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a striking effort of historical imagination to reconstruct

themselves . to all that this division of learning includes,

day. It was a rule of the academy that no work could be

1 The English Bible gives ``the LORD GOD.'' This,

palace by Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland. But King William

spine. The injection is followed very quickly, generally

pine and broad-leaved trees. Lumbering is an important

hand. The Moslem inhabitants are mainly of Turkoman origin,

brother Frederick Bernhard (1715-1778), who, as well as another

had signed petitions urging King Charles II. to assemble

S. by the Sahara and E. by Tunisia. The boundaries,

shogun, and he was subsequently presented with an estate at

Italian fleet is governed on principles analogous to the

of the Venetians with the correct drawing of Michelangelo's

appeared, the planet was actually observed; but owing to

Ibrahim should evacuate the Morea. The fortifications

admiralty to act as a prize court, or establish a vice-admiralty

constitution. These are the Klippen, and they are especially

| | Greater | Shorter | Greater | Shorter |

(1903). Schroter, Das Pflanzenleben der Alpen (Zurich,

city is second only to Helsingfors for its trade; sail-cloth,

buildings, which went to make up one of these vast

Frisian village near Leeuwarden, the son of Pieter Tadema, a

Col de la Casse Deserte (La Berarde to La Grave), snow . . . . . . 11,516

first suspicious of Vergennes; and subsequently Benjamin

following year by Austria, Joseph II. being entirely won over to

The relation between the two accents in the same language

Turpin in Rookwood, and of Jack Sheppard in the novel that

it appears that the husband has no means or is in insolvent

prominence, even some of the easy glacier passes. It should

later. At the conference about the Greek frontier, which

Adis Ababa and several important towns in northern Abyssinia

The dead, who returned to the Great Mother, were objects

Col du Bonhomme (Contamines to Chapieux), bridle path. . . . . . . . . . .8,147

arc, and except in the molten state it is not susceptible

a southern tributary, the Battle river, which joins it

them, but he probably feared their effect on the moral courage

BIBLIOGRAPHY.--F. R. Chesney, The Euphrates Expedition (1850)

force. Sherman had now resolved to execute his plan of

letter was read in the House of Commons on the 30th of April

dealing with the introduction to algebra from the arithmetical

connected, was the Western, for 1he evidence is strongly in

be able to rise again. The ballast consists of fine baked

whole of the Spanish possessions were divided into the two

literary work was An Alarm to the Unconverted (1672),

1890 91,148 909,042 33,540,768

anus. The larva is curiously asymmetrical, as many as

the rate of about 18 miles per second. If the surrounding

two senses in question. Common language suggests that we

ACOSTA, JOSE DE (1539?--1600), Spanish author, was born at

(B) Under the scientific treatment of the perceptual or

Ionian Sea against the triumvirate, but finally, through the

of racquets, lawn-tennis, tennis and other court games.

the case of legacies when the funds or assets out of which

over the theologian was complete; the pupil was able to give

outlying estate. As an example, we may refer to the small

place of indefinite extent, the abode of mystery and sorrow.

is regarded as that of the foot of Adam, who here, according

been appointed minister to Russia, took him in 1809 to St

(2) secondary pleasures, flowing frm the ideas of visible

in the case of the wheat and barley crops, represented by 2

of this Office are discharged by the president of the

1894); Kaerst, Ferechungen zur Gesch. Alex. d. Grossen

leader, Eberhard Ludwig Gruber (d. 1728) in Wetterau in

black. Some domesticated mice are entirely white with the

that it must be associated with some feature, perhaps very

the exact laws of optical and electric phenomena, clearly

regarded it as the only Latin verse worthy of notice produced

The name is something of an accident. In its original Greek form

plaster in 1738, and carved in marble in 1763 as his ``reception

fiction. His more purely scientific books (such as Physiological

(Sigmaringen, 1896); Schnell, Pater A. a S. C. (Munich,

has ever been obliged to conclude. (See TURKEY.) Slight

in Scinde for tanning. The bark of various Australian

and movable, is, as a matter of fact, never moved; it

On this work were founded the Eneide or Eneit (between

additions as a rule are small in amount. Ground coffee is

piece with a large surface of thin vertical ribs, intersected

country is extremely fertile, and its wines are the best

Amicus and Amellus indicate, and was eventually attached to

of a master to bind his owner by signing bills of lading.

paper barrier. As regards Spanish America, England was

particularly strong in conchology and ornithology. The

have been the teacher of Myron, Phidias and Polyclitus; this

order. It was found that the sanitary authority did not

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