Reflection Report (Shazwana Musa 2019263372)

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FSG 301 :










My group agreed and chose the term Awareness of Covid-19 S.O.P Among
University Students as the title of our assignment, which is the SULAM project, in the
subject FSG301. The major goal of this project is to raise awareness among all students in the
institution, particularly those who live on campus, about the necessity of adopting S.O.P
Covid-19, as recommended by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. We swiftly acted by
handing out the form to the audience to fill out in response to our assignment after gaining
approval from the instructors on the final job we accomplished together. Based on the topics
chosen, our target audience for this project is university students. The main reason we chose
this community is to ensure that all university students are aware of and follow all S.O.P
orders issued by superiors while on campus in order to combat the dangerous virus known as
Covid-19. This project is critical because it is aimed at students who want to return to campus
in order to use the university's facilities and study in a comfortable setting.

We completed this task virtually after the outbreak of COVID-19, which prevented us
from doing face-to-face work but also made it easier for us to connect with students from
various universities. In fact, we can maximise our time in this manner as well in order to
complete our assignments on time.

This initiative was made possible thanks to the collaboration of a group of individuals
who performed their various roles in a short video presentation that was broadcast on
November 22, 2021 on all social media platforms accessible to all Malaysian university
students, particularly YouTube. We also use the most recent applications, such as WhatsApp
and Instagram, because we believe that most students in every university use these two

The implementation of this project necessitates a small amount of energy from each
member of the group, where we begin to discuss tasks and divide the work of each after
getting to know our group members. We also use platforms like WhatsApp and Google Meet
to have job discussions because the app is very simple to use, especially for students like us.
Following the completion of the task division, each member began to play a role by
conducting research on the selected task based on our assignment title.

My task in this assignment was to discover the true meaning of S.O.P Covid-19, and I
was also the first to speak about the project. Following the completion of the meaning
explanation portion, the following speaker continues the explanation in this short movie by
narrating his task. While conducting research on similar themes, I came across various online
resources that can be used as a guide for our short video. After that, one of our group
members offered to edit the entire video. The other members of the group agreed that
recording their respective descriptive parts and then integrating and improving them at the
conclusion of the assignment process was a good idea. Editors utilise a variety of tools with a
variety of capabilities, such as Powtoon and Telegram, to send high-quality films in order to
create a lovely and unique video. We also agreed to set a deadline for delivering their
descriptive recordings so that editors would have more time to combine the films of other
members of the group. We were able to accomplish the task in a timely manner thanks to
each member's collaboration in creating a video that was short but detailed.

This is a short video that contains SOP awareness. This short video is not only created
to explain the definition of SOP and provide examples, but it also advises every student living
on their individual campuses to adopt it in order to avoid the epidemic. Every piece of
information offered in the movie is critical in coping with the current hazardous virus, Covid-
19. Students can also learn how to be a person who maintains a hygiene ethic by watching
this video. This is because the majority of the outbreaks of this deadly virus are caused by the
uncleanliness of a human-inhabited area, and such filthy areas allow the dangerous virus to
spread quickly.

As you are aware, the primary goal of releasing this short video is to promote
awareness about the need of implementing SOPs on their particular campus areas. Many
other benefits accrue in the unconscious as a result of doing this work, including the ability to
enhance our communication skills, as well as the ability to give each other feedback and the
courage to attempt new things. Not only that, but we can also make new contacts, particularly
with students from various universities.

Scanning body temperature, maintaining a social confinement of at least 1m, wearing

a face mask, scanning a QR code, and not forgetting to always wear hand sanitizer after
touching something in crowded areas are among the SOP orders that every student on campus
should follow. All of the above should be observed by every student on their campus, and it
should also be observed not only when they are on campus, but also when they are off
campus, particularly when dealing with the public.

Furthermore, each member of the group has contributed their time and effort to the
creation of this short video in order to complete it and receive feedback from responses.
Before sharing this video on social media, we want to make sure that all of the information
and language used are appropriate and do not cause any audience confusion. We also believe
that the video we put together needs a lot of work in order for the audience to accept and
understand every piece of content we want to show.
What can be seen in the graph above are the results of the Google Form that we
distributed to the audience to fill out, with the majority of the crowd being between the ages
of 18 and 20. As our group has informed, we have chosen the community among university
students. What can be deduced is that last semester students made up the majority of the
audience, accounting for 62.4 percent of the total, while semester 3 and 1 students
contributed 7.9 percent and 13.9 percent, respectively. Students pursuing diploma and
undergraduate degrees make up the majority of those who watch the video. Our videos were
watched by 88.1 percent of IPTA students, 9.9 percent of IPTS students, and a modest
audience at UM and KPMBM.
According to the graph above, all respondents had downloaded and used the
MySejahtera app on their phones. Our short movie promoting awareness of the Covid-19
SOP was also well received by viewers. A total of 97.1 percent of respondents followed the
required S.O.P guidelines and practised it off campus in public settings, however we were
dissatisfied since 2.9 percent of those who viewed our video still had doubts about whether
they followed the S.O.P correctly. This short film might help students comprehend and
follow all of the SOP procedures that have been established to avoid the symptoms of Covid-
19 from spreading further.


102 x 5 x 10 = 5100

× 10=9.604

At the end of this project, I and the other members of my group can only express our
gratitude to one another. This is due to the fact that they have worked hard to exert energy
and throw their opinions and ideas in order to make this project a success. We'd also like to
thank the university students who took the time to watch our short video on Covid-19 SOP
awareness and fill out the GoogleForm that was provided. We hope that the video will help
students better understand all of the rules of SOP Covid-19 and that they will be able to
follow them without further confusion or doubt.


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) & Social Distancing Guidelines. (n.d.). Retrieved
December 16, 2021, from

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for prevention of COVID-19 transmission. (n.d.).

SANDHYA MENON. (2021, September 14). New SOP for higher education institutions
announced. The Star.

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