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A. What is ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.
1. This system is used to manage the accounting, supply chain operation, project
management, compliance and procurement.
2. ERP software that helps plan, budget, predict, and report on an organization’s financial

A.1 Module of ERP-

Sales & Marketing Module

Human Resource Accounting &

Central Database Finance Module
Management Module

Manufacturing &
Management Module

1. Manufacturing & Operations Management Module-

It includes-

• Production Planning and Control-

o This module maintains data on all production-related activities as

raw materials, sales forecasts and plans, production schedules, bill-
of-material for different products, orders for repetitive
manufacturing costs of production data, just-in-time production
plans and so on.
o It is a high-level module for managing the production function.

• Material Management-
o This module is responsible for managing inventories of consumable
and non-consumable items in the firm
o The module manages the inventory that includes purchasing billing,
storage in warehouses and bins, confirming invoices, as also
material planning.

• Plant Maintenance-

o This module help manage different manufacturing plants by keeping

data on plant equipment, maintenance schedules, service routines,
equipment warranties and contracts, and orders.

2. Sales and Marketing Module-

It includes-
• Sales Management-
o This module helps in managing a sales force by keeping data on sales
force distribution, sales calls, sales contacts, customer contacts and call
information, regional sales data, contracts and so on.

• Marketing Management-
o This part helps in planning for campaigns, costs of campaigns and
analyzing competitor data.

• Distribution Management-
o This module complements the production module in keeping track of
product distribution centers, the needs of various zones and warehouses,
and the unmet demand.

A.2 Benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning-

• Improved business insight from real-time information generated by reports
• Lower operational costs through streamlined business processes and best practices
• Enhanced collaboration from users sharing data in contracts, requisitions, and
purchase orders
• Improved efficiency through a common user experience across many business
functions and well-defined business processes
• Consistent infrastructure from the back office to the front office, with all business
activities having the same look and feel

A.2.1 Cloud ERP—A new ERP delivery model

A.2.1.2 Software-as-a-service (SaaS)

• Enter the cloud—specifically, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model for ERP.
When ERP software is delivered as a service in the cloud, it runs on a network of remote
servers instead of inside a company’s server room.

A.2.1.3 7 reasons to move to an ERP cloud solution

1. Readily adopt new and evolving SaaS technologies

LNext-generation technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI), help cloud-based

systems rapidly improve their capabilities with no need for periodic updates, unlike
your legacy system. Now, with no additional or new input from the end-user, ERP
systems continually become significantly easier to manage and use.

2. Extend the value of your existing ERP System

Augmenting and integrating legacy software with cloud applications can complement,
enhance, and supplement important tasks. This approach can breathe new life into
legacy ERP systems, giving businesses a great opportunity to start adopting cloud

3. Access new technologies

Finding cloud applications that complement your legacy ERP software modules lets
you immediately take advantage of rapidly advancing new technologies and improving
user paradigms. These provide complimentary systems that deliver immediate business
capabilities and value without a fundamental change in your operations.

4. Reduce third-party dependencies

Reporting and analytics for legacy systems typically require involvement from a third-
party vendor to generate operational business intelligence. Using cloud applications
from your legacy ERP vendor often produces the same or better intelligence without
needing an additional vendor relationship.

5. Evolve your financial systems

Legacy systems were never meant to be modern reporting engines. Cloud-based

technology was born in the last decade and developed, as a core principle, with an
entirely different mindset and understanding of not only what was possible but what
was needed to be successful for ERP platforms.
6. More robust security resources

Cloud solution service providers have large, full-time teams that are exclusively
dedicated to proactively monitoring and staying current with cloud security issues and
threats, 24 hours a day.

7. Attract in-demand talent

The next generation of young workers have grown up with seamless technology that is
mobile, easy to use, and always-on. No company that continues to rely purely with on-
premise technology will be able to recruit top talent, regardless of age.

A.3 Challenges of Enterprise Resources Planning

1. Working out which processes need to be integrated

The first challenge of ERP implementation is trying to work out which of your already existing
processes and systems would benefit from an ERP integration. And which of these would
end up impeding the workflow of your business? This is especially difficult for organisations
with different competing divisions.

2. Inadequate flexibility

If an ERP system isn’t adequately flexible, your company may have to adapt its processes to
suit the ERP for it to work. This may seem a little backwards, and the time and resources it
would take to reorganise your business and retrain your understandably reluctant team would
not seem worth it.

3. Resistance to change

Despite the clear benefits of ERP solutions, people just really don’t like change, and replacing
such an integral system will inevitably lead to resistance and delays from your team. This is
worse if your team don’t fully understand the importance of implementing your ERP.

4. Not properly vetting vendors

It happens all the time; an IT buyer is swayed by a silver-tongued marketing team, but it’s only
once the system is implemented that you realise how restricted the functionality is, and how
this will affect your existing best practices.
5. Maintenance costs

All ERP systems need regular maintenance, which comes with associated maintenance costs.
An ERP system might seem cheap to start with, but if you don’t factor in the maintenance costs
attached to it before implementation, you can end up with overwhelmingly large sums to pay.
This is yet another reason to properly vetting your vendors before making a decision.

Cloud Computing is the technology which uses internet to manage, and access data and store
them in server.

There are the following operations that we can do using cloud computing:

Developing new applications and

Storage, back up, and
Recovery of data

Streaming Videos and

Hosting blogs and Cloud Computing

Delivery of software Analysis of data

on Demand

Characterstics of Cloud Computing

Agility High Availability & Reliability

High Scalability Multi-Sharing

Maintenance Device & Location Independence

Low Cost Services in the pay-per-use mode

Advantages of Cloud Computing

1. Scalability-
• Organisation can scale their capacity if the number of users increases by
purchasing servers, adding more network capacity and buying more licenses
for the software packages it uses.
• They do not have to acquire, install and configure additional IT resources, and
avoid the risk of delays.

2. Elasticity-
• Elasticity refers to the ability of the infrastructure services to both expand and
contract depending upon the demand.
• Requirement of the cloud provider to reduce the requirement as per the

3. Measured Use-
• Price of the components and services of cloud computing can be determined
• Details report of the usage of cloud computing services can be provided to the
• We could even calculate the bits used by the employees of the client.

4. User Based Pricing-

• Cloud services are priced in different ways, including number of users, number
of resources used and amount of storage used, amongst others
• Cloud based infrastructure permits the direct measurement of the cost incur
which can help in calculating the variable cost in fixed manner.

5. Managed Services-
• Infrastructure and installation of the upgrade services is managed by the
provider which leads to the cost cutting and less man power to handle the
6. Service Levels-
• Service levels specify the quality of the facilities available to users.
• Service level may specify, for instance, the duration of time an infrastructure
has to be available without interruption or the speed or response level of a
service over a period of time.

7. Ubiquitous Access-
• It means the services present in the cloud services can be accessed anywhere
and anytime.
• Employees travelling in different part of world could access the important files
related to their work anywhere and at any time of period.

8. Heterogeneity-
• It overcomes the problem of using heavy infrastructure, upgrading or
maintenance problem for the client.
• Cloud services can be used for the various different types of hardware and

9. Reduced Setup Time-

• Cloud service doesn’t need to purchase the physical components.
• Cloud service just needs a good internet connection.
• Amazon Web services is one of the examples where less physical equipment is

10. Resource Pooling-

• It means in cloud computing resources can be shared when needed.
• If one organisation hasn’t utilised the full space and other organisation needs
more space. The remaining space of the organization cane be rented to the
other organisation.

We could take help below data for them mobiles. As it will need less internal storage
to store data and which helps the mobile to work more efficiently without any worry
to enhance their memory capacity.
Types of Cloud Structure-

Private Cloud Public Cloud

Cloud Computing

Community Cloud
Hybrid Cloud

We could use Public Cloud for Mobile Application.

Public Cloud Structure-

• A Public Cloud is a truly shared facility that allows multiple clients to use the resources
• Different can use the one facility to store various application they want to use.
• For Example- Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
• Each Provider enables a number of services and cloud products that are made
available to users, with different pricing and features.
Cloud Service Models-

Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IAAS)

Cloud Service Model

Platform-As-A-Service (PAAS) Software-As-A-Service (SAAS)

We have to use Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) to apply cloud computing service for mobile

Software-As-A-Service (SAAS)-
• SAAS is the one of the oldest and best known ways of offering services over the cloud.
• Almost all Internet users are familiar with applications such as email that are often
provided for free by firms like Google and Yahoo!.
• Zoho Office is another example of the SAAS product with rich functionality and
competes almost directly with desktop applications.
• Zoho provide, MS Word, spreadsheet, presentation tolls that present in the cloud.
• SAAS focus is on the application or functionality that is provided.
• It relives the stress to upgrade the feature without downloading and installing anything.
Elements of Smart Cities-

Elements if Smart

Sensor and Measuring Smart Transportation

1. Senor and Measuring-

One of the foundations of smart cities is that of perceiving and recording various
parameters of the city environment. This sensing is done by electronic sensors that are
distributed across the city and provide data to connected networks that store and process
this information.

2. Smart Transportation-
To avoid the problem of traffic many cities use ICT infrastructure for management of
One method to monitor traffic is using the cameras on the road where the traffic
controller will analyse the video taken by the camera.
Second method is the sensor embedded in the road asphalt to detect the flow of the
traffic. It means that the signal will turn green only if the vehicle is present.
Third method of sensing traffic is the mobile phones where the signals from the nearest
mobile tower could be used to detect traffic.
Fourth method to detect traffic is the GPS-enabled mobile device to track the traffic
and divert the traffic as per the needs.
Importance of Smart Cities are-

1. More effective, data-driven decision-making

2. Enhanced citizen and government engagement

3. Safer communities

4. Reduced environmental footprint

5. Improved transportation

6. Increased digital equity

7. New economic development opportunities

8. Efficient Public Utilities

9. Improved Infrastructure

10. Increased Workforce Engagement

Challenges of Smart Cities-
There are three challenges that every smart city faces. These challenges are-

Water Conservation

Challenges of Smart City

Pollution Control Energy Management

1. Water Conservation- Every smart city has to face this issue as drinking water level
is decreasing day by day. To conserve the water smart cities has started using sensor to
calculate the water level.
2. Pollution Control- Pollution Control is enabled by monitoring the air quality at
different level in the city. It generally measures the level of carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxide, humidity, temperature and high pressure. Sensors records the data pertaining the
level these gases. Using this data the hotspots for the high pollution is calculated.
Sensors are also used to observe the sensitive areas of the cites such as factories and
3. Energy Management- Conservation of energy requires locating and measuring the
generation, storage, distribution and consumption of energy. Each of these stages of the
energy life-cycle requires sensing and monitoring for efficient management. Energy
distribution in smart cities follows the smart grid pattern where each energy generation
and storage location is connected with the grid.

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