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Name of the Game: Bulls eye Stage: Early stage 1, Kindergarten


* Game to be played indoors in sports hall/gym. A simple obstacle course is made with a tunnel and a bench (Appendix 1)

* The aim is for the student to make it through the obstacle course and get the beanbags into the bucket at the end. First
team with all the beanbags in their bucket wins.

* Class is split into two teams, each team given 15 bean bags each of two different colours and are placed at the starting

* One child goes at a time and they start at the starting line, they must go under the tunnel, over the bench and make it
to the end line to throw their beanbag into their bucket. After it goes in run to the end of their teams line and the next
person goes.

Why is this game important for this stage?

* Involves introducing basic team work skills for children to then develop on

* Develops an understanding of trust and confidence in working in a team and what it involves

* Participates in games where cooperation is important for success

* Develop fundamental and complex movement skills, as developmentally appropriate

* Teaches basic skills of gripping, running with an object and while making it through obstacles
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* COSE1.1 Using encouraging language to team mates and using correct vocabulary for body movements eg run

* MOES1.4 Children are able to build on movement skills through climbing through and over obstacles to get to a goal.
Furthermore learn multiple movements at the same time, eg gripping the beanbag while crawling.

* PSES1.5 Understands there is a goal and problem solving how to reach it past the obstacles, such as observing the
quickest way to get through the tunnel (try to squat and run through, down on your belly commander style or on all fours)

Equipment and Teaching cues

* Markers or cones

* Two buckets

* 30 bean bags (two colours, 15 of each colour)

* Two tunnels or a high chair for the children to crawl under. Two objects for the children to climb over, eg a bench or
large crate (must be safe and stable)

*Can take out the obstacles and just have running or can add in more obstacles depending on the ability of the children.

* Ensure there is a safe playing field

Name of the Game: Hot potato Stage: Early stage one: Kindergarten


* Aim is for children to be able to listen and follow direction while warming up

* In the inside gym area, children begin by walking around the room using the whole space and following teachers

*The teacher will yell out various commands that were explained before commencing, and children are to follow these
commands with the appropriate action

*Commands are in the appendix (appendix 2)

Why is this game important for this stage?

* Develops basic concentration and listening skills. Gets children following directions that are not too difficult.

*Develops the fundamental Non-locomotor skills such as running

* Demonstrates physical skills that contribute to movement proficiency

* At Early stage one, children should be able to develop their moving skills beyond the basic movements in response to
stimuli, however this game does not require too complex movements.

* Working on fundamental skill of jumping, running and avoiding other players (dodging)
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* INES1.3 Uses positive talk to encourage others and explaining the action relevant to the teachers command to students
who have forgotten

* COES1.1 Responds to simple instructions by applying the action to the teachers command and learns how to play
simple response games.

* MOES1.4 Repeats movement to form a sequence by following commands that require them to hop on the spot and
running. Develops skills to walk run and change body movements at different tempos. Children learn to balance and
manoeuvre their body to certain commands

* PSES1.5 Follows basic safety procedures and develops an understanding of avoiding collisions with other children

Equipment and Teaching cues :

* No equipment necessary, except cones or markers to designate a playing space if chosen to play outside.

* Remember to teach and remind of the actions that respond to each command before commencing the game.

* Be aware of collisions of children running around and remind students to be quick in interchanging between commands.

* Depending on the children’s ability as to how many different commands you introduce and the type of commands.

Name of the Game: Colour pit Stage: Stage 1, year 1

Explanation :

* This game can be played in a basketball court or outdoor area marked out with cones 10 x 15 meters

* Aim of the game is to get all your balls back to your team’s safety area.

* The class is split into two teams and the children are to stand in a line at one end of the court in their own teams, and
the other half of the playing has 35 – 45 balls spread all around. Table tennis balls marked with red and green tape or
tennis balls can be used. (Appendix 3)

* Each team is then further divided into red and green. They must then stand in there teams with the colours mixed
evenly (red, green, red, green)

* The teacher then needs to yell out the command, ‘red or ‘green’, than the students with the corresponding colour must
run to the balls and pick up one ball of their colour and run back and return it to their team bucket.

* When the teacher yells out a colour, the children have 5 seconds to run and get the ball. If the whistle blows before the
ball is in the basket then it must be returned to the playing field. When all the balls are gone the team with the most wins.

Why is this game important for this stage?

* It is a fun and easy game for children of all abilities to enjoy

*Students enjoy participating in the activity as well as enjoying the physical challenge of competition in a safe
environment. Develops basic competition skills

* Develops the decision making skills that should be expected at this stage
* Follows rules and safety procedures while participating in a variety of physical activities

* Develops trust and appreciation in working in teams

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* DMS1.2 Decision making skills are developed as students chose which ball to go for

* MOS1.4 The students demonstrate a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other
introductory movement experiences. Children will be able to develop starting and stopping movements while running for
balls and quickly turning and running back before the whistle is blown

* PSS1.5 Children will enhance their problem solving as the learn strategies to get the ball in time, the will learn to start
planning while waiting for the teachers command.

Equipment and Teaching cues

*35 – 45 table tennis or tennis balls

* Marking cones

* Two different colour bibs or bandanas

* Can change the time frame children have to collect the balls to make it easier or harder.
* Encourage the students to participate in a positive and encouraging manner

*Encourage the students to “cheer” for their team, creating a team sport atmosphere


Name of the Game: Lions and Tigers Stage: stage 1, year 2

Explanation :

* Played on a grass area of 10x10 meters.

* The class is split into two groups, the lions and the tigers. Both lined up at opposite ends of the field.

* The aim is to sneak up on the other team and to try and get away without being tagged.

For example Lions are facing away from the Tigers with their eyes closed. Tigers will sneak up quietly to the lions and
once the Lions leader decides they are close enough he/she yells, “Here come the tigers” and they turn around to chase
tigers, while trying to tag them.

* Each person tagged then needs to join the opposite team who tagged them.

* The team with the most players at the end of 10 minutes wins
Why is this game important for this stage?

* The game involves tagging and chasing which assist the child in developing on their movement skills.

* Develops the fundamental nd more complex Non-locomotor skills such as the dodging and running

* Develops initiation in team sports

* Develops children ability to think quickly and make judgements

*At this stage children should be developing their decision making and movement skills

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* DMS1.2 Children will need to develop strategies to avoid being tagged. Team leader will need to make decisions for the
team when deciding when to advise their team to chase

* INS1.3 Game require working as a team and interacting with team members in order to develop strategies that win
assist in tagging the opposite team

* PSS1.5 Developing on interaction with team makes to develop strategies to tag the opposite team, children will need to
develop their own problem solving in order to work on strategies to avoid getting caught and basic tagging techniques.

* MOS1.4 Demonstrates developing performance in basic movement skills such as coordination with tagging and chasing,
Dodging opponents to avoid getting tagged.
Equipment and Teaching cues

* Cones or markers to mark out playing area

* Remind children to think of strategies to avoid being tagged and about working as a team

* Can modify the chasing and tagging techniques, e.g. children chasing must hop, or run on all fours etc


Name of the Game: Spiders and flies Stage: Stage 2, year 3


* Basketball court is a good size for this game and has clear boundaries already marked

* Two spiders are chosen, the remaining players are flies

* The spiders sit in the middle of the basketball court while the flies move around the spiders by skipping or hopping or
jumping ect.

*The spiders sit quietly waiting until they are ready to leap up and chase the flies towards the boundary.

* Flies that are caught become spiders and they sit in the middle and start again until the last fly is caught
Why is this game important for this stage?

* Children develop there skills in staying in sticked boundaries while still avoiding being caught

*Children are increasing their individual success through achievement

* Can assist their self confidence in their own abilities at this stage

* Teaches sportsmanship as losing does not mean the game is over which is important at this stage of development

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* COS2.1 Develop communication skills when they discuss which spider should make the first move and when strategising

* DMS2.2 Children will need to make decisions, eg when to start chasing the flies, who to go for

* INS2.3 Children will develop their interaction skills as they learn to play in the same space and discuss strategies

* PSS2.5 Children should be able to analyse the situation to be able to create strategies to avoid being caught and create
strategies in catching flies, such as forming alliances with other spiders

Equipment and Teaching cues

* No equipment necessary

* Change the way the flies must move around, eg skipping only, hopping only. The same for the spiders.
* Encourage children to think about their movements

* Can make it harder or easier, for example introduce a ball and spiders can only touch a fly if they have a ball in their


Name of the Game: Snakes and Hawks Stage: Stage 2, year 4


* Can be played on a basketball court or inside gym area. A hula hoop is placed at each end of the playing area and one is
placed in the middle to be the hawk’s nest. The beanbags are placed into the hawks nest. (Appendix 4)

* Teacher chooses 4 -5 children to be the hawks and the rest of class is split into two teams of snakes.

* The objection of the snakes is to compete for the same pile of eggs, while the hawks objection is to protect their nest by
tagging the snakes.

* If the game finish before 10 minutes, play again choosing different children to be hawks

* The tagged snakes need to stand frozen and can be untagged by their teammates going under their legs. If a snake has
an egg when tagged, the hawk returns it to their nest

*The team with the most nuts wins

Why is this game important for this stage?

* This game involves more complex running and dodging skills as there is competing and defence in way of the goal (the

* Safely participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities

* This game also involves more complex decision making skills for the same reason

*Children are developing their performance in basic movement sequences with consistency and control

* At this stage children should be able to make more decisions at once

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* MOS2.4 Hawks practice tagging and chasing skills and snakes practice fleeing and dodging. Develop proficient accuracy
as they throw their eggs into their nest

* DMS2.5 Students will learn to referee themselves

* INS2.3 Appropriately interacting for this developmental stage with peers in freeing them after being tagged and forming

Equipment and Teaching cues:

* 3 Hula hoops.

*9 Beanbags or tennis balls.

*Tags or jerseys to identify the two different squirrel teams.

* Can modify the rules by allowing snakes to be able to take from each other’s holes.
* Also allowing snakes to tag and freeze each other if they pass into their ‘territory’.

* Make sure the children who are hawks are swapped over after each game set.


Name of the Game: Sunset bull rush Stage: Stage 3, year 5

Explanation :

* Best played on a large outside grass area such as a oval, with boundary marked out eg 30 x 40 meters

* Two children are chosen to be in the middle and must hold hands to be in pairs. Everyone else in lined up along one side
of the playing field, all wearing oztags

* The teacher will blow a whistle or yell “sunrise” and everyone has to run passed the children who are ‘in’ to the other
side without having their oz tag ripped off. However once they get to the other side that is not the safe zone. The chasing
only stops once the teacher blows the whistle or yells “sunset”. At sunset, the children who are ‘in’ go back to the middle
and pretend to sleep, until sunrise is called again.

* If a child has had their tagged ripped off they are in the middle also and are now chasing, but those in the middle must
be in groups of two and hold hands. If there are odd numbers in, a child makes their own group until another child in
tagged to be in the middle with them.

* Last child with their oz tag wins

Why is this game important for this stage?

* Safely participates in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities such as running, dodging and chasing
while avoiding collisions with other children

* Students develop a sense of team success as well as individual success depending on their position

* This is a game that has the perfect demand for this stage, challenging and will warm the class up however all children
will be able to participate

* Develops appropriate team building skills working within your own team and with others when trying to corner students
to best capture their tag

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* COS3.1 Uses negotiation skills and communicates effectively when working with a partner

* DMS3.2 Making decision with a teammate on which child to chase, which direction to go.

* INS3.3 Interacts well when working in a team in a difficult situation to best catch the other children
* PSS 3.5 Children develop how to asses a difficult situation, especially when there are lots of children tagging in the
middle, and they develop a solution that will best get them across keeping their tag

Equipment and Teaching cues

* Enough oz tag belts and tag for each student

* Cones to mark out boundaries if necessary

*Can change the rules so there are safe zones, such as the other side of the field.

* If it becomes to difficult to catch people, students can just tag instead of ripping off oztags

* Encourage the students to use a range of their movement skills such as running, shuffling and dodging to avoid being


Name of the Game: Capture the gold Stage: Stage 3, year 6

Explanation :

* Aim is for a team to capture the other team’s gold (a football or any ball) and take it to their station.

* Best played in an outdoor grass area. Class splits into two teams, each team is designated a side of the field and has a
hula hoop placed behind their sideline. Two hula-hoops are set up in the middle on each side to represent the jail that
tagged players go to. (Appendix 5)

* Caught players can only be freed by being tagged by their team players, however only one person at a time can be
freed from jail.

* Each team has their own gold (football) to protect and the aim is to make it through and steal their other teams gold
and bring it back to your teams station without being tagged.

* You can throw the ball to other players on your team to avoid being tagged with the ball. If tagged with the ball it is
returned to the teams hula hoop

* The team who gets the most points at the end of 10 minutes wins

Why is this game important for this stage?

* Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship expected from this developmental stage by playing cooperatively with
their peers without any aggressive play

* Students will be able to asses their performance without blaming others exhibiting good sportsmanship

* Appropriate skill is involved with throwing, running and dodging in a face paced environment

* Developing confidence in own abilities as well as learning to rely on a team

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

* DMS3.2 Deciding how to best get the gold and if it is best to pass the gold to a team mate or go for the goal yourself

* INS3.3 Interacting well in a team to achieve the same goal of stealing the gold. Working with your friends to free them
or be freed from jail.

* MOS3.4 Varies their running pattern and tempos proficiently in order to achieve the goal. Proficiently aims and throws
the gold to team mates

Equipment and Teaching cues

* 4 hula hoops

* 2 - 4 footballs (depending if you want the teams to have two gold pieces each to steal)

* Can change the amount of gold each team has to protect, but adding more footballs into the game.

* Modify difficulty by changing how people are freed from jail. By tagging or by going under each other’s legs.

* Encourage self refereeing based on rules.

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