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A central university is formed under:

Select one:
a. President’s order
b. Order of the Prime Minister
c. State government
d. An act of Parliament

A technique used in film and video to replace a portion of an image with a new image is called:
Select one:
a. Chroma Key
b. Visual Mixing
c. Picture in Picture Technique
d. Linear Replacement Technique

Color Scheme used for Print medium is

Select one:
a. Red, Green, Blue
b. Black, Magenta, Yellow, Cyan
c. Red, Cyan, Yellow, Black
d. Black, Magenta, Yellow, Blue

DPI Stands for

Select one:
a. Dense Pixel Image
b. Dots Pixel Image
c. Dots Per Inch
d. Dots Per Image

For adding the pdf file to your course in MOODLE, following resource can be used
Select one:
a. File
b. Assignment
c. Page
d. Quiz

For adding the video file to your course in MOODLE, following resource can be used
Select one:
a. Page
b. Quiz
c. Assignment
d. File

How long will the copyright for cinematographic films last from the date of publication?
Select one:
a. 50 years
b. 60 years
c. 65 years
d. 45 years

How to insert Tables in Slide?

Select one:
a. Tables cannot be inserted in slides
b. Insert Table from Insert menu
c. Insert Table from view menu
d. Click on Insert Table in design menu

Hue can be defined as _____________________:

Select one:
a. Spectrum of Color
b. Brightness of Color
c. Red, Green & Blue Color
d. Intensity of Color

If you want to change the image of the course in MOODLE, which of the following link you have to
click after clicking on setting icon?
Select one:
a. Course Completion
b. Turn Editing On
c. Filters
d. Edit Settings

In the tag of questions for Teacher’s Assignment (Q1/SQ/LOD2/BL1), What does SQ Refers to.
Select one:
a. Subjective Quality
b. Subjective Question
c. Structured Question
d. Structured Quality

LMS is a software application used for the

Select one:
a. Marketing of Offline Courses
b. Creating Institutional website
c. Admission of Students
d. Providing virtual environment for teachers and students

MERU in NEP 2020 pertains to

Select one:
a. Multidisciplinary Emphasis on Rural Universities
b. Multidisciplinary Education and Research University
c. Ministry of Education and Research Universalisation
d. Ministry of Education in Rural Universe

Name the first Education Commission established by Union Govt. of India

Select one:
a. The Secondary Education Commission
b. University Education Commission
c. University Grants Commission
d. Kothari Commission
Name the National Education Commission which was an ad hoc commission set up by the
Government of India during 1964-1966 to examine all aspects of the educational sector in India, to
evolve a general pattern of education and to advise guidelines and policies for the development of
education in India
Select one:
a. University education Commission
b. University Grant Commission
c. Yashpal Commission
d. Kothari Commission

Number of still images placed in one second to give continuous impact in video is called:
Select one:
a. Distinct Pixel Rate
b. Resolution
c. Static Visual Rate
d. Frame Rate

Q8. Which of the following is most suitable format for exporting the transparent image?
Select one:
a. PNG

RTE Act (2009) is a

Select one:
a. Policy document
b. Concurrent document
c. Legal document
d. Parliament document

Syllabus is ______________while Curriculum is _____________

Select one:
a. non-descriptive, prescriptive
b. prescriptive, descriptive
c. descriptive, prescriptive
d. descriptive, non-prescriptive

The purpose of NIRF is_________

Select one:
a. Bring changes in curriculum
b. Set up new colleges in India
c. Ranking of institution in India
d. train the faculties in India

To open PowerPoint in Presenter View from first slide, shortcut key is ___________ .
Select one:
a. F3
b. F5
c. Alt + F5
d. Control + F5

Under the minimum qualification rules for the post of Professor, the minimum number of
publications that are required in a peer-reviewed or a UGC listed journal is:
Select one:
a. 25
b. 10
c. 15
d. 30

University was established in _________:

Select one:
a. 13th Century AD
b. 12th Century AD
c. 5th Century AD
d. 4th Century AD
Video Resolution is denoted by __________________ X _________________
Select one:
a. Width X Height
b. Frame Rate X Time Duration
c. Length x Breadth
d. Pixel X Frame Rate

What does MOOC stand for?

Select one:
a. Massive Open Online Content
b. None of these
c. Media Open and Oral Courses
d. Massive Open Online Courses

What is the approximate number of modules to be covered in One MOOC corresponding to a 4 credit
face to face course?
Select one:
a. 35-45 Modules
b. 35-40 Modules
c. 30-40 Modules
d. 20-35 Modules

What is the current Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of India?

Select one:
a. 25%
b. 40%
c. 26.3%
d. 10.5%

What is the full form of LOCF?

Select one:
a. Learning operations curriculum formulation
b. Learners’ operational course formulation
c. Language outcome course framework
d. Learning outcome-based curriculum framework

What is the main purpose of NAAC?

Select one:
a. Accreditation of teaching institutions
b. Assessment of students at a uniform level
c. Formation of curriculum
d. Appointment of faculty

What is the minimum % of marks in master’s degree for the position of Assistant Professor in
universities and colleges for the discipline of arts, commerce, humanities, social sciences,
languages and physical education?
Select one:
a. 40%
b. 55%
c. 60%
d. 50%

What is the sole basis of designing the curriculum?

Select one:
a. educational needs of the learners
b. constitutional needs of the country
c. needs of the institution
d. constitutional needs with educational purposes of the country

What is the term used to describe the combination of a different objects into one sigle objest in a
PowerPoint slide?
Select one:
a. Embedding
b. Grouping
c. Ungrouping
d. Regrouping
What represents the supreme authority of a university?
Select one:
a. University Court
b. Executive Council
c. Co-Chancellor of university
d. Academic Council

When was NIRF launched in?

Select one:
a. 2016
b. 2001
c. 2010
d. 2015

Where do the important aspects of learning including analysis, application, creation and evaluation
take place as per the traditional model of classroom teaching?
Select one:
a. Outside Class
b. Inside Class
c. None of the above
d. Doesn’t take place

Which is the MOOC coordinator for development of self-paced courses in India?

Select one:
b. UGC
d. IIM – Bangalore

Which of the following cannot be used for automatic graded question in MOODLE?
Select one:
a. Subjective Question
b. True False Type Question
c. Multiple Choice Based Question
d. Match the following

Which of the following enrolment method in MOODLE allows students to enter course only after
entering the enrolment key?
Select one:
a. Auto-Enrolment
b. Guest Access
c. Auto Enrolment
d. Self-Enrolment

Which of the following is can not be used as Graphic Tool

Select one:
a. Paint 3D
b. PowerPoint
c. Audacity
d. PhotoScape

Which of the following is not a traditional role of a teacher?

Select one:
a. Dissemination of Knowledge
b. ICT enabled Research & creation of Digital resources
c. Research & Publication
d. Participating in FDPs, Seminars

Which of the following is not an example of a LMS?

Select one:
a. Google Classroom
c. Moodle
d. Grammarly

Which of the following is not part of Teacher’s Ekit 2.0?

Select one:
a. Teacher’s Manual
b. Teacher’s Know More
c. Teacher’s Assignment
d. Teacher’ Notes

Which of the following statements is correct? (Assumption: the assesse is healthy with no disability)
Select one:
a. Both House rent allowance and transport allowance are fully taxable
b. While House rent allowance is fully taxable, transport allowance is not fully taxable
c. Both House rent allowance and transport allowance are not fully taxable
d. While House rent allowance is not fully taxable, transport allowance is fully taxable

Which of the following tools enable you to add text to a slide without using the standard
Select one:
a. Line tool
b. Fill color
c. Auto shapes tool
d. Text box tool

Which of the following views in PowerPoint is the best view to rearrange the slides efficiently in a
Select one:
a. Slide sorter view
b. Notes pages view
c. Slide view
d. Outline view

Which one of the following scales is based on division in 100 units of equal size for 100 marks?
Select one:
a. Interval scale
b. Nominal scale
c. Ordinal scale
d. Ratio scale

_________ of the following is not part of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Select one:
a. Synthesis
b. Understand
c. Apply
d. Create

____________ can be defined as intensity of colors.

Select one:
a. Hue
b. Saturation
c. Pixel
d. Color palette
________________ is a smallest unit of Digital Image or Graphic that can be displayed and represented
on a digital display device
Select one:
a. Dot Matrix
b. DPI
c. Pixel
d. Square Network

___________________ are computer graphics images that are defined in terms of points on a Cartesian
Select one:
a. Vector Graphic
b. Low Density Graphic
c. Raster Graphic
d. High Density Graphic

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