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What kind of person you consider yourself

Wat kaind off person iu cunsider yourself

R: I consider myself an active, responsible and very dedicated person

Ai cunsider maiself an activ, responsibol end very dedicaited person

2. What is your education level

Wat is yur educaishon level

R: my level of education is graduated from high school

Mai level off educaishon is gradueiret from haiscoll

3. What are you good at

Wat ar iu gud at

R: I am good at Excel and computer programs

Ai am gud at excel end compuirer programs

4. What are you not good at

Wat ar iu nat gud at

R: I'm not good when they push me

Ai am nat gud wen dhey push mi

5. What situations make you feel bad

Wat situeshons meik iu fil bad

R: I feel bad when my mom is sad

Ai fil bad wen mai mom is sad

6. What situations make you feel Good

Wat situeshons meik iu fil gud

R: I feel great when my whole family gets together

Ai fil greit wen mai houl femly gets tugeder

7. What motivates you to keep on going

Wat moriveits iu tu kip on gouing

R: my mom and my partner definitely

Mai mom end mai parnet deffinily

8. What actions you often do that make you feel proud of

Wat actshions iu offten du dat meik iu fil praud of

R: help stray dogs and find them a home

Jelp sstrei dogs end find den a houm

9. What you do when you face negative situations

Wat iu du wen iu feiss negerivf situeshions

R: try to solve them in the best way

Truay tu soulv demp in de best uei

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