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Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1 Functions ............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Objectives of Lab ....................................................................................................... 2

2 Chapter 2: Brief Introduction of Lab works ..................................................................... 3

2.1 Use of Shortcut Keywords ......................................................................................... 3

2.1.1 Advantages:......................................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 Disadvantages: .................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Text Formatting .......................................................................................................... 4

2.3 Word Indent Paragraph .............................................................................................. 5

2.3.1 The Tab Key Method .......................................................................................... 5

2.3.2 Indent All Paragraphs in Word ........................................................................... 5

2.4 Bulleting ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.5 Line and Paragraph Spacing ....................................................................................... 7

2.6 Page Margin, Borders and Shades.............................................................................. 7

2.7 Header And Footer ..................................................................................................... 9

2.8 Working with Table ................................................................................................. 10

2.8.1 Shade The Table ............................................................................................... 11

2.8.2 Sort data in a Table ........................................................................................... 11

2.8.3 Merge cells in the table ..................................................................................... 12

2.9 Quick Styles ............................................................................................................. 13

2.9.1 Apply a Style..................................................................................................... 13

2.9.2 Modify a Style................................................................................................... 13

2.10 Use of Graphics .................................................................................................... 14

2.11 Other advance functions ....................................................................................... 14

2.11.1 Using WordArt.................................................................................................. 14

2.11.2 Checking Spelling and Grammar ...................................................................... 15

3 Chapter 3: Conclusion / Lessons Learnt ......................................................................... 16

3.1 Knowledge I have Learnt while making this report are: .......................................... 16

3.2 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Word processing describes the process of creating or editing a document using a word
processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs etc. It is used to manipulate a text
document, such as a resume or a report. It makes us easier to create and organize new files as
well as retrieve and manipulate existing one.
For example, a student could create a book report in a Word Processor application. Then, the
student could print it, save it to a disk, display it on the screen, or send it over e-mail.

The most popular word processor is Microsoft Word. It is developed by the computer
company, Microsoft Corporation. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents.
The first windows version was Word 1.0, which was released on 1989.

1.1.1 Functions
• Creating, editing, saving and printing documents.
• Copying, pasting, moving and deleting text within a document.
• Formatting text, such as font type, bolding, underlining or italicizing.
• Creating and editing tables.
• Inserting elements from other software, such as illustrations or photographs.

Basic layout of Word Processor

1.2 Objectives of Lab
• Create, edit, save, and print documents to include them with lists and tables,
• Indicate the names and functions of the Word interface components,
• Add header and footer to a document,
• Add graphic to a document,
• Format text and use styles,
• Manipulate documents using functions such as copy, cut, paste, find and replace etc. ,
• Add page numbers and footnotes to the document.
• To insert text, clip art, etc.

2 Chapter 2: Brief Introduction of Lab works
2.1 Use of Shortcut Keywords
A keyboard key that invokes a function in the operating system or application when pressed.

Shortcut keys, which may involve pressing two or three keys at the same time, are set up for

Common tasks such as launching a favorite program. Typically, shortcut keys combine

The Ctrl or Alt keys with some other keys. Many shortcut keys are used in MS-Word.

Some of them are as follows:

Shortcuts keys Actions

CTRL + A Select text
CTRL + B Bold text
CTRL + C Copy text
CTRL + D Open font formatting window
CTRL + E Center text
CTRL + F Find a phrase
CTRL + G Go To a specific page or bookmark
CTRL + H Replace text with another text or replace
text with different formatting
CTRL + I Italicize text
CTRL + J Justify text
CTRL + K Open Insert Hyperlink window
CTRL + L Left align text
CTRL + M Indent a paragraph from the left
CTRL + N Open new Word document
CTRL + O Open an existing Word document
CTRL + P Print Word document
CTRL + Q Remove paragraph formatting
CTRL + R Right align text
CTRL + S Save Word document

CTRL + T Create a hanging indent
CTRL + U Underline text
CTRL + V Paste text
CTRL + W Close Word document
CTRL + X Cut text
CTRL + Y Redo an action previously undone OR
repeat an action
CTRL + Z Undo a previous action

2.1.1 Advantages:
It helps to type faster and accurate.

2.1.2 Disadvantages:
It will be difficult to learn different shortcuts for different applications or programs.

2.2 Text Formatting

Text formatting refers to the attributes of text other than the actual text itself like Bold,
Italics, and Underlining etc. In MS-Word, the commands to perform all of these formatting
tasks are found on the Home tab in the Font group. Select your text and then click on the
required formatting button to see the effects.

Text formatting in MS-Word

2.3 Word Indent Paragraph
In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of
blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins. Indents can also be
negative which is called an outdent. It pulls the paragraph outside of the left margin.

We can indent paragraphs by different ways. Two of them are:

2.3.1 The Tab Key Method

i. Insert your cursor at the start of the paragraph.
ii. Press the Tab key on your keyboard.

2.3.2 Indent All Paragraphs in Word

If you want to indent all existing paragraphs, the quickest method is the ruler.
However, you can also use the Paragraph dialog box if you would like to make additional
adjustments to alignments and line spacing simultaneously.

Indent Paragraph

2.4 Bulleting
A bullet is a black dot, circle, or other mark that is found before the text. They are utilized to
identify key items or denote significance. Bullet points are often used in presentations to help

organize information and make it easier to read or understand.

The bullets which are used in MS-Word are shown in picture below:

Bulleting Tab

To add bullet, the following steps should be followed:

1. Select where you want the list to begin.

2. Go to the 'Paragraph' section of the 'Home' tab.
3. Click on the 'Bullets' symbol (use the little arrow to select the style of bullet point)
4. Type the first entry in your list, hitting return to start a new bullet each time.

2.5 Line and Paragraph Spacing
Line spacing determines the amount of vertical space between lines of text in
a paragraph. By default, lines are single-spaced, meaning that the spacing accommodates the
largest font in that line, and also a small amount of extra space.

Paragraph spacing determines the amount of space above or below a paragraph. This is
useful for separating paragraphs, headings, and subheadings.

Line and paragraph spacing

2.6 Page Margin, Borders and Shades

A margin is a space separating text or other elements from the edge of the paper commonly
adjusted through the page setup. We need to set top, bottom, left and right margins for most
programs. The standard margin settings are 1" top and bottom and 1.25" left and right.

Borders are rules you can add to any or all of the four sides of a
paragraph. Shading is the color or artistic design you use as background for a
paragraph. Borders and shading are formatting tools for enhancing text, paragraphs, table
cells or frames.

Setup Table of Page margin

Where are Borders and Shading found in MS-word?

2.7 Header And Footer
A header is the top margin of each page, and a footer is the bottom margin of each page.
Headers and footers are useful for including material that you want to appear on every page
of a document such as your name, the title of the document, or page numbers etc.

The following are the steps to set up header and footer ;

1. Select the Insert tab.

2. Locate the Header & Footer group.
3. It shows Header and Footer commands.
4. As required click either Header or Footer command.
5. It displays a list of built in Header or Footer options.
6. Select the desired option.

We see the location of header and footer in the picture below:

Header and Footer In MS-Word

2.8 Working with Table
A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables can be customized
and are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data.

We can create table by following the steps given below:

1. Place the cursor where you want to place the table.

2. Click the Insert Table icon on the Tables and Borders toolbar at the top of the
3. Drag the corner of the table until you have the desired number of columns and rows.
4. Click the mouse to insert the table.

2.8.1 Shade The Table
• Click the layout tab on the ribbon
• Click the select button in the table group
• Click the item you wish to format
• Click the design tab on the ribbon
• Select shading color.

2.8.2 Sort data in a Table

• Select the layout tab
• Click the sort button in the data group
• Select the field to sort by
• Select the order (ascending, descending)
• Choose if your table has a header row.

2.8.3 Merge cells in the table
• Select the cells that you would like to merge in the table
• Click on the layout tab o the ribbon
• Click the merge cells botton in the merge group

2.9 Quick Styles
A Quick Style is a style listed in the Microsoft Word styles list that can be accessed
at any time. If you format text the same way frequently, you can create a Quick Style to
apply that same formatting to any text.

2.9.1 Apply a Style

• Click the words, paragraph, list or tables you want to format
• Click the styles you want to apply from the styles group

2.9.2 Modify a Style

• Right click on the style in the styles group
• Click on Modify
• Make changes as you want
• Click OK

2.10 Use of Graphics
Graphics refers to any computer device or program that makes a computer capable of
displaying and manipulating pictures. Graphics also refers to the images.

Following are the instruction for using graphics in MS-word:

1. Click the mouse at the point where you want to insert the graphic.
2. From the Insert menu, choose Picture, From File.
3. In the File name box, type or select the name of the file you want. ...
4. Click the Open button.

2.11 Other advance functions

2.11.1 Using WordArt
• Click on insert tab
• Select text to format
• Select WordArt from text group
• Select proper WordArt style

2.11.2 Checking Spelling and Grammar
• Go to the review tab
• Click on the spelling and grammar command
• After it is opened, for each error in your document, word will try to offer you
suggestions. You can select a suggestion and click change to correct it.

3 Chapter 3: Conclusion / Lessons Learnt
3.1 Knowledge I have Learnt while making this report are:
✓ I can use various shortcut keys to make task done easily and fastly.
✓ I have learnt to create table and insert data over tables.
✓ I have got the ideas to adjust the spaces between lines, paragraphs and even between
the words to make it look great.
✓ I can easily manage the information like page no, date, table of content etc.
✓ I have learnt the advance options such as hyperlinking, mail merging etc. which could
help me to good and great word document.

3.2 Conclusion
Microsoft Word, is a software application that allows the user to perform word
processing. With the help of word, we can do anything like increasing, decreasing, change,
bold, underline, highlight, color, etc. to our font. MS-word is used in different fields like
business, education and many more. This project of making lab report increased my
knowledge of using MS-Word. While making this report, I got chance to know many new
and informative things that every IT students need to know and I am really thankful to
respected teacher for giving this chance to us.


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