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Hanna Fairussania (2520012)

Academic Speaking A
Persuasive Speech

The Health Benefits of Chocolate

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hello everyone! So before we start into our discussion I’d like to say
thank you for inviting me on this seminar. And I have a question for you all, do you guys love
chocolate? I do. I love chocolate so much. But people out there said that chocolate is a junk food.
This label is extremely unfair. Research has proven that chocolate has many health benefits.

Let's talk about the health benefits of chocolate. Uhm In this occasion our discussion will
be narrow at the benefits of cacao and dark chocolate. As we know, now cacao is the raw
bean,  that's then fermented and processed into, chocolate. Ok, but there are some serious health
benefits to  both of these items, The fact six billion pounds is consumed on a yearly basis. It is
loaded with some serious phytonutrients, polyphenols, and flavonols, which is more in quantity
than blueberries or  acai berries.

Now there's a tiny bit of caffeine involved, but you have a good amount of theobromine  
which is a stimulant, so of course if you're gonna  consume this later in the day or before bed,
that may keep you up. now i consume a little bit  of chocolate on a regular basis, not too much,
but  i always consume no sugar type chocolate. i always  make sure that it's organic because
they do spray  different chemicals, including; using glyphosate. i  primarily use these two
brands right here, there's  other ones that you can get as well, but they're  usually flavored with
erythritol and monk fruit, or stevia. So there's quite a variety that you  can choose from.

All right let's look at the  benefits of cacao and dark chocolate. There's  some seriously
amazing benefits for the heart decrease blood pressure because you're getting increased nitric
oxide, which actually helps the  smooth muscle of the arteries, now the blood  pressure effect can
also happen, due to the  high levels of magnesium. It's also loaded with  iron and potassium and
copper and phosphorus and  zinc
Number two it can increase your hdl, decrease your ldl especially the oxidized ldl

Number three  major studies showing the decrease in risk of  heart disease. Okay this is
the big one right here; decreasing endothelial dysfunction. This is where heart disease starts. It's
the inside of the layer  of the artery, specifically the coronary  that starts to become damaged and
then the  cholesterol comes, and the calcium comes, and builds  up, plaquing and a clot, and so
these antioxidants  protect the inside layer of the artery. Of course if you consume chocolate
without the  sugar which is like, you know sandpaper on the arteries.

All right number four decreasing cortisol and adrenaline. This is why many times  people
consume chocolate to reduce stress .

All right number five it may decrease the risk  of certain cancers.
Research shows that flavanols in cocoa beans, an ingredient in chocolate, are
antioxidants, meaning that they may reduce damage to cells. Damaged cells can lead to cancer

Number six decreasing insulin, but improves insulin resistance.

Dark chocolate and other cocoa products contain antioxidants including the polyphenol
epicatechin that have beneficial effects on vascular function. Oral consumption of dark chocolate
lowers blood pressure in elderly subjects with isolated systolic hypertension while drinking cocoa
acutely improves flow-mediated vasodilation in subjects with cardiovascular risk factors. Work from
THEIR lab and elsewhere has shown that regulation of hemodynamic and metabolic homeostasis
are coupled such that subjects with essential hypertension are also insulin resistant. Therefore,
THEY hypothesize that cocoa consumption will improve both blood pressure and insulin sensitivity in
subjects with essential hypertension. To test this hypothesis, THEY will conduct a randomized
double-blind, crossover study in subjects with essential hypertension to evaluate the effects of cocoa
versus placebo on blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and insulin-mediated capillary recruitment in
skeletal muscle. 

okay number seven you can decrease the risk of strokes 

Studies have shown that the risk of cardiovascular disease can be lowered over the
short-term by eating compounds called flavonoids, which are abundant in dark chocolate.
Flavonoids are known to have antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory effects, which relieve
pressures on the heart, that was the researchers said.

number eight, it can elevate your mood, and bring someone from a depressed state to a
higher level. They don't know exactly why this is it could be, because of the increase in
serotonin, it could be, because of the, theobromine but it can also be from the polyphenols.
Uhm, but regardless it  seems to create a cool effect.

Okay number nine  it can increase your physical performance 

One phytonutrient in cocoa is nitrate. Nitrate gets converted into nitric oxide, a
compound known to increase blood flow and, in high doses, enhance athletic performance.

Ten it can really help the skin's circulation. “The caffeine in chocolate is great for the skin
because it stimulates circulation and improves blood flow, invigorating the skin cells,
increasing firmness and slowing the aging process,” AND Probably because of this nitric oxide
right here.  The texture of your skin, the hydration of your  skin .

And number eleven which is quite amazing , which relates to number three, it can
decrease  metabox syndrome which is a combination of  improving your blood sugars
cholesterol, and blood pressure.
The only thing i wanna  mention about cacao or chocolate is  that, it does have higher
amounts of oxalets , and so if you're at risk for kidney stones, i would  probably recommend not
consuming it

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