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TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL_ EXAMS loa [| = PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST) BE (EE) QUEST, M.Ed (AIOU) FOR VIDEO LECTURES: Youf{{])channel_ “Preparation for all exams” FOR SOFT NOTES: 6 PAGE “IBaJestMoro” FOR PDF & DETAILS S 03000362881, 03433664900 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 1 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NO: TOPICS PAGE # 1 DMAS & BODMAS 3 2 PROPERTIES/LAWS INVOLVING WHOLE NUMBERS. 4 3 PRIME, COMPOSITE NUMBERS, HCF & LCM. 4 4 FRACTION & ITS OPERATIONS 5 5 ADDITIVE INVERSE & MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSE 6 6 DECIMALS 6 7 LAWS OF EXPONENTS (PRODUCT LAW) 7 8 QUOTIENT LAW & POWER LAW 7 9 ‘SIMPLIFICATIONS BY USING LAWS OF EXPONENTS 8 10 SQUARE ROOT. 9 iL ‘ALGEBRA. 9 12 PERCENTAGE i 13. DISCOUNT. 12 14 PROPERTY TAX. 13. 15 ZAKAT & USHR 13, 16 MARKUP. 13 17 PROFIT & LOSS 14 18 RATIO 14 19) PARTNERSHIP & SHARE 14 20 INHERITANCE PROBLEMS 15 21 PROPORTION 15 22 COMPOUND PROPORTION 16 23 AVERAGE (MEAN), MEDIAN, MODE 16 24 NUMBER SYSTEM 17 25 RATIONAL & IRRATIONAL NUMBERS: 17 26. SET 18 27, SPEED AND ITS UNIT CONVESIONS 19 28. GEOMETRY (ANGLES) 19 29 TRIANGLE 20 30. AREA & PERIMETER 20 31 CIRCLE, 22 32 TRIGONOMETRY 23 33 LOGARTHAM 24 33 MATRICES. 25 35 ‘ANSWERS 27 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 2 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:1. -7-7 ald .-49 Qno:2. -7 x- 2.14 4. -49 Qnoi3, 3x 6-42 a2 d. None of these Qno:4, 3-3+343x3=? a3 b.9 eit d. None of these’ Qno:5. 150-100 + 20x 10 = a. 150 b. 100 ©.50 d. None of these Qnoi6. 7+ (15+3+5)x4-20=? 2.27 b.-27 ©.28 d.None of these Qnoi7, 2[-2{4x9+8(5+1)}]=? 54 b. 108 108 dd: None of these Qno:8. 5+{16-4+2x3-(-6+ 2)} 2.36 b.18 <0 4d. None of these Qno:9.- 4-4 =? a-8 b.8 c. -16 4.16 Qno:10.-4x-4 a-8 b8 con 16 4. 16 Qno:11, 15-20 as b.-5 © 35 4d. None of these Qno:2,2-2+2+2x2=? a4 b5 6 4d. None of these Qno:13. 3x2-42+7=? a2 bd <0 4d. None of these Qno:14. 100 - 50 - 100 + 150 =? 2.50 be100 c. 150 d. None of these Qno:5. 16 +2+5x4=2 a. 26 b. 28 c. 30 d. None of these Qno:16. (8 - 9) x 18'= ? a. 18 b. -18 er) 4d. None of these Qno:17, (28-444 5) x4~ 11 of 3 a. 18 bay c. 16 15 Qnor8. (3 x 18) +3 of 2 + 105 a1l4. b. 142 141 4d. None of these Qnoii9, (5x9) + 15 =? a3 b4 a5 d. None of these Qn0:20. 4 +4 0f 4 =? a6 bt a4 4. None of these Qnoi2t. 4+ 4x 216 bt a4 4. None of these PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 3 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:22, (3x 18) +3x2+105=? a. ll4 b. 142 «141 4. None of these PROPERTIES/LAWS INVOLVING WHOLE NUMBERS Qno:1. Which of the following is distributive property? a. (axb)xc=ax(bx0) + 0) = (axb) -(axc) clatb)tc=a+(b+o d. None of these Qno:2. All are commutative property except: aatb=b+a b.a-b=b-a c.axb=bxa —_d. None of these ‘Qno:3. Which of the following is associative property? aatb=bta +c) = (axb) + (axc) c(a+b)+c=a+(b+0) d. None of these Qno:4. Fill in the blanks. "+6 =7+__ 2.6,7 b.7,6 5,6 ‘d. None of these ‘Qno:S. Fill in the blanks. 9 x (13 -_) = (9x __)- (9x5) a. 13,5 b.5,15 5,13 d. None of these Qno:6. Fill in the blanks. _+ (5+ _) = (4+ _) 2.654 b.4,5.6 d. None of these PRIME & COMPOSITE NUMBERS, HCF & LCM Qno:1. All are prime numbers except: a2 b.o1 7h 4.97 Qno:2. 1is number. a. Prime b. Composite Irrational d. None of these Qno:3. Oisa number. a. Prime b. Composite ¢. Irrational d. None of these Qnoi4, There are prime numbers front 91 to 100. al b.2 o3 d. None of these Qno:S. Find the HCF of 12 & 20. a2 ba 66 a8 Qno:6. Find the LCM of 12 & 20. a. 15 b-30 c.60 . 120 Qno:7. The product of tive numbers is 200. If their HCF is 5 then find their LCM? a. 20 b. 30 40 d. None of these Qno:8. The product of two numbers is 200. If their LCM is 40 then find their HCF? as b. 10 ©.20 d. None of these ‘Qno:9. Which of the following is composite number? a. 119 b. 113 eit d. None of these Qno: 10. There are even prime numbers. a. one b. two «. three d. None of these Qho: 11; The product of two numbers is 800, if their HCF is 20 then find their LCM? a. 10. b. 20 c. 30 4.40 Qno:12. The product of two numbers is 800, if their LCM is 40 then find their HCF? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30. 4.40 ‘Qno:13. Which of the following is exactly divisible by 2,3 and 6? a, 518213 b, 1101361 ©. 145620 d. None of these Qno:14, 3?can be written as___- a.2x3 b. 3x2 ©. 3x3 d.2x2x2 Qno:15, The prime factorization of 1024 can be written in index notation as PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page + TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS a2 b 2 c. 20 28 ‘Qnoi16, What should be added to 10101010, then it will be exactly divisible by 37 al b. 2 o3 d. None of these FRACTION & ITS OPERATIONS Qno:1. All are proper fractions except at bz ci Qo 2. All are improper fractions except: at bz ct Qv0'3. Which ofthe follwing is compound fractions? ail b.28 o3t 4.43 Qno:4. Convert 2 into mixed fraction. b. 2k d..None of these be o# d. None of these bz ct 4. None of these 4. None of these b.3 6 4. None of these bz oe 4. None of these 4d. None of these Qno:11. Ascending order of aaa Qno:12. Descending order of 4 4. None of these 2 z d. None of these Qne: 13, Whig of the following rational number is smalest? al cf Qt 114 Which ofthe following rational number is reatest? as bs ce at (Qno:15. All the proper fractions are less than a2 bel 0 4d. None of these ‘Qno:16, All the improper fractions are greater than a2 bl c.0 d. None of these Qno: 17. Which of the following figure shows improper fraction. PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page S TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS A wv... Qno: 18. Find the value of y in the given number line. 1 xy 2 3 Zz a2 b.32 c2z az ADDITIVE INVERSE & MULTIPLICATIVE Qno:1. Multiplicative inverse of - Fis at bg 4d. None of these (Qn0:2. Additive inverse of - is ae be 4d. None of these Qno:3. Additive inverse of Ois__. a0 bi ed 4d. None of these ‘Qno:4. Multiplicative inverse of 0 : a0 bi 2 4d. None of these ‘Qno:5. Additive inverse of xy is ax-y bw c > Qno:6. Multiplicative inverse of xy i , ax-y b. xy. c S Qno:7. Multiplicative inverse of x+y is_. ax-y b.=x-y os d. None of these ‘Qno:8.Additive inverse of x- y is ay-x b.-x-y os d. None of these Qno:9. Additive inverse of 100is_. a.— 100 oS 4. None of these Qno:10. Multiplicative inverse of 100is___. a.- 100 bo 4. None of these Qno:11. Additive inverse of S$? is ba be 8 d. None of these Qno:12, Multiplicative inverse of > is ‘ 4 4d. None of these => DECIMALS Qno:1. 24.1 + 111.17 + 0.05 = ? a. 134.34 b. 135.32 c. 133.42 4d. None of these PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 6 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:2. 1101.101 x 1 @, 110.1101 b, 11011.01 c, 110110.1 d, None of these Qno:3. 1101.101 + 10 =? a. 110.1101 b. 11011.01 cc. 110110.1 d. None of these Qno:4. 0.015 x 0.4 =? 2.06 b. 0.06 c. 0.006 4d. None of these Qno:5. 6 +03 2.0.2 b. 0.02 c. 0.002 4d. None of these Qno:6. 0.6 +3 =? 2.0.2 b. 0.02 . 0.002 4. None of these Qno:7. 0.4-0.5 =? aOl b. 0.01 c. 0.001 d. None of these LAWS OF EXPONENTS. (PRODUCT LAW) Qno:1. 5x 3 =? a. 158 b. 59 a d. None of these Qno:2. (5Px (SP =? a bt ot 4. None of these Qno:3. Simplify (2)? x (2)? a@ b.Gx Y P d. None of these Qno:4. Pq? x piq* =? pq b.p'a E 4d. None of these Qno:s. bex a" xb? =? aa xb? b. (aby? both a & b 4d. None of these Qno:6. All are positive except: a (7 b 63? (3) acy Qno:7. p?x p=? apt pt cp? 4, None of these Qno:8. If 3- x = 3 then." = a2 1 23 d. None of these Qno:9. -S%= ? a.25 b.- 25 cc. Both d. None of these Qno:10, -(-54)=? a.25 b.-25 cc. Both d. None of these Qno: 11.2 3 = nx 6* aPx3 b.3 c.3%2 a3 LAWS OF EXPONENTS (QOUTIENT & POWER LAW) Qnoid. yl y=? ay bi c. both a& b 4d. None of these Qno:2. Simplify ( 2)° al Qno:3. Simplify (277 «(28 d. None of these PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 7 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS a2 bs c.both a & b Qno4, Peg? + pi? =? pq b. pig af Qnois. (SP P=? a(4y bey c. both a & b Qnosé. Cee Oey ax bs c. both a&b Qno:7. ((p?)°)” apt b.p* (pyr LAWS OF EXPONENTS. (SIMPLIFICATION) Qno:1. Simplify (2)*x (3)*x (2) a (GP bc «(38 Qno:2. Simplify ( 2)?x ( mG Be x (=? a0 2 Qno:3. Simplify (-x2)° = ? a.-x? b.xi cbotha &b Qnor4. Find the value of x if 25% = 125 as b.25 e125 Qno:5. Find the value of x if ( 2 x 2) = (2) XC P a2 b.3 a4 Qno:6. Find the value of xif { (2)? R=(2)" ad bé 63 (Qno:7, Find the value of xif (4 yx) = (4 )" a0 bar a5 Qno:8. 867+5+3) a4 be2 cy Qno:9. Simplify x25 +205 a. (4x)®5 b. aoe 205, ‘Qnor10. IF (81)%? x (3)"4 = orn ‘find the value of x. al 0.16 c. 0.72 Qno:11.dh(- 2 + (2) = ° a0 b. 16 c. 32 SQUARE ROOT b5 c.10 baz c. both a & b One: :3. VO.1024 = ? 2.32 b.3.2 ©.0.32 |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these 3 |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these |. None of these 0.8 64 |. None of these |. None of these 0.032 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 8 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:4. v4900 = ? al? b.70 . 700 4. None of these Qno:s. [12+ V8 + Vor =? a4 bs 12 4d. None of these Qno:6, /35 + VOzS =? a2 b.1.35 22 4d. None of these Qno:7. if }1+ 2 = 4 Find the value of x. 25 b.26 om 4d. None of these Qno:8. Vet + VEE =? 16 b.12 d. None of these Qno9, SO=E = 7 a8 ba 2 d-None of these Qno:10. Vax va =? aw ba c.2a 4d. None of these Qo. V8 ao . be ao 4d. None of these Qno:12, If VB + 2x a =1, find the value of a, av05 b.vz a2 Qno:13, 45 = ad b3 2 at Qno:14. £3 = 1, Find the value of 2°. 64 b2 16 ag Qno:i5ifa =", then 20% ofais) ant bya ai Qno:16. */54 ythen (a + 3) =? a8 bs c4 4.2 Qno:17. If V8= Vi =*, find the value of 2 al b.v2-1 4.2 Qno:1, Addition of 2 and 2x = 2 248 b. 20 ox .None of these Qno:2.Multiplcation of 2x? and 2x =? 2.40 b. 20 ax d.None of these Qno:3. Division of 2x? and 2 240 b. 20 cx d.None of these Qno:4. Subtract - 3y from - 2y =? a-5y cy d.None of these Qno:5. All the expressions are polynomial except PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 9 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS adkty bxety ext xy ‘Qno:6. Which of the following expression consists of three terms? ay bxty 2 d.None of these Qno:7. In the given expression 2 + 3x, constant is . a2 b.3 d.None of these ‘Qno:8. In the given expression 2 + 3x, coefficient of the variable x is . a2 b.3 ae di.None of these ‘Qno:9. Which of the following is polynomial? 24 y2 2 iz axty bx+t ANE + ‘Qno:10. Find the factors of (at — a. (a be\(a? +b?) b. (a? + b?)(a? - 2ab +b?) «(a + b)(a- ba? +b’) (a? ~ b*)(a? + 2ab + b°) Qno:11, Zubeda and Farah jointly planed to go to visit zoo for entertainment. They both collected Rs.44, Farah paid Rs.6 more than zubeda. Find the share of zubeda? a.21 b.20 c.19 d.None of these Qno: 12. ax + by +, there are ___literals in given expression. a2 ba 4 as ‘Qno:13. The sum of 6 and four times a number is 42. Find the number. ag b8 7 4d. None of these Qno:14.. [5a - {3b + (6a - 2a + b)}] a.4a-b b.a-4b e4a-4b d.None of these Qno:15. Which of the polynomial is binomial? a4 +3y b. 4x + 3y clas d.All of these Qno: 16, Find the value of x, if + = == als b. 10 5 d.None of these Qno:17. If a= 2, b= -3 and c== 4'then evaluate £2") a6 boiz 18 d.None of these Qno:18. All are polynomials except: alts beet c.v2a+ vib d.-7 Qno:19. In the given expression , px +qy +r, Coefficients are__. ap ba c. both a&b 4d. None of these Qn0:20. In the given expression , px +ay +r, Constant is___. ap bq cr d. None of these Qre121. ea Re acetic equations excep axe Bae any d2e41 Qno:22,, aoeyr's 20x4y'2? = a2 b. 2xyz ce d. None of these Qno:23. Ify = - 3, find the value of = y + 9 a-= ba 4d. None of these Qno:24. Find the value of x, if == 7 a3 b7 «10 4.21 Fey Qno:25. Find the value of x, if 2 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 10, TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS al b.2 c3 4. None of these Qn0:26. Find the value of x, if 5 + 3(x- 1) = 5x-6 a8 b.6 a4 4d. None of these Qno:27. Hashim and Qasim both deposited a sum of Rs. 47 in the fund of Hilal e Ahmer. If the Hashim’s share was Rs. 25. Find the share of Qasim. 2.18 b.22 c.20 4d. None of these (Qno:28, If the sum of a number and 8 is multiplied by 5, then 60 is obtained. Find the number, a8 b.6 c4 d. None of these Qno:29, Sum of @ number and its double is 9. Find the number. a2 b.3 66 4. None of these Qno:30. The product of 7 and the sum of a number and 6 is 77. Find the number. as b6 a7 d. None of these Qno:31, (x -3)(x +4) =? ax-x -12 bx +x-12 ce +x 412 d. None of these Qno:32. (x +) att be42+5 cx-24+5 4. None of these (Qno:33.. Find the factors of a? + 7a +10 a. (a42\(a+2) b. (a45\a+5)c. (2+2)(a+5) d. None of these ‘Qno:34. 20 years from now, Nazia will become three times as old as she is now. Find her present age. a. 12 years b. 10 years c. Byears 4d. None of these Qno:35. In a cricket match Jamil and Saleem enhanced the score of the team by 84 runs. If Jamil scored 12 runs more than Saleem. Find the score of the Saleem? a. 44 runs b. 40 runs . 36 runs 4d. None of these Qno:36. The sum of the ages of mother and her daughter is 22 years. The daughter is 20 years younger than mother. Find the age of the daughter. a. 1 year b. 1.5.year c. 2 years d. None of these Qno:37.. When Dua opens a book there are two pages infront of her. The sum of the page numbers is 155. If one page number is 50, what is the other page number? a. 125 batts 105 d. None of these (Qno:38, Rashid Malik & Owais Qarni had 800 rupees. Rashid had four times as many as Owais had. How many rupees did Rashid have? 2. 600 rupees . 640 rupees c. 680 rupees 4d. None of these Qno:39, The sum of one third and one fourth of an amount is Rs. 14. What is the amount? a. 18 b. 20 © 24 d, None of these Qno:40._ The sum of numbers is 9. The difference between five times of the first and four times of the second is 9. What are the numbers? 25,4 b.36 2,7 d. None of these no; 4z.y x y+ y ay™ b, yisoo cy d. None of these Qno: 42. 4 + 3x = = 10, find the value of x. al b.2 63 a4 PERCENTAGE Qno:1. Convert 125% into fraction. am be aii G.All of these Qno:2. Convert 125% into decimal. PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 11 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS a, 0.0125 b. 0.125 1.25 diNone of these ‘Qno:3. Convert £ into percentage. a. 40% b. 20% c. 50% d.None of these Qno:4. Convert 2 into decimal. a. 0.40 b. 0.20 c. 0.50 d.None of these (Qno:5. Convert 1.75 into percentage. 2.75% b. 175% c. 275% d.None of these Qno:6. Convert 1.75 into fraction. az biz c. both a & b d.None of these Qno:7. 75% of 200 2.130 b. 140 150 4, None of these ‘Qno:8. Rashid Ali Malik obtained 60 marks out of 75 marks. What is the percentage of marks of Rashid Malik? a. 60% b. 80% ©. 90% 4. None of these Qno:9. There were 8500 voters in a village. 34% did not cast their votes. Find the number of voters who cast their votes? a. 5610 b. 2890 ©. 4000 d. None of these Qno:10, The population of a village is 15000. If the population is increased by 15 % in a year. Find the population after one year. a, 17000 b. 17225 c-18000 4d. None of these Qno:11, Rahila pays 5% of her salary in charity in'@ month. If she pays Rs. 200, find her monthly salary. a, 6000 b, 5000 cc. 4000 d. None of these Qno:12. On a rainy day 600 students out of 750 were present in a school. What percentage of the students were absent? a. 80% b. 20%. ©. 15% d. None of these Qno:13. What percent of figuré is not shaded. 2.25% b.50% 60% 4. 75% ‘Qno:14, What percent of the following figure is shaded? a, 30% b. 25% 20% dcNone of these Qno:15. 15% of 300 = ? a5 b.30 45 d. None of these DISCOUNT Qno:1. The marked price of ladies purse is RS.1500 and it is sold at discount of 15%. Find the net selling price of the price. PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 12, TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS a, RS.1275 b. Rs.1300 c. Rs.1325 d.None of these ‘Qno:2, A trader marked his goods at 30% above the cost price. If he allows his customer 20% discount, find his profit percentage. a. 10% b. 7% ©. 4% d.None of these ‘Qno:3. In a shop there is double discount of 10% and 20% on an article of Rs. 100. Calculate the total discount? a. 28 b. 30 ©.32 d.None of these Qno:4, The marked price of an article is Rs.400 and it is sold at a discount of 10%, find the net selling price of the article. a Rs, 340 b, Rs.350 .Rs.360 d.None of these Qno:5. Umaima bought a dinner set for Rs. 52000 at 20% discount. Find actual price of the dinner set. 2, Rs.60,000 b. Rs.65,000 . Rs.70,000, d. None of these ‘Qno:6. A washing machine is sold for Rs. 10,500, inclusive of GST (General Sales Tax) 5 %. Find the cost of washing machine excluding GST. a. Rs.8,500 bb. Rs.9,000 c. Rs.10,000 d.None of these PROPERTY TAX ‘Qno:1. Find the property tax on the property worth of Rs. 286400 at the rate of 5%. a. Rs.14500 b. Rs.14320 c. Rs.14200 d.None of these (Qno:2.Find the worth of the property when tax paid on the property is Rs. 25500 at the rate of 2%. a, 1,290,000 b, 1,280,000 1,275,000 d.None of these ‘Qno:3. Find the percentage of property tax when property tax paid is Rs. 54000 & worth of the property is RS. 1,800,000. 3.4% b. 3% ©. 2% d.None of these ZAKAT HR Qno: 1. After a whole year business man has saved Rs. 80,000 in cash. He has a cash in bank of Rs,600,000. Find the zakat due on him? a. Rs. 15,000 b. Rs. 16,000 cc. Rs.17,000 d.None of these Qno:2 Farah paid an amount of as zakat . Find the saving on which she paid zakat. a. 340,000 b, 350,000 . 360,000 d.None of these ‘Qno:3.A salaried person possess Rs. 200,000 and 8 tolas of pure gold. Find the zakat to be paid by him. Rate of is Rs. 50,000/ tola. a, Rs. 15000 . Rs.20,000 . Rs, 30,000 d.None of these ‘Qno:4. A landlord produces 3,000 kg of wheat and vegetables of worth Rs. 25000. Find the ‘amount of ushr due upon him at the rate of 5% and the rate of wheat is Rs. 30/kg. a. Rs. 5,900 b. Rs. 5,800 c. Rs. 5,750 Oz Qno:22 If cos 9A = sin A and 9A < 90°, then the value of tan SA is ad bl c. 13V2 d. v3 Qno:23. If in MABC, ZC = 90°, then sin (A +B) = ad bw ¢.12V3 da Qno:24. If sin A — cos A = 0, then the value of sin* A + cos* A is a2 bi 34 12 LOGARTHAM Qno:1. 10% ).001 can be written in the form of logarithm as a.logi = -3 b. log 0.001 = 3 c.log3 = - 0.001 d.log 0.001 = -3 Qno:2. The logarithms of numbers having the same sequence of significant digits have the same a. mantissa b. anti logarithm = c. value 4. digits ‘Qno:3. The types of logarithms are ad b.3 c a5 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 24 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:4. 102 = 100 can be written in the form of logarithm as a, log 100 = 2 , log 2 = 100 cilog 2 dilog 2 / log 100 ‘Qno:5. logarithm table is divided in to a. 2 parts b. 4 parts 3 parts 5 parts Qno:6. The useful tools for rapid and accurate Computation and avoiding an error of ‘omitting/writing a zero is called a. logarithms b. matrix c. linear equation factorization Qno:?. If the number has three digits in the integral part, then its characteristic is a2 b3 a4 4.0 Qno:8. The logarithm of unity to any number to itself as base should be 2.10 b-1 cl a0 Qno:9.Loga(im/n) equals to 2. logsm + log.n b. logam -logn ——_c. n logam 4d. logsn x log.b Qno:10. If a number has no zero immediately after the decimal point, the characteristic is, 2.0 ba cot d. none of above ‘Qno:11. The decimal part of the common logarithm of a number is called 2. anti logarithm b. value «. digits 4. mantissa Qno:12. In the form of logarithm, a* = y can be written as alog’a = x bilog, a =x clog? y = x dilog, y = x ‘Qno:13. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approx .2.150,000,000 km 'b.190,000,000 km 180,000,000 km 170,000,000 km Qno:14. If the number has one digit in the integral part, then its characteristic is al b2 0 43 ‘Qnoi15. If logy = x then the antilogarithm of x should be a. y = antllog x b.x=antilogy c.y=antilogx+y d.x= antilogy +x ‘Qno:16. The logarithms having base’ are called 2. pure logarithms b.common logarithms natural logarithms d.-+infinite logarithms Qno: 17. The relation y = log. implies ax’ b.zt=x ayex Gn0:18. The idea of logarithms was fist introduced by a. Henry Briggs b, John Napier cAbu M. Musa Al Khwarizmi d. Jobst Burgi ‘Qno:19. The characteristic of the log 1563.4 is a2 b3 cs d. None of these MATRICES Qno:1 If the order of matrix A is" «++. And the order of B is ++. Then the order of matrix ABis? amxn binxm cnxp dimxp Qno:2. If A and B are matrices, then which from the following is true ? aA+BtBtA b(AY FA c. AB # BA d. all are true Qno:3. What isa’, if 14 al * 4) ig a singular matrix ? as b.6 a7 a8 PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 25 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS Qno:4. If ae 4 [ | 11 then |Al =? a2 b3 a4 a5 Qno:5. If 4, a) [o, 8: 4 Gy /A=|by by ds 4 4 Ga [bx PBs J then order of matrix A = ? a2x2 b.2x3 c.3x2 4.3x3 ‘Qno:6. The number of non-zero rows in an echlon form is called ? a, reduced echlon form b, rank of a matrix ‘c.conjugate of the matrix d. co-factor of the matrix Qno:7. The matrix 132 4=|3 01 2 Y Shisaz a. symmetric b.skew-symmetric _¢. hermitian d.skew-hermitian Qno8. If b.40 50 4. 60 Qno:9. The matrix bs A= 9 isa? a. even matrix b.odd matrix «. scalar matrix d. identity matrix Qno:10. The transpose of a rectangular matrix is @ a, rectangular matrix b.diagonal matrix c. square matrix d. scaler matrix Qno:11, The transpose of a column matrix is a. zero matrix b. diagonal matrix c. column matrix —_d. row matrix. Qno:12. Two matrices A and B are multiplied to get AB if a. both are rectangular b. both have same order c. no of columns of A is equal to no: of rows of B dno of rows of A is equal to no: of columns of B Qno: 13 If |A| = 0, then Ais a, zero matrix b, singular matrix _c, non-singular matrix 4.0 Qno: 14, IF Ais a symmetric matrix, then Al = aa b.IAl <0 d.diagonal matrix PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 26 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS ‘Qno: 15. The additive inverse of a matrix A is. aA b. IAL AP d, adj A/IA| ANSWER KEY DMAS & BODMAS 1b 2c 3.a 4c 5b 6a 7.c &b 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.b 13.c 14b 15.a 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.a20.b 21.a 22.c PROPERTIES/LAWS INVOLVING WHOLE NUMBERS 1d 2b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c PRIME AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS, HCF AND LCM 1b 2d 3d 4.a 5b 6c 7.c Ba 9.c 10.a 11d 12.b 13.c 14.c 15.¢ 16.b FRACTION AND ITS OPERATIONS 1.b 2.¢ 3.¢ 4b S.c 6.d 7.b Bc 9.a 10d 11a 12a 13.a14.d 15.b 16.b 17d 18.¢ ADDITIVE INVERSE & MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSE 1c 2.b 3.a 4d 5.b 6c 7.c 8.a 9.a 10.c 11b 12.c DECIMALS 1b 2b 3.a 4c 5d 6a 7.d LAWS OF EXPONENTS (PRODUCT LAW) 1d 2d 3.c 4c S.c 6d 7.d 8b 9a 10b Ih LAWS OF EXPONENTS QUOTIENT & POWER. LAW. lc 2c 3.a 4c 5.b 6b 7.d LAWS OF EXPONENTS SIMPLIFICATION 1d 2c 3b 4d 5d 6c 7.c 8¢ 9.6 10.d 11d SQAURE ROOT 1d 2a 3.c 4b 5.a 6d 7c 8b 9c 10.b 11.c 12.b 13d 14a 15.a 16d 17.b ALGEBRA ld 2a 3.c 4c S.c 6d 7d 8.c 9.a10c 1l.c 12d 13.a 14.b15.b 16.c 17.a 18.a 19.d 20.d 21:b 22d 23.c 24.d 25.a 26.c 27.b 28.c 29.b 30.a 31.b 32b 33.c 34.b 35.c 36.4 37.c 38.b 39.c 40.a 41.d PERCENTAGE 1d 2c 3.44.4 5b 6c 7.c 8b 9.a 10.b 11.c 12.b 13.a 14.¢ 15.¢ DISCOUNT la 2c 3a 4c 5.a 6c PROPERTY TAX 1b) 2c 3.b ‘ZAKAT AND USHR Lc 2. 3.a 4c MARKUP Le 2a 3.b PROFIT & LOSS 1b 2c 3a 4.c 5b 6.a RATIO PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 27 TOPIC WISE MCQS OF MATHEMATICS FOR ALL EXAMS 1c 2.b 3.a 4b 5.c 6b 7.b 8a 9.b 10.c 11.b 12.4 PARTNERSHIP & SHARE Lb 2c 3.¢ 4.¢ 5.b INHERITNCE PROBLEMS la 2c 3b PROPORTION 1b 2.a 3.b 4.4 5.b 6a 7.c 8b 9.a 10.c 11.b 12a 13.b 14.¢ COMPOUND PROPORTION 1b 2a 3.b 4.c 5a AVERAGE (MEAN), MODE, MEDIAN La 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.b 6b 7.2 8d 9b 10.c NUMBER SYSTEM 1b 2a 3.c 4b 5.b 6c 7b Bc 9.c 10.c 11.b RATIONAL & IRRATIONAL NUMBERS lc 2d 3.d 4.b 5.d 6d 7.c 8d 9d 10d SET 1b 2d 3.d 4.c 5.b 6d 7.d 8d 9b 10.c 11d 12d 43:¢ 14.c 15.a 16.b 17.c 18.b 19.c 20.b 21d 22.a 23.a 24.b SPEED AND ITS UNIT CONVESIONS lc 2.b 3.c 4a 5b GEOMETRY ANGLES Lc 2.b 3.a 4d 5.c 6a 7.b 8b TRIANLE Lc 2.b 3.a 4b 5.b AREA AND PERIMETER lc 2.b 3a 4b 5.c 6c 7a 8.¢9.c 10.b lla 12.a 13.a 14d 15.c 16. 17.8 18.a 19.b CIRCLE Le 2.b 3.d 4.a 50)6.b 7.c 8b 9.b 10.a 11.b 12c 13.a 14d TRIGONOMETRY 1.b 2c 3.b 4.a°5.b 6c 7.c 8b 9.a 10.c 11d 12d 13.d14.a 15.c 16.b 17.c 18.d 19.d 20.b 21.c 22.b 23.d 24.4 LOGARTHAM. 1d 2a 3.c4a 5c 6a 7a 8c 9.a 10. 11d 12.d 13.a 14.c 15.a 16.c 17.b 18.6 19. MATRICES La 2.c 3.d 4b 5.b Gb 7.a 8d 9c 10.a 11d 12¢ 13.b 14.a 15.a PREPARED BY: RASHID ALI MALIK (IBA JEST ), BE (EE) QUEST & M.Ed (AIOU) CONTACT # 03000362881, 03433664900 Page 28

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