Setting Up Accounting From PrintNet - Rev1

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Setting up Accounting

information from PrintNet

Version A1
Setting up Accounting information

Entering Accounting Information

1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Type in the IP address of the machine

3. Login as admin, as the password all

lower case

4. Click on the gold key

Setting up Accounting information

5. Check the Enable Unified Accounting


6. Add Requesters, Job Numbers,

Descriptions as needed hitting submit
after each entry. You may enter
passwords for each entry if necessary.
Be sure not to delete the admin
User/Requester entry. You may, however,
change the password.

7. Below these fields check the boxes to make Requester, Job Number, and Description required and/or

Setting up Accounting information

8. When installing Request on a new workstation, check the box to Enable Unified Accounting. If a workstation
has Request already installed, browse to: C:\Program Files\***\Request. Make sure Request is closed. Open
the Configuration Settings file winreq.ini. Look for the line UnifiedAccounting=0, change it to
UnifiedAccounting=1. Save the file and close.

9. Reopen Request. You will now be required to enter accounting information for anything that you selected as
required, and will see a dropdown arrow for anything you checked as needing a dropdown

10. Install the Windows Print Drivers and AutoCAD Drivers as directed.

11. Go to the “?” screen at the IPS user

interface (touch screen). Select Service,
enter password (if not known check with
Dealer) and click OK. On the first page you
should see three buttons, Requester
Required, Job Number Required,
Description Required. Select the ones you
wish to enable. Click OK and then Log Off.

12. Your screen should then look like this:

13. You may also allow for Temporary

Accounting Permissions, shown above as
–Manual Entry--. These are one time use
fields for convenience at the

Setting up Accounting information

14. To add new information after initial set up,

log back into PrintNet as admin, go to the
Gold Key accounting screen again and
enter your new data. The Windows Print
Driver and AutoCAD will update
automatically. Update Request by clicking
the model number of your machine. If you
have more than one device you will have to
cycle back to the printer you have set up
accounting for.

15. To display new information at the

Touchscreen, click on the ? symbol in the
lower right corner, then Log Off.

Setting up Accounting information


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