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Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10

The English group School year: 2019-2020

I. Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D
1. He always _________ for a walk in the evening.
A. go B. is going C. goes D. going
2. Her brother _________ in Canada at present.
A. working B. works C. is working D. work
3. In the 19 century, it _________two or three months to across North America by
covered wagon.
A. took B. had taken
C. had been taken D. was taking
4. Columbus _________America more than 400 years ago.
A. discovered B. has discovered
C. had discovered D. he has gone
5. I______in the room now.
A. am being B. was being C. have been beingD. am
6. I will come and see you before I _________for America.
A. leave B. will leave
C. have left D. shall leave
7. The man got out the car, _________round to the back and opened the boot.
A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk
8. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he _________dinner.
A. finish B. finishes
C. will finish D. shall have finished
9. Ask her to come and see me when she _________her work.
A. finish B. has finished C. finished D. finishing
10. Every day I _________up at 6 o’clock, _______breakfast at seven o’clock and
_______for work at 8 o’clock.
A. get- eat- leave B. have got- eating- leaving
C. got- ate- left D. will get- have eaten- left
11. I don’t understand this sentence. What_________?
A. does mean this word B. have this word mean
C. means this word D. does this word mean
12. John _________tennis once or twice a week.
A. usually play B. is usually playing
C. usually plays D. have usually played
13. I _________for Christine. Do you know where she is?
A. look B. looked C. am looking D. looks
14. The earth_________ round the sun.
A. go B. has gone C. went D. goes
15. Look! That man _________to open the door of your car.
A. try B. tried C. is trying D. has tried
16. The children are still ill but they _________ better gradually.
A. get B. getting C. are get D. are getting
17. My mother often _________ morning exercises.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. do B. does C. doing D. has done

18. Jack ______ the door long time ago.
A. has just painted B. painted C. will have painted D. painting
19. We _______ Dorothy last Saturday.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen
C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
20. The train ______ half an hour ago.
A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left
II. Supply the correct verb tense
1. People _________ (speak) English and French in Canada.
2. _________you _________ (usually/ stay) up late?
3. Janet _________ (often/ do) washing at 7p.m .
4. It _________(often/ be ) cold in Tet holiday.
5. 'Shall I phone at 6:00?' `No, I _________dinner at that time. (normally/ cook)
6. We _________at about 7:00. Couldn't you come an hour later? (usually/ get up)
7. She _________at Kennedy Airport at 2 o'clock yesterday. (arrive)
8. Her grandparents _________ (die) 20 years ago.
9. What _________ you (do) _________? I am a student.
10.Nobody knows where Jane _________ (go) last week.
III.Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.
( HS lớp chọn)
1. One recent survey found that men’s in the home had increased
almost threefold in the last four decades. (contribute)
2. A mother’s love can be as as breastfeeding. (benefit)
3. In the traditional Japanese family system, the entire estate of the family, and the
assets are transferred from the father to the eldest son. (finance)
4. Mrs White spoke of her husband because he didn’t share anything with
household chores. (criticize)
5. My aunt works hard to support her family because her husband died in a
car accident a year ago. (enormous)
6. When we have some trouble in our family, we should have family meetings to work
out a . (solve)
7. The husband is responsible for the family's economic well-being and takes pride in his
role as a . (provide)
8. Parenting can offer children good opportunities for their future.
9. We do our share of housework willingly so that we can follow
interests in our free time.
10.Researchers found that an unequal of household chores negatively
affected wives' marital . (divide – satisfy)


Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

I. Circle the best option to complete each sentence:

1. We have lived in this town _________ 1998.
A. for B. since C. ago D. in
2. “Let’s go to the new movie down town”. “Thanks, but I _________ it already”
A. have seen B. saw
C. had seen D. ever seen
3. _________ flown in an aero plane before?
A. Have you ever B. Had you ever C. Are you D. Do you
4. Jack _________ his homework yet, so he won’t go out with his friends.
A. finish B. has finished
C. doesn’t finish D. hasn’t finished
5. In the past, the trip _________very rough and often dangerous, but things _________a
great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.
A. was- have changed B. is- change
C. had been- will change D. has been- changed
6. Have you ever _____ the United States?
A. been in B. been to C. gone in D. gone to
7. I must have a bath. I _________all the afternoon
A. was gardening B. have gardened
C. have been gardening D. had been gardening
8. They _________ married for 22 years.
A. have got B. have C. was D. got
9. Robert _________ in three important water polo games so far.
A. played B. had played
C. is playing D. has played
10. Nothing _________ in this town since I first visited it.
A. changed B. was changing C. changes D. has changed
11. Because Lan _________ breakfast, she isn’t hungry now.
A. was eating B. eats C. ate D. has eaten
12. Up to now, I _________ a lot of information about her.
A. will learn B. learnt C. would learn D. have learnt
13. She has worked as a secretary _________ she graduated from college.
A. since B. until C. before D. while
14. I’m a vegetarian. I _________ meat since I was a child.
A. haven’t eaten B. don’t eat
C. haven’t been eating D. am not eating
15. The plane from Dallas ________ two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from
Frankfurt to London.
A. takes off B. has taken off C. took over D. took off
16. Tom is leaning against the wall, out of breath. He _________.
A. was running B. has running C. has run D. would run
17. I’m sorry, Mrs. Johnson hasn’t _________.
A. arrived just B. already arrived
C. arrived already D. arrived yet
18. My cousins _________ seen a kangaroo.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. have never B. never have

C. has never D. haven’t never
19. I _________ to London five times already this week.
A. went B. have gone
C. have been D. was going
20. Margaret has _________ here since February.
A. being worked B. working
C. been working D. been worked
II. Supply the correct verb form: Past simple or Present Perfect
1. Mr. Green (teach) English in this school since he (graduate) from the university in 1986.
2. He (write) a book since last year.
3. You (watch) TV last night?
4. I (read) the novel written by Jack London several times before.
5. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus .
6. Last month, I (be) in the hospital for ten days.
7. My father (not smoke) for 5 years.
8. You (receive) any letter from your parents yet?
9. He (leave) home two weeks ago and we (not hear) from him since then
10. A: You (speak) to Mrs. Baker yesterday?
B: No, I (not see) her for a long time
A: I cannot remember when I last (see) her
III. Complete the text with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in
brackets. ( Lớp chọn)
Throughout her short life, Diana, Princess of Wales (1. do) so much to
publicize work on behalf of homeless and also disabled people, children and people with
HIV/AIDS. During her marriage, the Princess (2. be) President or Patron
of over 100 charities.
In the year before her death, aged 36, the Princess (3. play) an active
role in the campaign for a ban on the manufacture and use of land mines. In January 1997,
she (4. visit) Angola as part of her campaign. In June, the Princess (5. speak)
at the landmines conference at the Royal Geographical Society in London.
Later, in June 1997 while she (6. visit) America to promote the American Red Cross
landmines campaign, she (7. meet) Mother Teresa in the Bronx, New
York. The Princess's last public engagements (8. include) her speech in Bosnia,
while she (9. spend) a few days from 7 to 10 August visiting the
landmine projects in Travnic, Sarajevo and Zenezica .
It is estimated that 2.5 billion people (10. watch) her funeral on TV.

Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020


I. Circle the best option to complete each sentence:
1. _________ do you want? ~ A box of chocolates.
A. What B. Which C. Who D. How
2. _________ is this building? ~ It's about two hundred years old.
A. How long B. How far C. How old D. How
3. _________ money do you earn? ~About £250 a week.
A. How much B. What C. How many D.. Which
4. _________ bag are you carrying? ~ Judy's.
A. Which B. What C. who’s D. Whose
4. _________ first stepped on the moon? ~Neil Armstrong, wasn't it?
A. Whose B. Who C. Where D. When
6. _________ is your new school? ~ It's very big and friendly.
A. What B. How C. Where D. Which
7. _________ is it to the post office? ~ About two hundred meters.
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much
8. _________ is your national flag? Red and yellow.
A. What B. Which of color C. What color D. Which
9. _________ do you take a holiday? ~ Once a year.
A. When B. How long C. What time D. How often
10. _________ is Greg like'? ~ He's tall and thin with brown hair.
A. What B. How C. Who D. Whom
11. _________ did the. Second World War end? ~ in 1945.
A. Where B. When C. What time D. How long.
12. _________ is a half of football? ~ forty-five minutes.
A. What time B. How often C. How long D. When
13. _________ of holiday are you interested in?"~ package holiday.
A. Which B.. What C. Which kind D. What kind
14. _________ hand do you write with? ~ My right hand.
A. Which B. What C. Whose D. What sort of
15. _________ did the package come from? ~ London.
A. When B. Where C. Which D. Who
II. Write questions with: WHO, WHAT, HOW, WHY.
1. Miss Phuong went home early because her mother was ill.
→ Why ……………………….................…….…………?
2. I met Phong’s father .
→ Who …………………………….................…………..?
3 . They wanted 3 pens, a rulers and two bags.
→ What ………………………………….............………?
4. The machine costs a lot of money.
→ How much ………………………….…………?
5. We had bread and rice for dinner .
→ What ………………………..............…… dinner?
6. The meeting finished at 11 a.m.
→ What time ……………………..........……………… ?
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

7. She has three children.

→ How many ……………………......................………?
8. Tom gave me this book.
→ Who ……………………......................………?
9. We are interested in detective films?
→ What kinds ……………………......................………?
10. They can play football very well.
→ How ……………………......................………?
III. Make questions for the underlined parts
1.We often have breakfast at 6 o'clock.
2.Daisy is cooking some food in the kitchen.
3. The farmers are working in the field at the moment.
4. Mrs Green goes to work by bus.
5.They have studied English for 6 years.
6. I saw Marry yesterday afternoon.
III. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (A-F) given. There is one sentence
that you do not need.
A. It’s hard work, and it may hurt your back.
B. I can do it in my free time.
C. I do the laundry, fold the clothes after doing the laundry, and iron the clothes.
D. I hate ironing most.
E. I don’t mind cooking.
F. I love cooking, and I think it’s one of the most important skills in my life later.
Anna: What household chores do you do to help your parents?
Mai: (1) ___________________________________________________________
Sometimes I help to cook dinner.
Anna:Which of the chores do you like doing the most?
Mai: (2) ___________________________________________________________
Anna:What do you like about it?
Mai: (3) ___________________________________________________________
Anna:Which of the chores do you dislike the most?
Mai: (4) ___________________________________________________________
Anna:Can you give the reason for that?
Mai: (5) ___________________________________________________________

Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences
1. I enjoy _________ alone.
A. be B. to be C. being D. to have been
2. Would you like _______to the party?
A. to come B. come C. coming D. to have come
3.Do you mind_______ such a long way to work every day?
A. to travel B. travel C. to have travelled D. travelling
4. I don’t like that house. I would hate _______there.
A. live B. living C. to live D. to have lived
5. Please remember _______this letter.
A. to post B. post C. posting D. to have posted
6. We tried _______the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire- brigade.
A. putting B. put C. to put D. to have put
7. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember_______ it by the window and
now it has gone.
A. leave B. to leaveC. to have left D. leaving
8. Jane needed some money. She tried _______Harry but he couldn’t help her.
A. to have asked b .to ask C. asking D. ask
9. Please tell me how _______this.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to have done
10. One is never too old_______.
A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. to have learned
11. You are old enough _______out alone.
A. going B. to go C. to have gone D. go
12. I’m glad _______you.
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. to have met
13. We stopped_______ hello to her.
A. say B. to say C. saying D. to have said
14. It’s no use ______ those things.
A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to be bought
15. After ______the speech, she invited the audience to ask questions.
A. finish B. finished C. finishing D. to finish
16. Robbins started ______ a few years ago.
A. to jog B. jogging C. jog D. A and B are correct
17. I suggest ________ some more mathematics puzzles.
A. do B. to do C. doing d done
18. My computer needs _______.
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
19. When Beth got tired, she stopped _______.
A. working B. to work C. work D. works
20. The plants want _______ daily.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. to water B. watering C. to be watered D. both B and C

II. Give the correct verb forms.
1. He’s expecting ………………………..(make) a trip to Ha Long Bay.
2. Students stopped …….…………(make) noise when the teacher came in.
3. Ann likes ……………………..(cook) but hate …...……………..(wash) up.
4. I enjoy ……………….………..(listen) to classical music.
5. He will try …………………………..(not make) the same mistake again.
6. Would you mind ………….……………..(buy) me a newspaper?
7. Would you like ………………………………..(have) a dance with me?
8. They finished ……………………..(learn) and then they wanted to go out for pleasure.
9. I hope ………………….….(not do) that tiring work again.
10. It’s no use …………………………..………(advise) him.
III.Write complete sentences using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
( Lớp chọn)
1.Young people/ want/ love/ support/ encouragement/ nurture/ attention/ their parents.
2. Teenagers/ need/ “helpful attention”/ rather/ protective attention.
3. Helpful attention/ mean/ parents/ be interested/ who/ the children/ be/ and/ what/ they/
4. Parents/ try/ listen/ their children/ although/ it/ sometimes inconvenient.
5. Parents/ encourage/ children/ learn/ their mistakes/ rather/ show them/ how/ do it.
6. Teenagers/ would like/ be on/ their mobile phones or computer/ playing games/
communicating/ their friends.
7. They/ also want/ spend time/ together/ their parents.
8. They/ spend time/ sitting around the table/ have dinner/ watching TV as a family/ going
out with the parents.
9. Teenagers/ tend/ make their own decisions/ although/ they/ not have much experience.
10.Parents/ share experience/ their children/ so that/ they/ not make wrong decisions.

Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020


I. Choose the one option - a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence.

1. Ann is interested in ______ young children.
A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching
2. I finished ______the book and went to bed
A. reading B. to read C. read D. to be read
3. The police questioned me at some length, and I didn't enjoy______
A. to question B. questioning
C. to be questioned D. being questioned
4. Dad allowed Dora ______to the party.
A. going B. to go C. go D. gone
5. My teacher always expected me ______well in exams
A. do B. doing C. to do D. to have done
6. Will you please stop_______ noise? I am concentrating on working.
A. making B. make C. made D. to make
7. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don't remember______ them there.
A. putting B. to put C. I put D. put
8. I'd like______somewhere different for a change.
A. to go B. going C. go D. to have gone
9. He agreed______the job as soon as possible.
A. start B. starting C. to start D. to be started.
10. The searchers found the boy ______in the barn.
A. to shelter B. sheltered C. sheltering D. being sheltered
11. Look at those windows! They really need______
A. to clean B. cleaning C. to be cleaned D. b and c are correct
12. I'm tired. I'd rather______out this evening, if you don't mind.
A.. not going B. not to go C. don't go D. not go
13. My bank manager advised______a loan.
A. to take me out B. me taking out
C. me to take out D. me take out
14. I must go now. I promised______ late.
A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I wouldn't be
15. The children are looking forward ______ their grandma again..
A. seeing B. to see C. to seeing D. to be seen
16. Our teacher made me ______ all the questions.
A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered
17. 1 don't mind______ home but I'd rather ______a taxi.
A. to walk/ to get B. walking/ to get
C. walking/ get D. to walk/ getting
18. It isn't safe .for children ______on ladders.
A. playing B. to play C. play D. played
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

19. I want ______ volleyball. I hope ______for the team.

A. to play/ to be chosen B. to play/ to choose
C. playing/ being chosen . D. to play/ choosing
20. Famous people get tired of ______everywhere they go.
A. recognizing B. to recognize
C. recognize D. being recognized
II. Rewrite sentences using the words or phrases in brackets
1. Having to get up early in the morning is awful to me.( hate)
2. May I borrow your bike ? ( Would you mind….?)
3. Didn’t your mum let you speak a word ? ( make)
4. I’ll finish the work tonight if you like. ( Would you like…?)
5. I’m sorry I didn’t go to university. (regret)
I……………………………………….. university.
6. I like chatting in my free time, but I like listening to music better.
 I prefer.................................................................................................
7. We spend four hours doing our homework every day.
 It takes …………………………………………………………………
8. Why don’t we go to the seaside at weekends. (Let’s)
9. Lan regrets because she didn’t sell her house
Lan regrets…………………………………………………………………
10. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
 Do you mind …………………………………………………………
III.Write complete sentences using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
Five Reasons Why You Should Volunteer
1. It/ so easy/ get familiar/ a routine/ as a student/ class, homework, sleep/ so/ it/ worth/
volunteer/ make/ a difference/ the community/ and/ personal life.
2. Giving/ helping hand/ community/ be/ one/ best ways/ gain experience/ a future career.
3. Volunteering/ be/ great way/ discover/ new passions/ or/ interests/ future career.
4. The/ most/ exciting aspect/ volunteer work/ be/ that/ you/ not know/ who/ you/ meet/
or/ what kind/ impact/ they/ have/ your life.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

5. Applying good lessons/ classroom/ get practical experience/ be/ the most valuable
things/ your education.


I. Choose the one option - a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence.

1. 'Was Tom there when you arrived?' `Yes, but he ______home soon afterwards’.
A. goes B. went C. had gone D. were going
2. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she______any kind of contest.
A. hasn't entered B. doesn't enter
C. wasn't entering D. hadn't entered
3. 'Who was the woman in red dress? Did you know?`
‘No. I______ who she was. I______ her before.
A. didn't know/ hadn't seen B. didn't know/ hasn't seen
C. hadn't known/ hadn't seen D. don't know/ hasn't seen
4. Did you say that you ______ here only three days before?
A. were coming B. had come C. have come D. come
5. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates______.
A. has left B. left C. was leaving D. had left
6. When I was a child______ the violin.
A. I was playing B. I had played C. I play D. I played
7. It's two years______ Joe.
A. that I don't see B. that I haven't seen
C. since I see D. since I saw
8. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he______ before.
A. hasn't flown B. didn't fly C. hadn't flown D. wasn't flying
9. They______ in Scotland for ten years. Now they live in London.
A. lived B. have lived C. has been living D. had lived
10. After Laura ______ the house, it started to rain.
A. has left B. was leaving C. had left had been leaving
11. ______Lincoln work in this factory three years ago?
A. does C. did D. can
12. We ______ in New York for ten years and then we ______ here in 1987.
A. have lived/ moved B. lived / moved
C. lived/ had moved D. had lived / moved
13. When Martin______the car. he took it out for a drive.
A. had repaired B. has repaired C. repaired D. was repairing
14. We ______ them before the reception yesterday
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. haven't met B. hadn't. met C. didn't meet d wouldn't meet

15. Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she ______ the film.
A. has already seen B. already had seen
C. had already seen D. saw
16. The man looked familiar. I ______ him somewhere before.
A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. see
17. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It ______ everything in its path.
A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. had destroyed D. has destroyed
18. In spite of______, we decided to go out.
A. we felt very tired B. feeling tired
C. all of us felt tired D. tired
19.When we______ the bill. we left the restaurant.
A. had paid B. were paying C. paid D. had been paying.
20.When the firework______off, the dog______away.
A. had gone/ ran B. went/ had run
C. went /ran D. went/was running
II. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the cues given
1. We worked very hard for the exam. Then we passed it.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
2. First my sister considered what to say. Then she decided to talk to her headmaster.
→ After _____________________________________________________.
3. I learned my lessons. Then I went out for a walk.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
4. Her brother bought a new washing machine. First he checked the prices.
→ After _____________________________________________________.
5. My mother took an aspirin. Then she felt a little better.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
6. The boys argued. Then they fought.
→ After _____________________________________________________.
7. His aunt went out to the food store. Then she had an accident.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
8. We decided to go on a trip to Hue. First we had some problems.
→ After _____________________________________________________.
9. The students read some materials. Then they wrote their assignments.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
10. He watched the football match. Then he wrote a report.
→ After _____________________________________________________.

III.Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past
Student-run food bank to feed needy people
A group of students in Ha Noi (1. collect) leftovers from restaurants to supply
meals to needy people in their "Ha Noi Enough" project while several customers (2.
waste) so much food there. Some people (3. worry) about the
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

quality of the food preprocessed from leftovers while the volunteers (4. deliver)
them. Therefore, project members (5. take) t photographs as a proof of
quality while they (6. give) the food to the poor. Project leaders (7. call)
more restaurants to help them save food when they (8. develop) their project.
While the “Ha Noi Enough” project (9. gain) more reputation, volunteers also
(10. host) several social activities, including "Warm winter and Tet
enough" and "Save Food, Save the Earth".


I. Choose the one option - a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence.

1. How______now? Better than before'?
A. are you feeling B. do you feel C. you are feeling D. you feel
2. Her brother ______ in Canada at present.
A. working B. works C. is working D. work
3. I remember______you about this before.
A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told
4. Professor Kidd ______ three books since 1999, and she's working on her fourth.
A. has been writing B. has written C. wrote D. writes.
5. She only allows the children______ television on the weekends.
A. to watch B. watching C. watch D. for watching
6. When Martin______the car. he took it out for a drive.
A. was repairing B. has repaired C. had repaired D. repaired
7. The sun______ in the East and ______ in the West.
A. rises/ set B. rises/ sets C. rose/ had set D. has risen/ has set
8. I asked him______ , but he went anyway.
A. not to go B. to not go C. not going D. he doesn't go
9. Mr. Thomas doesn't let anyone ____in his office.
A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked
10. Who______your bike? – Mike did.
A. did give you B. did you give C. you gave D. gave you
11. Would you mind __________ me how __________ the lift?
A. to show/ to work B. show/ work
C. showing/ to work D. showing/ working
12. Your windows need __________. Would you like me to do them for you?
A. to be cleaned B. to clean C. cleaning D. A & C
13. ______ are you from? China
A. Where B. Who C. Which D. When
14. The River Thames ______ through London.
A. is flowing B. was flowing C. flows D. flow
15. I want ______ at home tonight.
A. staying B. to stay C. stay D. stayed
16. Alice isn’t interested in ______ for a new job.
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The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. look B. to look C. looks D. looking

17. ______have you studied English? For 10 years.
A. How long B. How C. Where D. Who
18. I ______to the cinema last night.
A. go B. goes C. went D. am going
19. I can’t afford that ring. It ______ too much.
A. costs B. cost C. is costing D. a & b correct
20. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like ______ us?
A. joining B. to join C. join D. joins
II. Rewrite the sentences, using or beginning with the cues given
1. My aunt and uncle live in Chicago.( Make the questions with the underlined words)
2. We often have dinner at 7:00 pm. ( Make the questions with the underlined words)
3. I am reading an English book at the moment. ( Make the questions with the underlined
4. It takes me 30 minutes to go to school. ( Make the questions with the underlined words)
5. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
 Before ……………………………………………………………………
6.First I considered what to study. then I decided to major in Maths.
7.She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.
 Before………………………………………………………………………
8. It was the first time I have seen a tiger.
 I haven’t …………………………………………………………..
9. The last time I met Mary was two months ago.
 I haven’t ……………………………………………..
10. She has been studying at this school for three years.
 She started ………………………………………………………………..
III.Read the passage about telephone songs and the artists, and then answer the
Telephone Songs
The first telephone song appeared in 1899 and was called Hello My Baby. In the song,
a man phones his girlfriend every morning to talk to her. But first he has to speak to the
operator and he has to talk very loudly because the line is so bad. Phone calls appeared in
a lot of pop songs in the 20th century, like Stevie Wonder’s I Just Called to Say I Love You
in 1984. The famous American soul singer’s song was number one in several countries,
like the USA, Britain, Germany and Italy and won an Oscar for Best Original Song in
In the last few years, phone songs have been about mobile phone calls. The most
famous is Lady Gaga’s Telephone. A woman is dancing at a club when her boyfriend

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The English group School year: 2019-2020

calls. ‘I can’t hear you and I’m busy,’ she says. The boyfriend rings again and again but
the woman doesn’t answer because she is dancing and having fun.
What will pop songs be about in the future? There will probably be more songs about
social networking, like New Friend Request by Gym Class Heroes. But they will still be
about love!
1. What problems does the man in the first song have?
2. Who does he talk to first?
3. Where did Stevie Wonder’s song do well?
4. What type of music is it?
5. Why does the woman in Lady Gaga’s song not answer the phone?



I. Choose the one option - a, b, c, or d that best completes the sentence.

1. Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government is trying to establish
more shelters to care for ______.
A. the childless B. the homeless
C. the blind D. the deaf
2. Without the Braille Alphabet, it would be very difficult for ______.
A. the disable B. the deaf C. the mute D. the blind
3. The little boy is helping ______cross the street.
A. the poor B. the rich C. the blind D. the young
4. Now I don’t go to school on foot but I ______.
A. had been B. did C. used to D. was
5. Mary ______for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office.
A. works B. used to work
C. having working D. working
6. She used to ______a lot but she doesn’t go away much these days.
A. travelling B. travel C. travelled D. travels
7. She ______very lazy but she works very hard these days.
A. is B. uses to be C. be D. used to be
8. She didn’t ______tea but she likes it now.
A. used to drink B. use to eat C. use to drink D. drank
9. Newton_____ scientific books when a boy.
A. used to read   B. has read       C. had read     D. had been reading
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The English group School year: 2019-2020

10. My father didn’t ______coffee for breakfast.

A. used to have B. use to have
C. use to having D. use be having
11. The government is doing something to help______.
A. the poor people B. the poor ones
C. the poor D. the poors
12 I didn’t like the noise in the city at first. But now______here.
A. I got used to living B. I’m used to living
C. I used to live D. I used to living
13. Claude didn’t ______in Canada.
A. lived B. use to live
C. used to live D. used to living
14. I remember you. You______to school here.
A. were used to going B. have already gone
C. went D. used to go
15. I ______up late at night.
A. use to stay B. am used to stay
C. used to staying D. am used to staying
16 . He said it was right that ______should beg.
A. blind B. the blinds
C. the blind D. the blindness
17. There ______a hotel opposite the station, but it closed a long time ago.
A. used to be     B. is used to                  
C. used to is                  D. use to
18. ______late?
A. Did you use to stay up                B. Do you used to stay up      
C. did you used to stay up          D. Do you use to staying up
19. The ______in the war should be taken care of.
  A. injured          B. injuring                      
C. injures                       D. injure
20. The______are those who are unable to use part of the body in the normal way.
 A. disabled          B. mute                        C. blind                          D. deaf

II. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined parts with The +an Adj.
1. People who have lots of money have comfortable lives.
2. We live near special school for people who can't hear.
2. The old soldiers were holding a service for those who had died.
2. The government should do more for people who do not have enough money
5.I'm doing a course on caring for people who are mentally handicapped.

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The English group School year: 2019-2020

III. Rewrite the sentences, using the cues in brackets

6. Since we started our life in the countryside, we’ve been much happier.( used to/ didn’t
use to )
7. Dave gave up smoking 2 years ago. .( used to)
8. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.( used to)
9. I quite like drinking coffee in the morning although I wasn’t keen on it when I was
younger. (didn’t use to )
10. We seem to have lost interest in our work. .( used to)
IV. Fill in each blank with the correct to-infinitive from the box.

26.An alternative current with high voltage levels is used power

loss across great distances.
27.The first hydro-electric power plant was built in Niagara Falls in 1895 by Nikola Tesla
and George Westinghouse the beginning of electrification of the world.
28.Invented by Casio in 1957, the electronic calculator is used math
classes much easier.
29.A powdered zinc gel anode is used for the alkaline dry cell battery more
30.A Fitbit Flex is used your steps, distance traveled, calories burned and,
depending on the brand, your sleep patterns.

I. Choose the word that best fits each gap of the sentence.
1. The parents of those disabled children ______ believe that their children could not learn
anything. Now they have realized that they were wrong.
A. never B. used to C. once D. did not
2. Carl showers every day. He ______a shower every day.
A. used to take B. is used to take
C. is accustomed to taking D. gets used to take
3. Rita rides her bike to work every day. She ______ her bike to work.
A. used to ride B. is used to riding
C. be accustomed to riding D. is accustomed to ride
4. I am sorry. I’m not ______ fast.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

A. used to drive B. use to drive C. used to driving D. use to driving

5. He passed the exam with high grades, ______ made everybody in the family pleased.
A. which B. that C. what D. it
6. Tennis used to ______ an indoor game.
A. be B. call C. play D. take
7. He used to ______ to work by bus. go going C. going D. go
8.We______to get up early when we lived in the countryside.
A. not used B. didn’t use
C. were used D. hadn’t used
9. My brother used to_______ all his spare time collecting stamps.
A. spend B. use C. using D. spending
10.Tom rode his bike to work for many years, but now he takes the bus. Tom _____his
bike to work.
A .used to ride used to ride
C. used to riding accustomed to riding
11. ______he______much when he was young?
A. Used/to smoke B. Did/used to smoke
C. Used/to smoking D. Did/use to smoke
12. Astronauts_____ in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.
A. were used to stay               B. used to stay
C. were staying                  D. had used to stay
13. People _____ that the earth is round before.
A. were not used to believe          B. used to believing
C. would not use to believe          D. did not use to believe
14. I ______football a lot ,but I don’t play very often now.
A. used to play B. was playing used to play D. play
15. I______like going to pop concerts when I was a teenager.
A. would B. used to C. must D. could
16. She couldn’t come to the wedding ceremony, ______was a pity.
A. when B. which C. who D. whom
17. The student next to me kept cracking his knuckles, ______ bothered me a lot.
A. which B. that C. who D. what
18.Tim has passed the exam, ______is great news.
A. who B. that C. which D. whom
19.It rained all the time, ______was a great pity.
A. that B. what C. which D. who
20. I______like going to pop concerts when I was a teenager.
A. would B. used to c .must D. could
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1. John is always late for class. This annoys the teacher. (which)
John is…………………………………………………………………..
2.He passed the exam with high grades. This made everybody in the family pleased.
He passed……………...............……………………………………….
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3. We have lost her phone number. This makes it difficult to contact her. (which)
We have lost …………………………………………………………
4.When James was young , he hated school. Now he likes school.
 James used …………………………………………………………
5. Mrs. Quyen taught the mute but she doesn’t do it anymore.(USED TO)
6.Mr. Michael grew tulip, but he doesn’t any more. .(USED TO)
7.Ann was a secretary for many years, but now she owns her own business.
Ann used ……………………………………………………………
8.Before Adam got married, he went bowling five times a week.
Adam used………………………………………………………………
9. Dick doesn't have a moustache anymore because he shaved it off .
 Dick used…………………………………………………………
10. She has promised herself to be on time to work every day. That is a good idea.
 …………………………………………………………………………
III. Write sentences about the uses of the following inventions with the cues given,
using "be used for + V-ing" or "be used + to-infinitive" of the verbs.
1. digital camera/ take/ pictures/ video clips/ electronic format/ instead of to film.
2. GPS/ provide/ users/ positioning, navigation, and timing services.
3. webcam/ record/ moving pictures/ sounds/ and/ allow/ these/ to be broadcast/ Internet.
4. Microsoft Xbox One/ deliver/ new gaming and entertainment experience/ the best
5. Lima Billboard/ Peru/ produce/ clean water/ Lima’s extremely humid air.
6. 4K TV/ display/ films/ resolutions/ four times/ bigger/ HDTV.

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The English group School year: 2019-2020

7. smart watch/ give/ you access/ lots of information/ besides/ time of day/ such as/
missed calls, messages, and emails.
8. Google Glass/ get/ real-time information/ everything/ you/ look at.
9. tooth sensor/ detect/ any bacteria/ causing cavities/ or any other infections/ your teeth.
10.Argus II/ restore/ vision/ people/ suffering/ complete or partial blindness.

WEEK: 10/ PERIOD: 10

I. Choose the word that best fits each gap of the sentence.
1. My wedding ring ______ of yellow and white gold.
A. is made B. is making C. made D. make
2. If your brother ______, he would come.
A. invited B. were invited C. were inviting D. invite
3. Mr. Wilson is ______ as Willie to his friend.
A. know B. knew C. known D. is known
4. References ______ in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used
C. didn’t used D. are not used
5. Laura ______ in Boston.
A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born
6. My mother is going ______ this house.
A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell
7.There’s somebody behind us . I think we are ______.
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following
8. Have you ______ by a dog?
A. bite B. ever been bit C. ever been bitten D. bit
9.The room is being ______ at the moment.
A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean
10. The road to our village ______ widened next year.
A. is B. will C. can D. will be
11. The match ______ because of the bad weather.
A. has canceled B. has cancel
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

C. has been cancel D. has been canceled

12. He ______taxi since his son was born.
A. drives B. has driven
C. had driven D. has been driven
13.The students ______ by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they ______ by Mr. Tanzer.
A. are usually taught / are being taught
B. usually teach / are teaching
C. have usually been taught / have been teaching
D. were usually teaching / are teaching
14. As many as ten-million children _______ with the virus by the end of this decade.
A. have been infected B. will be infecting
C. had been infected D. will have been infected
15. When _______?
A. were computers used first B. were computers first used
C. did computers first use D. are computers first using
16. That machine is useless. It______ not been used for a long time
A. is B. was C. did D. has
17. _______ yet?
A. Have the letters been typed B. Have been the letters typed
C. Have the letters typed D. Had the letters typed
18.The telephone _______ by Alexander Graham Bell.
A. is invented B. is inventing
C. invented D. was invented
19. Lots of houses _______ by the earthquake.
A. are destroying B. destroyed
C. were destroying D. were destroyed
20. These students _______ so much that they feel very tired and bored.
A. are made to study B. are made study
C. are making to study D. ate made to be studied
II. Change the sentences into Passive Voice
1. The manager always welcomes new employees.
-New employees _______________________________________________
2. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.
-Janet ________________________________________________________
3. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.
-The phonograph _______________________________________________
4. Stephen Court has just invented an armchair which can play music.
-An armchair _________________________________________________
5. Where will your company send you next year?
-Where will you ________________________________________________
6. During the recession, the firm was making people redundant almost every week.
-During the recession, people _____________________________________
7. Had a special messenger delivered the package before you got to the office?
-Had the package _____________________________________________
8. The students usually hold the concerts at the university.
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The English group School year: 2019-2020

-The concerts _________________________________________________

9. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.
-The problem _________________________________________________
10. The police found two children in the forest.
-Two children ________________________________________________
III. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive.
1. Our body cannot make essential fatty acids or vitamins, so we must obtain them
through diet.
2. Low fatty acid levels cause a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and
memory loss.
3. The consumption of blueberries and tomatoes can delay short-term memory loss or
4. Just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day provides you with your recommended daily
amount of zinc.
5. A good intake of vitamin E prevents thinking decline, particularly in the elderly.
6. Nuts supply us with a great source of vitamin E.

WEEK: 11/ PERIOD: 11


I. Choose the correct answer or answers.

1. Yoko told me about students a, d have taken the entrance exam 13 times.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
2. The secretary _______I talked to didn't know where the meeting was.
A. which B. whom C. that D. θ
3. You need to talk to a person _______you can trust. You will feel better if you do.
A. whose B. which C. whom D. θ
4. Bob is the kind of person to_______ one can talk about anything.
A. who B. whom D. that D. him
5. He is a person _______friends trust him.
A. who B. his C. that D. whose
6. I’m looking for an electric can opener _______also can sharpen knives.
A. who B. which C. that D. θ
7. People _______ live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
A. who B. whom C. which D. θ
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

8. The problems _______Tony has seem insurmountable.

A. what B. he C. that D. θ
9. The man _______ I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the
A. which B. whom C. that D. θ
10. Cathy is trustworthy. She's a person upon _______. You can always depend.
A. who B. whom C. that D. θ
11. Your career should focus on a field in _______ you are genuinely interested.
A. which B. what C. that D. θ
12. People _______ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. which
13. Ms. Donaldson, _______ teaches linguistics at the university, recently received
recognition for her research.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
14. The earth, _______ is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet
from the sun.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
15. The check _______I gave Oliver was for work he'd done for me.
A. who B. which C. that D. θ
16. Melanie was looking after a dog _______leg had been broken in an accident.
A. which B. whose that D. its
17. One of the people arrested was Mary Arundel, _______ is a member of the local
A. that B. who C. whom D. θ
18. The Titanic, _______sank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable.
A. whose that . C. which D. who
19. The Newspaper is owned by the Mearson Group, _______ chairman is Sir James Bex.
A. which C. that C. who D. whose
20. She is one of the few people to _______ I look up.
A. who B. whom C. that D. θ
II. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using a suitable relative pronoun.
1. I bought a cell phone. I can use it to send and receive e-mail.
2. My new cell phone has become a necessary part of life. I only bought it a month ago.
3. My roommate has never been on the Internet. She is afraid of computers.
4. Now, there are psychologists. They help technophobes use technology.
5. A lot of people suffer from techno stress. Those people work in my office.
6. Some people dream of a job. They can do the job without technology.
7. My stereo doesn't work today. It worked yesterday.
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8. The man is a computer expert. You were talking to him.

9. Some documents have been found. They were stolen from a car.
10. Dr. Michelle Weil wrote a book about 'techno stress'. She is a psychologist.

III. Combine the following sentences by changing the second sentence into a relative
clause. Use commas for non-defining relative clauses. ( Lớp chọn)
1. I remember the day. I was afraid to use my new computer then

2. I work in an office. In my office, the software changes frequently.

3. The secretary can give you the information. She sits at the first desk on the right.

4. The Southam Chess Club meets weekly on Friday evenings. It has more than 50

5. Professor Johnson is to visit the university next week. I have long admired him.

6. The playground wasn't used by those children. It was built for those children.

7. People often suffer from backache. Their work involves standing for most of the day.

8. They climbed up to the top of a large. rock. They got a good view from there.

9. A doctor has had to retire through ill health. We know him.

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The English group School year: 2019-2020

10. Jane has sold the old car. She was given it by her father.

11. Thanksgiving is a time. Everyone eats turkey in America then.

12. The island's two million inhabitants have been badly affected by the drought. Most of
the island's inhabitants are peasant farmers.

13. Dr Rowan has had to do all his own typing. His secretary resigned two weeks ago.

14. I would like to thank to my tutor. I would never have finished the work without her.
15. She has now moved back to the house on Long Island. She- was born there.


16.Scotland have won their last five international matches was against England.

WEEK: 12/ PERIOD: 12


I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Tonight, I _______stay home. I've rented a video
    A. am going to      B. will      C. A and B
2. 'Look at those dark clouds!' `Yes, It looks like _______ any minute.'
A. it's going to rain B. it's raining C. it will rain
3. I'd better get back to the hotel room before the storm.' 'OK _______you later.'
A. I'm seeing B. I'll see C. I see
4. Hi, honey. How's it going?' 'Great. _______fishing with Grandpa tomorrow'
A. I go B. I'm going to go C. I'm going
5. 'Have fun, but don't forget. You have to finish that paper.' 'I know. Mom _______it
tomorrow. I already have the envelope.'
A. I'm mailing B. I won't mail C. I mail
6. 'I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight.'_______ it for you, if
you like.'
A. I video B. I'm going to video C. I'll video

Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

7. 'Good luck. When will you be here?' `Tomorrow. My plane _______ at 7:00, so
I_______ you about 8:00.'
A. will land/ see B. lands/ will see C. is landing/ am going to see
8. 'I'm just going out to get a paper.' 'What newspaper_______ ?'
A. are you buying B. are you going to buy C. will you buy
9. 'We _______ a party on Sunday, 12th November. Can you come?' `Yes, I'd love to.'
A. are having B. are going have C. will have
10. 'What's that man doing up there?' 'Oh no! He _______.
A. is jumping B. will jump C. is going to jump
11. 'Ann is in hospital.' 'Yes, I know. _______ her tomorrow.'
A. I visit B. I'm going to visit C. I'll visit
12. 'It's my birthday soon _______twenty next Friday." Oh, really? _______ a
A. I'm going to be / Are you having B. I am/ Will you have
C. I'll be/ Are you going to have
13.' It's a public holiday next Monday.' 'Yes, I know_______ anything special?'
A. Are you doing B. Do you do C. Will you do
14. 'Would you like to join Linda and me tomorrow? We _______the natural
history museum.' 'Sure. I've never been there.'
A. visit B. will visit C. are going to visit
15.‘ I've decided to try and learn a foreign language ."Have you? Which language?'
A. will you learn B. are you going to learn C. are you learning
16. The students are expecting to have a few days off because the first term is_______to
an end soon.
A. going B. running C. coming D. traveling
17. The weather forecast says that it_______ tomorrow
A. snows B. will snow C. snowing D. is snowing
18. My parents _______ tomorrow to stay with me for a few days.
A. come B. will have come C. are coming D. came
19. The firework display, a part of the city's centenary celebration, _______ place on the
21st August in Cannon Park.
A. will take B. took C. is taking D. will have taken
20 Look at those cars! They_______!
A. will crash B. are crashing
C. will be crashed D. are going to crash
II. - Rewrite the sentences
1. We’ve arranged to start the trip at 6 a m tomorrow.
-We are ………………………………………………………………
2. We plan to travel to France next year.
-We are..................................................................................................................................
3. They ‘ve arranged to have a party next Sunday.
- They are..............................................................................................................................
4. She has no intention of buying a car.
-She is....................................................................................................................................
5. They have planned to redecorate their house next month.
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-They are ..............................................................................................................................

6. Do you intend to eat out tonight?
7. We have no intention to have a trip this summer holiday
- We are..................................................................................................................................
8. Her baby will be born in November.
-She is …………………………………………………………………….
9. We intended to visit the museum, but we didn’t have the time.
-We were ………………………………………………………………..
10. She plans to visit her family this weekend.
-She is……………………………………………………………………

III. Complete the news report. Use will, be going to, and present tenses. ( Lớp chọn)
The Maxi-Shop company (1).............(build) a huge new shop-ping center in the edge
of Willingham, it was announced yesterday. There (2)..........(be) at least three hundred
shops, including some big rent stores. When the pro ject is complete, there (3) .................
(be) hundreds of new jobs for local people But not everyone is happy. ‘We (4)..........
(fight) this plan,' said a spokesperson for the lo- cal Environment Group. 'Just think what
(5)............ (happen) to our countryside. When the shopping malls have covered the whole
country there (6) .........(be) no green fields left. So we (7).......... (hold) a protest meeting
tomorrow evening at the town hall. It (8) ..........(star) at half past seven.' Owners of shops
in the town center are also unhappy. ‘the new center (9) ...........(take) our customers away,'
said one of them.


I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences

1. The Chinese _______spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo _______back
to Italy
A. made- brought B. have made- brought
C. made- had brought D. had been making- brought
2. In the 19 century, it _______two or three months to across North America by covered
A. took B. had taken
C. had been taken D. was taking
3. She _______Hanoi last year.
A. went B. go C. goes D. is going
4. When we arrived at the restaurant, the others __________ .
A. left B. have left
C. had left D. are leaving
5. I learned that the college _______ in 1900.
A. found B. was founded
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C. founded D. had been founded

6. I _______in Quang Ngai before I moved to Binh Thuan.
A. have been living B. have lived
C. lived D. had been living
7. I suddenly remembered that I _______to bring my keys.
A. having forgotten B. have forgotten
C. had forgotten D. forgot
8. After he _______his English course, he went to England to continue his study
A. has finish B. had finished
C. was finished D. would finish
9. They said they _______cards since 7.00.
A. have played B. has played
C. are playing D. had been playing
10. By the time he _______ to the meeting, it had begun for 15 minutes.
A. had gone B. has gone
C. went D. was going
11. She doesn’t really like_______ up early.
A. get B. to get C. got D. getting
12. Did you remember _____ the letter?
A. post B. to post C. posting D. to posting
13. Which do you enjoy _______ to music or _______ it yourself ?
A. listen - play B. to listen – to play
C. listening- playing D. listened – played
14. She is afraid of _______away by the strong wind.
A. to be taken B. being taken
C. being taking D. taking
15. My father often spends hours on the river without _______ anything
A. catch B. to catch C. caught D. catching
16. Football seems _______ the most popular game in England.
A. be B. to be C. being D. been
17. I don’t mind_______ homework.
A. done B. doing C. to do D. do
18. I remember _____ the Queen in London.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting
19. She hates _______ milk.
A. drink B. drinking C. drank D. to drink
20. Her mother can’t stand _______ her at home all day.
A. seeing B. see C. to see D. seen
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the cues given
1. After finishing housework, she went to bed.
After she …………………………………………….……….…………..
2. My teacher left the school before we arrived there.
When we arrived…………………………………………………………..
3. The guests left then we tidied the house.
After ……… ………………………………………………………………
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

4. She did all her work then she went home.

5. Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.
6. She expects to see you again.
She looks………………………………………………………………..
7. He recommended taking an English course.
 He recommended us……………………………………………………….
8. You need to cash your cheque.
Your cheque ………………………………………………………………
9. I’d prefer not to meet him today.
I would rather……………………………………………………………...
10. I’d rather live in poverty than do dishonest thing.
I prefer……………………………………………………………………..

WEEK: 14 / PERIOD: 14
I. Choose the correct answer for each sentence:
1. _______ she was very hard working, she hardly earned enough to support her family.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Because of D. Although
2. _______ her absence from the school yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson.
A. Despite B. Because C. Because of D. As
3. _______ his lack of time, he watches football every night.
A. Although B. Because of C. In spite of D. Because
4. Alan always overeats at lunch _______ he never eats breakfast.
A. because B. because of C. Even though D. in spite of
5. _______ I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.
A. Even though B. In spite of C. Since D. As
6. The goods was never delivered _______ the promise we had received.
A. since B. as C. because D. in spite of
7. _______ the meeting’s at 2:00, I won’t be able to see you.
A. Although B. In spite of C. Because D. Because of
8. My mother is always complaining _______ the untidiness of my room.
A. because B. because of C. since D. as
9. I didn’t get the job _______ I had all the necessary qualifications
A. because B. because of C. although D. despite
10. It’s unsafe to travel in that country _______ the civil war.
A. in spite of B. despite C. due to D. a & b are correct
11. Many people don’t want to live in big cities _______ big cities are often heavily
A. but B. because C. and D. though
12. _______she heard the doorbell ring, she did not answer it.
A. However B. Because C. Even though D. As if
13. Despite the storm, the climbers decided to go on.
A. In spite of it was storm B. Although there was a storm
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

C. Because it stormed D. Due to it storms

14. He stopped working because he was too tired
A. because of his tiredness B. since being tired
C. for tired D. although his tiredness
15. His teacher got angry because he behaved badly
A. so that he behaved badly B. even though he behaved badly
C. because of his bad behavior D. because of his behavior
16. Although the traffic was heavy, he managed to get to the office on time.
A. In spite of the traffic was heavy
B. Because of the heavy traffic
C. In spite of the heavy traffic
D. Due to the traffic was heavy
17. I would have been on time if I hadn’t stopped at the post office.
A. I was on time even though I stopped at the post office
B. I wasn’t on time because I stopped at the post office
C. I didn’t stop at the post office, but I was late.
D. all of the above
18. We couldn’t reach the house _______the road was flooded.
A. because B. because of C. if D. though
19. _______he has a headache, he has to take an aspirin.
A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. In spite of
20. Although he was seriously ill, he was determined to finish his work. In spite of
A. the serious ill, he was determined to finish his work ill seriously, he was determined to finish his work
C. his serious illness, he was determined to finish his work
D. he was ill seriously, he was determined to finish his work

II. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that means exactly the same as the
sentences printed
1. I didn't know her address, so I didn't tell you.
=> Because ...................................................................
2. The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
=> Because of ..................................................
3. Because the traffic was heavy, they went to work late.
=>Because of...............................................................................
4. The fan was so high that the boy couldn't reach it
=> Because ...................................................
5.Nobody watered the tree every day , as a result it died .
=> Because ......................................................
6. Although the trip was boring, we enjoyed it a lot.
=>In spite …………………………………………………………………….
7. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.
=>Although………… ……………………………………………….
8. In spite of his hard work, he could finish the job.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

=>Although … ……………………………………………………………..
9. Despite his denial, we knew that he was guilty.
=>Even ………………………………………………………………….
10. Julie failed the exam in spite of working very hard.
=>In spite of the ………… ……………………………………...

WEEK: 15 / PERIOD: 15
I. Identify one mistake:
1. You are not advised to go jogging because your serious heart disease.
2. Gold was one of the first to be discovered despite it is one of the rarest
3. He stopped working although he was too tired to continue.
4. They can speak English and use a computer so as to they can easily get a
good job.

5. He drank so much wine because he could not find his way home.
6. Although the harm of smoking, smokers can’t get rid it.
7. Because of they had collaborated well together, they were successful in their
8. Even though the extremely bad weather in the mountain, the climbers
decided not to cancel their climb.
9. I rarely see a film in spite of there are many films that are worth seeing.
10. Because it was late, so that he tried to type the contact as fast as possible.
II. Choose the correct answer
11. _______ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many
differences between them.
A. In spite B. In spite of
C. Despite the fact that D. Despite
12. I could not eat anything _______ I was very hungry.
A. even though B. in spite C. despite D. in spite the fact that
13. In spite _______, the baseball game was not cancelled.
A. the rain B. of the rain
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

C. it was raining D. there was a rain

14._______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
A. In spite B. In spite of
C. Despite D. Although
15._______, he walked to the station.
A. Despite being tired B. Although to be tired
C. In spite being tired D. Despite tired
16. He could not play in the game ___ his foot injury.
A. because B. due to the fact that C. because of D. for
17. ___ I had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate dinner early.
A. For B. Since C. Due to D. Because of
18. Although they were very poor, the children seemed happy.
A. The children seemed happy because they were very poor
B. The children were very poor, so they seemed happy
C. Despite their poverty, the children seemed happy
D. The children seem happy whether they were poor /rich
19. Because of his bad leg, he walked slowly.
A. Because his leg was bad, he walked slowly
B. Because his bad leg, he walked slowly
C. If his leg was bad, he walked slowly
D. Although his leg was bad, he walked slowly
20. I got to class on time _________ I had missed my bus.
A. even though B. nevertheless
C. because D. despite
Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that means exactly the
same as the sentences printed
1. It was very cold but she did not put on her coat.
=>In spite of ……………………………………………………………….
2. Gannon was a high-performing midfield linkman in spite of his age.
=>Even though ……… ………………………………………………
3 Although he is the boss, he does not find solutions to problems very easily.
=>Despite …… ……………………………………………………….
4. Elderly as they are, they exercise twice a day.
=>Although ………… ……………………………………………………..
5. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest town
=>In spite of…………………………………………………………..
6. I don't have enough money. so I can't buy a computer .
=> Because .....................................................................
7.Those students arrived late because they had an accident.
=>Because of...............................................................................
8. Because it rained, we didn't go to the cinema .
=> Because of ........................................................
9 . It was such an expensive car that I couldn't buy it .
=> Because ............................................................
10. His mother got angry because of her son's bad behavior.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

=>His mother got angry because.................................................


Part A: LISTENING (4 × 0,25 = 1,0pt.)
Mark, Sally are talking about their holiday plans. Listen and choose the best answer
to complete the following sentences
Ques 1: Mark goes to Wales _________.
A. every summer B. every month C. every week D. every year
Ques 2: They don’t go camping in Wales because the weather can be _________ there.
A. terrible B. windy C. glorious D. beautiful
Ques 3: Sally is going to _________.
A. England B. Manchester C. Wales D. Barcelona
Ques 4: Sally wants to go _________ and she’d like to go sunbathing while she is staying
A. fishing B. sightseeing C. swimming D. sunbathing
Part B: USE OF ENGLISH (12 × 0,25 = 4 pts.)
Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence, or best answer each
Ques 5: A film which is made by photographing a series of changing drawings is called
A. comedy B. documentary C. drama D. cartoon
Ques 6: Choose the answer A, 8, C, or D to t to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Each time you turn it on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of
doing almost anything you ask.
A. unsuitable B. good C. right D. important
Ques 7: Choose the answer A, 8, C, or D to t to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
The students changed their destination because they preferred visiting Thay pagoda.
A. departure B. place C. holiday D. house
Ques 8: Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
Dennis used to smoking a lot a year ago .
A. used to B. smoking C. a lot D. ago
Ques 9: I_________to him three times since he _________to live here.
A. talked / has come B. have talked / has come
C. talked/ came D. have talked / came
Ques 10: New telephone lines allow faster data_________by fax .
A. transmission B. development C. entertainment D. calculation
Ques 11: Thuy’s class is different _________other classes because the children are
A. in B. at C. from D. on
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

Ques 12: Lan is afraid that her parents won’t let her _________ the night away from
A. stay B. will stay C. staying D. to stay
Ques 13: Could you tell me what this device is used _________?
A. about B. of C. for D. on
Ques 14: Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
Jane couldn’t come to my birthday party, this made me feel sad.
A . couldn’t come B. this C. me D. feel
Ques 15: These are photographs _________ my father took last year.
A. which B. who C. whom D. they
Ques 16: Without the Braille Alphabet, it would be very difficult for _________to learn.
A. the deaf B. the mute C. the blind D. disabled
Part C : READING ( 8 x 0,25 = 2.0 pts. )
Section 1: Reading passage carefully and then choose the best answer
For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing
more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun
feeling bored with this and so last weekend I thought I would do something different. I
rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really
excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was
by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we
needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we
wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour, we bought some sandwiches
and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon, two of us went shopping and the others
went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho.
The meal was really good, but unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected.
We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes
before our coach left.
Ques 17: He felt so excited about going to London because _____________________
A. he went there ten years ago. B. he hadn't been there for ten years.
C. he hadn't been there for a long time. D. he hadn't been there before.
Ques 18: Why did they decide to go by coach?
A. Because it was available.
B. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport.
C. Because they wanted to start early.
D. Because other means of transport were more expensive.
Ques 19: Which of the following is true?
A. They had lunch in a small restaurant.
B. They all went shopping before going to theater.
C. They left the city at 6:30 p.m.
D. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch.
Ques 20: It can be inferred from the text that __________________
A. the coach had already left when they got to the station.
B. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal.
C. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much.
D. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

Section 2: Choose the correct words or phrases that best complete the passage.
A computer is an electronic (21)_____, which executes software programs. It consists
(22)_____ two parts hardware and (23)_____. The computer processes input through input
devices like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices
like color monitor and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from very small
to very big. The speed of computers also has a very large range. Computers have become
indispensable in today’s world. (24)_____ of people use computers all over the world.
Ques 21: A. computer B. monitor C. device D. form
Ques 22: A. about B. of C. for D. with
Ques 23: A. keyboard B. software C. screen D. mouse
Ques 24: A. Thousand B. None C. Millions D. Hundreds
Section 1: Write the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the original
Ques 25. Some documents have been found. They were stolen from a car.
 Some documents which…………………………………………………….
Ques 25. Millions of tourists have visited the pyramids in Egypt.
 The pyramids……………………………………………………………….
Ques 27. They slept soundly although the night air was hot
 In spite of ………………………………………………………………
Ques 28.She didn’t go to school because she was seriously ill
 Because of………………………………………………………………….
Section 2: Write a paragraph of 70- 80 words about the benefits of television


I/ Choose the one word or phrase A, B, C or D - that best completes

1. _______the storm warnings, we did not go out last night.
A. Even though B. In spite of C. Because of D.The result
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

2. My father _______ be taken to the concert twice a month, when he was a little boy
A. was used to B. got used to C. used to D. A& B are correct
3. Marry, ________ I met at the party, called me last night.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. When
4. We have __________ break between two lessons.
A. a fives- minutes B. a five- minutes C. a five – minute D. a five minutes
5. A new school _______ in this town since last month.
A built B. has been built C. was built D. is built
6. Why don’t you try ____ my computer? – Yours is out of order.
A. to use B. using C. used D. to using
7. It took me three and half hours _________ to Singapore.
A. to fly B. flying C. to be flown D. fly
8. I am used to __________ picture stories when I have free time.
A. read B. reads C. reading D. will read
9. _______ have a future in their hands.
A. the poor B. the old C. the young D. The sick
10. Bob is the kind of person to _______ you can talk about anything.
A. who B. that C. whom D. whose
II. Choose the best word or phrase with the closest meaning as the underlined part.
1. Miss Phuong is interested in her teaching profession.
A. work B. job C. completion D. employment
2. Most people start to lose their memory as they get older.
A. ability to remember B. ability to impress
C. feeling of admiration D. ability to affect
3. He was proud of his son’s accomplishment.
A. first attempt B. endurance C. determination D. achievement
III. Choose the word or phrase with the opposite meaning as the underlined part
1.His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion.
A. polite B. suitable C. unsuitable D. impolite
2. It was generous of you to share your food with me.
A. selfish B. kind C. impolite D. nice
III. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning
1. He made so many mistakes. ( using used to )
2. My wife wants you to come to my house. You spoke to her last night.(using relative
3. We live near a special school for people who can’t see anything.( the + adj)
-->We live………………………………………………………………………..
4. I can’t sleep because the weather is hot. (using Because of )
--> ………………………………………………………………………………
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

5. We took many pictures in spite of the cloudy sky. (Although)

--> …………………………………………………
6. They have stamped the letter. ( using the present perfect passive)


I. PHONETICS (1mark)
Circle the word whose the underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. six B. nine C. eleven D. fix
2. A. that B. thing C. those D. this
3. A. ready B. meat C. defeat D. beat
4. A. kitchen B. history C. time D. finish
A. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence:
1. John is always late for class, _______ annoys the teacher.
A. which B. this C. what D. that
2. There was a lot of _______from the local residents.
A. oppose B. opposite C. opponent D. opposition
3. I’d like to introduce you to Mrs. Thuy, _______ is the teacher of this special class.
A. that B. which C. who D. whom
4. Thuy’s class is different_______ other classes because the children are disabled.
A. on B. from C. in D. at
5. He is tired now _______he stayed up late watching TV.
A. because B. so C. but D. and
6. There is ______apple and ____ banana on the table.
A. an/ a B. a/ an C. an/ some D. a/ any
B. Identify the mistakes in the following sentences
7. How much students are there in your class?
8. The class was cancelled because of there weren’t enough students
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means as the same as the
sentence printed before it. (2marks).
1. He could repair the broken vase.
- The broken……………………………………………………………………
2.Although he had a good salary he was unhappy in his job.
- In spite……………………………………………………………………….
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

3. “Would you like to come round for a drink?” He said.

-He invited……………………………………………………………………
4. Would you like me to call the police?
-I’ll call…………………………………………………………………….
II. Give the correct part of speech for each sentence. (2marks).
1. Your __________must be typed into 3 copies to hand in for our company. (apply)
2. Well, I think that the prices in Dong Thap supermarket are _______. (reason)
3. This company offered a lot of _______ jobs. (attract)
4. The _______ of the moon for the earth causes tides. (attract)
III. Read the following passage and choose the best answers by circling a, b, c or d
England is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many
English families spend their Summer holidays at the seaside. There are no high mountains
in England, no very long rivers and no very large forests.
There are many towns in England. No town is very far from another. The English
countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colors. In Spring and Summer, the
fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green, red,
blue, yellow, and white with flowers.
1. Is England a large country?
2. Where do many English families spend their Summer holidays?
3. Are there high mountains, long rivers and large forests in England?
4. What is the English countryside like?
IV.Write complete sentences about the disadvantages of using iPads in the classroom,
using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more
necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
1. iPads/ not/ ideal solution/ teaching/ because/ performing various tasks/ require/ use/
different devices.
2. The use/ iPads/ classroom/ depend/ heavily/ quality/ Wi-Fi/ school/ and/ slow or
disconnected Wi-Fi server/ spoil/ entire lesson.
3. Students/ easy/ get access/ game/ a chat/ or a social network/ iPads.
4. When/ student/ not have/ a charged iPad/ charging/ become/ issue.
Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020

5. Publishers/ not satisfy/ all demands/ e-books/ so/ students/ get information/ textbooks.
6. There/ so many applications/ iPads/ and/ students/ sometimes/ difficulty/ find/
appropriate applications/ lessons.

Le Trung Dinh high school Optional lessons-English 10
The English group School year: 2019-2020



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