List Name Date / Option Initiative

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List Name Date / option Initiative

200 pts 42 Seleucid 281 3

V4 Regions Type of camp Defences Qty Budget

---------- ---------- Standard Fortifications 0 0
---------- ---------- 0 Obstacles 0 0
Corps I Commander name Value Type Budget
Brilliant ---------- 6
Quantity Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
2 Companions Heavy cavalry impact Elite 12 24
6 Selecid Pikemen Pikemen ---------- 11 66
1 Argyrspids Pikemen Elite 13 13
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
9 109
Corps II Commander name Value Type Budget
Competent ---------- 3
Quantity Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
2 Tarentines Light cavalry javelin ---------- 6 12
2 Bedouins Light camelry bow Mediocre 5 10
2 Scythed Chariot Scythed chariot ---------- 3 6
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
4 31
Corps III Commander name Value Type Budget
Ally : Competent ---------- 3
Quantity Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
2 Elephants Elephant ---------- 13 26
2 Greek Mercenary Hoplies Heavy spearmen ---------- 8 16
2 Thracians Medium swordsmen 2HW ---------- 7 14
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
6 59
19 Units in the army Total budget : 199
List Name Date / option Initiative
100 pts 0

V4 Regions Type of camp Defences Qty Budget

---------- ---------- Standard Fortifications 0 0
---------- ---------- 0 Obstacles 0 0
Corps I Commander name Value Type Budget
--------- ---------- 0
Quantity Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- ---------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

Corps II Commander name Value Type Budget

Ally : --------- ---------- 0
Quantity Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- ---------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

0 Units in the army Total budget : 0

List Name Date / option Init

Regions Type of camp Defences Qty Budget

---------- ---------- Standard Fortifications 0 0
---------- ---------- 0 Obstacles 0 0
V4 300 pts
Corps I Commander name Value Type Budget
--------- ---------- 0
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- ---------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

Corps II Commander name Value Type Budget

--------- ---------- 0
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- ---------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

Corps III Commander name Value Type Budget

Ally : --------- ---------- 0
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- -------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

Corps III Commander name Value Type Budget

Ally : --------- ---------- 0
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality Budget Total
----------------- -------- 0 0
----------------- ---------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
----------------- -------- 0
0 0

0 Units in the army Total budget : 0

Version History

3.0 First spreadsheet in English for AdG V3

3.1 Revised to correct language errors and apply correct locks
3.2 Revised to fix ally selection, add second ally (for Greeks) and remove duplicate name references
Revised to add missing unit type combination
Unlocked 'notes' cell at bottom
4.0 Version 4
4.1 Add Heavy cavalry Impact bow and minor corrections
4.2 Add Longbowmen pavise and Medium swords. armour impact support
duplicate name references
1 Sumer and Akkad
2 Sumerian Successor
3 Amorite Highlanders
4 Elamite
5 Old Assyrian and Babylonian
6 Kassite Babylonian
7 Assyrian
8 Neo-Babylonian
9 Assyrian Empire and Sargonid
10 Old and Middle Kingdom Egyptian
11 Nubian
12 Libyan
13 Hyksos
14 New Kingdom Egyptian
15 Libyan Egyptian
16 Kushite Egyptian
17 Ancient Bedouin
18 Syrian City States
19 Oman and Gulf States
20 Hittite
21 Hurri-Mitanni
22 Syria, Canaan and Ugarit
23 Ancient Hebrew
24 Sea Peoples
25 Philistine
26 Aramaean and Neo-Hittite
27 Urartu
28 Medes
29 Phrygian
30 Mycenaean
31 Geometric Greek
32 Phoenicians of Cyprus
33 Celts
34 Indus Valley
35 Vedic Indian
36 Erlitou Shang Chinese
37 Zhou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
38 Early Macedonian
39 Alexandrian Macedonian
40 Alexander the Great
41 Early Successors
42 Seleucid
43 Ptolemaic
44 Pyrrhic
45 Later Macedonian
46 Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian
47 Italic Tribes
48 Etruscan
49 Tullian Roman
50 Syracusan
51 Campanian, Lucanian, Apulian and Bruttian
52 Camillan Roman
53 Republican Roman
54 Early Carthaginian
55 Carthaginian
56 Numidian
57 Saitic Egyptian
58 Kyrenean Greek
59 Meroitic Kushite
60 Classical Greek
61 Hellenistic Greek
62 Illyrian
63 Thracian
64 Achaemenid Persian
65 Lydian
66 Lycian
67 Bithynian
68 Later Achaemenid Persian
69 Cappadocian
70 Bosporan Kingdom
71 Armenian
72 Galatian
73 Pergamon
74 Aramaean
75 Early Arab
76 Scythian
77 Sarmatian
78 Vietnamese
79 Classical Indian
80 Warring States
81 Qiang and Di
82 Yayoi Japanese
83 Triumvirate Roman
84 Slave Revolts
85 Early Imperial Roman
86 Middle Imperial Roman
87 Late Imperial Roman
88 Patrician Roman
89 Gallic
90 Ancient Spanish
91 German
92 Dacian and Carpi
93 Visigoth
94 Vandal
95 Ostrogoth
96 Gepid, Herul, Taifali and Sciri
97 Franks, Alemanni, Burgundi, Suevi
98 Ancient British
99 Caledonian, Scots-Irish and Pictish
100 Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, Jutes
101 Britto-Roman
102 Parthian
103 Judaean Jewish
104 Commagene
105 Mithridatic
106 Palmyran
107 Kushan
108 Alan
109 Sassanid Persian
110 Huns
111 Hephthalite Huns
112 Blemmyes and Nobatae
113 Moors
114 Kingdom of Axum
115 Xiongnu
116 Han Chinese
117 Xianbei
118 Three Kingdoms Chinese
119 Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties
120 Tamil Indian
121 Three Kingdoms Korean
122 Kofun-Nara Japanese
123 Emishi
124 Justinian Byzantine
125 Maurikian Byzantine
126 Thematic Byzantine
127 Nikephorian Byzantine
128 Armenian Principality
129 Bagratid Armenian
130 Arab Conquest
131 Umayyad Arab
132 North African Arab
133 Andalusian Arab
134 Abbasid Arab
135 Arab Indian
136 Khurasanian
137 Tulunid and Iqshidid Egyptian
138 Bedouin Dynasties
139 Sogdian and Central Asia City States
140 Central Asian Turkish
141 Visigoth in Spain
142 African Vandal
143 Lombard
144 Italian Ostrogoth
145 Later Scots-Irish
146 Post Roman British
147 Later Pictish
148 Merovingian Frankish
149 Armourican Breton
150 Welsh
151 Anglo-Saxon
152 Astur-Leónese and Navarrese
153 Carolingian Frankish
154 Later Franks
155 Viking and Leidang
156 Irish
157 Scots
158 Slav
159 Avar
160 Bulgar
161 Khazar
162 Serbo-Croatian
163 Magyar
164 Pecheneg
165 Rus
166 Christian Nubian
167 Beja
168 Burmese
169 Rebel Vietnamese
170 Hindu Indian
171 Sui and Tang Chinese
172 Tibetan
173 Khmer Empire and Cham
174 Nanzhao and Dali
175 Tang and Five Dynasties Chinese
176 Heian Japanese
177 Shatuo Turkish
178 Tribal Mongol
179 Norman
180 Anglo-Danish
181 Anglo-Norman
182 Feudal French
183 Feudal English
184 Feudal Scots
185 Feudal Welsh
186 Feudal Anglo-Irish
187 Scots Isles and Highlanders
188 Kingdom of Sicily
189 Communal Italian
190 Feudal Spanish
191 Feudal German
192 Konstantinan Byzantine
193 Komnenan Byzantine
194 Cilician Armenian
195 Crusader
196 Later Crusader
197 Frankish Cyprus
198 Eastern Latin Empire
199 Dailami Dynasties
200 Kurdish Dynasties
201 Ghaznavid
202 Fatimid Egyptian
203 Seljuk Turks
204 Taifa Kingdoms
205 Syrian
206 Ghurid
207 Ayyubid Egyptian
208 Khwarazmian
209 Sahelian Empire
210 Tuareg
211 Berber
212 African Kingdoms
213 Feudal Polish
214 Feudal Hungarian
215 Georgian
216 Feudal Russian
217 Cuman
218 Feudal Scandinavian
219 Prussian and Estonian
220 Teutonic Knights
221 Samurai
222 Khitan-Liao
223 Goryeo Korean
224 Medieval Vietnamese
225 Song Chinese
226 Xi Xia
227 Jurchen-Jin
228 Qara-Khitan
229 Mongol Empire
230 Granadine
231 Swiss
232 Medieval Scots
233 Medieval Irish
234 Medieval Anglo-Irish
235 Condottieri
236 Hundred Years War English
237 Hundred Years War French
238 Medieval German
239 Medieval Spanish
240 Kingdom of Navarre
241 Free Company
242 Burgundian
243 Low Countries
244 Medieval Welsh
245 French Ordonnance
246 Burgundian Ordonnance
247 Wars of the Roses
248 Lithuanian
249 Medieval Hungarian
250 Muscovite Russian
251 Medieval Scandinavian
252 Golden Horde
253 Medieval Teutonic
254 Medieval Polish
255 Hussite
256 Serbian Empire
257 Second Bulgarian Empire
258 Later Byzantine
259 Mamluk
260 Turkoman
261 Ottoman Turkish
262 Catalan Company
263 Order of St John
264 Medieval Cyprus
265 Vlach and Moldavian
266 Albanian
267 Ottoman Empire
268 Besieged Byzantine
269 Islamic Persian
270 Ilkhanid Mongol
271 Steppe Mongol
272 Jalayirid
273 Timurid
274 Black Sheep & White Sheep Turkoman
275 Delhi Sultanate
276 Vijayanagar Kingdom
277 Indonesian and Malay
278 Siam
279 Yuan Chinese
280 Later Samurai
281 Ming Chinese
282 Yi Korean
283 Olmec
284 Maya
285 Zapotec and Mixtec
286 Toltec
287 Chinantec
288 Tarascan
289 Aztec
290 Texcala
291 Inca
292 Chanca
293 Mochica and Chimu
294 Tupi
295 Mapuche
296 Chichimec
297 Pueblos
298 North American Tribes
299 Mound Builder Tribes
300 Polynesian and Melanesian

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