Paul Sandori-Calculating Head Office Overheads

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The Revay Report

Volume 22 Published by Construction Consultants

Number 2 Revay and Associates and
June 2003 Limited Claim Specialists


by Paul Sandori, Dip.Ing., Arch., O.A.A., F.R.A.I.C.
Revay and Associates Limited, Toronto

is then the same; they differ only in was 3.87% of its total bid.3 Ellis-Don’s con-
details. tract amount on the Parking Authority
The first step is to determine the portion project was $3,727,258. Applying the con-
Paul Sandori tractor’s average rate, the judge calculat-
of the total head office overheads to be
allocated to the delayed project; this ed that the project would have
Where a contractor is entitled to be com- amount may be called the project over- contributed $144,279 in overhead and
pensated for owner caused delay, it is head. It is the amount that the delayed profit.
generally accepted that unabsorbed project would have, or should have con- Step 2: The contract time — the period of
and/or additional head office overhead tributed to the contractor’s total head contribution — was 59 weeks. That was
should constitute part of the compensa- office overhead had the project not been the time it would have taken Ellis Don to
tion. Once entitlement is established, a delayed. earn $144,279 for overhead and profit.
simple way of calculating the amount of Therefore, if everything else had proceed-
damages for such overhead is to apply Once the project overhead is determined,
the second step is to convert this “lump ed as planned, the contractor’s resources
one of several commonly used formulae. employed on the project would have been
sum” amount of the project overhead into
a daily or weekly rate of overhead contri- contributing head office overhead and
The question of entitlement has been
bution.This is a simple operation: the pro- profit at the rate of $144,279 / 59 or
examined on many occasions, and in
ject overhead is divided into the period of $2,445.40 per week of contract time.
great detail, on both sides of the Atlantic.
The formulae themselves, on the other contribution (days or weeks) i.e. the time Step 3: The project was delayed 17.5
hand, have received little attention. They during which the overhead contribution weeks by the Parking Authority. If the pro-
are either accepted and used as they are was made, or was supposed to be made. ject had not been delayed, Ellis-Don
found, or rejected completely. In the third step, the daily or weekly rate would have put these same resources to
of contribution is multiplied by the num- work on other projects and received extra
The following comments attempt to earnings at approximately the same rate
reconstruct the logic behind the key for- ber of days or weeks of owner-caused
compensable delay. This gives the as on the delayed project. The resulting
mulae, and to assess how the results
amount claimable by the contractor. contributions to overhead and profit
measure up against the realities of con-
would have amounted to 17.5 x $2,445.40
= $42,794.50. That was the amount the
THE EMDEN FORMULA court awarded to the contractor.
GENERAL FORMAT The Emden formula expresses the project The Emden formula is clear and logical —
overhead as an average percentage of the but there is a problem. In order to deter-
Three different formulae will be discussed contract amount. The Emden approach is
in this article. The Emden and Hudson for- mine the average percentage of over-
clearly illustrated in the case of Ellis-Don head, Emden typically looks back at the
mulae originated in Britain; the Eichleay Ltd. v. Parking Authority of Toronto, a 1978
formula in the United States.1 A modified two- or three year period preceding the
decision of the Supreme Court of contract as well as the contract time. Thus,
version of the Eichleay formula will also Ontario.2 The following is the reasoning of the project overhead allocation to the
be reviewed. the trial judge, subdivided into three delayed project is primarily based on the
steps. contractor’s performance in the past.
For ease of comparison, we break down
Emden and Hudson into the same three Step 1: Evidence showed that a regular The contractor may have so much other
steps as Eichleay and Modified Eichleay. and normal average rate of overhead and work during the contract time and the
The general format of the three formulae profit for Ellis Don, a general contractor, period of delay that only a reduced contri-
bution would be required from the
1 The Emden formula appears in Emden’s Con- B.C.A. ¶ 2894, 1960 WL 684 (Dec. 27, 1960). Emden delayed project but the result of the
struction Law, published by Butterworths; the and Hudson are typically used to calculate lost Emden calculation would not be signifi-
Hudson formula in Hudson’s Building and Engi- profit as well as overhead; Eichleay is used to cal- cantly affected by this circumstance. The
neering Contracts, published by Sweet & culate overhead only. The discussion in this arti-
Maxwell. The Eichleay formula was advanced by cle will be limited to overhead calculations. 3 That was also the percentage included by Ellis-
the plaintiff contractor in Eichleay Corp., Don in its bid. Thus, the court’s approach includ-
A.S.B.C.A. No. 5183, 60-2 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶ 2688, 2 (1978) 28 Build.L.R. 98 ed an element of the Hudson formula, discussed
1960 WL 538 (July 29, 1960), aff’d on recons., 61-1 below.
Eichleay formula purports to provide a reflect this. They allocate to the delayed be awarded no more than the same rea-
remedy for this problem. project a portion of the contractor’s total sonable amount during boom times?
overhead on a rational basis: either based Finally, why should an average percent-
THE EICHLEAY FORMULA on a historical average (Emden), or in pro- age of overhead have a better chance of
portion to the size of the project relative to being realized in a particular economic
The Eichleay formula, in Step 1, focuses
the total company workload (Eichleay). situation than what the contractor consid-
on the period of contract performance,
ered achievable, and built into its tender?
including delay. The formula does not Contractors, however, follow a different
concern itself with averages. It allocates logic. They take into account another vari- The real problem with the Hudson formu-
the contractor’s total head office overhead able, not included in the formulae: the la is that, in most cases, it is difficult or
to the delayed project based on the ratio market conditions at the time of bidding. impossible to determine the overhead
of project billings to total billings for the During a lean period, a contractor may percentage contained in the amount of
period of performance. include very little overhead in the tender; the tender. The formula is simply imprac-
This is only common sense. If, for exam- during boom times, the overhead alloca- tical.
ple, the company has two projects gener- tion may be high to compensate for the
ating equal billings and proceeding lean times.
during the same time period, Eichleay
allocates half the total head office over-
An alternative approach to the calculation SKIN DEEP
of project overhead that does take into
head to each of the two projects. account the competitive pressures on the When the structure of the two principal
If the contractor has extra billings from contractor is offered by the Hudson for- formulae is examined in some detail we
work on other projects, the formula gives mula. The formula calculates the project arrive at an interesting result. Step 1 of
a reduced amount for project overhead, overhead by applying to the contract the Emden formula can be conveniently
and therefore also for overhead damages: amount the percentage actually used by expressed in mathematical shorthand as
the contractor in its tender. follows:
… the use of actually experienced
total billings … provides a built-in The Hudson formula was not used very project overhead = contract amount x
corrective mechanism to recognize often before it was finally abandoned, or average overhead percentage [1]
any new work that was actually per- used in name only. In some British deci- The average percentage of overhead is
formed during the delay, thus auto- sions, the Emden formula is used but mis- obtained from the contractor’s financial
matically reducing the amount takenly referred to as the Hudson formula. records by dividing the contractor’s total
claimed. 4 head office overhead for a selected period
The reason for abandoning Hudson was
Thus, the Eichleay formula tries to ensure expressed by the court in Whittal Builders by total company revenues for the same
that the contractor is not overcompensat- Co. Ltd. v. Chester Le Street: 5 period. We can therefore replace the aver-
ed by an award of damages. However, the age overhead percentage in expression
knife cuts both ways. If the amount of the The percentage to be taken… is not [1] by the ratio total overhead / total rev-
contractor’s other work during the period the percentage allowed by [the con- enues for a given period of time. The
of performance is reduced, Eichleay tractor] in compiling the price for this expression then becomes:
increases the overhead contribution of particular contract, which may have
been larger or smaller than his usual project overhead = contract amount x
the delayed project. In the extreme case, a
percentage and may or may not have total overhead / total revenues [2]
contractor unable to secure any new work
at all would have the entire head office been realized… but the average per- The Eichleay formula also picks a period
overhead during the delay period award- centage earned by the contractor on of time, and allocates a portion of the total
ed by Eichleay to the delayed contract. his turnover as shown by the con- head office overhead for that period to the
tractor’s accounts. delayed project in proportion to the pro-
It is difficult to see why the owner of the
delayed project should pay for the con- Similarly, the Delay and Disruption Proto- ject billings relative to the billings of the
tractor’s lack of success on other projects. col published in 2002 by the Society of rest of the contractor’s projects:
Indeed, the contractor’s inability to find Construction Law in England states: project overhead = total overhead x pro-
new work during the delay may be a rea- ject billings / total billings [3]
son for awarding to it no overhead at all. The use of the Hudson’s formula is
When a contractor is unable to obtain not supported. This is because it is In order to compare the two formulae, we
extra work, the unavailability of the dependent on the adequacy or other- must ignore incidentals such as changes,
delayed resources due to delay does not wise of the tender in question, and extras, unpaid billings and claims. In that
cause it any loss of overhead contribu- because the calculation is derived case, contract amounts, project billings
tions. If freed up from the delayed project, from a number which in itself con- and revenues will be substantially the
these resources would still produce no tains an element of head office over- same, both for individual projects and for
revenues. heads and profit, so there is double total company turnover.
Steps 2 and 3 of the Eichleay formula are If, in expression [3], we substitute contract
mathematically the same as in Emden — Indeed, the Hudson formula requires cor- amount for project billings, and total rev-
find the rate of contribution and apply that rection for double counting. Built-in over- enues for total billings, that expression
rate to the delay period — but there are head should be deducted from the will appear as follows:
important differences. We shall return to contract amount before the tender over-
this later. head percentage is applied. It is not clear, project overhead = total overhead x con-
however, why both the court in Whittal tract amount / total revenues [4]
ABANDONED: THE HUDSON and the Protocol consider the inadequa-
The quantities contract amount and total
cies of a typical construction tender as
FORMULA reason for the rejection of the formula.
overhead may switch places in expression
[4] without affecting the result. Therefore,
The courts of law favour reasonable
Why should the contractor who has, dur- expression [4] is the same as expression
results, and both Eichleay and Emden
ing lean times, made a business decision [2], and Step 1 of Eichleay is structurally
4 R.G. Beer Corp., ENG BCA No. 4885, 86-3 BCA. It and included only minimal overhead in its the same as Step 1 of Emden.
is not clear why billings are considered rather tender get a windfall from a formula
than actual revenues – billings may be, and often
The two formulae, in essence, represent
which awards a reasonable amount? Or
are, challenged by the owners, or may remain two different ways of looking for an aver-
unpaid. 5 (1985) 12 Const. L.J. 356 age percentage of overhead to be applied
to the contract amount. The average can The illogicality of this distribution was the down to the simple general expression:
be determined by examining the contrac- reason why the Eichleay formula was
amount claimable = project overhead x
tor’s financial records (a) during contract rejected in the 1978 decision of the New
delay / period of contribution [5]
time and before, as in Emden, or (b) dur- York Court of Appeals in the Berley case.6
ing contract time and after, during the Berley, the general contractor, was Thus, once the project overhead is deter-
period of delay, as in Eichleay. delayed for about a year by owner caused mined, the amount claimable is directly
problems. At the scheduled completion proportional to the ratio delay / period of
Given that the head office overhead is
date, approximately 87% of the work had contribution. This ratio may be called the
assumed constant, if the contractor’s total
already been completed, leaving only time factor since both of its components
revenues were also constant, it would not
$60,000 worth of work to be done during are measured in units of time.
matter what time frame was selected to
the delay period. At trial, Berley relied on
check the contractor’s records because the The period of delay is fixed, therefore the
the Eichleay formula.
ratio of the two quantities total overhead / only variable, at this stage, is the period of
total revenues would not change. Emden The court noted that Eichleay would result contribution. Let us use the letter T for
and Eichleay calculations in Step 1 would in the recovery of the same amount of contract time, and denote the length of
then yield the same project overhead. overhead even if the contract was only 1% delay by the letter D. The time factor f1 for
incomplete at the time the delay took Emden then becomes f1 = D / T. The time
place, and that recovery would be the factor set out in the Eichleay formula f2
STEP 2: DIFFERENT TIME same if Berley had to spend only $100 to can be expressed as: f2 = D / (T+ D), where
FRAMES complete its work — when the contractor (T + D) represents the time of perfor-
Thus, mathematically, there is really only had already earned virtually the entire mance, namely contract time and the peri-
one formula in Step 1. Step 2 is also math- project overhead. Eichleay would still od of delay combined.
ematically the same in both Emden and assume that the overhead was con-
The change in time factor for Emden and
Eichleay. The formulae are, nevertheless, tributed during the delay period as during
Eichleay as the delay increases is traced
different but the difference is not in the the contract time. The court found that the
on the chart below. The horizontal axis
mathematical structure. It is in the different Eichleay calculations had only a “chance
shows the period of delay as a percentage
time frames embedded in the formulae. relationship to actual damages” and
of the contract time; thus, at 100%, the
refused to accept the formula.
There are two time frames built into each delay is equal to the contract time. The
formula. The first time frame is the period The same criticism would not apply if the vertical axis shows the value of the time
selected in Step 1 for reviewing the con- Emden formula had been used. The con- factor.
tractor’s financial records to determine tractor is perfectly justified in claiming the
the project overhead. full amount of overhead as calculated by
Emden even if only very little is required
Emden, as we have seen, calculates the to complete the work, provided it can
project overhead based on the contrac- prove that, for some objective reason, its
tor’s historical performance over an resources were tied up on the delayed
extended period of time. The calculation is project so that it lost the opportunity to
not influenced by the billings or revenues deploy them on another project. The con-
during the period of delay. That time seg- tractor may have a difficult time proving
ment belongs to another, fictitious pro- such a contention, but that is a complete-
ject, where the contractor would have ly different issue.
been able to earn fresh revenues had it
not been stuck on the delayed project.
There is a fictitious project at the basis of In the Emden formula, the time factor f1
Eichleay too, but not the same as in In Step 3, both Emden and Eichleay multi- grows in direct proportion to the delay, as
Emden. In that project, the distinction ply the rate of contribution by the time shown by the straight line on the chart.
between contract time and the delay peri- period of delay, to arrive at the claimable The award of overhead calculated by the
od is erased, and the formula determines amount. formula, being proportional to the time
the project overhead for the entire time of At this stage, the Eichleay formula factor, will show the same straight-line
performance. The fiction is that the delay exhibits another major weakness. This increase. For example, when the delay on
is part of the original contract time. There one is part of the structure of the formula a project is as long as the contract time,
is no allowance for potential billings on in Steps 2 and 3. The problem is that, as Emden allocates to the delay period an
another project during the delay period. the delay grows, so does the duration of amount equal to the entire project over-
The second time frame is the period of the fictitious project which includes the head. The time factor at 100% delay is
overhead contribution underlying Step 2. delay time. The effect is best expressed therefore 1.0, as shown on the chart.
The rate of contribution is calculated by mathematically and graphically, in com- Such a long delay may be unusual, but it
dividing the project overhead into this parison with Emden. is a useful test of the validity of the for-
time period. Let us assume that the contractor’s rev- mula. The formula passes the test: during
Emden assumes that the entire project enues on other projects remain constant, the delay, if allowed to work on another
overhead is contributed during contract and there are no changes or extra work on project, the contractor’s resources could
time, at a uniform rate. This is the rate typ- the delayed project. In that case, as reasonably be expected to contribute the
ically envisaged in the contractor’s bid, already explained, Emden and Eichleay same amount of overhead as during the
and approximates well the rate of contri- will give the same project overhead. equally long contract time.
bution on a normal project. In Steps 2 and 3, both formulae divide the In the Eichleay formula, the time factor,
Eichleay, on the other hand, is based on project overhead by the period of contri- represented by the curve f2 does not track
the assumption that the project overhead bution and multiply the result by the the increase in the delay except for very
of the fictitious project is contributed uni- period of delay. The two steps can be com- short delays. The straight line and the
formly during the entire time of perfor- bined so that the calculation of the curve diverge more and more as the delay
mance of the fictitious extended project. amount claimable by the contractor boils increases.
This assumption, however, is hardly ever When the delay is equal to contract time
realized in practice. The formula adds fic- 6 Berley Indus. Inc. v. City of New York, 45 N.Y. 2d (at 100% on the chart), Eichleay allocates
tion upon fiction. 683 only half the project overhead to the
delay. For even longer delays, not shown formula was rejected without analysis by Whether the contractor has to prove that
on the chart, the time factor can approach, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal such a rate of contribution was actually
but never quite reach, the value of 1.0. Circuit in Capital Electric Co.8 achievable on another project during the
Therefore, the contractor can win no more delay period is an issue that has been
than an amount equal to the project over- Referring to a series of cases dealing with debated at length in the courts, but is
head no matter how long the delay. the issue of overhead, the court stated: beyond the scope of this article.

The longer the delay, the more of the con- … we do not believe these [Eichleay] The Emden formula does, however,
tractor’s overhead remains unabsorbed yet precedents should be overruled. They require adjustments to make it reflect
Eichleay, for no logical reason, pays a small- are of such long standing and have reality more accurately.
er and smaller portion of it in damages. been followed in so many decisions
of the various board of contract Emden determines, in Step 1, a reason-
appeals that such action should more able project overhead that should have
NOT GIVEN A CHANCE: THE properly be taken by Congress. been contained in the contract amount,
MODIFIED EICHLEAY FORMULA Finally, in 1994 in Wickham Contracting
based on the contractor’s performance in
the past. This amount must be adjusted to
During the more than forty years of the Co. v. Fischer,9 the Federal Circuit Court
bring it, as far as possible, in line with the
life of the Eichleay formula, there have carved the original Eichleay formula in
rationale of the Hudson formula — i.e.
been several attempts to modify it. The stone:
close to what the contractor would most
modification used in the Schindler likely have included in its tender under
… the Eichleay formula is the exclu-
Haughton Elevator Corp.7 case — appro- given market conditions.
sive means available for calculating
priately known as the Modified Eichleay
unabsorbed overhead costs on a fed-
formula — follows the same three step Another adjustment should be made after
eral construction contract.
procedure as the original Eichleay. Mathe- Steps 2 and 3, to take into account the
matically, it is also the same as the origi- contractor’s extra revenues (or lack of
nal Eichleay. WHAT IS THE RIGHT them) during the delay period, both on
FORMULA? the delayed project and on the rest of the
Modified Eichleay allocates in Step 1 the contractor’s projects.
total overhead to the delayed project in the
The original Eichleay formula has too
same way as the original Eichleay, namely Neither adjustment is easy, nor an exer-
many weaknesses to be applicable, in
based on the ratio of project and total cise in pure mathematics. The amount of
spite of the fact that it is firmly established
billings — but during contract time only. effort required, and the resulting cost, will
in the United States.
The formula does not look further back depend on how close one attempts to get
than contract time, as Emden does, nor The Modified Eichleay formula is mathe- to an “exact” result which — like perfect
does it include the delay period as does the matically indistinguishable from Emden justice — is an unreachable goal.
original Eichleay. In other words, the pro- and requires no further comment but, as
ject overhead reflects the contractor’s eco- noted, fails to arrive at a reasonable pro- There is another option which remains
nomic situation during contract time alone. ject overhead. untested.
The problem is that the contractor’s billings The Emden formula is based on the Compensation for unabsorbed head office
during that period are affected by the delay assumption that the contractor would be overhead may be greatly simplified by tak-
on the project. The formula will not give a able to continue earning the same rate of ing appropriate steps ahead of time. The
“normal and regular” project overhead. overhead on another project, and the for- contractor may be required to indicate in
mula compensates the contractor for the its tender, under competitive pressures
The period of contribution is also contract loss of opportunity to do so by extending during the bidding process, the weekly or
time, as in Emden. Therefore, the amount the overhead rate from the contract time daily rate of head office overhead contribu-
claimable given by the formula is also to the delay period. tion to be applied in case of delay. The con-
proportional to the delay, as in Emden.
cept of liquidated damages has served for
This modification to the standard Eichleay 8 Capital Electric Co. v. U.S., 729 F.2d at 743 (Fed. a long time to simplify the calculation of an
Cir. 1984) owner’s damages due to delay. It may
assist just as well the contractor trying to
7 GSBCA No. 5390 80-2 BCA (1980) 9 12 F.3d 1574, 13 FPD 1, 18 C.C. 121 (Fed. Cir. 1994) recoup unabsorbed head office overhead.

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