks of work & years of experience' to bring this page and information to you; if you
would like to make any denotations, attributes, comments or ask any questions-Please Contact Me 

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