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Road safety is of great importance as road rages are the biggest causes of deaths and catastrophe
in the country. As the number of vehicles on our roads are intensifying every new day, It is the
need of the hour for all of us to have traffic awareness and we need to make sure that we
acknowledge all the road safety rules and regulations made by the country.

Being a safe driver can pay us off in numerous ways. From lowering the chances of an accident
to saving money, emphasising on safe and happy driving is worth it all. One major thing we can
do to be safe is ‘Never do the Multitasking While Driving and Walking on Roads’. We often
have a temptation to reach on our mobile phone while driving to text or call or just to make a
random snapchat. Doing so can throw us in danger as we go down the busy road. Saving the call
for when we are in a safe position off the road is a better thought. Another thing we can do is
‘Always Wear the Seat Belt’. We need to make sure that we’re belted up all the times even if
we’re in the rear. It not only saves from fines and challans but also keeps us protected. Next and
major thing would be ‘Never Drink and Drive’. Getting behind the wheels of the vehicle under
the influence of alcohol is a serious crime. However even a small amount of alcohol can lead to a
deadly situation. Instead we all tend to focus on a common violation – Over Speeding. Whether
it be a young adult or a fully matured driver, everyone is guilty of over speeding at least once in
their lifetime. Being there on time is one of the most frequent reasons we give while we over
speed. Driving slow and within the limit can turn down the probability and possibility of an
accident. Even if we end up in a crash, the damage will not be that severe. By driving within
limits, we become more aware and receptive to the sorroundings. We can react more sensibly to
any potential unpredictable adverse situation. Also, we can keep better eye on the other drivers,
which helps prevent collisions

Traffic Management is the combination of initiatives that serve to safeguard traffic capacity and
improve the security, safety and reliability of the overall road transport system.
In India and other countries, people are facing difficulties at road whether it’s road traffic
problem or it’s about road safety or finding a space for parking. We usually see long queues of
vehicles on the road especially during the peak hours. There are a few possible solutions to
traffic congestion to make our roads safer. Ride sharing apps. There are apps through which we
can share rides with other people traveling in our direction. With carpooling options, it lets 2 to 4
people travel together and thus reduces the number of vehicles and thus traffic congestion.
Moreover, this also helps in saving money and fuel. Another good law enforcement trick for
Indian public is to have An Officer on the Road. It has been observed especially in India, that
people obey the laws with much more concern if there were a law enforcement officer around
them. It’s a common human psychology that they get over conscious when they see a policeman
and at traffic signal, they automatically start following rules and regulations. It’s one of the
smart, budget-friendly and most pertinent options to apply road safety measures on the road to
reduce traffic congestion.
There is no readymade universally acceptable solution to the transportation problem. Planners,
engineers, transport technologists each have their own views, which when combined, invariably
will produce a workable strategy along with the enforcement of above few given measures.




CRN 1814080

URN 1805086

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