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Kapalbhati & Pratyahara Mudra                                        -- Lesson 17

2. Agnisar*                                                                         -- Lesson 18
3. Meditation Details                                                           -- Lesson 20
4. Tribandhas ( during Pranayama)                                        -- Lesson 23
5. Padmasanastha Uddiyana Bandha                                   -- Lesson 23
6. Eight Steps (Ashtanga  Path)                                           -- Lesson 26
7. Ujjayi Pranayama                                                            -- Lesson 27
8. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama                                            -- Lesson 28\

Lesson 1 , 2, 3

No time for gym.

Walk to the office, climb stairs, take a walk instead of chai, delivery the document to the other person
directly and not by calling the peon. Walk in a park.

How do you sleep at night:

Sideways: calm and peaceful people. Not excitable and not sensitive. Steady and do what they are
expected to do and get most out of life. They do not drive themselves crazy while attempting to go

Sleeping face down:

Serious and stubborn, strong believes and try to do things the way they want. They are tensed and
focused and they do not give ground easily.

Face up:

Confident and optimistic, concerns and worries have little effect on them. They are happy go lucky and
they are not particularly keen on planning or scheming. Hence they get vulnerable and unpleasant

Fetal position:

Trusting , natural and communal. Treat people kindly (look at the world with rosy colors). They d not
want to see their darker side and they long for security, intimacy and joy.

Tied up:

Experience stress, under constant pressure either to survive crises or to move forward. It is a strenuous
struggle and they often feel they are falling short. The tension would either wear people down or
convince them about the uselessness of anxiety.
Why do we get gut feeling:

Chakras and subtle energy centers in our aura. Subtle energy system within each of us that is
compromised of 7 vital energy centre’s or chakras and 3 interconnecting parallel channels or nadis.

The right chakra is called Nabhi or maniur chakra – navel (deals with our sense of satisfaction and
spirituality, prosperity and generosity, dharma and inmate sense of right or wrong). Sound – ‘ah’

Fighting Bad Fat:

bad cholesterol = low – density lipoprotein (LDL) lead to artery blockages causing heart attacks.

With elevated levels of good cholesterol (High “-“)HDL…..

Tests – HDL,LDL and total +triglycerides(regular intake of sweets and alchol) are measured.

If LDL is high then make lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, include more fiber and less saturated fat.
Waist or >40(men)&>35(women) more prone. Therefore check cholesterol every 5 years.

If not enough then take medications.

Peas may help fight kidney disease, high BP:

Proteins from garden peas help to fight high blood pressure and kidney diseases.

Pea protein hydrolysate from yellow grass.

Majority of the kidney patients die of cardiovascular disorders. In this disease urine output is
severely reduced and kidney is unable to remove dangerous toxins.

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