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COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 2 LISH COMPOSITION FOR ALL EXAMS 7. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI CIBA-JEST, HM & WRITER) BS GEOLOGY, MA ENGLISH, M.ED FOLLOW FOR FOR VIDEOS LECTURES You{{fi) CHANNEL “FREE LEARNING FOR LEARNERS” FOR SOFT NOTES & Pace “MOTIVATIONALSPEAKERWRITER” Fon por & oeTaus (S) 03002556660, 03062794501 Y PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 1 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS English Grammar &Composition FOR ALL JOBS PREPARATION Table of Contents. 1 Parts of Sentence. 03 2 Types of Sentence 1 03. 3 Types of Sentence 2 06 4.Noun &its kind 09 5 Cases of Noun 13 6 Pronoun 14 7 Relative Pronoun 16 8 Direct or Indirect Object 18 9 Errors of Pronoun & Adjectives 20 10 Degrees andtErrors 22 12 Correct Usage of Adjectives 25 13 Verbs \&,Preposition. 26 14 Conditional Tenses 34 15.Article &Adverb 39 J6»Participle 43 17. Preposition followed by verbs & Idioms 46 18. Model Verbs 49 19. Passive Voice 55 20. Correct Spelling. 59 PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 2 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Ic ind Ty f Senten Sentence: a group of words which gives complete meaning or complete sense. Ex. We are reading Dawn Newspaper for the improvement of English expressions. Phrase and Clause A clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a verb. A phrase is a group of words that does not consist of a subject and a verb. Parts of Sentence There are two parts of sentence Subject and Predicate. \. Subject: The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action 19 described. Predicate: to give information about subject. X < Ex. The blue car is very expensive. 1. Declarative & Assertive: A sentence that makes a ni Ex. Ali is sitting on the Chair. He writes a letter. QS 2. Interrogative Sentence: those which ask tes Ex. Where are you going? ii. When you will come back from scl 3. Imperative Sentence: which ex; \ds or request. Ex. Open the door. Keep silent. 4. Exclamatory Sentence; whit ress strong feelings. Ex. What a car! ji, Oh! Aslam has died. y ‘ 1.Please leave your footwear outside. 2. Will you wait here? 3. Where have you been all this while? 4. We will not tolerate this. 5. | am your friend. 6. My sister lives in Mexico. 7. What did you do then? 8. Do be a bit more careful. 9. Never speak to me like that again. 10. Always remember what | told you. 11. The ball rolled slowly into the goal. ANSWERS 1.a 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.2 6.a 7.28.2 9.b 10.a 11.a 12.b 13.b 14. 15.a 16.c ANSWERS 1.d 2.b 3.c 4. 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.c 9. 10.d 11.b 12.b 13.a 14.d 15.b 16.c 17.d 18.a 19.b 20.a 21.b 22.d 23.a 24.b 25.d PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 3 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Elements of a sentence: ‘Question 1) has a subject and a predicate. (@) sentence (0) group of words (©) none of them ‘Question 2). The tells us what the sentence is about. (@) predicate (0) subject (©) none of them, Question 3) The Is that part of the sentence which gives us information about the subject. (@) subject (©) predicate (6) none of them. ‘Question 4) The entity thats acted up on by the subject is called an (@) object (©) predicate (©) none of them ‘Question 5) The object receives the effect of the verb and is often placed after the (@) main verb (©) subject (© predicate ‘Question 6) The object does not perform the action ike the subject. Itreceives the ‘ (@) main verb () action [none of them ‘Question 7) Hari ate carrots. Is the subject ofthe sentence. (@) Hari () ate (o) carrots Question 8) Ruby switched on the light Is the subject ofthe sentefces, (@) Ruby () switched (6) light ‘Question 9) Maya is waiting atthe bus stop {s the subject ofthe sentence. (@) bus stop (© Maya (©) none of them ‘Question 10) She is an obedient gt is the predicate of the Sentence. (@) is an obedient gin () she (©) none of them ‘Question 11) The bravery of the vilagers saved the elephant. Is the predicate of the sentence (@) Saved the elephant (b) the bravery ofthe villagers (©) none of them ‘Question 12) All the teachers of my school are very cooperative. fs the predicate of the sentence. (@) all the teachers of my school (b) ate very cooperative (6) none of them ‘Question 13) _ India is a secular country. Is the predicate of the sentence. (@) india (0) is asécular country (©) none of them ‘Question 14) That gil can draw well. is the subject of the sentence. (@) That git () can draw welt (©) none of them ‘Question 15) Simi and Potty went to watch a play. Simi and Pally is the of the sentence. (@) subject (0) predicate (©) none of them ‘Question 16) Short and exciting was the Vacation. Is the predicate of the sentence. (@) short and exciting vias) (b) the vacation (6) none of them. ‘Question 17) Standing on the bench were four naughty boys. is the subject of the sentence. (@) four naughty boys (b) standing on the bench (©) none of them. ‘Question 18) The gits cleaned the garden. is the object of the sentence. (@) gins (©) garden (6) none of them ‘Question 19) Joya wasted the Wish. is the object of the sentence. (@) Joya (o) dish (©) none of them ‘Question 20) Kusum helped her sister. fs the object ofthe sentence. (@) Kusum (0 sister (©) none of them ‘Question 21) _/My;mom picks me up from school Is the subject ofthe sentence. (@} My mom (b) school (6) none of them ‘Question 22). / You look happy. {s the predicate of the sentence (@) You (0) look happy (©) none of them ‘Question’28)~ My brother needs some help. is the predicate of the sentence (@) My brother (©) needs some help (6) none of them ‘Question 24) The kid drank the milk. Is the subject of the sentence (a) The kid {(b) the mik (©) none of them. ‘Question 25) He is a good frend, is the subject of the sentence (@He (©) friena (6) none of them ‘Question 26) I don't ke sweets, {s the predicate of the sentence (@! (D) dont like sweets, (€) none of them. Question 27) The grass is green is the subject of the sentence (@) The grass (©) green (©) none of them PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 4 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Choose the correct type of the sentences: Question 1) _Itis unbelievable! (@) statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation: Question 2). What are you doing? (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (0 exclamation Question 3) Don't make a noise {@) Statement (©) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 4) What a sweet child! (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@extlamation Question 5) Close the window (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@) exclamation Question 6) Sunita has new clothes for party (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 7) Stand at ease (@) Statement (©) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 8) Get out ofthe class. (@) Statement (0) question (©.command (@ exclamation Question 9) The moon goes round the earth. (@) Statement (0) question (c) command (@ exclamation Question 10) How clever he is! (@) Statement () question {c) command (@ exclamation Question 11) How do you spell your name? (@) Statement (b) question (©) command (0) exclamation Question 12) How long have you lived here? (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 13) This book is available on CD-ROM. (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 14) How kind of you to invite Us! (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 15) Can you lend me somie money? (@) Statement (0) question (¢) command (@ exclamation Question 16) Keep Your hands at the back (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 17) How clever of you! (@) Statement (0) question (¢) command (@) exclamation Question 18) It was a very enjoyable evening (@) Statement (b) question (©) command (0) exclamation Question 19) “How long have you lived here? {@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 20) The boys are playing cricket. (2) Statement (b) question (¢) command (@) exclamation Question 21) What s your plan for tomorrow? (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (@ exclamation Question 22) What an exciting evening it was ! (@) Statement () question (€) command (@ exclamation Question 23) Good students work hard. (@) Statement (0) question (©) command (0 exclamation Question 24) How many colours you have? (@) Statement (6) question (0) command (@ exclamation Question 25) How useful the computer is! (@) Statement (0) question (0) command (@ exclamation PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 5 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS T inten in. Difference between Independent and Dependent Clause 1.Independent Clause or Main Clause: which gives complete sense by itself, 2. Dependent Clause or Subordinating Clause: which is always dependent on Main Clause. Ex, I earn whatever I can. (‘Team" is Independent clause and “whatever I can” is dependent clause) Th r f sentences on the basis of 1. Simple sentence :it has a subject and a verb or it has an independent clause Ex. I write a letter. ii, We are learning English. 2. Compound sentence: which has two or more independent clays andjpined by coordinating conjunction. Ex, Ali tried to lift the suitcase, but it was too heavy. ii. She wanted to go on vacation, so she saved up her moneys ill, Tim loves to read, and he also loves to hike. iv. Cell phones should not hypothesis be permitted , and they will in class, for they distract students and teachers. v. I haven't seen that movie yet, so don’t tell mehoWy it ends! Coordinating Conjunction: Fanboys(for, and, nor, But,Jor; yet, so) 3.Complex Sentence: it has a dependent qause arid at least one independent clause. Ex. They are sleeping because they are tired. ii, When I go to the movies, I usually. Boy popcorn iii. She went to class even though sHe Was sick® iv. As John was arriving to work, he realized he forgot his lunch. Subordinating Conjunction : Vif, althotigh, because, before, while, when etc.) it's used to join dependent Clause to Main Clatite, 4.Compound-Complex'sentence: at least two independent clause and one or more dependent Clause. Ex He went to the,collgeanthI went to the market where I bought the book. ii. I like Accounting but My)brother likes Biology because he wants to be a doctor. ili, Although she felt Quilty for missing her friend's birthday, she took her out to dinner the next day, and they ltad‘a/gréatstime. iv. I try to Gab héalthy food, but because fast food is so convenient, I cannot maintain a healthy diet. v. If he got théjob, he would have to commute 50 miles to work, so he decided the job was not worth it. Ke fi ing Ex« ANSWERS 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.2 8.b 9. 10.d 11.b 12.c 13.d 14.b 15.a 16. 17.b 18.a 19.d 20.c Set 2. 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.4 5.a 6.4 7.b 8.c 9.¢ 10.4 11.c 12.c 13. 14.4 15.a 16.b 17.b 18.4 19.a 20.a 21. 22.4 23.a24.a25.a PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 6 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Identify each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound- complex, Qnol, Christina left on time, but her bus was late. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex d. Compound-Complex Qno2. When the rabbit saw us, it ran into the bushes. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex 4d. Compound-Complex Qno3. In 1967, Thurgood Marshall became the first African American on the U.S. Supreme Court. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex 4.C Complex Qno4. You can either buy a new bicycle or fix the old one. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex MPgund-Complex QnoS. Yoko said that this would be the shortest route, but I disagree. » a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex d. Gompound-Complex Qno7. That seems to me like the answer to the first probl Qno6. How could we tell what had really happened? NS a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex \\ 'd. Compound-Complex a. Simple b. Compound Cor d. Compound-Complex Qno8. Mercedes Rodriguez of Miami, Florida, entered ai contest a. Simple b. Compound d. Compound-Complex Qno8. Do you know who wrote this note and leftit o sk? a. Simple b. Compound Complex 4d, Compound-Complex Qno10. I'm not sure what you mean, but agree. a. Simple b. Compouns ’c. Complex d. Compound-Complex Qnol1. Nobody is worried about th: never happen. a. Simple b. Compoun c. Complex 4d. Compound-Complex Qno12. Whatever you decidewwillbe fine With me. a, Simple . c. Complex d. Compound-Complex Qno13. Is the movie wantto see still playing in theaters, or is it available on video? a. Simple ymipound c. Complex d, Compound-Complex Qno14. Rommel n, and he assigned each unit a part. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex d. Compound-Complex Qnot. A\ some insects can live both on the land and in water. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex 4d, Compound-Complex Qno16. The detectives searched for the woman who had been wear-ing a blue beret, but there weren't any other clues. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex 4d, Compound-Complex Qno17. The tornado cut across the edge of the housing development yesterday morning, and seven homes were damaged. a. Simple b, Compound c. Complex 4d, Compound-Complex Qno18. By July of 1847, the Mormons had reached the Great Salt Lake valley. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex 4d, Compound-Complex PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 7 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Qno19. Before the game started, all the football players ran out onto the field, and everyone cheered. a. Simple b, Compound c. Complex d, Compound-Complex Qno20. My father helped the family whose car had broken down on the highway. a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex d. Compound-Complex SET 2 x Question 1) Regan turned on the computer and Jorden searched for turtles online. {@) Simple sentence (0) compound sentence Question 2) Maria went to the mall to purchase bithday gts for her boyfriends. (@) Compound sentence (0) Simple sentence Question 3) The following isa simple sontonce : Her favourite colours are green, grey/and purple. (@) True (0) False Question 4) Fanboys fs an acronym that stands for: for, and, nor, but, oF, os td So. (a) True (b) False Question §) Alejandro does not play football, nor does Maria go shopping, (@) Compound sentence (b) Simple sentence Question 6) Issac and Folise always talk and make faces all duringjclass, The underlined words are a: (@) Compound vert (0) Compound subject Question 7) Chele isthe pitcher for the Leland Lions (@) Compound (0) simple (© complex Question 8) When she pitches, they usually win {@) simple (0) compound (©) complex Question 9) This outstanding young player has a most unusual style. {@) complex (b) compound (0) simple Question 10) She winds up ten times, and then sto es ity. (@) compound (b) simple (©) complex Question 11) Her pitches look odd, but fans rent laughing (@) simple (b) complex (©) compound Question 12) Since she gets results, they cheer her on. (@) compound (©) simple (©) complex Question 13) If you go to a game, you Wil agree (@) compound (0) simpo (©) complex Question 14) Chele's talent may earn her a scholarship {@) simple (0) compound (© complex Question 15) If were a str, Iwplld choose the nickname “Magic™ (a) complox (©) compound (©) simple Question 16) “Baba” js a famous sports nickname, and many playors have had i (a) simple (©) compound (0 complex Question 17) We were playing inthe garden whon the quests arrived (@simple (©) complex Question 18)... She pt her coat and wont out (a) compound (0) complex Question/19) “J cant igure out what he wants (@) complex (©) compound Question 20) You dont look happy to soe me. (2) simple (©) complex Quedtioh 21) The cat saw puppies playing inthe garden. {@) simple (0) complex Question 22) She leaned out of the window. (a) simple (©) compound Question 23) You shouldnt have done this to me. (a) simple (©) compound Question 24) Wholet the cat in? (@) simple (©) complex Question 25) Although it was raining, we went for a walk (@) complex (0) compound PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 8 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS ‘Topic: Noun & It’s kinds Noun: A word that refers to a person, place or thing. inds of Noun A. Common Noun: A word that refers to an object or a thing but is not the name of a particular person, place or thing. Ex. Boy, girl, pen. B. Proper Noun: A word that refers to some particular person or place. S Itis always written with a capital letter. C. Collective Noun: is the name of a number(collection) of persor Ww together and spoken of as one whole. SY Ex. Crowd = a collection of people. NS ‘Team: a collection of players. SO D. Abstract Noun: A Noun that cannot be identified b) : Ex. Honesty, darkness, movement. Abstract Nouns are formed by Verb(obéy: of ), Adjective (Good: Goodness) and Common Noun(boy: boyhood) E. Concrete Noun: A Noun that can QE senses. Ex. Boy, pen etc. F. Material Noun: that ref material or substance from which things are made such as silver, te gold, iron, cotton, diamond ic G. Compound mS for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more words Ex. Son Commander-in-Chief etc Another classification H. Count ain «Things we can count using number. «Takes singular or plural verb. Use A or an, the and a number. «Ex. Pen, gate, chair etc. I. Uncountable Noun «Things we cannot count using number. «Has only singular form «Always use a singular verb PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 9 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS * Cannot use a, an or a number Only use the + Ex. Air, water, meat etc. Noun Numbers Nouns are words that name things, places or people - chair, city, teacher, éte. Ne can count some nouns; for example, a pencil, five trees, two girls, one =~ ste. they are called countable nouns. ‘ Ne cannot count some nouns; for example, sugar, rice, water, etc. they ar: salled uncountable nouns. The countable nouns have two forms called the singular and the plural. / ingular noun names one person, place or thing» A plural noun names mor: han one person, place or thing. Look at the following table to learn the rule of changing singular nouns to plural. ‘ypes of [Rules for changing Plurals | Eaoete touns tegular_ [Nouns ‘Add's'_| day- days, girl- girs, train - trains touns _ [Nouns that endin baby - babies, country - countries 'y' but there is a consonant before the 'y' | add ‘ies' Nouns that endin ‘Add'‘es' | catch- catches, brush - brushes, ‘ch, sh, s, x’ bus - buses, box - boxes ‘A few nouns that end in hero - heroes, potato - potatoes Mo! ‘Nouns that end in Remove | scarf - scarves, wife - wives “flor ‘fe’ ‘for ‘fe’ add ‘ves’ fregular [Spelling changes in order| Different] goose - geese, man - men, mouse - mice douns to make plural spelling | tooth - teeth, ox - oxen, child - children, word | person - people, foot - feet Touns [Singular and pluralboth [Same | deer-deer, sheep - sheep, hair- hair vith no have the same spelling | spelling hange in umbers PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 10 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Question 1) Plural of a cup will be ~ (@)cupes 9 (b) cups (cuss 9 Question 2) Singular of dolls will be — @doles Q (b) dolls, dl oO Question 3) Plural of a biscuit will be — @) biscuits (0) biscuits (© biscuitess D Question 4) Plural of a table will be - (@)tabless (b) tables (©) both (a) & (b) Question 5) Plural of a cow will be ~ (cows = (b) cowes (©) none of these. \ (©) girls: a. Question 6) Plural ofa git will be @giles Q ——(b)girtss Question 7) Plural of watch will be - (watchs 0 —_(b) watches Question 8) Singular of glasses will be - (c) watchss, “0 @oass Ob) glassess (glasses) 0 Question 9) Singular of boys — (a) boyes (b) boyss (c) boy oO Question 10) Plural of church will be - (@)church = Q—(b) churches (churchs Question 11) One student - four (@) students (b) studentes Question 12) Plural of flower will be - (©) studentss 0 @)flowers Ob) flowerss (flowers O Question 13) Singular means - (@) two DO ithe, (©) one a Question 14) Plural of house will be — (a) houses =O (b) housess ‘Question 15) Plural means - (a) one a (o) two Question 16) Singular of bananas ~ (a) bananaes O (b) bananass Question 17) One bench three (a) benches”) (b) benchs Question 18) Singular of buses — (@) bus D (by buss Question 19) Plural of mango - (mangos 0 —_—_(b) mangoes ‘Question 20)... One toothbrush - seven (@) toothbrushes C1 (6) toothbrush Question 21)” One - five rulers. (a) ruler a (b) rulers ‘Qvestion 22) Plural of spoon — (a) spoones © —_(b) spoons Question 23) Plural of pen ~ (@) pens O pens Question 24) Singular of buttons - (a) buttones =O (b) button Question 25) Plural of a cap will be ~ . (@) capss O — (b) capes ©cas O PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 11 () none of these O (©) more than one (c) banana 0 (©)none of these 0 (©)none of these O ()mangoess (c)none of these O (ness =O (c) spooness 0 (©) none of these 0 (©) none of these 0 DoOoOooDoDoOoOoO OOOO Kes oOo ooo aaa COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 5rammar: Noun Genders There are four kinds of Noun Genders: L) Masculine Nouns: words that are used for men, boys and male animals 2) Feminine Nouns: words that are used for women, girls and female animals 3) Common Nouns: words that are used for both males and females }) Neuter Nouns: words that are used for non-living things ixercise 1 Memorize the following Noun Genders. Add two-more in each of the group tiven below. queen stag (deer) i book host hostess bull cup landlord landlady. drake i drum husband nephew prince widower teacher daughter | | stallion (horse) train PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 12 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Topic: Cases of Noun There are three cases of Noun, Nominative case: when a Noun or Pronoun is used as the subject of a verb. Ex. Aslam gives a letter. Here Aslam is used as Nominative Case. Accusative Case : when a Noun or Pronoun is used as the object of a verb it is said to be objective case. Ex. Aslam is playing football. Here football is used as Accusative Case. Possessive or Genitive Case: It shows ownership and possession. Ex. Ali's house is so attractive. [Apostrophes ('s)] Question 1) Our daughter comes nere. (@)neaamasters —(b) headmaster’ = (c) Headmaster ‘Question 2) A ‘shows that someone owns something (@) desenbing word O —(®) possessive noun G_ « (ei ndming word ‘Question 3) We add's after a noun to show (@) Naming word (®) Male/Female. e) belongs to ‘Question 4) Tick the possessive nouns (a) solaier’s SB @)sotaers: BP © soldiers ‘Question 5) Tick the possessive nouns (@) peacocks! 5 @) peacocks peacock ‘Question 6) Tick the possessive nouns (a) witches, wl nctiGy: DO © wnens ‘Question 7) Tick the possessive nouns (@) geese’s 3 @igeeses: 3 @geeses ‘Question 8) Tick the possessive nouns. (@) classes, 1 Wrdiasses’ 2 @cass's ‘Question 9) Tick the possessive nouns (@) students: DB. @) students 2 @stucents ‘Question 10) Tick the possessive nous (@) mices DB @)mice's 2 © mices: ‘Question 11) The tall 19 shor. (@) dog's 3 @)aogs 2 @aogs ‘Question 12) This is mys book. (@) nena 3 @ytiene's 3 @menas Question 13) The ‘bag was lost. @ans BD wan: 2 ors ‘Question 14)" hat is necklace, (@) Ania’, DB @Antas! 3 @Anias ‘Questign)}5) Many work in villages (@) doctors: DB @)aoctors 3 © doctors Question 16) The purses were stolen (@) women's 3 @) womens 3 womens: Question 17) My ‘shop Is ina big matt, (@) uncie 2 @)uncies 2 @unce's ‘Question 18) hairs tong, (@) Gna's 5 wcra 5 @Gras ‘Question 19) This Is book. (@) Arunas 3 @)Aruna’s 3 @Anuna ‘Question 20) ress is new. (@) Deopas: 3 @)Deepas 3 © Deepa's PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 13 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS ‘Topic: Pronoun Pronoun is a word used instead of Noun. Ex. I, we, you, he, she, it, they. [Words replacing nouns] Question (1-25) Tick the correct pronouns. Question 1) Pronoun of a boy is ~ @she oO (o) he o @l Question 2) Pronoun of a gil is ~ @she (o) he o (me, Question 3) Pronoun of a man is ~ she (o) he o @t Question 4) Pronoun of a lady is — she (o) he. o lr Question 5) Pronoun of a woman is — (a) he a oI o (©) she Question 6) Pronoun of an animal is ~ (ane o (it o (©) they Question 7) Pronoun of an object is — fit a rhe o (c) we Question 8) Pronoun of a penis ~ fait a (o) he Qo (©) she Question 9) Pronoun of mother is = @sre (o) he. Qo nr Question 10) Pronoun of a ~ fit o () she o (he Question 11), Pronotif of a plural naming word is — {a)ne a (my 0 ol Question 12) )The pronoun which is used for the speaker along with some other persons, fajiney (0) we o ol Question 13). The pronoun which Is used for the speaker only is — (@) we a oI o (©) they ‘Question 14) The pronoun which Is used to refer to the person spoken to is — j@yu oO (0) we o @l Question 15) Pronoun for two persons is ~ (@) we a they =o ol Question 16) Those are (a)her (0) (e)we shoes, Question 17) This is not (a) they 0 (b) their (¢) them 0 house o o o o PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 14 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Personal Pronouns: I, We, you, he, she, it, they are personal pronoun s because they stand for the three persons I. The person speaking IL, The person spoken to III. The person spoken of. The person I, We, which denote the person. Or person s speaking, are said to be Personal Pronoun of the First Person. The person You, which denotes the person or person spoken to, is said to be Py Ber of the Second Person The pronouns he( she) and they, which denote the person or persons 5 ox said to be Personal Pronoun of third Person YJ . w FIRST PERSON (Masculine or Feminine) Singular Plural Nominative 1 we Possessive my, mine our, ours Accusative me us SECOND PERSON (Masculine or Feminine) SINGULAR/PLURAL Nominative you Possessive your, yours ‘Accusative you THIRD PERSON Singular Plural ; Masculine Feminine Neuter All Genders Nominative re she it they Possessive is her, hers it ir, thei eee pe ve Ss their, theirs yw ‘ it them PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 15 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS * My, our, your, her, their are called Possessive Adjectives ‘* Mine, hers, ours, yours, theirs are called Possessive Pronoun. * When a Pronoun stands for a collective Noun, it must be in the singular Number, if the collective Noun is viewed as a whole. Ex. The army had to suffer terrible privatio March. ii. The crew mutinied and murdered its officers. ili, After a few minutes the jury gave its verdict. © If the collective Noun. Conveys the idea of separate individual comprising the wholé,th@gronoun standing for it must be of the plural Number. Ex. The jury were divided in their opinion. So ii, The committee decided the matter without leaving their seats. + When. two or more singular Nouns are joined by and the pronoun Ww be plural. Ex. Ali and Owais work hard. They are my cousins NX 1.When two pronouns are connected with “and” an berris in the first person(I. WE). It is given preference to all pronouns. WI fe object of the sentence. In the absence of ‘I, We", the Second person is nce. Ex. You and I have done your work. (wrong). ¢ Y have done our work.(right) ii, You and Ali have done their work. (wron SS ave done your work.(right) 2.The sequence of Pronouns in a follows. For good deeds. (You, He, I). Is( I, He, You) Ex. I, you and he went to order breal You, he and I went to order breakfast. ii. You, he and I stole a book. It refers or relate lun going before which is called (Antecedent) Nominative ( pen ive (whose), Accusative (who/whom) 1.Who is rson only. It may refer to a singular or a plural Noun. Ex. The maniwho ‘is honest is my brother. They never fail, who die in a great cause. 2.Whose(the Possessive form of who) is used in speaking of persons, animals and things without life Ex. The sun, whose rays give life to the earth, is a star. This is the question whose solution has baffled all students. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 16 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 3.Which is used for things without life and for animals and it is usually used to refer to one Particular thing among others. It may refer to a singular or Plural Noun. Ex. The book which is very informative for students. The horse which I recently bought is an Arab. Which may also refer to a sentence. Ex. He is here, which is fortunate. He said he saw me there, which was a lie. That is used for things. Though a particular group of person is also sometimes referred It may refer to a singular or Plural Noun. That has no Genitive case. Ex. This is the boy that I met yesterday. > have lost the watch that you have me. Xs Use that for : Human being, animals and things. WS Ex. The boy and his goat that I saw last night. WwW I saw a lady and her dog that were sitting in the park. Use of that for Superlative Degree: NS Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan is the most famous persor w= am talking about the most intelligent b we and everything. Ex. | have given him everything Is My son has spent the li PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 17 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Fill in the blanks with a relative pronoun. 1, Aliya, «...0.i8 the best singer in the class, is absent today. 2. 1am looking for someone can watch my cat while I go on vacation. 3, The investigators needed details... Could help identify the thief. 4. I'd like to take you to a restaurant . serves excellent lunch, 5. The clubhouse, in the show was held, housed about 300 people. 6, You can choose one perSON, «nnn YOU like, to share the prize with you. 7, -snss» YOU Bought last week is on sale for less this week. 8, The winners .......0.Who have become famous already, will receive money nd other prizes. 9. This is the place .........0 I remember very well. xe 10. The baby, ... had been disturbed by the cat, wailed loudly, SX Answers 1.Who 2. Who 3. That 4. That 5. Which 6. Whom 7. What 8. CS . Who Join the sentences together in each of the <— using a relative pronoun. All is always idle, He was punished. Qs I heard some news. It astonished me. I know a girl. The girl has a wooden | SS ig DOK” 1, 2 3 4, Here is the book. You were asking 5, He is a rogue. No one trusts him. 6. Where is the parcel? I left it here jay. 7. He is a poet. His works arewidlly known. 8. The rope was old. It snapp S 9 u Can I borrow the (du arreading it. (0. The farmer is cut Mn. The corn has ripened. Answers. Q 1. Who 2, “4. That 5. Whom 6. That 7. Whose 8. Which 9. That 10. Which Direct object: a Noun or Pronoun receiving action. Indirect object: a Noun or Pronoun that receives direct object. Ex. I bought Ali a Ball Explanation: Ali is Indirect object and a ball is direct object. He gave Aslam a letter. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 18, COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Topic: Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same. Ex. She saw herself in the mirror. II. hurt myself. III. She locked herself in. an HIN (lil ever capeie ee ‘consulta physician in advance. Prepare yourselves, the guest of honor wil be arriving S any time from now. XS Ez He bought himself a new tablet. x Pei Mary cheated to herself, “Ths isthe right time fora vacation!” Without a good foundation, the house wouldn't withstand storms by itself. Ea ‘We thanked ourselves for attending the meeting on time. ence si as Saat Ex, I did not avail of the oy 1 did not avail myself of the opportunity. I, Let us enjoy. (Wrong). Let us enjoy ourselves. Tii, He avenged himself on thei ‘Acquit yourself well in that situation. Hide, qualify Ex. The king hid He shaved in the morning He qualified a He enlisted in the army. He soon b etter. He dres Common Errors of Personal Pronoun 1.The complement of the verb “to be” when it is expressed by a Pronoun should be in the subjective or nominative form. Ex. It is them (wrong). Tt is they. (right) ji, Ttis them who are ill, Itis they who are ill. (right) PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 19 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 2.When pronouns are used with “than, or as” to express comparison, usually we use the subjective form of Pronoun. However at one or two places, we use the objective form of Pronoun. Ex. Lam taller than him, (wrong). ‘Lam taller than he(is). (right) ii, 1am as happy as him. (wrong). I am as happy as he. (right) 3.The objective form of Pronoun is used after Let and Between. Ex. Let you and I go there. (wrong). Let you and me go there. (right) . Between you and I, you are an honest man. (wrong). Between you and me, you are an honest man. (right) 4.1f “both and all” are followed by than, we use the objective form of, Pronoun. Ex. She is cleverer than both of we. (wrong). She is cleverer thansBotffObus.(Fight) ii, He is more intelligent than all of they. (Wrong). He is more intelligent than all of them. 5.The objective form of Pronoun is used after real verbs» Ex. He asked I'a question (wrong). He asked m@a question. (right) ii, He loves I more than his son. (wrong) He loves m&yrore than his son. (right) The Adiective Adjective means added to. Adjective is a word that used with Nowa oYestribe or point out, the person, animal, place, or thing, which the Noun names, or tell\the Umber or quantity. Ex. The intelligent girl got first pasition» ii, This girl is intelligent. sects Attributs Predicati Attributively: WhengAdjettive js Used along with the Noun as an attribute is said to be used Attributively. Ex. The lazy boy iSdied. Predicatively when Adjective is used along with the verb is said to be used as Predicatively. Ex. This boy isvazy. Kin jective Adjectives of Quality (Descriptive Adiectives) It shows the kind or quality of a person or thing. Ex. He is a wise person. ji, The foolish boy shouted in the class. 2.Adiectivs of Quantity: It shows how much of a thing is meant. Ex. I ate some rice. ii. He lost all his health. Adjectives of Number (Numeral Adjective PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 20, COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Tt shows how many persons or things are meant or in what order a person or thing stands. Ex. The hand has five fingers. i. Few cats like cold water. Adjectives of numbers are three kinds a. Definite Numeral Adjectives: which denote an exact number. Ordinals: First, second, third etc. Cardinals: One, Two, Three etc. b. Indefinite Numeral Adjectives: which do not denote an exact number. c. Distributive Numeral Adjectives: refer to each one of a number. Ex, Each boy must take his tur. ii, Either pen will do. iii. Neither house is mine. 4.Demonstrative Adjectives: point out which person or thing is meant. 5 NS Ex. This pen is heavier than it. ii, These machines are not working properly. ili, Thate such things. 5.Interrogative Adjectives: what, which and whose, when th ith Noun to ask question. Ex. Whose ink is this? SO ii. Which way shall I go? iii, What manner of man is he? 6. Emphasizing Adjectives: own and very are u phasize. Ex. That is the very thing we want. ii, I saw it my own eyes 7.Exclamatory Adjectives: the word imes used. Ex. What an idea! ii, What a car! CS Adjectives of Quantity Adjectives of Number late some rice. Some boys are clever. He has lost allhis wealth. All men must die. You have no sense. There are no pictures in this book. He did not eat any rice. Are there any mango-trees in this garden ? | have enough sugar. There are not enough ~w PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 21 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS ‘Topic: Degree of Adjectives and Error Det There are three degrees of comparison. 1.Positive Degree: The positive Degree of an Adjectives in its simple form. It is used to denote some quality and there is no comparison is made. Ex. This is a good boy. That is a beautiful flower. 2.Comparative Degree: denotes a higher degree of the quality than positive. It is used when two things ( or set of things) are compared and than is used after comparative degree. EX. This boy is stronger than him, Villagers are better than yours. 3 Superlative Degree: denotes the highest degree of the quality and it is u: more than two things. Ex. This boy is the strongest. Rose is the most beautiful flower. YW “~ oem FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES Positive Comparative Spots () Many Adjectives are formed trom Nouns. te can — | Sra one retest - tee ton Agen te on ae & = — ‘= Zz = = ce = we Se Clever cleverer cleverest Ho [oe oo El 2, eo 7 Kind ender kindest Vere verte Courage onragens yang yg youngest Tose oneene oy gion ‘= =a .: = = oa s : a ea 2 3 ‘ ae bea eas be ihe tom ve fer et we ee te fe wor wes m tees od he er = oo Man sae al NUS Sine Adectves a tatd tom oer Recs . —s vt a = = tom see se vo “a eS a = a Se = ~ ~ Tee ewe . Errors Detection ‘LiThe following®.uSed with “to” not “than’ Superior, Senioy 1, Inferior, Prefer, Prior, Elder. han me. This event is prior to that. ine. |S are compared, the compared thing must be excluded. Ex. He is talleMthan any other boy in the class. ii, English Grammar is more useful than any other subject. 3 Comparison is done with same species. If comparison is not done with the same species, use “that of” after than. Ex. Iqba's style is better than that of Hali. ii. The population of Asia is greater than that of Africa Topic: Correct Usage of Adjectives Difference between Neither and None A. Neither means nobody out of two PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 22 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Ex. Neither of the two boys has gone out. B, None means nobody out of three or more Ex, None of thirty students attended the class. Difference between Either or Any A. Either is used to indicate each one out of two Ex. Either of two girls has stolen the book. B. Any is used to indicate each on out of three. Ex. Any of three students has done this. LDifference between Later, Latter, Latest, Last Later and latest refer to time, Latter and Last refer to position. Ex. He is later than I expected. B, She found happiness in her later years. C. The latter chapters are not interesting. D. The last boy is lazy. 2.Father and Further: both are used to express distance, Further is also used as additional meaning Ex. Karachi is farther/further from Lahore than Hyderatiad B. You will be here in 5 minutes without further dela: 3.Nearest and Next Nearest means shortest distance away and\Nextrefét to one of a sequence coming one after another. Ex, Moros a tity nearest to Dadu. B Where is the nearest police station? C My uncle lives in the next house. D The next shop is not mine. Difference between Day after day and Day by Day 2. Day after day : Meaning: in worse situations onproblem, there is a regular continuous monotonous sequence of days. Ex. Global warming is gating worse day after day. ii, Day after day, the Water)scarcity in Pakistan is becoming Dangerous. 3. Day by day Meaning; positive sense or situation, there is a regular continuous monotonous sequence of days. Ex. Their frigfidship grows day by day. ii, Day by day We are improving our language skills. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 23 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Question) Multiple choice questions: 1. Adjectives are ot types. (@) seven (sk Crs 2. Anadjectve of quality describes the__of anoun (0) characteristics (©) quantity (0 none, these 3. Anadjectve of quantity tells us about the. ‘of anoun, (0) quality (0) quantity (0) sharitoristies 4. Anadjective of number tells the of anoun, (0) umber (b) sentence (0 Quality 5. Ademonstrative adjective is used to toanoun (2) askquestion (&) point (9. none of these 6. Weuse an interrogative adjective to (0) characteristics (®)—_askquestion (©) point 7. possessive adjective shows (@) belonging (©) point (0 characteristics 8 cari this? (@) whose (o) what (©) none of them 8 snakes are not poisonous. (@ that (o) thie (2) none of them 10. Ihave pairs of jeans. @ a (0) two (6) none of them n toothpaste is better than that. @ those (o) this (6) none of them 12, Thatisa kite. () sharp (0) colourtul (0 none of them 13, Thetrainis. @) sow (o) tall (0 none of them u sweet do you waittolbat? (a) which (b) whose (©) none of them 18. Canyougive me a water? @) few () tittle (0 rone of them 16 Thereis. water in the jug. (0) enough (b) heavy (0 tuge V. Iwanta sugar. @ (o) what (iittle 18. The umbrota is very. (0) colourtul (b) enough (what 19 bag are you carrying? @7 whose (o) those (huge 20. ‘parents have gone abroad for a week. my (o) why (tite 21° Many children are playing in the garden, answer the type of underlined adjectives. (@)—pumber (&) quantity (0 quality 22. Mysultease is new, answer the type of underlined adjectives. (@) possessive (o) quality (quality 23, That manis gardener, answer the type of underline adjectives. (a) demonstrative (b) quantity (© quality 24. The table's square in shape, answer the type of underlined adjectives. (0) quality (6) umber (possessive 25. Their house is big. answer the type of underlined adjectives. (2) possessive (0) demonstrative (number PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 24 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 8. When we describe the quality of» person ar thing with out compering it, we use the iaegrea eran adjectives. (@) positive (&) comparative © supertative 9. When we compare a particular quality of two persons or things. We use the ‘degrees of an adjective (@) comparative (©) supertative (© none ot thom 10. Weuse compare the quality of more than two nouns, we use the degree of an adjective (2) superlative (©) positive (© noneot them 11, Mount Everest isthe __ mountain peak in the world. (@) high (b) higher © biggest 12, Thehippopotamus is. than the tiger. @ big (b) bigger © biggest 13, Sherryistne__girt inthe class. (2) inteiigent (2) more intenigent (2) most intetigent 14, Rehanis the boy in the class. (@) strong () stronger (strongest 15. The Ganga's than the Yamuna, @ tong (b) longer © Jongest 16. Einsteinwasa___seientist. (2) great () greater (© greatest 17, Thsistte picture | have ever seen, @ bad ()—wérsly, (© worst 18, Studying is ‘han watching television. (important {@) (mere important (9 —_-mostimportant 19. Comparative degree for interesting will be @ interested @) more interesting © ‘none of them 20. Comparative degree tor big will be @ bigger (o), biggest © ‘one of them 21. Comparative degree for fat will be (@) fatter ()—tattost (© none of them 22. Comparative degree for young wil 5 @ younger: >) youngest © ‘none of them 23. Superiative degree for tunny sail Be @ funniest (b) funnier © ‘one of them 24. Superlative degree for much will be @ more most (none of thom 25. Superlative dogroe fertile Wal be : (a) tess toast (© none of them -<\ ND Question)“ Muttple choice questions 1. Thales planet @ mercury (b) Jupiter © none of them 2 (The trgest planet (earth (©) piter (none ot them 3 / Planet verus sas big as (a) mars (o) neptune © none of them 4 The planet smater than the earth @ mars (o) Jupiter © ‘none of them 5. Thenearest planet tothe sun @ mercury (o) ‘Neptune © ‘none of them 6 Thefarthestpanet trom the sun. (@) Neptune © cath (none of them 1 degrees of comparison of adjectives. (twee © one PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-25560, 03062794501 Page 25 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS ERROR DETECTION Following helping verbs take 1* firm of verb Can, May, Will, Shall, Could, Might, Would, Should. Ex. I can lifted this table. (incorrect) Tan lift this table. (Correct). ii, He might went to Lahore tomorrow. (incorrect) He might go to Lahore tomorrow. (Correct) ii, Use 1 form of verb after "to”&"let” EX, Let he went there. (incorrect) Let him go there. (Correct) Let you do it. intend to passed F. A exam. (incorrect) intend to pass F. A exam. (Correct) Fe 1a words are not a part of English Lanquage Will has, shall has, can has, may has been, shall has beeh, will hasbeen. Ex. He will has been working since Monday. (Incorrect) He will have been working since Monday. (Correct) ii, It may has been raining since last night. incorrect) It may have been raining since last night. (Correct) iii, She will has gone to Lahore. (Incorrect) She will have gone to Lahore. (Correct) No Prepositions Re Resemble, Marry, Li rm, ntrol, At k, i” Ex. Your opinion will not affect my decisi6n. He resembles his brother. iii\We mafried a girl who is landlady. iv. The condition affects one infive machines. Vv. Religion informs every espectof human life. vi. It is inform all students\that bring pen and pad on the examination day. vii. Iran attacked US baes in Iraq. vii. You should control yourself. coe (In) in a roof ina building in a box etc. in a garden in a town in the city center etc. Ex. There’s o°OH€ in the room / in the building / in the garden |. What do otkltavein your hand / in your mouth? iii, When waWer@in Italy, we spent a few days in Venice iv. Ihave a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains v. There were some people swimming in the pool / in the sea / in the river. (At) at the bus stop at the door at the roundabout Ex. Who is that man standing at the bus stop / at the door / at the window? at her desk Turn left at the traffic lights / at the next junction / at the roundabout / at the church. L. We have to get off the bus at the next stop. ii, When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception. (= at the reception desk) PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 26 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Compare in and at I There were a lot of people in the shop. Tt was crowded. Go along this road, then tur left at the shop iii.1'l meet you in the hotel lobby. (= in the building) Iv. I'll meet you at the entrance to the hotel. (= outside the building) (on) on the wall on the door, on the table, on the ceiling, on her nose, on the floor, on a page on an island, sat on the floor / on the ground / on the grass / on the beach / gna chair. EX, There's a dirty mark on the ceiling / on your nose / on your shirt. ii, Did you see the notice on the wall / on the door? ili, You'll find details of TV programme on page seven of the newspaper. iv. The hotel is on a small island in the middle of a lake Compare in_and on There is some water in the bottle. ii. There is a label on the bottle. m nd_on: i there is somebody at the door. ii.There is a notice on the door. Preposition.of Place A (In) is used: Inline. ina cow, Ins Shenk oicture. ina nhote{araph) ina newspaper, in a magazin ment in, in th world in th e count in Ex. When I go to the cinema, I jike tO\sit in the front row. 2. Amy works in the sales department. 3. Who is the woman in that picture” 4.Do you live in a city of ‘in the tauintry? It's a lovely day. 5. There isn’t a cloudgin\the sky, 6.They're standing, ina ow. B. (on) as: off thedeft,“on the right _(or on the left -hand side, on the right-hand side) Ex. Do you drive'én the left or on the right in your country? C. (on) as\On the“Ground floor, on the first floor, on the second floor etc. Ex. Our apartment is on the second floor of the building D. (On) as: On a map, ona menu, ona list, ona page, ona website Here's the shopping list. Ex. Don't buy anything that’s not on the list. 2.Youlll find the information you need on our website. E. We say that a place is on ariver / onaroad / on the coast: Ex. Vienna is on the (river) Danube. 2.The town where you live ~ is it on the coast or is it inland? F. We say on the way (from one place to another): EX, We stopped at a shop on the way home, PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 27 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Pre n of Pl: Atis used : Al fas. hy m_(of 22. nd (of Ex. Write your name at the top of the page. b. Jane lives at the other end of the street. c. There is my favorite quote at the bottom of this page. IN is used: in the front, in the back of a car Ex. I was in the back (of the car) when we had the accident. b. [like to sit in front of bus. ATis used: At the back at the front, at the back of a building / theatre / group of people etc Ex. The garden is at the back of the house. b. Let's sit at the front (of the cinema). c. We were at the back, so we couldn't see very well On is used : On the front, on the back of an envelope / a piece Of.papeh.étc Ex. I wrote the date on the back of the photo. b. Would you like to write your cell number on the back of my visftin card In the corner of a room. Ex. The TV isin the comer of the room. . [have been watching movie in the corner of cinema. At the corner or on the corner of a street. xx. There is a small shop at the corner (of the street). Op.son the corner (of the street). Thave been waiting you on the corner of your,holse Preposition of Time 1."At” is used with “the moment, present >this time” Ex. Tam busy at the moment, call me at Sto'clock. ii, Can you ready for playing at this time? ill, We are writing a letter at present. 2. “At” is used with “the same\time” Ex. Teacher and studentsiarrivethatthe same time. ii, He is playing and talkingiat the same time. 3.” At” is used, With “the Weekends, weekends” Ex. Will you fréeat the weekends? ii, Aslam will’call Me afthe weekends. 4.“In" is ued With morning, evening, afternoon but “on” is used with Monday morning, Sunday afternoon, Wednesday evening. Ex. I will call you in the morning. ii, I will call you on the Friday morning. 5.At, in, on do not use before the last, next, every, this Ex. I will buy Ali a gift next Friday. ii, Aslam got admission last July. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 28 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 6.We say something will happen “in a few minutes, in six month” Ex, I'll come back in a few minutes. |. Aslam will be here in a moment. 7.We also use in ... to say how long it takes to do something Ex. I learnt to drive in four weeks. |. He will cover the course in 2 month ‘Topic: Correct Usage of Prepositions 1,We say go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event. Go to China, go to bed, go back to Italy, go to the bank, return to London, go.té'a Concert, welcome somebody to a place, come to my house, be taken to hospital, be sent to priséh, drive to. the airport Ex. When are your friends going back to Italy? (not going back in Italy) II. Three people were injured in the accident and taken to hospital. IIL, Welcome to our country! (not Welcome in) 2.1n the same way we say. ‘a journey to, a trip to, a visit to, on my way to... ‘etc. Ex. Did you enjoy your trip to Paris. II. your visit ta,the 200? 3.Compare to (for movement) and in/at (for position) Ex. They are going to France. but They Live in Frances II. Can you come to the party? but I'll see you at the.patty, 3.Get and arrive We say get to a place Ex. What time did they get to London / to work( to the hotel? But we say arrive in ... or arrive at ... (notartve'to), Ex. They arrived in London 1 in Spain a Weekago. For other places (buildings etc.) or events, wetsay arrive at. Ex. When did they arrive at the hotehy ath@airport / at the party? 5.We say go home, come hofne, géthome, arrive home/on the way home etc. (no preposition). We do notsay,"to home! Ex. I'm tired. Let's go home now. (aot go to home) TI, I met Lisa on my way.home. (not my way to home). Into Go into, gebinto.,.. éte.= enter (a room I a building I a car etc.), Ex, I opened)tiie door, went into the room and sat down. ILA bird flevinto the kitchen through the window, III. Every month, my salary is paid directly into my bank account. With some verbs (especially go/aet/ put) :we often use in (instead of into): Ex. She got in the car and drove away. (or She got into the car ... ) II. | read the letter and put it back in the envelope, ex. She got out of the car and went into a shop. We usually say ‘get on/off a bus / a train / a plane’ (not usually into/out of): PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 29 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Ex. She got on the bus and I never saw her again Following words take Prepositions "At ‘Aim, laugh, Rejoice, Sneer, Jer, knock, Alarm. He aimed at the eagle but missed it. He laughed at my folly. He rejoiced at my success in the examination. He sneered at the shortcomings of his officer. Do not jeer at the poor. Who knocked at the door? The thief was alarmed at the sight of policeman. SS Eligible, hope, compete, apologies, famous, notorious, long Women are not eligible for this post SX Please hope for the best. YX He should compete for the essay competition. He apologised for his silly behavior. He is notorious for gambling. SO He longs for old days of childhood. Alight, disqualified, different, prohibit, differ. He alighted from the train at 6 a.m. He is disqualified from contesting the election SS The animals are different from birds in their hi RS He prohibited me from smoking. Cats differ from dogs sharply. When I was going ___ hor person who (is, was, were) injured. I took __(her, his, him) hospital. Un tely, the doctor__(did not, does not) welcome ___ patient because were on way hospital. At the same time, the relatives of this man _(w cided a visit__ hospital when Ali called (their, them, us). The crazy man lau we would make a trip __ Murree _(in, on,) five month. His uncle told him 1 you ___Murree. Ali & his friend arrived ___ Karachi and get _ the car. When he the hospital he get__ the car and went ____ the patient room. Answers: When I was going __to__home, I saw a person who __was__ (is, was, were) injured. I took __him__(her, his, him) __to__ hospital. Unfortunately, the doctor ___didnot_(did not, does not) welcome patient because __his/her_(his, her) staff were on way _to__ hospital. At the same time, the relatives of this man _were__(was, were) decided a visit_to__ hospital when Ali called _them___(their, them, us). The crazy man laughed and said we would make a trip _to_ Murree _in___ (in, on,) five month. His uncle told him I will welcome you __at__Murree. Ali & his friend arrived _at_Karachi and get __into__ the car. When he reached_no preposition __ the hospital he get__out_the car and went __to_ the patient room. PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 30, COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Exercise. D Putin torativnte where necessary. Ino prepositions necessary, leave the space empty. 1 Thee people vere taken 42_- hop aher the scene 2 Iimetkateonmyway. = omer (roprepestin) 3 Welettourwggsee _"thestatonand went find something to ext. 4 Shale token! the station osha we wal? 5 Ihave to go. the banktovey. Whet time does open? 6 The mason Rows th lec Ocvn, 7 "Do you have your area withyou? "No, lett B Hoveyouererbeen China? 9 thadiostmybey but managedte climb the house though a window 10 Wegotstickinstaicamoncur way. the apo 1 We hadlnch the aor wie we were wai fo ou plane, 12 Welcome the ote We hope you enjoy you stay ere. 13 Weerove along the main roe foreboutaklomette and then tured 14. Did you enjoy your vst the usm? 15 limited. Assoon as gt rome, Fm going. bed 16 Marcelis french, He es just returned Trance ftertwe yrs. Sgr TT Calas born —————- cage bat iy tore Tew York hg he waste, estilines NewYork the car! ave you been to these paces? If so how many times? Choote three the places and write sertaton wing been ‘Athens Australia Hong Kong Mexico Paris Rome Singapore Sweden Tokyo the Usted States 1 (example answers) _'ve never been to Australia. "I've BEER to Mexico once. 2 3 4 D rutin toratrin where ncesay. no prepoiiohishecesay leave the space empty 1 What time doesthistran get!2 Londo 2 Wearived orcelona fg ig Bb 3 Whattinedidyouget hanela might? 4 What re do you sal are —- Se workin th morning? 5 Whenwegot the dhe, there was along queve ous, 6 lanied home fing Vy ted D Writ sentences using got + to / out of /on af 1 You were walking hom, Aiend passed youin her car. She aw you, stopped andoferedyoua lit She opened te doo. What did you do? I a ots he car 2 Youwerematingferfhe bu. Atle yourbus came. The doors opened. What you do then? ' the bus 2 You rode in your car. You stopped outside your house and parked theca. What i you cotnere 4 You were travelling by train to Manchester. When the train got to Manchester, what did you do? S*YoUipeeded a taxi. After afew minutes a taxi stopped for you. You opened the door. What did {you co then? 6 You were travelling by ai. At the end of your flight, your plane landed at the airport and stopped. The doors were opened, ou took your bag and stood up. What did you do then? Answer Keys 1 3a tt Sto 6 ino Tn tw 3 i we wha we 1 ino 4 15 gethonepepsin) siybted 16 eunedta fare. toyein ‘rai, 1 boning. ote Yeh. soe 2 ranean: u + Tebento Seen one, Tener beta the Ue Sates + Tebeeta Parsafentines 3 tin 3 - popes) 4a ony 6 ~(poprepeston) 74 2 Igoton 3 | gotoutof theca /.mycar 4 I gotoff thet. 5 gotinothetasi or | goin the ta 6 I gotoft the plane. PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 31 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS 1. Allah Wasayo'shouseis near the fields. 2. Themosqueisin__of the house. 3. While walking towards the field he sees the sun rising theeast. 4. HemeetsBachal____the corner of the path. 5. Bothofthemworkhard the fields all day. 6. Intheevening Allah Wasayo and Bachalwalk__ their home. 7. Allah Wasayoisthankfulto Allah a safe and peaceful day. : ’ Answers: 2, Front, 3, in 4,at, 5. In 6. Towards 7. For Ww Sq at in on Exact Time ‘Months, Years, Centuries | Days and Dates at 3 O'clock in May ‘on Sunday/ on Tuesday at 10.30 am in summer/in the summer | on Monday mornings at noon/night/midnight/ in the Ice Age ‘on March 6th sunrise/ sunset at dinner time/ lunch time in 1990 on 25 Dec., 2010 /breakfast time at Eid time/ Christmas time/ in the Eid holidays ‘on Eid Day Diwali time at the same time in the next century ‘on Independence Day at the moment/ at present | in the morning/ afternoon/ | on my birthday evening PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 32 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Exercise 4 In pairs, choose the correct Preposition of Time. Write the correct sentences in your notebook. Follow the example. 1) have no school on/in/at Sundays. 2) My father comes home at/in/on lunch time. 3) The children like to go to the park in/on/at the evening. 4) Lots of people buy new clothes at/in/on Eid. \ 5) What are you doing in/on/at the evening? 6) Mother always tells us a story at/in/on bedtime. 7) We finished our homework on/in/at the same time. 8) There was a loud noise which woke us up on/at/in midnight. 9) | met my husband on/at/in 1998. 10) The school is opening in/on/at Saturday. Exercise 5 Complete the following paragraph by filling the blanks with correct prepositions. Salma and her brother, Rumi, decided to go to Moenjodaro in the winter holidays. They wanted to go December 18. breakfast time they asked their father if they could go to Moenjodaro. He told them that they would discuss the matter___ the evening. He called both of them__5 o'clock and asked them their plan. Rumi told him that a train leaves for Moenjodaro___8:00. am. They could take the train___ December when they have their winter holidays. They would reach Moenjodaro__ noon. Their father said that they could go the 23rd of December. They could stay with his friend for two nights and come back said to Rumithat they would give the good newsto their mother. night. Answers. Exercise 4. 2. At 10.0n Christmas Day. Salma Exercise 5. On, at, in, at, at, in, at, on, on, at PREPARED BY:MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 33 COMPLETE NOTES OF ENGLISH FOR ALL EXAMS Condi nal Sentences 1 First Conditional: These are the sentences where if one thing happens then only the other will happen. In such sentences the verb in the “if” clause is usually in the present tense, the verb in the result clause has the modal 'will”. A comma is used after the ‘if clause, If clause Renee Answer 1.If you work hard, a. he will not have any problem.| _' ©) 2.IF it rains, b. she will win the singing competition 3.1f father allows me, c. you will get good grades. 4.If he helps Abdul, dd, they will always listen to her. 5.If Amma makes the halwa,| e. it will take care of my house. 6.f Salma sings well f. iwill go with you. 7.If | feed the dog, g. we will enjoy eating it. 8.f she treats the children | h. i will stay at home. nicely, Answers: 2(H), 3(F), 4 (A), oO 8(0) If Alina works fast, v. _ Ifmy work finishes ii. If Saleem writes neatly, iii. If the weather becomes sunny, iv. _ If father comes home early, before 5 o'clock, vi. If the train leaves on time, vii. If we help others, Vili. If the ministers do their work, PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST), US E-TEACHER & BLOGGER CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660, 03062794501 Page 34

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