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Eighth Semester B.A. LL.B. 5 Years Course (C.B.S.) Examination
Compulsory Paper—5
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) Attempt all sections, Section A consists of 10 marks, Section B consists of 30 marks
and Section C consists of 40 marks.
(2) Follow the instructions given in each section.
(3) Marks are indicated against each question.
1. Choose the correct alternative (any TEN) : 1×10=10
(i) “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an
absence of disease and infirmity.” This definition is given by :
(a) Indian Constitution—Art 39(e) (b) UNICEF
(c) World Health Organization (d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(ii) As per Section 33(a) of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, medical ethics is based on :
(a) Manusmruti (b) Charak Samhita
(c) Ayurveda (d) None of above
(iii) ______ is called as ‘Father of Indian Surgery’.
(a) Sushruta (b) Charak
(c) Kautilya (d) Manu
(iv) The first medical college of British India in 1835 was established in 1835 at ______.
(a) Bombay (b) Kolkata
(c) Madras (d) Delhi
(v) Miraculous mantras, medicine for weight gain or loss is prohibited under, ______.
(a) Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
(b) Drugs Control Act, 1950
(c) Pharmacy Act, 1948
(d) Drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisement) Act, 1954
(vi) ______ has the control over clinical trial.
(a) Ethics Review Committee (b) Investigator
(c) Health Minister (d) Government Medical Officer
(vii) ______ refers to the behaviours the medical professionals with moral integrity.
(a) Courtsey (b) Customs
(c) Morals (d) Medical Ethics

RQA—1479 1 (Contd.)
(viii) The Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act was enacted in the year :
(a) 1990 (b) 1994
(c) 1984 (d) 1998
(ix) Guidelines for Human experimentation are known as :
(a) Experimentation Guidelines (b) Code of Ethics
(c) Nuremberg Code (d) Helsinki Declaration
(x) Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 was enacted on the recommendations
of :
(a) Shantilal Shah Committee (b) Law Commission
(c) Sunderlal Shah Committee (d) None of above
(xi) Consent is not free if it is caused by :
(a) Coercion (b) Undue influence

(c) Misrepresentation (d) All of above

(xii) ______ is the major principle of medical ethics that states that physicians and other medical

professionals must act in the best interest of the patient.

(a) Justice (b) Autonomy

(c) Confidentiality (d) Beneficience
(xiii) In ______ case it was held that “right to life include right to health”.
(a) Mohinder Singh Chawla v/s. State of Punjab
(b) Suchita Srivastava v/s. Chndigarh Administration
(c) Sabri Tabrizi v/s. Lothian

(d) None of above


(xiv) ‘Res ipsa locquitor’ means :


(a) Facts speak for itself (b) Superior is responsible


(c) Law is divine (d) Both (a) and (c)


(xv) Full form of AIDS is :


(a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(b) Addicted Internal Deficiency Stage
(c) None of above
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Note :— Both the questions in this section are compulsory.
2. Answer the following (any THREE) : 5×3=15
(a) Explain right to emergency medical care.
(b) Explain UNICEF.
(c) Explain genetic engineering.
(d) Explain the constitutional provisions relating to health.

RQA—1479 2 NJR/KS/18/8409
3. Write short notes on (any THREE) : 5×3=15
(a) Right to confidentiality v/s. Duty to disclose
(b) Biomedical waste
(c) Overview of AIDS and law
(d) Salient features of Mental Health Act, 1987.

Note :— Answer any FIVE questions of the following. 8×5=40
4. “Law regulates the medical profession from ancient time.’ In the light of above statement,
explain the inter-relationship between law and medicine by giving suitable examples.
5. Discuss the rights of patients in the light of Doctor-patient relationship.
6. Write a detailed note on Human experimentation.
7. What is medical negligence ? What are the principles of liability for medical negligence ?
Explain with the help of case laws.
8. Discuss the salient features of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 and analyse its
social impact.
9. Explain the various laws to regulate medical education and medical profession in India ? Do you
think that they are proved effective to regulate the medical profession ? Justify your answer.
10. Discuss the characteristics of Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994.
11. Write notes on (any TWO) :
(a) Role of World Health Organization
(b) Right to life vis a vis right to health
(c) Issues revolving around surrogacy in India.

RQA—1479 3 NJR/KS/18/8409

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