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by Ken Ham

n Romans 1:20, Paul makes it Creator and is a creationist, he will be ation and recognizing a Designer is a
clear that, from what we observe separated from God forever, just as an futile exercise unless a person comes
around us, a Creator obviously atheist will, unless he receives the free to know the Creator/Redeemer, who
exists. If someone doesn’t believe this, gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is revealed in the written Word of God
they are without excuse: “For since (see John 14:6). Otherwise, that per- (the Bible).
the creation of the world His invisible son cannot spend eternity in heaven After all, nature alone does not tell
attributes are clearly seen, being un- with the Lord. us what we need to know in order to be
derstood by the things that are made, So, from a biblical perspective, it is saved. Rather, we must turn to God’s
even His eternal power and Godhead, not good enough for us just to see a written revelation for the answers:
so that they are without excuse.” person converted from evolutionism “So then faith comes by hearing, and
The Bible also plainly says in Ro- to creationism! God did not fill the hearing by the word of God” (Romans
mans 10:9 that we need to do more universe with His glory just so we 10:17). Also, Isaiah 55:11 states, “So
than recognize our Creator: “If you could be awed by it—He wanted us to shall My word be that goes forth from
confess with your mouth the Lord Je- turn to Him, to know Him, to submit My mouth; it shall not return to Me
sus and believe in your heart that God our lives to Him, and to enjoy Him void, but it shall accomplish what I
has raised Him from the dead, you forever. From the perspective of un- please, and it shall prosper in the thing
will be saved.” derstanding the ultimate meaning of for which I sent it.” The Word of God,
So even if a person believes in a life, merely seeing the wonders of cre- not man’s words, convicts people and

64 A n s w e r s M AG A ZI N E .C O M July – Sept. 2008

From a biblical perspective,
it is not good enough just to
see a person converted from
evolution to creation.
we must recognize the ultimate need unique plan of salvation and restora-
of each human. If we leave the Cre- tion. Otherwise, their listeners might
ator’s identity a mystery, we invite put their faith in good works and seek
people to consider all sorts of gods as after a Hindu god, a New Age god, or
this possible intelligence, instead of the Muslim god.
the one true Creator God. As Paul teaches us in Romans 10:14–
Mankind’s sinful heart is too cor- 15, we must share the whole message
rupt to find God without the Scrip- of the Creator, including the sacrifice
tures. Jeremiah 17:9 states, “The heart of His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the pen-
is deceitful above all things, and des- alty for our sins, which God planned
perately wicked.” before the beginning of time:
Ephesians 2:1 explains that humans “How then shall they call on Him
are “dead in trespasses and sins.” Hu- in whom they have not believed? And
mans cannot raise themselves from how shall they believe in Him of whom
the dead. Only the One who has ulti- they have not heard? And how shall
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mate power over death can do that— they hear without a preacher? And
the infinite Creator God. how shall they preach unless they are
Romans 3:11 tells us that “there is sent? As it is written: How beautiful
none who understands; there is none are the feet of those who preach the
who seeks after God.” If someone is gospel of peace, who bring glad tid-
convinced that some intelligence ings of good things!”
brings them to faith in Christ. or creator must have designed the It’s not enough just to convert some-
Certainly, in a world where evo- universe, their sinful heart will not one to be a creationist. As the Great
lutionary naturalism pervades the want the true God. We are in rebel- Commission of Matthew 28 tells us,
culture, we need to show people the lion against our Creator God. People we need to preach the gospel—to see
evidence for the intelligent Creator. are more likely to pursue a false god people saved and their hearts turned
In the public schools, students are than the true One. The human heart to their Creator! Where a person
indoctrinated in the Darwinian view does not want to submit to the Word stands in relation to the Savior, the
of the origin of life and man—they’re of the One who created us. That is Lord Jesus Christ, is the most impor-
taught that everything arose by natu- the very nature of our sin, inherited tant thing in the entire universe.
ral processes with no supernatural ac- from Adam, after he rebelled against No, not all creationists will go to
tivity involved. These people need to the words God clearly gave him in the heaven, but heaven awaits all cre-
see how obvious it is that life could Garden of Eden. ationists who place their trust in Jesus
not have arisen through naturalism. Christians use many powerful argu- Christ, the Creator and Redeemer!
But it would be disastrous simply to ments to show people that they have
Ken Ham, a former public school science
show people the evidence for an intel- no excuse for denying the Creator. teacher, is the founder and president of
Answers in Genesis–USA. He has authored
ligent Designer and not to pursue the Christians must also follow through, many books concerning the authority and
however, by sharing what the Bible accuracy of God’s Word and the effects of
topic any further. When we talk to evolutionary thinking, including coauthoring
people about an intelligent Designer, reveals about the true God and His the new book Darwin’s Plantation.

July – Sept. 2008 A n s w e r s M AG A ZI N E .C O M 65

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