Eighth Semester B.A.LL.B. Five Years Course (C.B.S.) Examination Health Law Compulsory Paper-5

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Eighth Semester B.A.LL.B. Five Years Course (C.B.S.) Examination
Compulsory Paper—5
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :— (1) Attempt all sections. Section A consists of 10 marks, Section B consists of 30 marks
and Section C consists of 40 marks.
(2) Follow the instructions given in each section.
(3) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Choose the correct alternative (any TEN) :
(i) Ancient India produced the ‘father of surgery’ the great :
(a) Kautilya (b) Shusruta
(c) Atharv (d) Manu
(ii) The first case which recognized Right to Health and Medical Assistance as a Fundamental
Right is :
(a) Paramananda Katara Vs. Union of India
(b) Paschim Bang Khet Mazdoor Samiti Vs. State of W.B.
(c) Consumer Education and Research Centre Vs. Union of India
(d) Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. Vs. Employee’s State Insurance Corpn.
(iii) The oldest code of medical ethics is the :
(a) Hippocratic Oath (b) Declaration of Geneva
(c) The Pledge of Florence Nightingale (d) The Pharmacists Oath
(iv) ______ means causing painless death to a person suffering from hopelessly incurable and painful
(a) Euthanasias (b) Mercy Killing
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above
(v) For termination of pregnancy consent of the ______ is essential.
(a) Husband and Wife (b) Only Pregnant woman
(c) Family (d) All the above
(vi) 12 weeks of pregnancy known as :
(a) First trimester (b) Second trimester
(c) Third trimester (d) None of above
(vii) Pre-natal diagnostic test means ______ of a pregnant woman to detect genetic and sex linked
(a) Ultrasonography (b) Analysis of amniotic fluid
(c) Test of chorionic villi, blood (d) All the above

BKR—6088 1 (Contd.)
(viii) Section ______ of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex
Selection) Act, 1994 prohibits the registered medical practitioner to communicate to the pregnant
woman concerned and her relative about the sex of the foetus by words, signs, or in any other
(a) Sec. 5 (b) Sec. 6
(c) Sec. 7 (d) Sec. 8
(ix) As per the Indian Penal Code, causing miscarriage is an offence under Sections :
(a) 312 to 316 (b) 268 to 278
(c) 284 to 286 (d) 268 to 286
(x) As per the Mental Health Act, 1987 a person may be involuntarily admitted only if :
(a) He or she had a mental illness diagnosed under internationally accepted medical standards
(b) There is a serious likelihood of immediate harm to the person or others

(c) The person is severely mentally ill and has impaired judgement, there will be serious deterioration

of his/her condition

(d) All the above

(xi) In the case of live donation, a registered Medical Practitioner has to satisfy himself :

(a) That the donor has given his authorisation
(b) Donor is in proper state of health and is fit to donate the organ
(c) That the donor is a near relative of the recipient and approved by competent authority
(d) All the above
(xii) ______ means the stage at which all functions of the brain-stem have permanently and irreversibly

ceased and is so certified under Section (6) of Section 3 of the Transplantation of Human Organs

Act, 1994.

(a) Brain-steam-death (b) Brain death


(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of above


(xiii) DNA (Deoxyribo-Nucleic-Acid) tests was developed by :


(a) Prof. Alec Jeffreys of U.K. (b) Hippocrates of Island of Cos in Greece
(c) Tardieu of France (d) M.P. Orfila of France
(xiv) ______ is a professional body with which the medical practitioners are associated as members.
(a) Indian Medical Association (b) Medical Council of India
(c) State Medical Councils (d) Pharmacy Council of India
(xv) The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act
passed in the year :
(a) 1994 (b) 1971
(c) 1987 (d) 1996 1×10=10

BKR—6088 2 NIR/KW/18/7491

Note :— Both the questions in this section are compulsory.
2. Answer the following (any THREE) :
(a) Write a note on Health Insurance.
(b) Explain Stem Cell Therapy.
(c) Write a note on Surrogacy.
(d) Write a note on UNICEF. 5×3=15
3. Write short notes on (any THREE) :
(a) Medical Tourism
(b) Paramedical Profession
(c) AIDS
(d) Bio-Medical Waste. 5×3=15
Note :— Answer any FIVE questions of the following .
4. “Right to Health is a Fundamental Right under Art. 21 of the Indian Constitution”. Comment in the light
of judicial decisions.
5. “Right to clean environment is a part and parcel of right to Health”. Explain in the light of Supreme
Court judgements.
6. Enumerate the rights and duties of the registered medical practitioner towards patients, colleagues and
7. What is object of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 ? State when pregnancy of woman
may be terminated by registered practitioner.
8. Discuss the various types of donors, who can transplant organ and tissue with consent of concerned
competent authority.
9. Explain the role of Judiciary in protecting the rights of the mentally ill person.
10. Define the term Professional Negligence. What are the civil remedies available to the aggrieved
party ?
11. Explain the contribution of WHO and UNICEF in promoting the global health standards.

BKR—6088 3 NIR/KW/18/7491


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