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European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

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Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Demand estimation under multi-store multi-product substitution in

high density traditional retail
Mingchao Wan a, Yihui Huang a, Lei Zhao a, Tianhu Deng a,∗, Jan C. Fransoo b
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In large cities in emerging economies, traditional retail is present in a very high density, with multiple
Received 26 March 2016 independently owned small stores in each city block. Consequently, when faced with a stockout, con-
Accepted 5 September 2017
sumers may not only substitute with a different product in the same store, but also switch to a neigh-
Available online 19 September 2017
boring store. Suppliers may take advantage of this behavior by strategically supplying these stores in a
Keywords: coherent manner. We study this problem using consumer choice models. We build two consumer choice
Retailing models for this consumer behavior. First, we build a Nested Logit model for the consumer choice pro-
Traditional retail cess, where the consumer chooses the store at the first level and selects the product at the second level.
Demand estimation Then, we consider an Exogenous Substitution model. In both models, a consumer may substitute at ei-
Demand substitution ther the store level or the product level. Furthermore, we estimate the parameters of the two models
Consumer choice model using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm in a Bayesian manner. We numerically find that the Nested
Logit model outperforms the Exogenous Substitution model in estimating substitution probabilities. Fur-
ther, the information on consumers’ purchase records helps improve the estimation accuracies of both the
first-choice probabilities and the substitution probabilities when the beginning inventory level is low. Fi-
nally, we show that explicitly including such substitution behavior in the inventory optimization process
can significantly increase the expected profit.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction our estimates with a number of suppliers, Beijing still has about
30,0 0 0 small retail stores in the core area of the city (within the
Compared with modern organized retail such as supermarkets 5th ring), and about double this number in the entire city juris-
and hypermarkets, traditional retail has received little attention diction. Beijing residents can easily find small retail stores in their
from the research community. In developed countries, the market neighborhoods. In fact, nanostores are so dense in Beijing that it
share of traditional retail is small, with less than 10% in the gro- is not uncommon to have multiple nanostores around one resi-
cery sector of Europe and North America (Nielsen, 2015). However, dential neighborhood. The consequence of this convenience is that
this is very different in emerging markets and other developing consumers often not only substitute between products, but also
countries, with market share of around 50% on average across substitute between stores. Then, a consumer who finds her favorite
Latin America and Asia, and well above 90% in some large coun- product unavailable may switch to a different product at the same
tries such as Nigeria and India (Nielsen, 2015). This market share store or simply visit another nearby small retail store. Intuitively,
has remained remarkably stable over the past decade, despite consumers exhibit two layers of demand substitution: multi-store
considerable economic growth. Blanco and Fransoo (2013) argue substitution and multi-product substitution. This type of two-layer
that these mom-and-pop operated and independently owned demand substitution is yet understudied in the literature.
small retail stores (“nanostores”) are likely to remain a large factor For many products, suppliers such as Coca Cola, Danone, or
in grocery retailing due to the socio-economic and demographic Unilever, deliver directly to the small retail stores. Investigating
structure, especially in very large cities. For instance, in a city the aforementioned multi-store multi-product substitution behav-
as developed as Beijing that has become over the past decades, ior can help these suppliers better make assortment and inven-
small retail stores are still surviving in large numbers. Based on tory decisions and improve their sales performance in this im-
portant retail channel. We aim to build a consumer choice model

that accounts for this behavior and propose a statistical estima-
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Deng).
tion procedure. Intuitively, the Nested Logit model (NL) is an ideal
0377-2217/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
100 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

choice for the demand model as it can naturally model the two- to their most preferred point in the attribute space. If the
layer substitution: substitution between stores and substitution be- first-choice product is out-of-stock, consumers substitute to
tween products. Therefore, we build a general Nested Logit model other products in an increasing order of their distances from
where a consumer first selects which store to visit and then de- the first-choice product. Gaur and Honhon (2006) consider
cides which product to purchase. The substitution behavior is en- the assortment planning and inventory optimization prob-
dogenously modeled. In addition to the Nested Logit model, the lem under the locational choice model and present a heuris-
two-layer substitution behavior can also be captured by an Exoge- tic and an upper bound based on a polynomial-time approx-
nous Substitution matrix. Therefore, we also build an Exogenous imation.
Substitution model (ES) to describe the two-layer substitution be- (3) The Exogenous Substitution model. Consumers in this model
havior. substitute to product j from i with Exogenous Substitution
The main contribution of our paper is embodied in three as- probability α ij if product i is unavailable. Kök and Fisher
pects. First, we investigate the understudied consumer behavior of (2007) study the assortment optimization problem with the
multi-store multi-product substitution, which exists in traditional Exogenous Substitution model and propose an iterative opti-
small retail stores. We apply two suitable consumer choice mod- mization heuristic. Hübner, Kuhn, and Kühn (2016) develop
els: the Nested Logit model and the Exogenous Substitution model. this problem by proposing a new efficient algorithm. Fisher
Second, we estimate the model parameters using a Markov chain and Vaidyanathan (2014) also study the assortment opti-
Monte Carlo algorithm in a Bayesian manner. Finally, we numer- mization problem under the Exogenous Substitution model.
ically compare the two models and find that the Nested Logit But in their model, the choice and substitution probabilities
model outperforms the Exogenous Substitution model in estimat- are all at attribute-level.
ing substitution probabilities when we only have aggregate sales
data. Further, we study the impact of estimation accuracy on the Most of the papers on assortment planning do not show how to
optimal beginning inventory levels and expected profits and find estimate the purchase and substitution parameters in their model
that including substitution behavior significantly increases the ex- except for Kök and Fisher (2007) and Fisher and Vaidyanathan
pected profit when the profit margin is low. (2014). Kök and Fisher (2007) estimate substitution probabilities
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: we briefly re- with inventory-transactions data (data recorded at every sale and
view the related literature in Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce replenishment). Fisher and Vaidyanathan (2014) use a Maximum
the two consumer choice models for multi-store and multi-product Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method to estimate demands and sub-
substitution. Section 4 formulates the likelihood function based on stitution probabilities with aggregate sales data.
sales data. Then, Sections 5 and 6 present the estimation algorithm The second stream of literature predicts a consumer’ response
and numerical results, respectively. We offer some concluding re- to stockouts, including in-store substitution, cross-store substitu-
marks in Section 7. tion, deferment, and cancellation. Campo, Gijsbrechts, and Nisol
(20 0 0) build a MNL model with three types of predictors: prod-
2. Literature review uct characteristics (e.g., product importance, pack size), consumer
characteristics (e.g., store loyalty, shopping frequency), and situa-
The body of research related to this work can be divided into tion characteristics (e.g., time constraint, required product quan-
three broad sets. The first set includes papers that consider sub- tity). Then they fit the model with data collected by question-
stitution effects in assortment planning problems. The second set naires and estimate the probability of each response. Zinn and Liu
predicts a consumer’s behavior when facing a stockout using some (2001) extend their work by using different predictors such as per-
predictors, e.g., store loyalty and product loyalty. The third set ceived store characteristics and demographics.
studies the demand and substitution estimation problem based on The third stream of literature studies the problem of estimat-
different types of sales data and estimation methods. ing demand and substitution behavior when considering stockouts,
There is extensive literature on assortment planning problems which is the most related to our work. Table 1 categorizes the re-
that consider product substitution. Kök, Fisher, and Vaidyanathan lated literature according to five dimensions: available data, con-
(2009) and Shin, Park, Le, and Benton (2015) give excellent reviews sumer arrival, first-choice, substitution, and methodology.
of the recent papers on assortment planning and its applications. The second column in Table 1 indicates the available data for
The models of consumer choice and substitution behavior can be demand estimation. There are two types of available data: store-
classified into three main types: level data, including inventory levels at the beginning and end of
each period; consumer-level data, including the purchase records
(1) The utility-based models (e.g., the Multinomial Logit (MNL) of all consumers and the product availability throughout all the pe-
model and the Nested Logit (NL) model). Consumers assign riods. The following three columns identify how each paper mod-
a certain utility to each product and choose products with els a consumer’s behavior by three aspects: arrival, first-choice,
probabilities computed from those utilities. Utility-based and substitution. Most papers use one model to describe both first-
models allow consumers to substitute from the unavailable choice and substitution behavior (e.g., Conlon & Mortimer, 2013;
products to all available products. van Ryzin and Mahajan Musalem, Olivares, Bradlow, Terwiesch, & Corsten, 2010; Talluri &
(1999) study the assortment planning and inventory opti- van Ryzin, 2004; van Ryzin & Vulcano, 2014; Vulcano, van Ryzin,
mization problems under MNL. They show that the optimal & Ratliff, 2012; Vulcano, van Ryzint, & Chaar, 2010). However, Kök
assortment always consists of a certain number of the most and Fisher (2007) and Fisher and Vaidyanathan (2014) use Ex-
popular products. Recently, Kök and Xu (2011) study joint ogenous Substitution probabilities to allow a more flexible sub-
assortment optimization and pricing problems under two- stitution structure. The last column states the methodology of
level NL (product level and brand level). They show that the estimation.
optimal assortment of product types within each brand is Anupindi, Dada, and Gupta (1998) is the first work to estimate
utility-ordered. primary demand considering stockouts and consumer substitution
(2) The locational choice model. The locational choice model behavior. They assume that consumer arrivals follow a Poisson dis-
is commonly used to model consumers’ choice behavior. tribution and that choice probabilities are exogenous. They develop
Each product is viewed as a set of attributes (e.g., price, the estimation model with Expectation–Maximization (E–M) algo-
flavor, size). Consumers choose the product that is nearest rithm under one stockout and two stockouts in each period when
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 101

Table 1
A summary of related demand estimation papers.

Research source Available data type Consumer Methodology

Arrival First-choice Substitution

Anupindi et al. (1998) Store-level data Poisson Exogenous probabilities E–Ma

Conlon and Mortimer (2013) Store-level data None Random-coefficient model E–M
Fisher and Vaidyanathan (2014) Store-level data None Exogenous prob. Exogenous prob. MLEb
Jain, Rudi, and Wang (2015) Both Stochastic demand One product (no choice and sub.) Bayesian learning
Kök and Fisher (2007) Consumer-level data None MNL Exogenous prob. E–M
Musalem et al. (2010) Store-level data None Random-coefficient model MCMCc
Talluri and van Ryzin (2004) Consumer-level data Bernoulli MNL E–M
van Ryzin and Vulcano (2014) Consumer-level data Bernoulli Rank-based model E–M
Vulcano et al. (2010) Consumer-level data Bernoulli MNL E–M
Vulcano et al. (2012) Store-level data Poisson MNL E–M
E–M is short for Expectation–Maximization algorithm.
MLE is short for Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
MCMC is short for Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

Table 2
Notation (available data and missing data).

Available data
I = {1, 2, . . . , I}, the set of all stores.
J = {1, 2, . . . , J}, the set of all products.
C = {(i, j )|i ∈ I, j ∈ J , product j is offered at store i}, the set of all possible combination of stores and products.
C = C ∪ { (0, 0 )}, the set of all possible alternatives, including no-purchase option (0, 0).
T = Total number of periods.
Nt = Total number of consumers in period t.
btij = The beginning inventory of product j at store i in period t.
etij = The ending inventory of product j at store i in period t.
stij = bti j − eti j , the total sales of product j at store i in period t.
B = {bti j , t ∈ {1, . . . , T }, i ∈ I, j ∈ J }, the set of all beginning inventory data.
S = {sti j , t ∈ {1, . . . , T }, i ∈ I, j ∈ J }, the set of all sales data.
Missing data
atn = (atn11 , . . . , atnIJ ), where atnij is an indicator variable taking 1 only when consumer n in period t finds product j at store i available.
A = {atn , t ∈ {1, . . . , T }, n ∈ {1, . . . , Nt }}, the set of all atn .
wtn = (wtn00 , wtn11 , . . . , wtnIJ ), where wtni j is an indicator variable taking 1 only when consumer n in period t buying product j at store i.
W = {wtn , t ∈ {1, . . . , T }, n ∈ {1, . . . , Nt }}, the set of all purchase record.

Table 3 3. Model
Notation (parameters to be estimated).

Parameters to be estimated In this section, we first describe the basic model setting, which
v = (v11 . . . , vIJ ), the preference vector. includes multiple stores and multiple products over a finite hori-
γ = The store dissimilarity parameter. zon. Then, we build two consumer choice models, respectively. Fi-
pij = The probability of a consumer preferring product j at store i nally, we formulate the likelihood function based on store-level
when all the products are available. data. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the major notation.
Ptnij = The probability that consumer n in period t purchases product j
at store i.
αi j→i j = The substitution probability from product j at store i to product 3.1. Basic model setting
j at store i .
We consider a market with I small retail stores. Without loss of
only store-level data are available. However, they need to estimate generality, we assume all stores offer J substitutable products. Let
the choice probabilities for every possible set of available alter- I = {1, 2, . . . , I} represent the set of all stores and J = {1, 2, . . . , J}
natives. Consequently, the main limitation of their method is that represent the set of all possible products. We define C = I × J as
the number of parameters to be estimated grows rapidly with the the set of all possible store-product combinations. For example,
number of stockouts in each period. C = {(1, 1 ), (1, 2 ), (2, 1 ), (2, 2 )} represents the case where there
Musalem et al. (2010) is the closest to our paper. They study the are two stores both offering two products. We also define set C  =
estimation method for the effect of stock-out based substitution C ∪ {(0, 0 )} to include the no-purchase option. Throughout this
with store-level data, which can be accessed by periodic inventory paper, we use subscript i to denote a “store”, and subscript j to
review systems. Their model combines Markov chain Monte Carlo denote a “product”.
(MCMC) with sampling using a Bayesian method to simulate the
transition of the inventory and then estimate the effect of substi- 3.2. Consumer choice: Nested Logit model
tution and lost sales.
Our paper differs from Musalem et al. (2010) in serval aspects. We assume a pool of finite number of consumers. Consumers
First, we capture consumers’ multi-store multi-product substitu- have independent choices. Each consumer’s choice follows the
tion behavior using the Nested Logit model and the Exogenous Nested Logit model (see Fig. 1 for the two-store two-product
Substitution model, while Musalem et al. (2010) use a Random- case). They first choose at store level and then at product level.
coefficient model. Second, in addition to demand estimation, we In Appendix A, we also consider the case where a consumer
also investigate the value of information on purchase records and first chooses at product level and then at store level. Let v =
the impact of estimation accuracy on inventory policy and ex- (v1,1 , v1,2 , . . . , v1,J , v2,1 , . . . , vI,J ) be the preference weight vector for
pected profit. all the store and product combinations. Furthermore, we assume
102 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

Fig. 1. The Nested Logit model.

Fig. 2. The Exogenous Substitution model.

that all the stores have the same dissimilarity parameter γ , which
is similar to the model of Berry (1994), Cardell (1997) and Conlon
also out-of-stock, then the sale is lost permanently, i.e. there is
and Mortimer (2013). Following the Nested Logit model, the proba-
no second substitution attempt. Many studies in this field make
bility of a consumer choosing product j at store i as her first-choice
the same single-attempt assumption, such as Smith and Agrawal
is given by
 γ (20 0 0), Netessine and Rudi (2003), Kök (2003), and Kök and Fisher
j ∈J exp(vi j ) exp(vi j ) (20 07). Kök (20 03) proves that a multi-attempt substitution model
pi j ( v, γ ) =   γ ×  can be approximated with a single-attempt model by a higher sub-
1+ exp(vi j ) exp(vi j )
j ∈J
i ∈I j ∈J stitution probability.
 γ −1 The probability that consumer n in period t purchases product
exp(vi j ) j ∈J exp (vi j )
=   γ . (1) j at store i now consists of two parts: the first-choice part and the
1 + i ∈I j ∈J exp (vi j ) substitution part from other unavailable products, and is specified
However, the products may not always be available. We con- as follows:
sider a total of T periods. Let Nt be the number of consumers ar-  
rived in period t. Consumers arriving in period t are labelled from Ptni j ( p, α|atn ) =
pi j + (i , j )∈C (1 −atni j ) pi j αi j →i j , atni j = 1;
1 to Nt by their arrival order. We characterize the product availabil- 0, atni j = 0.
ity by an indicator vector atn = (atn11 , . . . , atnIJ ), where atni j = 1 if (4)
consumer n in period t finds that product j is available at store
i and atni j = 0 otherwise. When considering the availability, the The probability that consumer n in period t does not purchase any-

probability that consumer n in period t purchases product j at store thing is Ptn00 ( p, α|atn ) = 1 − (i, j )∈C Ptni j ( p, α|atk ).
i becomes Compared with traditional utility-based models (e.g., Conlon &
  γ −1 Mortimer, 2013; Musalem et al., 2010), the Exogenous Substitution
atni j exp(vi j ) j ∈J atni j exp (vi j ) model provides a more flexible substitution structure by introduc-
Ptni j (v, γ |atn ) =   γ . (2)
ing an Exogenous Substitution matrix α, which is similar to Kök
1 + i ∈I j ∈J atni j exp (vi j )
and Fisher (2007). The key difference between our model and the
In the Nested Logit model, choice probability varies with the model in Kök and Fisher (2007) is the modeling of the first-choice
set of available products. In other words, substitution behavior is probabilities. In our model, the first-choice probabilities are exoge-
considered intrinsically in the Nested Logit model. When only one nous. But Kök and Fisher (2007) use a Multinomial logit framework
alternative (say product j at store i) is unavailable, we can compute to model the first-choice probabilities.
the “equivalent” substitution probability from product j at store i to
product j at store i by:
3.4. The difference between Nested Logit model and Exogenous
p(iijj) − pi j Substitution model
αi j→i j = , (3)
pi j
The key difference between the Nested Logit model and the Ex-
(i j )
where pi j is the choice probability of product j at store i when ogenous Substitution model is the substitution structure. In the
only product j at store i is out-of-stock. When multiple stockouts Nested Logit model, the substitution structure is determined by
occur simultaneously, we cannot distinguish the unsatisfied de- the utilities and dissimilarity parameters. Consequently, the substi-
mands and thus cannot get the corresponding substitution prob- tution structure of the Nested Logit model has the following two
abilities. main features. First, the substitution probabilities are correlated
with the first-choice probabilities. Second, all substitution proba-
3.3. Consumer choice: Exogenous Substitution model bilities should be nonzero. Next, we explain these two features in
In another model, we model the consumer shopping behavior In the Nested Logit model, any change of model parameters
as a two-step choice process (see Fig. 2). In the first step, a con- would lead to the simultaneous change of first-choice probabili-
sumer decides her first-choice shopping store and product with- ties and substitution probabilities. Fig. 3 illustrates the simultane-
out knowing the availability. Let the choice probability of choos- ous change under the two-store two-product setting. The change
ing product j at store i be pij . The same as in the Nested Logit of utility of product 1 at store 1 (Fig. 3(a)) and the change of the
model, we also include no-purchase option in the first step of the store dissimilarity parameter (Fig. 3(b)) both lead to the simulta-
Exogenous Substitution model. In the second step, the consumer neous change of the first-choice probability of no-purchase option
immediately makes purchase if her first-choice is available. Oth- p00 , the in-store substitution probability α 11 → 12 , and the cross-
erwise, she may choose to buy product j at store i with Exoge- store substitution probability α 11 → 21 . We observe that the first-
nous Substitution probability αi j→i j , or just walk away without choice probabilities and substitution probabilities are correlated in
any purchase. We assume that if the substitute product (i , j ) is the Nested Logit model. On the contrary, the first-choice probabil-
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 103

Fig. 3. The effect of the Nested Logit model parameters on the first-choice and substitution probabilities.

ities p and substitution probabilities α can be determined sepa- that the likelihood function becomes complicated and hard to
rately (or more flexibly) in the Exogenous Substitution model. solve when there is more than one stockout in each period. The
In addition, the substitution probabilities in the Nested Logit other approach formulates the likelihood function by consumer-
model, defined in (3), are always positive. It can be straightfor- level transaction data, and then sums up the likelihood of all pos-
wardly proved that any stockout would increase the choice prob- sible transaction data that satisfy store-level aggregate data (Chen
abilities of all the other alternatives in the Nested Logit model. In & Yang, 2007; Musalem, Bradlow, & Raju, 2009; Musalem et al.,
(i j )
other words, pi j must be larger than pi j in (3). Thus all the sub- 2010).
stitution probabilities in the Nested Logit model cannot be zero. We formulate the likelihood function following the second ap-
But this may not be true in the real world. proach. Let wtn = (wtn00 , wtn11 , . . . , wtnIJ ) be the choice indicator
The Exogenous Substitution model’s substitution structure has vector of consumer n in period t, where wtni j takes 1 only when
more freedom than that of the Nested Logit model. Yet the Ex- consumer n in period t purchases product j at store i. Recall that
ogenous Substitution model has more parameters to estimate. In indicator variable atnij represents the availability of product j at
our setting with I stores and J products, the Nested Logit model store i when consumer n arrives in period t. Therefore, (atn , wtn )
has I × J utilities and one store dissimilarity parameter to estimate, can capture the available set and final purchase decision of con-
while the Exogenous Substitution model has I × J first-choice prob- sumer n in period t. The likelihood function of consumer n in pe-
abilities and (I × J )(I × J − 1 ) substitution probabilities to estimate. riod t can be written as:
  wtni j
Ltn (θ|atn , wtn ) = Ptni j (θ|atn ) . (5)
4. Likelihood function formulation
(i, j )∈C 

Since most traditional small retail stores do not have a formal The overall likelihood function is the product of (5) over all periods
management information system to record every transaction, the and all consumers:
information we can obtain to formulate likelihood function is very 
limited. What we can observe in practice is only the inventory L(θ|A, W ) = Ltn (θ|atn , wtn ), (6)
level of each product at the beginning and end of each period. The t=1 n=1
sales of product j at store i in period t can be directly obtained by where A = {atn } and W = {wtn }.
taking the difference of the beginning and end inventory. Let btij , The overall likelihood function (6) is based on individual’s avail-
etij and stij be the beginning inventory level, ending inventory level, able set and purchase information, which are expressed by (A, W).
and sales of product j at store i in period t, respectively. However, we cannot observe such detailed information directly
In addition to the inventory data, we also use the total num- in practice. Instead, what we obtain is store-level aggregate data:
ber of consumers in each period who decide to make purchase sales and beginning inventory of each product in each store. The
decisions, Nt , which includes the consumers choosing no-purchase set of all possible (A, W) that are consistent with store-level data
option. Information about Nt can be obtained from the following is
methods: (1) recording the total number of transactions in each

period, see Kök and Fisher (2007); (2) using demographic informa-

tion to estimate the number of consumers that would make pur- (S, B ) = (A, W )
atni j = 1{n−1 wtli j<bti }j , wtni j = sti j , wtni j ≤ atni j ,
chase decisions, see Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995); (3) using
market share to estimate the market size, see Vulcano et al. (2012). (7)
In the following, we proceed to use the store-level aggregate data where S = {sti j } and B = {bti j }. The first constraint in (7) is used to
to formulate the likelihood function and then estimate our model describe that product j at store i is available to consumer n only
parameters θ (θ = (v, γ ) in the Nested Logit model and θ = ( p, α ) when its sales before n does not exceed the beginning inventory.
in the Exogenous Substitution model). The second constraint ensures that the choice indicator w is con-
There have been two approaches in the literature to formulate sistent with sales. The last constraint ensures that consumers can
the likelihood function using store-level data. The first one uses purchase product j at store i only when it is available. Summing
only sales information without concerning each consumer’s pur- over all possible (A, W), the likelihood function conditioning on
chase record (Anupindi et al., 1998; Conlon & Mortimer, 2013). store-level aggregate data (S, B) can be expressed as:
They treat each stockout time as the missing data and then use
the Expectation–Maximization algorithm to estimate the model L(θ|S, B ) = L(θ|A, W )P (A, W |S, B ), (8)
parameters and missing data iteratively. The main drawback is (A,W )∈(S,B )
104 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

where P(A, W|S, B) is the probability of observing (A, W) condition- record simultaneously, we apply the Gibbs sampling algorithm to
ing on (S, B). update a segment of the purchase record by swapping the choices
The traditional way to estimate model parameters θ is directly of two consumers at a time (while maintaining those of other con-
seeking θ ∗ that maximizes the likelihood function (8). However, sumers unchanged) and repeat until the entire purchase record is
since there are too many possible (A, W) for a given (S, B), it is updated (see Chen & Yang, 2007).
unrealistic to calculate the summation over all possible (A, W). In- More specifically, for each period t, we first partition the total
stead, we treat (A, W) as latent parameters and then use a MCMC- Nt consumers into Nt /2 pairs of consumers (Step 1.1). We then
based Bayesian to estimate the model parameter θ . (in Step 1.2) swap the consumer choices in each pair of consumers
to obtain a new purchase record (i.e., the available set A and con-
5. Estimation sumer choices W ). We use the Gibbs sampling method to sample
between the two purchase records (namely, (A, W) and (A , W )),
In this section, we describe the MCMC estimation method and accept the proposed (A , W ) using the acceptance/rejection
(Algorithm 1). There are two types of parameters: the augmented rule with the acceptance ratio as
data (A, W) as latent data/parameters and the parameters of our
Pr{(A , W  )|θ (r−1) }
consumer choice model θ (i.e., (v, γ ) in the NL model, or (p, α) in Pr{(A , W  )|θ (r−1) } =
the ES model).
Pr{(A, W )|θ (r−1) } + Pr{(A, W )|θ (r−1) }
L(θ (r−1) |A , W  )
= . (9)
Algorithm 1 The simultaneous estimation algorithm. L(θ (r−1) |A , W  ) + L(θ (r−1) |A, W )
Input: S, B, N, π (θ ), R (Maximum number of iterations). In Appendix B, we provide an illustrative example on the parti-
Output: θˆ tion of consumers and the generation of the new purchase record
Step 0. Initialization. (A , W ). We repeat Steps 1.1 and 1.2 for all the periods t, t =
Set the prior distribution of θ , π (θ ), to include researchers’ 1, . . . , T to update the entire purchase record (A, W). Note that we
belief. drop the period index t for notation simplicity. We refer interested
Sample θ (0 ) according to π (θ ). readers to Musalem et al. (2009, 2010) for more details.
Sample (A, W ) ∈ (S, B ). In Step 2, given the purchase record (A, W) updated in Step
Set the iteration counter r = 1. 1, we use a hybrid Gibbs sampling method (embedding the
Step 1. Update the purchase record (A, W ) given θ (r−1 ) . Metropolis–Hastings algorithm within Gibbs sampling) to sample
For t = 1, . . . , T , do the model parameters θ .
Step 1.1 Partition. The Gibbs sampling method allow us to sample θ (i.e., v and γ
Randomly partition the total Nt consumers into Nt /2 in the NL model, p and α in the ES model) sequentially in each
pairs. iteration. However, sampling θ from their conditional posterior
Step 1.2 Updating the purchase record (A, W ) given θ (r−1 ) . distributions is challenging. We use the independent Metropolis–
For each pair of consumers in the partition, do Hastings algorithm to sample θ , in which the proposal distribution
Swap their purchase choices and obtain a new is set to be π (θ ). More specifically, we sample a proposal θ  from
purchase record (A , W  ). π (θ ) and accept θ  as θ (r) using the acceptance/rejection rule with
Sample RAND from the uniform distribution U (0, 1 ). the acceptance ratio as
L (θ (r−1 ) |A ,W  )  
If RAND < Pr{accept} = L(θ  |A, W )
L (θ (r−1 ) |A ,W  )+L (θ (r−1 ) |A,W )
Pr{accept} = min ,1 . (10)
Set A = A , W = W  . L(θ (r−1) |A, W )
Step 2. Update θ (r ) given (A, W ).
Sample θ  from the prior (proposal) distribution π (θ ). Otherwise, we reject θ  and set θ (r) to be θ (r−1 ) . The derivation of
Eq. (10) is in Appendix C.
Sample RAND from the uniform distribution U (0, 1 ). As mentioned above, to avoid the dimensionality issue, we up-
L (θ  |A,W )
If RAND < Pr{accept} = min ,1
L (θ (r−1 ) |A,W ) date θ sequentially in each iteration. Next, we use the estimation
Set θ (r ) = θ  . of the NL model parameters as an example, where we estimate v
Else and γ sequentially.
Set θ (r ) = θ (r−1 ) . Given the purchase record (A, W) and store dissimilarity param-
Step 3 Stopping rule. eter γ (r−1 ) , the p.d.f. of the conditional posterior distribution of v
If r ≤ R is proportional to
Set r = r + 1 and go to Step 1.
π (v )L(v, γ = γ (r−1) |A, W ). (11)
Else (Termination)
Take the average of second half of θ (r ) , r = R/2 + 1, . . . , R, as We set the proposal distribution to be π (v) and use the indepen-
the estimation θˆ, dent Metropolis–Hastings algorithm to sample a proposal v . The
θˆ ← (θ (R/2+1) + · · · + θ (R) )/(R/2 ). acceptance probability of v is
Calculate the empirical cumulative distribution of second L(v , γ (r−1) |A, W )
half of θ (r ) , and then obtain the double-sided Pr{accept} = min ,1 . (12)
L(v(r−1) , γ (r−1) |A, W )
95% confidence interval.
We set v(r) to be v if we accept it. Otherwise, we set v(r) to be
At the beginning of the algorithm (Step 0), we initialize the val- v(r−1) .
ues of the purchase record (A, W) and the model parameters θ . We Next, given (A, W) and v(r) , similarly we sample γ  from its
also initialize the iteration counter r. prior distribution π (γ ) and accept it with probability
In the r th iteration, we first update the purchase record (A, W) L(v(r ) , γ  |A, W )
given θ (r−1 ) (Step 1). The Gibbs sampling algorithm is an MCMC Pr{accept} = min ,1 . (13)
L(v(r ) , γ (r−1) |A, W )
sampling algorithm that allows us to sample variables sequentially
based on their conditional distributions when direct sampling is The sequential update of the model parameters θ of the
difficult. In this paper, instead of updating the entire purchase ES model is similar, where we first update the first-choice
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 105

Fig. 4. The numerical experiment process.

probabilities p and then the substitution probabilities from α11 4. Simulation: ES → Estimation: ES → Optimization: ES →
(short notation for [α11→12 , . . . , α11→IJ ]), the substitution probabil- Evaluation: ES.
ity vector from product 1 at store 1 to other store-product combi-
We present the estimation results in Section 6.2 and the inven-
tory optimization and evaluation results in Section 6.3.
The estimation process terminates at the preset maximum
number of iterations R. Similar to Chen and Yang (2007) and 6.1.1. Demand simulation
Musalem et al. (2009, 2010), we discard the first half of estima- In the experiment, we study the situation where two small re-
tion results and take the average of the second half of θ (r ) , r = tail stores sell the same set of two products. We consider a multi-
R/2 + 1, . . . , R as θˆ . period setting with T = 20 periods. The total number of consumer
arrivals in each period is drawn from a Poisson distribution with
6. Numerical experiment mean λ = 200. Consumer arrivals in different periods are indepen-
dent of each other. In Appendix D, we further consider a setting
In this section, we perform numerical experiments to study the with two stores and three products.
two demand estimation (consumer choice) models, namely, the We use two consumer choice models to describe a consumer’s
Nested Logit model and the Exogenous Substitution model. First, behavior in the simulation process. In the Nested Logit model, the
we examine the estimation error of the proposed estimation pro- product utilities are (v11 , v12 , v21 , v22 ) = (0.5, 0, −0.5, −1 ) and the
cedure. Second, we study the value of information on consumer store dissimilarity parameter γ is 0.4. In the Exogenous Substitu-
purchase records. Finally, we compare the two demand estimation tion model, the first-choice probabilities are ( p11 , p12 , p21 , p22 ) =
models in terms of the optimal beginning inventory levels and ex- (0.27, 0.16, 0.18, 0.11 ). The Exogenous Substitution matrix is
pected profit. In the following, we start with the description of the
experimental design. ( 1, 1 ) ( 1, 2 ) ( 2, 1 ) ( 2, 2 )
⎛ ⎞
( 1, 1 ) − 0.66 0.11 0.06
6.1. Design of experiment ( 1, 2 ) ⎜ 0.72 − 0.09 0.05 ⎟
( 2, 1 ) ⎝ 0.15 0.09 − 0.59 ⎠.
The framework of the numerical experiment is shown in Fig. 4. ( 2, 2 ) 0.13 0.08 0.66 −
Given a specific setting on the consumer arrival rates and begin-
ning inventory levels, the simulation module simulates consumers’ To make the Nested Logit model and the Exogenous Substitu-
first-choice and substitution behavior. The output of the simulation tion model comparable, we set the parameters of the two models
model is each product’s sales at each store. The estimation mod- to be consistent with each other. That is, the first-choice probabil-
ule then estimates the parameters of a chosen demand estimation ities in the Nested Logit model and Exogenous Substitution model
model (“belief”), based on which the optimization module solves are exactly the same; the substitution matrix in the Exogenous
for the optimal beginning inventory levels. Finally, the evaluation Substitution model is parallel to the virtual substitution probabil-
module evaluates the optimal beginning inventory levels under the ities constructed by (3) in the Nested Logit model. Because of the
true model (“reality”). existence of no-purchase option, the sum of first-choice probabil-
We would like to note that the consumer choice models in ities and the sum of each row in the substitution matrix of the
the estimation and optimization modules are consistent with each Exogenous Substitution model are both strictly less than 1. In addi-
other. One chooses a consumer choice model based on his “be- tion, we also study a symmetric substitution matrix which cannot
lief” and estimates the model parameters and then uses the same be well approximately by an NL model and present the experiment
model to optimize the beginning inventory levels accordingly. In in Appendix E.
addition, the consumer choice models in the simulation and eval- We summarize the setting of beginning inventory levels in the
uation modules are the same, since we want to use the “reality” to simulation module in Table 4. We investigate the impact of begin-
evaluate a given set of beginning inventory levels. ning inventory levels by reducing the beginning inventory level of
Based on what we discussed above, we construct the following (1, 1) (denoting product 1 at store 1) from 65 to 45 and fixing the
four sets of experiments: beginning inventory levels of (1, 2), (2, 1) and (2, 2) at high inven-
tory positions. In each simulation setting, the beginning inventory
1. Simulation: NL → Estimation: NL → Optimization: NL → levels remain constant across all 20 periods. (Actually, our estima-
Evaluation: NL; tion procedure can be applied to any arbitrary inventory policies
2. Simulation: NL → Estimation: ES → Optimization: ES → as long as each period’s beginning and ending inventory levels can
Evaluation: NL; be observed. Here, we fix the beginning inventory levels for sim-
3. Simulation: ES → Estimation: NL → Optimization: NL → plicity.) For notation simplification, we omit the period index t and
Evaluation: ES; use bij to represent the beginning inventory level of (i, j).
106 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

Fig. 5. Estimation results when the simulation model and estimation model are both NL.

Table 4
Beginning inventory levels in the simulation model.

Store-product Arrival rate (λpij ) Beginning inventory (bij ) Corresponding stockout prob. (%)

(1, 1) 53.02 65, 60, 55, 50, 45 5, 15, 40, 63, 85

(1, 2) 32.16 45 1
(2, 1) 35.54 50 1
(2, 2) 21.56 32 1

6.1.2. Demand estimation than 17.3% and overestimate p12 by no more than 15.5%. As b11 in-
In the demand estimation module, we estimate the demand pa- creases, the estimation of p11 and p12 become more accurate. On
rameters based on the assumed consumer choice models, e.g., ei- the other hand, the estimation results of p21 and p22 are less af-
ther the Nested Logit model or the Exogenous Substitution model, fected by b11 and remain close to their true values.
using Algorithm 1. Intuitively, when b11 is low, more unsatisfied demand from
We use weakly informative prior distributions. In the Nested (1, 1) can be recaptured by other available alternatives. Under our
Logit model, utility parameters vi j are drawn from uniform dis- numerical setting, in-store substitution outweighs cross-store sub-
tribution U (−2, 1 ), and store dissimilarity parameter γ is drawn stitution and thus most unsatisfied demand from (1, 1) is recap-
from U(0.1, 0.9). In the Exogenous Substitution model, the prior tured by (1, 2). Thus, the sales of (1, 1) is smaller and the sales of
distributions of the first-choice probabilities and substitution prob- (1, 2) is larger, in contrast to their primary demand. Consequently,
abilities are all flat Dirichlet distributions. The total number of it- p11 is underestimated and p12 is overestimated. As b11 increases,
erations in each estimation process is set to be 20,0 0 0 and the last the chance of stockout and the consequent substitution decreases.
10,0 0 0 iterations are used for estimation. Therefore, the estimation accuracies of the first-choice probabilities
6.2. Estimation results Figs. 5(b) and 6(b) show that, when the underlying “reality” is
governed by the Nested Logit model, the Nested Logit estimation
We report the estimation results of the Nested Logit model and model significantly outperforms the Exogenous Substitution esti-
the Exogenous Substitution model, under the assumptions that the mation model in estimating substitution probabilities. While the
underlying “reality” (simulation) follows either the Nested Logit former is able to estimate the substitution probabilities accurately,
model or the Exogenous Substitution model. the latter can hardly distinguish among the different substitution
For the purpose of explicit comparison of the two estimation probabilities, especially when b11 is relatively high. The results may
models, when the estimation model is the Nested Logit model, we indicate the importance of capturing the consumer behaviors and
convert the estimation results from the utilities and store dissim- identifying the correct consumer choice model. We will continue
ilarity to the first-choice probabilities and substitution probabili- this discussion in Section 6.2.2.
ties, computed by (1) and (3). As (1, 2), (2, 1) and (2, 2) have a
low stockout probability, we only present the estimation results of 6.2.2. When consumer choices follow the Exogenous Substitution
α 11 → 12 , α 11 → 21 and α 11 → 22 . model
When the consumer choices follow the Exogenous Substitution
6.2.1. When consumer choices follow the Nested Logit model model, Figs. 7 and 8 show the results of the two estimation models
When consumer choices follow the Nested Logit model, Figs. 5 under different beginning inventory levels of (1, 1). Again, in each
and 6 show the results of the two estimation models under differ- plot, the dash lines with the corresponding markers represent the
ent beginning inventory levels of (1, 1). In each plot, the dash lines true values of the model parameters. We also report the confidence
with the corresponding markers represent the true values of the intervals of the estimated parameters in Appendix F.
model parameters. We also report the confidence intervals of the We observe similar results as in the previous section. The only
estimated parameters in Appendix F. From Figs. 5(a) and 6(a), we difference is that the estimation accuracy of substitution proba-
observe that the two estimation models obtain similar estimation bilities of the Nested Logit model is relatively lower, comparing
results on the first-choice probabilities. More specifically, when the Figs. 5(b) and 7(b). We may have expected that the Exogenous
beginning inventory b11 is low, we underestimate p11 by no more Substitution model performs better (than the Nested Logit model)
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 107

Fig. 6. Estimation results when the simulation model is NL and estimation model is ES.

Fig. 7. Estimation results when the simulation model is ES and estimation model is NL.

Fig. 8. Estimation results when the simulation model and estimation model are both ES.

when the underlying “reality” is governed by the same model, but larger freedom and, more importantly, can only be estimated by
the results are counter-intuitive. the sales data of the stockout periods. These differences explain
As discussed in Section 3.4, the substitution probabilities are the results observed above.
jointly determined by utilities and store dissimilarity parameter in In Section 6.2.3, we investigate whether the information on the
the Nested Logit model. Thus, the sales data of all the periods can purchase records can help improve the estimation accuracies of the
be used to estimate the substitution probabilities. However, in the Exogenous Substitution estimation model (substitution probabili-
Exogenous Substitution model, the substitution probabilities have ties in particular).
108 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

Fig. 9. Estimation results when the simulation model and estimation model are both ES and purchase records are known.

6.2.3. The value of information on consumers’ purchase records parameters (substitution probabilities in particular), we need to set
In a small retail store, the store owner may be able to obtain a low beginning inventory level and obtain the purchase records at
the consumers’ purchase records by installing a Point of Sale (PoS) the same time.
system. We are interested in how much the availability of the con- Note that the individual transaction data can help better esti-
sumers’ purchase records may help improve the estimation accu- mate the number of consumer arrivals. However, even if available
racy of the Exogenous Substitution model. in the type of environment that we study, individual transaction
We use the same data sets as in Section 6.2.2, together with the data would only record consumers who have made a purchase, but
true purchase records to estimate the model parameters. In the es- lack information on consumers without purchase. Therefore, accu-
timation process, we use the true purchase records instead of the rate estimation of the total number of consumer arrivals (including
simulated purchase records in Step 1 of Algorithm 1. Other steps those without purchasing) is challenging in any retail setting. One
in Algorithm 1 remain the same. We present the estimation results may need to resort to exogenous information for the estimation.
in Fig. 9. For comparison purpose, we also present the estimation In Kök and Fisher (2007), the authors use the sales transaction
results without the purchase records (i.e., the estimation results as of all products to estimate the total number of consumer arrivals,
in Fig. 8(b)) using dash-dot lines. Again, the dash lines with the with an assumption that the number of consumers who visited the
corresponding markers represent the true values of the model pa- store but did not purchase anything is negligible. Musalem et al.
rameters. (2010) suggest that the total number of consumer arrivals can pos-
The first main observation is that the information on con- sibly be obtained using demographic information to estimate the
sumers’ purchase records helps improve the estimation accuracies size of the market. Vulcano et al. (2012) also suggest to use a re-
of first-choice probabilities when the beginning inventory level is tailer’s market share or potential to estimate the market size.
low. As observed in Fig. 9(a), the estimation results of first-choice In our setting, traditional small retail stores adapt well to their
probabilities are centered around their true values, at all the be- residential neighborhood and store owners often possess good
ginning inventory levels. Recall that without purchase records, the knowledge of their consumers. Rather than knowing the exact
first-choice probabilities are underestimated when the beginning number of consumer arrivals each day, it is reasonable to assume
inventory level is low (as shown in Fig. 8(a)). The results sug- that a store owner has a good knowledge about the average num-
gest that, when the beginning inventory level is low, we can esti- ber of consumer arrivals per day. Therefore, we have experimented
mate the first-choice probabilities better with consumers’ purchase on replacing the total number of consumer arrivals in each period
records. with the mean value (λ = 200) yet keeping the remaining settings
Another observation is that the information on consumers’ pur- the same as in Section 6.1.1. The results of these experiments are
chase records significantly improves the estimation accuracies of very similar to those reported above, so this method appears to
substitution probabilities when the beginning inventory level is be quite robust. Consequently, using the average number of con-
low. Fig. 9(b) shows that, when b11 is low, the estimation results of sumer arrivals may be in general a reasonable and robust way to
substitution probabilities are more accurate with purchase records deal with this challenging problem.
information (than those without purchase records information). As
b11 increases, the improvement becomes less significant. This is
reasonable. As the beginning inventory level increases, fewer stock- 6.3. Inventory optimization results
outs occur and thus fewer substitution behaviors are observed.
Consequently, the estimation accuracies of substitution probabili- In this section, we explore the impact of estimation accuracy
ties are low even with purchase records information. on the inventory policies and expected profit. First, we intro-
Combining the above observations, the value of information on duce a single-period centralized control newsvendor model. Next,
consumers’ purchase records is high when the beginning inven- we apply optimization via simulation (OvS) to obtain the opti-
tory level is low. The information on the consumers’ purchase mal beginning inventory levels and then compute the correspond-
records can help improve the estimation accuracy of both the ing expected profit. Finally, we study the impact of the estima-
first-choice probabilities and the substitution probabilities. As the tion accuracy on the optimal inventory decisions and the expected
beginning inventory level increases, the value of information on profit.
the consumers’ purchase records decreases. In other words, in or- In traditional small retail stores, brand owners control the or-
der to obtain a good estimation of the Exogenous Substitution der quantities by routine store visiting and convincing up or down
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 109

Table 5
Optimal beginning inventory levels (b∗i j ) under different simulation and estimation models when unit cost is 9.

b11 in sim. model Sim. model: NL Sim. model: ES

b∗11 b∗12 b∗21 b∗22 b∗11 b∗12 b∗21 b∗22

Est: W/o Sub. 45 36 29 29 16 36 29 29 16

50 40 28 28 16 40 27 29 16
55 42 26 28 16 42 26 28 16
60 44 25 28 16 44 25 27 16
65 44 25 28 15 44 25 28 15
Est: NL 45 41 32 32 20 39 34 32 18
50 45 32 29 18 41 32 32 19
55 48 28 30 17 46 32 27 19
60 47 31 32 15 47 31 32 15
65 46 33 30 17 46 31 34 16
Est: ES 45 36 32 29 22 38 34 32 19
50 40 31 31 20 43 29 28 19
55 43 29 32 18 45 31 29 18
60 44 30 30 18 44 30 28 19
65 48 27 32 18 46 27 28 18
True value 49 29 28 20 46 29 31 16

store owners’ order quantities. Besides, there is no price competi- model, the optimal beginning inventory levels of “Est: NL” and
tion among store owners. Therefore, it is reasonable to construct “Est: ES” are both higher than those without any substitution es-
a centralized control model. We assume that all the products have timation (“Est: W/o Sub.”) for a given setting of b11 . The total de-
the same unit price m and cost c. Summing the expected profit mand is stochastically larger when consumers are more likely to
over all store-product combinations, the objective function is given substitute. Higher substitution indeed leads to lower inventory un-
by der a fixed service level. However, higher substitution may not
decrease inventory levels when the goal is to maximize profit. A
max E[(b, d E )] = mE[min(diEj , bi j )] − cbi j , (14) seller may have incentives to keep more inventory in order to real-
(i, j )∈C ize more sales. Considering the impact of stockout and substitution
can bring additional benefits to holding inventory as it can be fur-
where diEj represents the effective demand of (i, j), including both
ther used to satisfy spill-over demands from other products. Then,
first-choice and substitution demand. because the marginal benefit of holding inventory is increasing, the
We use OvS to solve (14) and obtain the optimal beginning in- optimal inventory level is increasing. This observation suggests that
ventory levels. First, we build the two consumer choice models us- store owners should carry more with substitution.
ing AnyLogic University 7.0.2. Second, given the consumer choice It is worth mentioning that, Rajaram and Tang (2001) find
model and its parameters, we use the OptQuest optimization en- that optimal beginning inventory levels under substitution may be
gine embedded in the software to solve (14), to find the candidate higher or lower than those without substitution, depending on the
optimal beginning inventory levels. Third, we use the “cleanup” underlying parameters. Our results imply that the optimal begin-
procedure (Hong & Nelson, 2009; Nelson, 2010) to select the best ning inventory levels are higher when considering stockout and
inventory policy among the candidates, to address the variability substitution. Considering the impact of stockout and substitution
issue in OvS. Finally, once we obtain the optimal beginning in- can bring additional benefits to holding inventory as it can be fur-
ventory levels, we compute the corresponding expected profit by ther used to satisfy spill-over demands from other products. Then,
simulation. because the marginal benefit of holding inventory is increasing, the
optimal inventory level is increased.
6.3.1. Baseline results-unit cost = 9 We now study the evaluation results. In Fig. 10, we plot the
Traditional small retail store owners operate in a relatively evaluation results under different simulation and estimation mod-
low profit margin environment. In our experiments, we set the els. Note that the expected profit is based on the optimal inven-
unit price m = 10 and the unit cost c = 9 (i.e., profit margin of tory level under the estimated parameters θˆ of the correspond-
around 10%). Table 5 shows the inventory optimization results un- ing estimation model (“belief”), evaluated under the true parame-
der different simulation and estimation models. In Table 5, we also ters θ of the corresponding simulation model (“reality”). Fig. 10(a)
present the optimization results of another two models as bench- shows the case when the simulation model is the Nested Logit
marks. The first model “Est: W/o Sub.” directly uses the percent- model and Fig. 10(b) shows the case when the simulation model
ages of sales as the choice probabilities and ignores stockout and is the Exogenous Substitution model. Again, in each graph, we
substitution effects. The other model is the underlying true model add evaluation results of “Est: W/o Sub.” and “True value” as
with the exact values of the simulation model parameters (“True benchmarks.
Value”). An important finding is that considering stockout and substi-
First, we observe in Table 5 that, the optimal beginning inven- tution can significantly increase the expected profit. In Fig. 10(a),
tory level is lower if we underestimate the first-choice probabili- under all the five beginning inventory levels, the expected prof-
ties. In Table 5, under both the Nested Logit estimation model and its of “Est: NL” and “Est: ES” are much higher than those of “Est:
the Exogenous Substitution estimation model, b∗11 increases with W/o Sub.”. This observation also holds under the Exogenous Sub-
b11 in the simulation model. Only slight violation can be found stitution simulation model (see Fig. 10(b)). The results imply that
when b11 is high (e.g., 55–65), but this is due to the fact that we it is beneficial to recognize the substitution behavior when facing
cannot avoid the variability issue in OvS. stockouts and to take it into account in demand estimation and
Furthermore, optimal beginning inventory levels are higher inventory decisions, even if the substitution estimation itself may
with substitution. As shown in Table 5, under either simulation not be very accurate.
110 M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111

Fig. 10. Expected profits (evaluation results) under different simulation and estimation models when unit cost is 9.

Fig. 11. Expected profits (evaluation results) under different simulation and estimation models when unit cost is 7.

Fig. 12. Expected profits (evaluation results) under different simulation and estimation models when unit cost is 5.

6.3.2. Varying unit cost and also less accurate estimation of the substitution probabili-
Next, we further examine our observations in Section 6.3.1 un- ties. Therefore, the benefit of considering the substitution behavior
der different profit margins. To do so, we fix the unit price m = 10 diminishes.
and vary the unit price as c = 7 and c = 5. Figs. 11 and 12 show We repeat the simulation and estimation process under the re-
the expected profits of these two cases. versed NL sequence, in which consumers first select among dif-
Comparing Figs. 10–12, we observe that, when the profit mar- ferent products and then choose stores in Appendix A. We then
gin increases (or the unit cost decreases), the gaps between the apply the analysis process to the two-store three-product case in
expected profits of the three estimation models (i.e., estimating Appendix D and study the case where the simulation model is
without substitution, the Nested Logit model and the Exogenous the ES model and employ a symmetric substitution matrix that
Substitution model) become smaller. When the profit margin is cannot be well approximately by an NL model in Appendix E. We
high (or the unit cost is low), the store owners tend to increase find that the estimation results are similar to those of the original
the beginning inventory levels, which results in less stockouts experiment.
M. Wan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 266 (2018) 99–111 111

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Risk and Operations Division, Columbia Business School.
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Supplementary material associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.09.014.

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