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::Q01::A central university is formed under: Select one:? {

~President’s order
~Order of the Prime Minister
~State government
=An act of Parliament

::Q02::A technique used in film and video to replace a portion of an image with a
new image is called: Select one: {
=Chroma Key
~Visual Mixing
~Picture in Picture Technique
~Linear Replacement Technique

::Q03::CColor Scheme used for Print medium is Select one {
~Red, Green, Blue
=Black, Magenta, Yellow, Cyan
~Red, Cyan, Yellow, Black
~Black, Magenta, Yellow, Blue

::Q04::DPI Stands for Select one {
~Dense Pixel Image
~Dots Pixel Image
=Dots Per Inch
~Dots Per Image

::Q05::For adding the pdf file to your course in MOODLE, following resource can be
used Select one:{

::Q06::For adding the video file to your course in MOODLE, following resource can
be used Select one:{

::Q07::How long will the copyright for cinematographic films last from the date of
publication? Select one: {
~50 years
=60 years
~65 years
~45 years
::Q08::How to insert Tables in Slide? Select one: {
~Tables cannot be inserted in slides
=Insert Table from Insert menu
~Insert Table from view menu
~Click on Insert Table in design menu

::Q09::Hue can be defined as: Select one: {
=Spectrum of Color
~Brightness of Color
~Red, Green & Blue Color
~Intensity of Color

::Q10::If you want to change the image of the course in MOODLE, which of the
following link you have to click after clicking on setting icon? {
~Course Completion
~Turn Editing On
=Edit Settings

::Q11::. In the tag of questions for Teacher’s Assignment (Q1/SQ/LOD2/BL1), What
does SQ Refers to.{
~Subjective Quality
=Subjective Question
~Structured Question
~Structured Quality

::Q12::LMS is a software application used for the {
~Marketing of Offline Courses
~Creating Institutional website
~Admission of Students
=Providing virtual environment for teachers and students

::Q13::MERU in NEP 2020 pertains to {
~Multidisciplinary Emphasis on Rural Universities
~Multidisciplinary Education and Research University
=Ministry of Education and Research Universalisation
~Ministry of Education in Rural Universe

::Q14::. Name the first Education Commission established by Union Govt. of India {
~The Secondary Education Commission
=University Education Commission
~University Grants Commission
~Kothari Commission
::Q15::Name the National Education Commission which was an ad hoc commission set up
by the Government of India during 1964-1966 to examine all aspects of the
educational sector in India, to evolve a general pattern of education and to advise
guidelines and policies for the development of education in India? {
~University education Commission
~University Grant Commission
~Yashpal Commission
=Kothari Commission

::Q16::Number of still images placed in one second to give continuous impact in
video is called: {
~Distinct Pixel Rate
~Static Visual Rate
=Frame Rate

::Q17::Which of the following is most suitable format for exporting the transparent
image? {

::Q18::RTE Act (2009) is a {
~Policy document
~Concurrent document
=Legal document
~Parliament document

::Q19::Syllabus is_________________while Curriculum is______________ {
~non-descriptive, prescriptive
~prescriptive, descriptive
=descriptive, prescriptive
~descriptive, non-prescriptive

::Q20::The purpose of NIRF is {
~Bring changes in curriculum
~Set up new colleges in India
=Ranking of institution in India
~train the faculties in India

::Q21::To open PowerPoint in Presenter View from first slide, shortcut key is
. {
~Alt + F5
~Control + F5

::Q22::Under the minimum qualification rules for the post of Professor, the minimum
number of publications that are required in a peer-reviewed or a UGC listed
journal is: {

::Q23::University was established in : {
~13th Century AD
~12th Century AD
=5th Century AD
~4th Century AD

::Q24::Video Resolution is denoted by ___________X__________ {
=Width X Height
~Frame Rate X Time Duration
~Length x Breadth
~Pixel X Frame Rate

::Q25::What does MOOC stand for? {
~Massive Open Online Content
~None of these
~Media Open and Oral Courses
=Massive Open Online Courses

::Q26::What is the approximate number of modules to be covered in One MOOC
corresponding to a 4 credit face to face course?{
~35-45 Modules
=35-40 Modules
~30-40 Modules
~20-35 Modules

::Q27::What is the current Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of India? {

::Q28::What is the full form of LOCF? {
~Learning operations curriculum formulation
~Learners’ operational course formulation
~Language outcome course framework
=Learning outcome-based curriculum framewor

::Q29::What is the main purpose of NAAC? {
=Accreditation of teaching institutions
~Assessment of students at a uniform level
~Formation of curriculum
~Appointment of faculty

::Q30::What is the minimum % of marks in master’s degree for the position of
Assistant Professor in universities and colleges for the discipline of arts,
commerce, humanities, social sciences, languages and physical education? {

::Q31::What is the sole basis of designing the curriculum? {
~educational needs of the learners
~constitutional needs of the country
~needs of the institution
=constitutional needs with educational purposes of the country

::Q32::What is the term used to describe the combination of a different objects
into one sigle objest in a PowerPoint slide? {

::Q33::What represents the supreme authority of a university? {
=University Court
~Executive Council
~Co-Chancellor of university
~Academic Council

::Q34::When was NIRF launched in? {

::Q35::Where do the important aspects of learning including analysis, application,
creation and evaluation take place as per the traditional model of classroom
teaching? {
=Outside Class
~Inside Class
~None of the above
~Doesn’t take place

::Q36::Which is the MOOC coordinator for development of self-paced courses in
India? {
~IIM – Bangalore

::Q37::Which of the following cannot be used for automatic graded question in
=Subjective Question
~True False Type Question
~Multiple Choice Based Question
~Match the following

::Q38::Which of the following enrolment method in MOODLE allows students to enter
course only after entering the enrolment key? {
~Guest Access
~Auto Enrolment

::Q39::Which of the following is can not be used as Graphic Tool {
~Paint 3D

::Q40::Which of the following is not a traditional role of a teacher? {
~Dissemination of Knowledge
=ICT enabled Research & creation of Digital resources
~Research & Publication
~Participating in FDPs, Seminars

::Q41::Which of the following is not an example of a LMS? {
~Google Classroom

::Q42::Which of the following is not part of Teacher’s Ekit 2.0? {
~Teacher’s Manual
~Teacher’s Know More
~Teacher’s Assignment
=Teacher’ Notes

::Q43::Which of the following statements is correct? (Assumption: the assesse is
healthy with no disability) {
~Both House rent allowance and transport allowance are fully taxable
~While House rent allowance is fully taxable, transport allowance is not fully
~Both House rent allowance and transport allowance are not fully taxable
=While House rent allowance is not fully taxable, transport allowance is fully

::Q44::Which of the following tools enable you to add text to a slide without using
the standard placeholders? {
~Line tool
~Fill color
~Auto shapes tool
=Text box tool

::Q45::Which of the following views in PowerPoint is the best view to rearrange the
slides efficiently in a presentation? {
=Slide sorter view
~Notes pages view
~Slide view
~Outline view

::Q46::Which one of the following scales is based on division in 100 units of equal
size for 100 marks? {
=Interval scale
~Nominal scale
~Ordinal scale
~Ratio scale

::Q47:: ______________ of the following is not part of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy {

::Q48:: ___________ can be defined as intensity of colors. {
~Color palette
::Q49:: ________________ is a smallest unit of Digital Image or Graphic that can be
displayed and represented on a digital display device {
~Dot Matrix
~Square Network

::Q50:: ______________ are computer graphics images that are defined in terms of
points on a Cartesian plane {
=Vector Graphic
~Low Density Graphic
~Raster Graphic
~High Density Graphic

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